36 research outputs found

    The first data on the infestation of the parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), with gamasid mites, Steatonyssus spinosus (Mesostigmata, Gamasina, Macronyssidae)

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    This article presents one of the very few records of a macronyssid mite (Mesostigmata, Gamasina, Macronyssidae) infestation of vesper bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). It is the first report of the influence of host parameters on the infestation of the parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus, by the mite Steatonyssus spinosus. It has been shown that the infestation varies considerably throughout the host's occupation of summer roosts and the highest infestation was observed in the post-lactation period. Female bats are infested significantly more intensively than male bats due to changes in their immune status during pregnancy and lactation. The infestation decreases in the period when the breeding colony disbands due to both roost switching and the intensification of grooming during this period. © Russian Journal Of Theriology, 2017

    Formation of double shell during implosion of plasma metal puff Z-pinches

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    This work presents the results of experimental and theoretical research of impact of tailored density profile and application of external axial magnetic field on initial spatial distribution of the plasma density in the plasma metal puff Z-pinch and on its implosion dynamics. It has been discovered that upon implosion of the plasma metal puff Z-pinch some stripes interpreted as the system of two coaxial shells appear on the optical images. With the help of numerical simulation, the formation of the plasma liner consisting of a mixture of carbon and bismuth ions and formed by the expansion of the plasma jet of the arc burning on the bismuth electrode has been considered in this work. It has been shown that the lightweight carbon ions facilitate formation of the density distribution smoothly decreasing with the increase in radius, that, in turn, leads to suppression of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the current sheath upon further implosion. It has also been demonstrated that availability of the two types of ions in plasma considerably different in mass leads to formation (in the compression phase) of a double shell with externally located heavy ions. It has also been revealed that the application of the external axial magnetic field leads to reduction in the plasma metal puff Z-pinch initial diameter. © 2020 Author(s).This work was funded by Russian Science Foundation. Project No. 19–19-00127

    Approaches to the identification of bat ectoparasitic complexes (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Miniopteridae, Rhinolophidae, Molossidae) in the Palaearctic

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    The first attempt at identifying the faunal complexes of ectoparasites of Palaearctic bats is presented. Several approaches to estimating the distribution and dynamics of parasitocenoses of different host taxa are given both in latitudinal and meridional directions. From an analysis we carried out it follows that the temperate arid zone is characterized by the highest number of species and the greatest taxonomic richness of bat ectoparasites in the Palaearctic. The results obtained reflect the phylogeography of Palaearctic bat families and tribes

    Approaches to the identification of bat ectoparasitic complexes (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Miniopteridae, Rhinolophidae, Molossidae) in the Palaearctic

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    The first attempt at identifying the faunal complexes of ectoparasites of Palaearctic bats is presented. Several approaches to estimating the distribution and dynamics of parasitocenoses of different host taxa are given both in latitudinal and meridional directions. From an analysis we carried out it follows that the temperate arid zone is characterized by the highest number of species and the greatest taxonomic richness of bat ectoparasites in the Palaearctic. The results obtained reflect the phylogeography of Palaearctic bat families and tribes

    Testosterone and occupational burnout in professional male firefighters

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    Background: Very little is known about the biologic predictors of the occupational burnout in firefighters. The aim of this study was to characterize testosterone profile of active firefighters and quantify its association with three domains of the occupational burnout. Methods: We enrolled 100 firefighters (median age 28 (interquartile range (IQR) 9.8) years with 5 (IQR 9) years in service) of three fire departments in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Demographics, smoking status, health-related quality of life (HRQL) and burnout scores of Maslach Burnout Inventory were assessed using a questionnaire, while total blood testosterone was measured in venous blood. Logistic regression models were used to quantify the association of blood testosterone with each burnout domain in the adjusted for confounders models. Results: The median blood testosterone level was 14 (IQR 3.5) nmol/l and was only predicted by age (beta − 0.14, p < 0.01, 79% power). There were no differences in blood testosterone levels between occupational groups (Group 1 (firefighters), 14.6 (IQR 3.4); Group 2 (fire truck drivers), 14.7 (IQR 5.6); Group 3 (shift commanders, division heads, department managers and engineers), 14 (IQR 4.1) nmol/l, Kruskal-Wallis p = 0.32) or departments. Testosterone could not predict EX or CY, but had a negative association with PE score reflecting more burnout (odds ratio 1.18 (95% confidence interval 1.01;1.38)), adjusted for age, mental component of HRQL and education. Conclusions: Firefighters with higher testosterone may develop burnout in PE earlier, and this should be considered for proper work placement within the rescue system. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Macronyssus ellipticus

