1,274 research outputs found

    Overconfidence and excess entry: a comparison between students and managers

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    Overconfidence can lead to excessive business entry. Here we replicate the pioneer experiment finding this nexus (Camerer and Lovallo 1999) and extend it in two major directions: (1) to consider managers as well as student subjects and (2) to explicitly take into account selected characteristics of the manager subjects. We find that managers are more prone to the nexus overconfidence-excess entry than students are. In particular, we find that left-handed, married, and emotionally aroused managers are more prone to excess entry.excess business entry, overconfidence, unrealistic optimism

    GoalD: A Goal-Driven Deployment Framework for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Computing Environments

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    Context: Emerging paradigms like Internet of Things and Smart Cities utilize advanced sensing and communication infrastructures, where heterogeneity is an inherited feature. Applications targeting such environments require adaptability and context-sensitivity to uncertain availability and failures in resources and their ad-hoc networks. Such heterogeneity is often hard to predict, making the deployment process a challenging task. Objective: This paper proposes GoalD as a goal-driven framework to support autonomous deployment of heterogeneous computational resources to fulfill requirements, seen as goals, and their correlated components on one hand, and the variability space of the hosting computing and sensing environment on the other hand. Method: GoalD comprises an offline and an online stage to fulfill autonomous deployment by leveraging the use of goals. Deployment configuration strategies arise from the variability structure of the Contextual Goal Model as an underlying structure to guide autonomous planning by selecting available as well as suitable resources at runtime. Results: We evaluate GoalD on an existing exemplar from the selfadaptive systems community – the Tele Assistance Service provided by Weyns and Calinescu [1]. Furthermore, we evaluate the scalability of GoalD on a repository consisting of 430,500 artifacts. The evaluation results demonstrate the usefulness and scalability of GoalD in planning the deployment of a system with thousands of components in a few milliseconds

    Temporal Changes in Technical and Physical Performances During a Small-Sided Game in Elite Youth Soccer Players

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    Background: There have been claims that small-sided games (SSG) may generate an appropriate environment to develop youth players’ technical performance associated to game-related problem solving. However, the temporal change in technical performance parameters of youth players during SSG is still unknown.. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine temporal changes in technical and physical performances during a small-sided game (SSG) in elite soccer players.. Methods: Sixty elite youth players (age 14.8 ± 0.2 yr; stature 177 ± 5 cm; body mass 66.2 ± 4.7 kg) completed a 5 v 5 SSG using two repetitions of 8 minutes interspersed by 3 minutes of passive recovery. To evaluate temporal changes in performance, the data were analysed across 4 minutes quarters. Physical performance parameters included the total distance covered (TDC), the frequency of sprints (>18 km‱h-1), accelerations and decelerations (> 2.0 m‱s-2 and - 2.0 m‱s-2), metabolic power (W‱kg-1), training impulse (TRIMP), TDC: TRIMP, number of impacts, and body load. Technical performance parameters included goal attempts, total number of tackles, tackles and interceptions, total number of passes, and passes effectiveness.. Results: All physical performance parameters decreased from the first to the last quarter with notable declines in TDC, metabolic power and the frequency of sprints, accelerations and decelerations (P 0.05; trivial ES for 1st v 4th quarters: 0.15 - 0.33).. Conclusions: The data demonstrate that technical performance is maintained despite substantial declines in physical performance during a SSG in elite youth players. This finding may have implications for designing SSG’s for elite youth players to ensure physical, technical and tactical capabilities are optimized. Modifications in player number, pitch dimensions, rules, coach encouragement, for instance, should be included taking into account the main aim of a given session and then focused on overloading physical or technical elements.


