993 research outputs found

    Differential approach for the study of duals of algebraic-geometric codes on surfaces

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    The purpose of the present article is the study of duals of functional codes on algebraic surfaces. We give a direct geometrical description of them, using differentials. Even if this geometrical description is less trivial, it can be regarded as a natural extension to surfaces of the result asserting that the dual of a functional code on a curve is a differential code. We study the parameters of such codes and state a lower bound for their minimum distance. Using this bound, one can study some examples of codes on surfaces, and in particular surfaces with Picard number 1 like elliptic quadrics or some particular cubic surfaces. The parameters of some of the studied codes reach those of the best known codes up to now.Comment: 21 page

    A note on the minimum distance of quantum LDPC codes

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    We provide a new lower bound on the minimum distance of a family of quantum LDPC codes based on Cayley graphs proposed by MacKay, Mitchison and Shokrollahi. Our bound is exponential, improving on the quadratic bound of Couvreur, Delfosse and Z\'emor. This result is obtained by examining a family of subsets of the hypercube which locally satisfy some parity conditions

    Plant water uptake modelling : added value of cross-disciplinary approaches

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    Abstract In recent years, research interest in plant water uptake strategies has significantly grown in many disciplines such as hydrology, plant ecology and ecophysiology. Quantitative modelling approaches to estimate plant water uptake and the spatio-temporal dynamics significantly advanced from different disciplines across scales. Despite this progress, major limitations, i.e. to predict plant water uptake under drought or it?s impact at large-scales remain. These are less attributed to limitations in process understanding, but rather to a lack of implementation of cross-disciplinary insights in plant water uptake model structure. The main goal of this review is to highlight how the 4 dominant model approaches, e.g. Feddes approach, hydrodynamic approach, optimality and statistical approaches, can be and have been used to create interdisciplinary hybrid models enabeling a holistic system understanding that e.g. embeds plant water uptake plasticity into a broader conceptual view of soil-plant feedbacks of water, nutrient and carbon cycling or reflects observed drought responses of plant-soil feedbacks and their dynamics under e.g. drought. Specifically, we provide examples of how integration of Bayesian and hydrodynamic approaches might overcome challenges in interpreting plant water uptake related to e.g. different travel and residence times of different plant water sources or trade-offs between root system optimization to forage for water and nutrients during different seasons and phenological stages.In recent years, research interest in plant water uptake strategies has rapidly increased in many disciplines, such as hydrology, plant ecology and ecophysiology. Quantitative modelling approaches to estimate plant water uptake and spatiotemporal dynamics have significantly advanced through different disciplines across scales. Despite this progress, major limitations, for example, predicting plant water uptake under drought or drought impact at large scales, remain. These are less attributed to limitations in process understanding, but rather to a lack of implementation of cross-disciplinary insights into plant water uptake model structure. The main goal of this review is to highlight how the four dominant model approaches, that is, Feddes approach, hydrodynamic approach, optimality and statistical approaches, can be and have been used to create interdisciplinary hybrid models enabling a holistic system understanding that, among other things, embeds plant water uptake plasticity into a broader conceptual view of soil-plant feedbacks of water, nutrient and carbon cycling, or reflects observed drought responses of plant-soil feedbacks and their dynamics under, that is, drought. Specifically, we provide examples of how integration of Bayesian and hydrodynamic approaches might overcome challenges in interpreting plant water uptake related to different travel and residence times of different plant water sources or trade-offs between root system optimization to forage for water and nutrients during different seasons and phenological stages.Peer reviewe

    Thermal annealing study of swift heavy-ion irradiated zirconia

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    Sintered samples of monoclinic zirconia (alpha-ZrO2) have been irradiated at room temperature with 6.0-GeV Pb ions in the electronic slowing down regime. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and micro-Raman spectroscopy measurements showed unambiguously that a transition to the 'metastable' tetragonal phase (beta-ZrO2) occurred at a fluence of 6.5x10^12 cm-2 for a large electronic stopping power value (approx 32.5 MeV ÎĽ\mum-1). At a lower fluence of 1.0x10^12 cm-2, no such phase transformation was detected. The back-transformation from beta- to alpha-ZrO2 induced by isothermal or isochronal thermal annealing was followed by XRD analysis. The back-transformation started at an onset temperature around 500 K and was completed by 973 K. Plots of the residual tetragonal phase fraction deduced from XRD measurements versus annealing temperature or time are analyzed with first- or second-order kinetic models. An activation energy close to 1 eV for the back-transformation process is derived either from isothermal annealing curves, using the so-called "cross-cut" method, or from the isochronal annealing curve, using a second-order kinetic law. Correlation with the thermal recovery of ion-induced paramagnetic centers monitored by EPR spectroscopy is discussed. Effects of crystallite size evolution and oxygen migration upon annealing are also addressed

    The signature of 44Ti in Cassiopeia A revealed by IBIS/ISGRI on INTEGRAL

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    We report the detection of both the 67.9 and 78.4 keV 44Sc gamma-ray lines in Cassiopeia A with the INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI instrument. Besides the robustness provided by spectro-imaging observations, the main improvements compared to previous measurements are a clear separation of the two 44Sc lines together with an improved significance of the detection of the hard X-ray continuum up to 100 keV. These allow us to refine the determination of the 44Ti yield and to constrain the nature of the nonthermal continuum emission. By combining COMPTEL, BeppoSAX/PDS and ISGRI measurements, we find a line flux of (2.5 +/- 0.3)*10(-5) cm(-2) s(-1) leading to a synthesized 44Ti mass of 1.6 (+0.6-0.3)*10(-4) solar mass. This high value suggests that Cas A is peculiar in comparison to other young supernova remnants, from which so far no line emission from 44Ti decay has been unambiguously detected.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams and Regular Models