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    Macronyssus ellipticus (Kolenati, 1856) Caris ellipticus Kolenati, 1856: 16. Liponyssus ellipticus.— Hirst, 1922: 795. Ichoronyssus mohrae Vitzthum, 1932: 32 (synonymy by Radovsky, 1966). Ichoronyssus ellipticus.— Pinchuk, 1970: 82. Macronyssus ellipticus.—Fonseca, 1941: 263; Radovsky, 1966: 94; 1967: 128; Beron, 1968: 159; Haitlinger, 1978: 707; Haitlinger & Ruprecht, 1985: 616; Baker & Beccaloni, 2006: 173; Scheffler, 2010; Radovsky, 2010: 56. Type locality: unknown. Type host: Myotis myotis (Kolenati, 1856). Material. F, 4 N1 ex Natterer’s bat Myotis nattereri, from Staritsa, 29 February 2020, leg. O.L. Orlov, A.A. Emelyanova; 9 N1 ex Myotis nattereri, N1 ex Myotis mystacinus, 3 N1 ex Myotis brandtii, from Samara, 25 November 2001, leg. D.G. Smirnov; N1 ex M. brandtii, M ex Plecotus auritus, 5 N1 ex M. daubentonii, 4 N1 ex M. dasycneme, from SNR “Samarskaya Luka”, 1-31 May 2005 leg. D.G. Smirnov. Distribution in Russian Federation: Leningrad Province (Stanyukovich, 1990a; Orlova et al., 2015d), Tver Province (present paper), Samara Province (present paper), Northern Osetiya Republic (Stanyukovich, 1997), Sverdlovsk Province (Orlova, 2011), Chelyabinsk Province (Orlova & Orlov, 2013), Altai Region (Orlova et al., 2017a), Primorskiy Region (Tiunov et al., 2021), [Far East] (Stanyukovich, 1997), [Urals, Altai] (Orlova et al., 2015d). Distribution outside Russian Federation: Europe (Radovsky, 1967), Central Asia (Stanyukovich, 1997). Hosts. Myotis myotis (Radovsky, 1967), M. blythii (Radovsky, 1967), M. brandtii (Orlova, 2011), M. dasycneme (Stanyukovich, 1990a), M. daubentonii (Stanyukovich, 1990a), M. nattereri (Stanyukovich, 1997; present paper), M. brandtii (Stanyukovich, 1990a), M. macrodactylus (present paper), M. mystacinus (Orlova & Orlov, 2013), Vespertilio murinus (Beron, 2014), Plecotus auritus (Orlova & Orlov, 2013), Murina hilgendorfi (as M. leucogaster — Stanyukovich, 1997), Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Radovsky, 1967), Rh. hipposideros (Radovsky, 1967), Miniopterus schreibersi (Beron, 2014).Published as part of Orlova, M. V., Klimov, P. B., Orlov, O. L., Smirnov, D. G., Zhigalin, A. V., Budaeva, I. V., Emelyanova, A. A. & Anisimov, N. V., 2021, A checklist of bat-associated macronyssid mites (Acari: Gamasina: Macronyssidae) of Russia, with new host and geographical records, pp. 537-564 in Zootaxa 4974 (3) on page 546, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4974.3.4, http://zenodo.org/record/477806

