37 research outputs found

    Accompagnement managerial et développement international de la PME. (Managerial accompaniment and internationalisation of SMES)

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    Les pratiques d’accompagnement entrepreneurial sont destinées à combler les insuffisances stratégiques des PME. Si le profil de l’entrepreneur prédomine dans la PME, l’esprit d’entreprise relève également des spécificités locales au sens des ressources accessibles et des démarches d’accompagnement mises en oeuvre. Il est ainsi intéressant d’observer la manière dont les entrepreneurs des PME tissent des liens d’information ou de collaboration avec les structures d’accompagnement tout au long des diverses étapes de leurs projets. La recherche sur le terrain porte sur 127 entrepreneurs (ayant utilisé les dispositifs d’accompagnement des structures institutionnelles ou privées locales au-delà des phases de création) de la région Nord-Pas De Calais. Entrepreneurial accompaniment aims at coping with the strategic inadequacies of SMEs. With the SME, the entrepreneur’s profile is prominent but the entrepreneurial spirit also depends on local characteristics and notably the availability of resources and of accompaniment structures. It is also interesting to observe the way SMEs entrepreneurs are at the origin of informational and cooperation links with the accompaniement structures all along the steps of the project. The case study focuses on 127 entrepreneurs (benefiting from the accompaniment of institutional and local structures after the creation stage) in the Nord/Pasde- Calais region.managerial accompagnement, SME, local characteristics, accompagnement structures, Nord/Pas de Calai region

    Rotational averaging-out gravitational sedimentation of colloidal dispersions and phenomena

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    We report on the differences between colloidal systems left to evolve in the earth's gravitational field and the same systems for which a slow continuous rotation averaged out the effects of particle sedimentation on a distance scale small compared to the particle size. Several systems of micron-sized colloidal particles were studied: a hard sphere fluid, colloids interacting via long-range electrostatic repulsions above the freezing volume fraction, an oppositely charged colloidal system close to either gelation and/or crystallization, colloids with a competing short-range depletion attraction and a long-range electrostatic repulsion, colloidal dipolar chains, and colloidal gold platelets under conditions where they formed stacks. Important differences in the structure formation were observed between the experiments where the particles were allowed to sediment and those where sedimentation was averaged out. For instance, in the case of colloids interacting via long-range electrostatic repulsions, an unusual sequence of dilute-Fluid/dilute-Crystal/dense-Fluid/dense-Crystal phases was observed throughout the suspension under the effect of gravity, related to the volume fraction dependence of the colloidal interactions, whereas the system stayed homogeneously crystallized with rotation. For the oppositely charged colloids, a gel-like structure was found to collapse under the influence of gravity with a few crystalline layers grown on top of the sediment, whereas when the colloidal sedimentation was averaged out, the gel completely transformed into crystallites that were oriented randomly throughout the sample. Rotational averaging out gravitational sedimentation is an effective and cheap way to estimate the importance of gravity for colloidal self-assembly processes.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Evaluation of DNA ploidy in relation with established prognostic factors in patients with locally advanced (unresectable) or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a retrospective analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most patients with ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma are diagnosed with locally advanced (unresectable) or metastatic disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic significance of DNA ploidy in relation with established clinical and laboratory variables in such patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two hundred and twenty six patients were studied retrospectively. Twenty two potential prognostic variables (demographics, clinical parameters, biochemical markers, treatment modality) were examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean survival time was 38.41 weeks (95% c.i.: 33.17–43.65), median survival 27.00 weeks (95% c.i.: 23.18–30.82). On multivariate analysis, 10 factors had an independent effect on survival: performance status, local extension of tumor, distant metastases, ploidy score, anemia under epoetin therapy, weight loss, pain, steatorrhoea, CEA, and palliative surgery and chemotherapy. Patients managed with palliative surgery and chemotherapy had 6.7 times lower probability of death in comparison with patients without any treatment. Patients with ploidy score > 3.6 had 5.0 times higher probability of death in comparison with patients with ploidy score < 2.2 and these with ploidy score 2.2–3.6 had 6.3 times higher probability of death in comparison with patients with ploidy score < 2.2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>According to the significance of the examined factor, survival was improved mainly by the combination of surgery and chemotherapy, and the presence of low DNA ploidy score.</p

    Palliative gastrectomy and other factors affecting overall survival in stage IV gastric adenocarcinoma patients receiving chemotherapy: A retrospective analysis

