2,766 research outputs found

    Nitric acid-organic mixtures surveyed for use in separation by anion exchange methods

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    Column elution-spectrographic analysis technique compares certain solvents directly to the methanol system, using inert rare earths instead of actinides. Distribution ratios for americium between 90 percent solvent, 10 percent 5 M nitric acid and Dowex 1 nitrate form resin for a large group of organics miscible in water was determined

    Design and Improvement of Convection Cooling for Parallel Plate Duct Flow

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    In this paper a new examinations of the effect of micro channel geometry on high-pressure dispersion and emulsification were carried out.  Forced convection heat transfer from arrays of micro channels was regarded for fixed volume and fixed pressure drop constraints. Order of magnitude relationships were advanced for the optimal dimension of a number of original duct shapes containing the parallel plate channel with rectangular, square, rhombus, isosceles right triangle, circular duct and elliptic duct. Using the exact examination technique to generate a rounded expression for the optimal duct shape was advanced for all ducts regarded, where rounded analytical results demonstrate that the optimal shape is the parallel plate channel duct array but with addition a triangular or rectangular duct to the parallel plate. Comparison of the approximate results with exact results from the conventional design illustrates outstanding acceptance for the optimal duct dimensions.   Keywords: micro channel, forced convection, optimal geometry

    Design Characteristics of Healing Garden for down’s Syndrome Children in Malaysia

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    Healing landscapes have always been associated with studying and planning for a specific type of population. Therefore, this study was carried out in order to identify the design characteristics of healing gardens for the Down’s syndrome children in Malaysia. The behavior and disabilities of children with the Down’s syndrome were studied together with the level of awareness and preferences of their parents towards healing garden. These will later determine the design characters in the healing garden that could contribute towards the wellbeing of the children. A total of 58 parents with children who have Down’s syndrome and registered with the Malaysian Society of Down’s Syndrome aged between 1 to 12 years old were involved in the study. Close and open- ended questionnaires with lists of landscape characters for the parents to rate were based on recommendations and guidelines for healing gardens from past studies. The parents had to identify the activities and the landscape design characters that their children most preferred when in a garden. Behavioral observation was also carried out to support this. Results from the findings have shown that for the Down’s syndrome patients who are mostly affected by sensory deficits such as hearing and visual impairment, difficulty in speech and delay in socialization, the healing garden should offer facilities that could encourage a sense of security, space for interaction and easy supervision. It should also heighten their sensory awareness and experience. The design considerations were listed into four groups that consist of the garden layout, spaces, hardscape and softscape characters based from the preferences of the parents. The result suggests that the healing garden should be considered as part of an early intervention and as a part of an out door therapy programme for children with Down’s syndrome

    Aspects of fiscal structure & policy in Iraq, 1953-1963 –with reference to their effects on economic development

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    The present study is basically a study of the main aspects of fiscal structure and policy in Iraq during 1953-1963, and with reference to their effects on economic growth in Iraq. The study is divided into five chapter s and three appendices. Chapter one deals mainly with the exposition of the national accounts of the Iraqi economy, with some emphasis on the role of the government’s sector. This chapter forms the factual background against which problems of fiscal structure and policy in Iraq are examined. Since the exposition in chapter one has been based mainly on one single source of statistical material on the national accounts of Iraq, other alternative estimates are shown in Appendix 1. Appendix 2 includes a brief survey of the major conceptual problems involved in the measurement of national income. Chapter two includes a detailed analysis of the role of fiscal policy in accelerating the growth rate of an underdeveloped economy. While it has been attempted to analyse a wide range of problems involved in fiscal policy the problem of the effect of fiscal policy on the rate of capital formation was stressed in particular, since the rate of capital formation is viewed as the primary parameter of growth. Hence, chapter two forms the analytical background against which problems of fiscal structure and policy in Iraq are examined. Chapter three examines the revenue system and tax policy in Iraq. The first three sections examine the revenue system in general, while the forth section includes a detailed analysis of tax policy in Iraq. This is done mainly against the factual and analytical backgrounds already developed in the previous two chapters. Chapter four includes a detailed examination of the pattern of government expenditure in Iraq, mainly with reference to its possible effect on the rate of capital formation in the economy. Chapter five includes the summary and conclusions of the study. Finally, all tables are included in the statistical appendix

    Evolving Genetic Programming Tree Models for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Green Fibers

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    Advanced modern technology and the industrial sustainability theme have contributed to the implementation of composite materials for various industrial applications. Bio-composites are among the desired alternatives for green products. However, to properly control the performance of bio-composites, predicting their constituent properties is of paramount importance. This work introduces an innovative, evolving genetic programming tree model for predicting the mechanical properties of natural fibers for the first time based upon several inherent chemical and physical properties. Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and moisture contents, as well as the Microfibrillar angle of various natural fibers, were considered to establish the prediction models. A one-hold-out methodology was applied for the training/testing phases. Robust models were developed utilizing evolving genetic programming tree models to predict the tensile strength, Young’s modulus, and the elongation at break properties of the natural fibers. It was revealed that the Microfibrillar angle was dominant and capable of determining the ultimate tensile strength of the natural fibers by 44.7%, comparable to other considered properties, while the impact of cellulose content in the model was only 35.6%. This would facilitate utilizing artificial intelligence to predict the overall mechanical properties of natural fibers without exhausting experimental efforts and cost to enhance the development of better green composite materials for various industrial applications. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-06-02 Full Text: PD

    The Economics of Using Solar Energy: School Buildings in Saudi Arabia as a Case Study

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    As a result of increasing population and building of new schools in Saudi Arabia, the demand for electricity is growing rapidly. In this context, the utilization of renewable energy resources such as solar energy appears to goal since it is abundant and holds huge ecological and economic promise. This study aims to provide a new entrance in school buildings’ design and construction by studying the current situation of energy consumption, the possibility of using solar cells, and the economics of its exploitation in school buildings. Interviews were conducted in school buildings at different levels in Arar city as a case study to collect data on energy consumption. Furthermore, a base case school building was selected for studying detailed energy consumption, and then, photovoltaic (PV) energy was proposed to use the on-grid system in accordance with governmental regulations. The study concluded that the use of PV energy in school buildings is economically feasible in addition to that more incentive from the government is needed for wide penetration use in Kingdom Saudi Arabia