    Macronyssus granulosus

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    Macronyssus granulosus (Kolenati, 1856) Dermanissus [sic] granulosus Kolenati, 1856: 20. Dermanissus [sic] glutinosus Kolenati, 1856: 20. Lepronyssus granulosus.— Kolenati, 1858: 6; Fonseca, 1948: 307. Lepronyssus glutinosus.— Kolenati, 1858: 6. Lepronyssus leprosus Kolenati, 1858: 5 (synonymy by Radovsky, 1966). Liponyssus granulosus.— Hirst, 1921: 794. Hirstesia transvaalensis Zumpt, 1950: 89 (synonymy by Radovsky, 1966). Hirstesia transvaalensis.— Keegan, 1956: 213. Bdellonyssus pollerae Lombardini, 1957: 284 (synonymy by Radovsky, 1966). Ichoronyssus pollerae.— Wen, 1975: 351. Ichoronyssus leprosus.—Strandtmann & Warton, 1958: 91. Ichoronyssus granulosus.— Vshivkov, 1963: 324; Costa, 1967: 107; Dubovchenko, 1968: 8; Pinchuk, 1970: 73. Macronyssus granulosus.— Radovsky, 1966: 94; 1967: 132; Beron, 1968: 159; 1974: 65; Uchikawa, 1976: 841; Ogadzhanyan & Arutyunyan, 1974: 79; Cicolani & Manilla, 1980: 35; Rybin, 1983: 356; Rybin et al., 1989: 425; Whitaker et al., 1990: 54; Estrada-Peña & Serra-Cobo, 1991: 345; Lourenço & Palmeirim, 2007: 163; Radovsky, 2010: 56. Type locality: Banat (Romania) (Kolenati, 1856). Type host: Miniopterus schreibersi (Kolenati, 1856). Distribution in Russian Federation: Crimea (as Ichoronyssus granulosus — Vshivkov, 1963; Stanyukovich, 1997; Orlova & Orlov, 2018), Voronezh Province (Stanyukovich, 1997), Krasnoyarsk Region (Stanyukovich, 1997), Altai Republic (Orlova & Orlov, 2015; Orlova et al., 2015c), Primorskiy Region (Medvedev et al., 1991; Tiunov et al., 2021), Sakhalin Province (Kunashir island) (Orlova & Zhigalin, 2015a; Orlova et al., 2015b), [Far East] (Stanyukovich, 1997). Distribution outside Russian Federation: Eurasia (Radovsky, 1967); Africa (Radovsky, 1967). Hosts. Myotis blythii (Vshivkov, 1963; Stanyukovich, 1997; Orlova & Orlov, 2018), M. myotis (Radovsky, 1967), M. macrodactylus (Stanyukovich, 1997; present paper), M. petax (as M. daubentonii — Medvedev et al., 1991), M. sibiricus (as M. brandtii — Medvedev et al., 1991) M. nattereri (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. dasycneme (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. daubentonii (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. brandtii (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. mystacinus (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. emarginatus E. Geoffroy, 1806 (Vshivkov, 1963), M. cappaccinii (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. tricolor (Radovsky, 1967), Barbastella barbastellus (Stanyukovich, 1997), Pipistrellus javanicus (Beron, 2014), Plecotus auritus (Stanyukovich, 1997), Murina leucogaster (Stanyukovich, 1997), Nyctalus leisleri (Stanyukovich, 1997), Miniopterus fuliginosus (as M. schreibersi — Medvedev et al., 1991), Mi. schreibersi (Dusbábek, 1964), Mi. fraterculus Thomas & Schwann, 1906 (Radovsky, 1967), Rhinolophus clivosus Cretzschmar, 1828 (Radovsky, 1967), Rh. euryale (Radovsky, 1967), Rosettus lanosus Thomas, 1906 (Radovsky, 1967). Ro. aegyptiacus (E. Geoffroy, 1810) (Beron, 2014).Published as part of Orlova, M. V., Klimov, P. B., Orlov, O. L., Smirnov, D. G., Zhigalin, A. V., Budaeva, I. V., Emelyanova, A. A. & Anisimov, N. V., 2021, A checklist of bat-associated macronyssid mites (Acari: Gamasina: Macronyssidae) of Russia, with new host and geographical records, pp. 537-564 in Zootaxa 4974 (3) on pages 547-548, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4974.3.4, http://zenodo.org/record/477806