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    This paper presents algorithms and data structures that exploit a compositional and hierarchical specification to enable more efficient symbolic model-checking. We encode the state space and transition relation using hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams (SDD) [9]. In SDD, arcs of the structure are labeled with sets, themselves stored as SDD. To exploit the hierarchy of SDD, a structured model representation is needed. We thus introduce a formalism integrating a simple notion of type and instance. Complex composite behaviors are obtained using a synchronization mechanism borrowed from process calculi. Using this relatively general framework, we investigate how to capture similarities in regular and concurrent models. Experimental results are presented, showing that this approach can outperform in time and memory previous work in this area

    Infection levels and species diversity of ascaridoid nematodes in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, are correlated with geographic area and fish size

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    Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is among the most important commercial fish species on the world market. Its infection by ascaridoid nematodes has long been known, Pseudoterranova even being named cod worm. In the present study, 755 individuals were sampled in the Barents, Baltic and North Seas during 2012–2014. Prevalences for Anisakis in whole fish and in fillets in the different fishing areas varied from 16 to 100% and from 12 to 90% respectively. Abundance was also greatly influenced by the sampling area. Generalized additive model results indicate higher numbers of Anisakis in the North Sea, even after the larger body size was accounted for. Numbers and prevalence of Anisakis were positively related to fish length or weight. The prevalence of parasites in whole fish and in fillets was also influenced by the season, with the spring displaying a peak for the prevalence in whole fish and, at the same time, a drop for the prevalence in fillets. Whereas 46% of cod had Anisakis larvae in their fillets, the majority (39%) had parasites mainly in the ventral part of the fillet and only 12% had parasites in their dorsal part. This observation is of importance for the processing of the fish. Indeed, the trimming of the ventral part of the cod fillet would allow the almost total elimination of ascaridoids except for cod from the Baltic Sea where there was no difference between the dorsal and the ventral part. The presence of other ascaridoid genera was also noticeable in some areas. For Pseudoterranova, the highest prevalence (45%) in whole fish was observed in the Northern North Sea, whereas the other areas had prevalences between 3 and 16%. Contracaecum was present in every commercial size cod sampled in the Baltic Sea with an intensity of up to 96 worms but no Contracaecum was isolated from the Central North Sea. Non-zoonotic Hysterothylacium was absent from the Baltic Sea but with a prevalence of 83% in the Barents and the Northern North Sea. A subsample of worms was identified with genetic-molecular tools and assigned to the species A. simplex (s.s.), A. pegreffii, P. decipiens (s.s.), P. krabbei, C. osculatum and H. aduncum. In addition to high prevalence and abundance values, the cod sampled in this study presented a diversity of ascaridoid nematodes with a majority of fish displaying a co-infection. Out of 295 whole infected fish, 269 were co-infected by at least 2 genera

    On finitely ambiguous B\"uchi automata

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    Unambiguous B\"uchi automata, i.e. B\"uchi automata allowing only one accepting run per word, are a useful restriction of B\"uchi automata that is well-suited for probabilistic model-checking. In this paper we propose a more permissive variant, namely finitely ambiguous B\"uchi automata, a generalisation where each word has at most kk accepting runs, for some fixed kk. We adapt existing notions and results concerning finite and bounded ambiguity of finite automata to the setting of ω\omega-languages and present a translation from arbitrary nondeterministic B\"uchi automata with nn states to finitely ambiguous automata with at most 3n3^n states and at most nn accepting runs per word

    Integrative taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of the plant-parasitic nematode genus Paratylenchus (nematoda: paratylenchinae) : linking species with molecular barcodes

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    Pin nematodes of the genus Paratylenchus are obligate ectoparasites of a wide variety of plants that are distributed worldwide. In this study, individual morphologically vouchered nematode specimens of fourteen Paratylenchus species, including P. aculentus, P. elachistus, P. goodeyi, P. holdemani, P. idalimus, P. microdorus, P. nanus, P. neoamblycephalus, P. straeleni and P. veruculatus, are unequivocally linked to the D2-D3 of 28S, ITS, 18S rRNA and COI gene sequences. Combined with scanning electron microscopy and a molecular analysis of an additional nine known and thirteen unknown species originating from diverse geographic regions, a total of 92 D2-D3 of 28S, 41 ITS, 57 18S rRNA and 111 COI new gene sequences are presented. Paratylenchus elachistus, P. holdemani and P. neoamblycephalus are recorded for the first time in Belgium and P. idalimus for the first time in Europe. Paratylenchus is an excellent example of an incredibly diverse yet morphologically minimalistic plant-parasitic genus, and this study provides an integrated analysis of all available data, including coalescence-based molecular species delimitation, resulting in an updated Paratylenchus phylogeny and the corrective reassignment of 18 D2-D3 of 28S, 3 ITS, 3 18S rRNA and 25 COI gene sequences that were previously unidentified or incorrectly classified
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