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    The purpose of this study was to quantify and analyze professional Futsal teams’ organization on the court in shots to goal and tackles situations. Two-dimensional coordinates of 22 players’ positions were obtained during a match between Brazil and Paraguay using a computational tracking system. Team organization in 58 specific situations of shots to goal and 120 tackles were analysed. The variables quantified were teams’ coverage area and distance between teams’ centroids. Results showed that defending team coverage area was greater (

    Redução do uso da Cannabis Sativa nas pessoas com deficiĂȘncia motora em treino de basquete em cadeiras de rodas: ensaio clinico randomizado

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    Introdução: as pessoas com deficiĂȘncias tĂȘm anormalidade de estrutura ou função anatĂŽmica, fisiolĂłgica ou psicolĂłgica. Sendo que nas lesĂ”es crĂŽnicas e deficiĂȘncias permanentes aumenta as taxas de prevalĂȘncia de alteraçÔes mentais ou comportamentais. O uso de cannabis sativa nos esportes tornou-se questĂŁo polĂȘmica proeminente e debatida pelas autoridades governamentais e por movimentos esportivos que lutam contra o doping no esporte. Objetivos: analisar o uso de Cannabis Sativa  e aspectos saĂșde no Treino de Basquete em Cadeiras de Rodas (BCR) das Pessoas com DeficiĂȘncia Motora (PCD-M). MĂ©todos: estudo experimental tipo ensaio clĂ­nico randomizado. A amostra foi triada da população do sexo masculino PCD-M, em  idade igual e superior a 18 anos atĂ© 55 anos, residentes na Baixada Cuiabana-MT, Brasil, sendo  recrutadas por sorteio (n=100), e randomizadas para avaliação (n=48), alocados em dois braços sendo experimental (GE n=21) e controle (GC n=27).  A coleta foi realizada por entrevista estruturada e avaliação clĂ­nica incluindo os aspectos sociodemogrĂĄficos, hĂĄbitos de estilo de vida, autorrelatos de ĂĄlcool e drogas. O treino de basquete foi feito duas vezes da semana Ă s 2Âș e 4Âș feiras das 19h as 21h com @ 2 horas de tempo de duração. Para anĂĄlise de dados foi utilizada a teste quiquadrado e cĂĄlculo estimativo do efeito da intervenção, com significĂąncia em p<0.05 e 95% de intervalo e confiança. Resultados: A idade mĂ©dia foi de 35 (±8,8) anos.  O tempo de prevalĂȘncia das deficiĂȘncias por etiologia Poliomielite foram superiores a 20 anos.  Foram encontrados eventos de aspecto mental e comportamental com uso (Cannabis sativa, 25%); alteraçÔes no aspecto fĂ­sico (Ășlcera de pressĂŁo=21%, infecção de urina=40%); previdĂȘncia social pĂșblica (zero auxĂ­lio percapita, 10%). Houve  melhora e o NĂșmero NecessĂĄrio para Tratamento com Ulcera PressĂŁo (NTT 3,0 e p=0.03); e redução de usuĂĄrios de Cannabis Sativa (NNT= 5,50 e p=0.02) neste ensaio clĂ­nico. ConclusĂŁo:  houve melhora dos aspectos da clĂ­nica pĂłs intervenção no GE denotando redução do uso de Cannabis Sativa melhora da condição de saĂșde na PCD-M. EntĂŁo, as tĂ©cnicas de preleção com motivação de equipe, dinĂąmicas de grupo, a compreensĂŁo das regras antidoping nos campeonato de BCR corroborou no equilĂ­brio do comportamento mental reduzindo consumo de Cannabis Sativa. Assim programas de esportes coletivos para PCD-M podem contribuir no tratamento redução de consumo de Cannabis Sativa e ser estratĂ©gia de equilĂ­brio comportamental e de ressignificação da vida

    Hydroxyl radical overproduction in the envelope : an achilles' heel in peptidoglycan synthesis

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    While many mechanisms governing bacterial envelope homeostasis have been identified, others remain poorly understood. To decipher these processes, we previously developed an assay in the Gram-negative model Escherichia coli to identify genes involved in maintenance of envelope integrity. One such gene was ElyC, which was shown to be required for envelope integrity and peptidoglycan synthesis at room temperature. ElyC is predicted to be an integral inner membrane protein with a highly conserved domain of unknown function (DUF218). In this study, and stemming from a further characterization of the role of ElyC in maintaining cell envelope integrity, we serendipitously discovered an unappreciated form of oxidative stress in the bacterial envelope. We found that cells lacking ElyC overproduce hydroxyl radicals (HO ) in their envelope compartment and that HO overproduction is directly or indirectly responsible for the peptidoglycan synthesis arrest, cell envelope integrity defects, and cell lysis of the Δ mutant. Consistent with these observations, we show that the Δ mutant defect is suppressed during anaerobiosis. HO is known to cause DNA damage but to our knowledge has not been shown to interfere with peptidoglycan synthesis. Thus, our work implicates oxidative stress as an important stressor in the bacterial cell envelope and opens the door to future studies deciphering the mechanisms that render peptidoglycan synthesis sensitive to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by the production and excessive accumulation of oxygen reactive species. In bacterial cells, oxidative stress mediated by hydroxyl radicals is typically associated with DNA damage in the cytoplasm. Here, we reveal the existence of a pathway for oxidative stress in the envelope of Gram-negative bacteria. Stemming from the characterization of a poorly characterized gene, we found that HO overproduction specifically in the envelope compartment causes inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis and eventually bacterial cell lysis

