6,366 research outputs found

    Interrelated structure of high altitude atmospheric profiles

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    A preliminary development of a mathematical model to compute probabilities of thermodynamic profiles is presented. The model assumes an exponential expression for pressure and utilizes the hydrostatic law and equation of state in the determination of density and temperature. It is shown that each thermodynamic variable can be factored into the produce of steady state and perturbation functions. The steady state functions have profiles similar to those of the 1962 standard atmosphere while the perturbation functions oscillate about 1. Limitations of the model and recommendations for future work are presented

    High altitude Robin data-reduction program

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    Computer program for Robin data reductio

    Measure the Measure: the Impact of Differences in Pesticide MRLs on Chilean Fruit Exports to the EU

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    This paper advances the measurement of nontariff measures (NTMs) by discussing a framework for how to compare regulations. We argue that relative differences in SPS regulations trigger the impact on trade flows between trading partner countries and specifically look at maximum residue levels (MRLs) for pesticides in a case study on Chilean fruit exports to the EU. In order to capture the relative differences and stringency in tolerance levels of trading partners, a simple indicator is constructed and applied in an econometric analysis. In comparison to existing indices of regulatory heterogeneity, the depth of information generated by our indicator severely compromises its coverage. Further development of our heterogeneity index will need to aim at including elements of process standards and conformity assessment procedures

    Study of morph-ratio clines

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    Applications Technology Satellite and Communications Technology Satellite user experiments for 1967-1980 reference book. Volume 4: Abstracts

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    The important user experiments conducted during the fourteen year period from 1966 to 1980 are summarized. A description of each of the satellites and a brief summary of each user experiment is presented. A cross index of user experiments sorted by various parameters and a listing of keywords versus experiment number is included. The experiments are grouped by type of service offered; for example, education, health services, and data transmission. A bibliography of reports by accession number and by author is also presented. User viewpoints of the systems are presented

    Applications Technology Satellite and Communications Technology Satellite user experiments for 1967 - 1980 reference book, volume 1

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    A description of each of the satellites is given and a brief summary of each user experiment is presented. A Cross Index of User Experiments sorted by various parameters and a listing of keywords versus Experiment Number are presented

    Effect of homogenisation conditions on recrystallisation in the Al-Mg-Mn alloy AA5454

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    The purpose of the present work is to understand the microstructure development and, particularly, to control the progress of recrystallisation in hot strip in the Al-Mg-Mn alloy AA 5454, which is typically used for the manufacture of structural automotive components. The chemical composition, together with the thermomechanical processing history of this material, has a strong influence on the microstructure of the product and the resulting properties as it is supplied to the customer. Electrical conductivity measurements, thermal analysis and electron microscopy have been carried out to characterise the evolution of precipitation state at various stages in the processing route. The conditions of the homogenisation heat treatment have been varied, and the effect on subsequent recrystallisation after hot rolling has been evaluated in both the as cast and rough rolled condition by optical microscopy techniques. Results indicate that the conditions of homogenisation heat treatment and roughing rolling are critical for the generation of a suitable recrystallised microstructure in AA 5454 hot strip. A new two stage homogenisation practice has been developed to expedite post-rolling recrystallisation in this alloy

    Compendium of Applications Technology Satellite user experiments

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    The achievements of the user experiments performed with ATS satellites from 1967 to 1973 are summarized. Included are fixed and mobile point to point communications experiments involving voice, teletype and facsimile transmissions. Particular emphasis is given to the Alaska and Hawaii satellite communications experiments. The use of the ATS satellites for ranging and position fixing of ships and aircraft is also covered. The structure and operating characteristics of the various ATS satellite are briefly described

    Implications of the structural change in dairy products trade on milk price paid to producers in Chile

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    Engler, A (reprint author), Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Agr, Casilla 747, Talca, ChileSince 1990 row milk production has exhibited it rapid increase from 890 million liters in 1990 to 1818 million in 2006. The excess production has allowed for the expansion of the export sector, converting Chile in a net exporter in 2001. A relevant question in this new market scenario is how this Structural change can affect milk prices paid to producer,; in Chile. the consequences of this Structural change were explored in this study using a Vector Error Correction (VEC) model and cointegration analysis. The results indicated that the domestic, CIF (Cost. Insurance, Freight) and FOB (Free Oil Board) prices were cointegrated, implying that changes in the import and export prices are transmitted to the domestic market affecting the milk price paid to producers. Prior to 200 1, the import price (CIF) was the relevant reference dictating the movements of the domestic price. After 2001, the export price (FOB) became the reference, whereas the CIF price was no longer significant. the parameters of the VEC model SLIcroest that the conitegrating relation between CIF and domestic prices for the first period Under analysis ( 1990-2000) was clearer than that between FOB and domestic prices for the second period (2001-2007/3). the price elasticity for the FOB-domestic price vector had a large confidence interval, which is Why it IS difficult to draw strong conclusions regarding the impact Of future FOB fluctuations Oil the milk price paid to producers in Chile after 2001

    Risk preferences estimation for small raspberry producers in the Bio-Bio Region, Chile

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    Toledo, R (reprint author), Ctr Reg Invest Quilamapu, Inst Invest Agropecuarias, Casilla 426, Chillan, ChileDecisions are strongly influenced by Ask and Ask preferences or decision makes; however, in Chile there are few studies in Me agricultural sector focused on this topic. The present paper analyzes the risk preferences of small producers or raspberries (Win idaeus L.) and the production function associated with their production system in the Bio-Bio Region of Chile. Under a mean-variance approach, the estimation procedure uses a flexible utility Function to incorporate a variety of risk preference alternatives. Three different estimation procedures were used: Least Squares Estimation, Seemingly Unrelated Regression and Full Information Maximum Likelihood, which revealed Me same Conclusions. Results showed that small farmers are risk averse (gamma=0.104) and present increasing relative and absolute aversion to risk (theta =0.099 < 1 and theta < gamma, respectively). The hypotheses of risk neutrality (gamma = 0) and constant absolute risk aversion (theta = 1) were rejected with 94% and 99% confidence, respectively. The chosen function of production is the Cobb Douglas type, because A presents a better adjustment, and the relevant factors are fertilizer quantity per hectare, the experience of the producer and the planted area. This Function presents decreasing returns to scale, then beta(2)+beta(3)+beta(4) is equal to 0.18. The hypothesis of constant returns to scale is rejected with 99%, confidence