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    Objective: Most patients with gastric cancer present with locally advanced or metastatic disease and usually receive palliative therapy. We sought to identify factors influencing overall survival in patients with stage IV gastric cancer receiving palliative chemotherapy. Patients and methods: The records of 311 patients with histological diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma were retrospectively reviewed and 17 clinicopathological and therapeutic parameters were evaluated for their influence on overall survival. Results: In multivariate analysis nine factors were found to independently influence survival: no previous palliative gastrectomy [Hazard ratio (HR, 12; CI 7.969-18.099)], single agent chemotherapy instead of combination chemotherapy (HR, 1.35; CI 1.068-1.721), histological grade III (HR, 1.39; 95% CI 1.098-1.782), the presence of hepatic (HR, 1.6; 95% CI 1.246-2.073) and abdominal metastasis (HR, 1.33; 95% CI 1.039-1.715), CA 72-4 &gt; 7 U/L (HR, 1.39; 95% CI 1.026-1.887), LDH &gt; 225 U/L (HR, 1.72; 95% CI 1.336-2.236], need for blood transfusions (HR, 1.58; 95% CI 1.213-2.082), and weight loss &gt; 5% (HR, 1.96; 95% CI 1.352-2.853) at the time of initial diagnosis. Patients were stratified as low (0-2 factors), intermediate (3-6 factors) and high (7-9 factors) risk and the median survival was 76, 40 and 11 weeks, respectively. Conclusion: Nine clinical and laboratory factors that adversely affect survival in patients with stage IV gastric cancer who receive chemotherapy were identified. Their concurrent presence seems to have an additive effect as patients with seven to nine factors have the worse prognosis. Palliative gastrectomy and combination chemotherapy appear to be associated with improved survival. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    CEA and CA-19.9 serum tumor markers as prognostic factors in patients with locally advanced (unresectable) or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A retrospective analysis

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    Most pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients present with locally advanced or metastatic disease at diagnosis. In this retrospective study the authors evaluated the prognostic significance of the CEA and CA-19.9 serum tumor markers in advanced (unresectable) pancreatic cancer in correlation to other prognostic factors (demographic data, clinical parameters, treatment modality) and survival time using univariate and multivariate methods, in 215 patients with locally advanced (unresectable) or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Median survival was 29.0 weeks, with 21.9% of patients surviving 36 weeks. Among 24 potential prognostic variables, 19 were associated with shorter survival. Multivariate analysis indicated that ten factors had a significant independent effect on survival: chemotherapy, surgery, tumor localization, elevated C-reactive protein, elevated CEA, CA 19-9 (&gt;30xnl), jaundice at diagnosis, weight loss &gt;10%, distant metastases, and Karnofsky performance status. Patients who had only palliative therapy had a hazard ratio of 8.94 versus those who underwent palliative surgery and chemotherapy. Although certain clinical, biochemical and biological factors remain important predictors of survival in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, CA-19.9 serum tumor marker levels retain independent prognostic value for poor survival. © E.S.I.F.T. srl

    Evaluation of shallow ground water recharge and its potential for dry season irrigation at Brante Watershed, Dangila, Ethiopia

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    The estimation of crop water demand and understanding groundwater use is an essential component for managing water effectively. Groundwater is the main source of irrigation in Dangila. However, there is a lack of information in the study area on amount of irrigated land, irrigation water use and demand, groundwater recharge. Consequently, the objective of this study is to determine the groundwater recharge and its potential for dry season irrigation. The study was conducted in Brante watershed of 5678 ha located in Dangila woreda, Ethiopia. Water table data from twenty-five wells and discharge data at the outlet of the watershed used to assess recharge amount in 2017. To calculate irrigation water demand, CROPWAT model was used. Questionnaires were undertaken to assess groundwater use. A KOMPSAT-2 image was used to map shallow groundwater irrigated vegetables in February 2017. From the soil water balance method, the annual groundwater recharge was 17,717,690 m3 which is 15.8% of annual rainfall, and recharge amount of 14,853,339 m3 was obtained using water table fluctuation method. From satellite image classification the area coverage of dry season irrigated vegetables (onion, tomato, pepper) below the main road was 4.02 ha. From CROPWAT result, seasonal irrigation water demand for onion, Tomato, and pepper was 333,314, and 261 mm respectively. However, the questioners result indicates that farmers apply in average 20% more water than crop water demand. In the watershed 60,150 m3, 62,750 m3 and 41,603 m3 of water was abstracted for irrigation, domestic and livestock use respectively. The ratio of groundwater use to groundwater recharge at the watershed scale was found to be only 1%. This study indicates that the current use of groundwater was sustainable. For better improvement of household livelihood irrigation can be further expand using ground water. Future work should be performed to determine if the method outlined in this research could be used to accurately estimate available water potential

    Dietary Supplementation with Pomegranate and Onion Aqueous and Cyclodextrin Encapsulated Extracts Affects Broiler Performance Parameters, Welfare and Meat Characteristics

