68 research outputs found

    La sequía de mediados del siglo XVII en el valle del Ebro. Características climáticas e impacto social del evento

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    En este trabajo se analizan las sequías de mediados del siglo XVII en las tierras centrales del valle del Ebro y su impacto en la demografía. Mediante la recopilación de ceremonias de rogativas «ad petendam pluviam» y reconstrucciones dendroclimáticas, se ha elaborado un índice de sequía y precipitación de todo el siglo y se ha relacionado con los datos demográficos de varias localidades del interior del valle. Los resultados muestran la existencia de un acusado y largo periodo seco a mitad del siglo, prácticamente desde 1641 a 1654, interrumpido por algunos intensos temporales causantes de grandes riadas, como la que sufrió el río Ebro en febrero de 1643. La prolongada sequía se corresponde con el descenso de la natalidad y un fuerte incremento de la mortalidad.Droughts of the mid XVII century in the Central lands of the Ebro Valley and its impact on demography are analyzed in this paper. Through the collecting of rogations ceremonies «ad petendam pluviam» and dendroclimatic reconstructions, an index of drought and precipitation has been developed. In addition, it has been linked with demographic data from various locations inside the Valley. The results show the existence of a pronounced and long dry period in the middle of the century, practically from 1641 to 1654, interrupted by some intense tempests causing big floods: For instance, the flood in the Ebro River in February 1643. The prolonged drought corresponds to the decline in the birth rate and a strong increase in mortality.Este estudio se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación CGL2011-28255, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España, y el programa de Grupos de Investigación Consolidados «Clima, Agua y Cambio Global» del Gobierno de Aragón y Fondos FEDER. Además, Ernesto Tejedor disfruta de una beca predoctoral de investigación concedida por el Gobierno de Aragón 2012-2016

    Observed trends and changes in Extreme Climate Indices over the Pyrenees (1959-2015)

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    Póster presentado en: EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology celebrado del 9 al 13 de septiembre de 2017 en Copenhague, Dinamarca.CLIMPY (Characterisation of the evolution of climate and provision of information for adaptation in the Pyrenees) is a transboundary project that aims to perform a detailed analysis of recent trends in temperature, precipitation and snow cover in the Pyrenees, and their future projection. As a result, changes in the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration and timing of weather and climate extremes due to climate change are among the more relevant objectives.This project (EFA081/15) is under the umbrella of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC-CTP), and it has a 65% funding by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Interreg Programme V-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020)

    Association of the human gut microbiota with vascular stiffness

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    Gut microbiota metabolites have been mechanistically linked to inflammatory pathway activation and atherosclerosis, which are major causes of vascular stiffness (VS). Aiming to investigate if the gut microbiome might be involved in VS development, we performed a cross-sectional study (n = 3,087), nested within the population-based European Prospective Investigations into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Potsdam. We investigated the correlation of the gut microbiota (alpha diversity and taxa abundance) with 3 vascular stiffness measures: carotid-femoral (PWV), aortic augmentation index (AIX) and ankle-brachial index (ABI). Shannon index was not significantly associated with VS but the number of observed Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASV) was positively associated with PWV and AIX. We found a total of 19 ASVs significantly associated with at least one VS measure in multivariable-adjusted models. One ASV (classified as Sutterella wadsworthensis) was associated with 2 VS measures, AIX (- 0.11 ± 0.04) and PWV (-0.14 ± 0.03). Other examples of ASVs associated with VS were Collinsella aerofaciens, previously reported to be affected by diet and Bacteroides uniformis, commercially available as probiotics. In conclusion, our study suggests a potential role of individual components of the gut microbiota in the aetiology of VS

    ProtozoaDB: dynamic visualization and exploration of protozoan genomes

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    ProtozoaDB (http://www.biowebdb.org/protozoadb) is being developed to initially host both genomics and post-genomics data from Plasmodium falciparum, Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma brucei, T. cruzi and Leishmania major, but will hopefully host other protozoan species as more genomes are sequenced. It is based on the Genomics Unified Schema and offers a modern Web-based interface for user-friendly data visualization and exploration. This database is not intended to duplicate other similar efforts such as GeneDB, PlasmoDB, TcruziDB or even TDRtargets, but to be complementary by providing further analyses with emphasis on distant similarities (HMM-based) and phylogeny-based annotations including orthology analysis. ProtozoaDB will be progressively linked to the above-mentioned databases, focusing in performing a multi-source dynamic combination of information through advanced interoperable Web tools such as Web services. Also, to provide Web services will allow third-party software to retrieve and use data from ProtozoaDB in automated pipelines (workflows) or other interoperable Web technologies, promoting better information reuse and integration. We also expect ProtozoaDB to catalyze the development of local and regional bioinformatics capabilities (research and training), and therefore promote/enhance scientific advancement in developing countries

    Cardiovascular disease biomarkers derived from circulating cell-free DNA methylation

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    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) remains a major cause of worldwide mortality. The syndrome occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is decreased or blocked, causing muscle tissues to die or malfunction. There are three main types of ACS: Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, ST-elevation myocardial infarction, and unstable angina. The treatment depends on the type of ACS, and this is decided by a combination of clinical findings, such as electrocardiogram and plasma biomarkers. Circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) is proposed as an additional marker for ACS since the damaged tissues can release DNA to the bloodstream. We used ccfDNA methylation profiles for differentiating between the ACS types and provided computational tools to repeat similar analysis for other diseases. We leveraged cell type specificity of DNA methylation to deconvolute the ccfDNA cell types of origin and to find methylation-based biomarkers that stratify patients. We identified hundreds of methylation markers associated with ACS types and validated them in an independent cohort. Many such markers were associated with genes involved in cardiovascular conditions and inflammation. ccfDNA methylation showed promise as a non-invasive diagnostic for acute coronary events. These methods are not limited to acute events, and may be used for chronic cardiovascular diseases as well