    Molecular and Biomechanical Clues From Cardiac Tissue Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Drive Stromal Cell Plasticity

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    Decellularized-organ-derived extracellular matrix (dECM) has been used for many years in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The manufacturing of hydrogels from dECM allows to make use of the pro-regenerative properties of the ECM and, simultaneously, to shape the material in any necessary way. The objective of the present project was to investigate differences between cardiovascular tissues (left ventricle, mitral valve, and aorta) with respect to generating dECM hydrogels and their interaction with cells in 2D and 3D. The left ventricle, mitral valve, and aorta of porcine hearts were decellularized using a series of detergent treatments (SDS, Triton-X 100 and deoxycholate). Mass spectrometry-based proteomics yielded the ECM proteins composition of the dECM. The dECM was digested with pepsin and resuspended in PBS (pH 7.4). Upon warming to 37°C, the suspension turns into a gel. Hydrogel stiffness was determined for samples with a dECM concentration of 20 mg/mL. Adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASC) and a combination of ASC with human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (HPMVEC) were cultured, respectively, on and in hydrogels to analyze cellular plasticity in 2D and vascular network formation in 3D. Differentiation of ASC was induced with 10 ng/mL of TGF-ÎČ1 and SM22α used as differentiation marker. 3D vascular network formation was evaluated with confocal microscopy after immunofluorescent staining of PECAM-1. In dECM, the most abundant protein was collagen VI for the left ventricle and mitral valve and elastin for the aorta. The stiffness of the hydrogel derived from the aorta (6,998 ± 895 Pa) was significantly higher than those derived from the left ventricle (3,384 ± 698 Pa) and the mitral valve (3,233 ± 323 Pa) (One-way ANOVA, p = 0.0008). Aorta-derived dECM hydrogel drove non-induced (without TGF-ÎČ1) differentiation, while hydrogels derived from the left ventricle and mitral valve inhibited TGF-ÎČ1-induced differentiation. All hydrogels supported vascular network formation within 7 days of culture, but ventricular dECM hydrogel demonstrated more robust vascular networks, with thicker and longer vascular structures. All the three main cardiovascular tissues, myocardium, valves, and large arteries, could be used to fabricate hydrogels from dECM, and these showed an origin-dependent influence on ASC differentiation and vascular network formation

    Extração de Propriedades Sociais em Redes Veiculares

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    National audienceTodos os dias, veĂ­culos transitam nas cidades e durante suas trajetĂłrias encontram outros veĂ­culos. A frequĂȘncia destes encontros pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores como: a velocidade dos veĂ­culos, os destinos escolhidos, as condiçÔes de trĂĄfego e o perĂ­odo do dia. Entretanto, estes fatores sĂŁo justificados pelos limites das vias pĂșblicas e pelo comportamento dos motoristas. Os comportamentos similares dos motoristas e suas rotinas diĂĄrias tĂȘm um grande impacto na evolução do trĂĄfego diariamente. Neste trabalho, Ă© apresentada uma anĂĄlise numĂ©rica de traces reais e realĂ­sticos que descrevem a mobilidade de um conjunto de veĂ­culos. Para isso, mĂ©tricas sociais sĂŁo computadas e os resultados obtidos sĂŁo comparados com grafos aleatĂłrios na direção de atestar que as Redes Veiculares apresentam comportamento social. Os resultados comprovam a existĂȘncia de rotinas e propriedades sociais nas Redes Veiculares. Finalizando, discute-se sobre novas perspectivas sociais em Redes Veiculares