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    The purpose of this trial was to evaluate the effects of Punica granatum L. and Allium cepa L. peels aqueous and cyclodextrin extracts on broiler chicks&rsquo; performance and welfare status, as well as on the meat chemical composition and oxidative stability. A total of 120 one-day-old male Ross-308 chicks were randomly allocated to three treatments with four replicate pens (10 chicks per pen). Broiler chicks in the control group were fed typical commercial rations in mash form, based on maize and soybean meal. The rations of the other two treatments were further supplemented with the mixture of Punica granatum and Allium cepa aqueous and cyclodextrin extracts at the level of 0.1% of the feed, respectively. At the end of the trial (day 35), tissue samples were collected for analysis. Body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), average daily gain (ADG) and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) during the period of 1&ndash;10 days, 11&ndash;24 days, 25&ndash;35 days and 1&ndash;35 days were evaluated. Litter score, dry matter in litter, pododermatitis and feather score were also assessed at the end of the trial. Data were analyzed with ANOVA using SPSS v25 software. The results showed that BW, FI and FCR values did not differ among the groups. Scoring of pododermatitis, diarrhea, feather, fecal moisture, wooden breast and white stripping did not differ (p &ge; 0.05) among the groups. Punica granatum and Allium cepa aqueous and cyclodextrin extracts favorably affected (p &lt; 0.05) meat composition, color parameters, TBARS and protein carbonyls. Diet supplementation also increased (p &lt; 0.05) &sum;n-3 fatty acids as well as &sum;n-6 fatty acids in the thigh meat. The cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexaenoic acid fatty acids in the breast meat of broilers fed with diets supplemented with the aqueous pomegranate and onion peel extracts were found to be higher (p &lt; 0.05), while these fatty acids in the thigh meat were found increased (p &lt; 0.05) in the cyclodextrin group. Aqueous and cyclodextrin pomegranate and onion peel extracts may provide a promising additive to the broilers diet with functional properties, in the absence of stressful conditions

    A phytobiotic extract, in an aqueous or in a cyclodextrin encapsulated form, added in diet affects meat oxidation, cellular responses and intestinal morphometry and microbiota of broilers

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    The present trial examined the effects of diet supplementation with an extract including Greek oregano, garlic, rock samphire, and camelina, administered either in aqueous form or encapsulated in cyclodextrin, on broiler chickens. The duration of the trial was 35 days. Mixed broiler chicks (Ross-308, 120 individuals, 1 day old) were randomly allocated to one of three groups, each with four replicates. Control group A (CONTROL) was fed a basal diet consisting of maize and soybean. The diet of the AQORGCC and CDORGCC groups was further supplemented with aqueous and cyclodextrin-encapsulated herbal extracts, respectively. Levels of lipid and protein oxidation were determined in breast and thigh meat samples. Furthermore, to address cellular stress and signaling responses, the expression patterns of heat shock proteins (Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90), mitogen-activated protein kinases (P38 and P44/42 MAPKs), and apoptotic-related proteins (Bcl-2/Bad ratio) were investigated in breast and thigh tissues using Western blot analysis. The intestinal morphometry of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum was also assessed. To investigate ileal and cecal bacterial community diversity, 16S rRNA gene high-throughput amplicon sequencing on the V3–V4 hypervariable region was performed. The results showed that the herbal extract in cyclodextrin delayed meat lipid oxidation. According to the protein expression patterns, the formulated diets elicited tissue-specific cellular responses. Compared with the CONTROL group, dietary supplementation with the encapsulated form resulted in significant Hsp induction and MAPK activation, whereas, in the group whose diet was supplemented with the aqueous form, the expression of most of the examined proteins decreased or was maintained at a constant level. Villus height and lamina propria width were mostly affected by the aqueous herbal extract, whereas the number of goblet cells remained unchanged among the groups. Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidota were the major phyla in mean relative abundance in all diets in both cecal and ileal samples. Alpha-diversity indices highlighted higher species richness and diversity in the cecum than in the ileum, as well as in chicks treated with the aqueous extract of the herbal mixture, but only in the cecum. Cecal beta-diversity differed between the cyclodextrin and the CONTROL groups, while ileal beta-diversity varied only between the aqueous-treated group and the CONTROL group. In conclusion, the dietary mixtures of herbal extracts (particularly those encapsulated in cyclodextrin) improved protein and lipid oxidation and increased the number of beneficial lactic acid-producing bacteria in the cecum, whereas the aqueous herbal extract mostly affected bacterial activity in the proximal part of the chicken intestine. Similarly, intestinal morphometry in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum was mostly affected by the aqueous herbal extract, which seems to inhibit proteins associated with stress signaling in meat