4,587 research outputs found

    Transient LTRE analysis reveals the demographic and trait-mediated processes that buffer population growth.

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    Temporal variation in environmental conditions affects population growth directly via its impact on vital rates, and indirectly through induced variation in demographic structure and phenotypic trait distributions. We currently know very little about how these processes jointly mediate population responses to their environment. To address this gap, we develop a general transient life table response experiment (LTRE) which partitions the contributions to population growth arising from variation in (1) survival and reproduction, (2) demographic structure, (3) trait values and (4) climatic drivers. We apply the LTRE to a population of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventer) to demonstrate the impact of demographic and trait-mediated processes. Our analysis provides a new perspective on demographic buffering, which may be a more subtle phenomena than is currently assumed. The new LTRE framework presents opportunities to improve our understanding of how trait variation influences population dynamics and adaptation in stochastic environments

    Memory-Aware Scheduling for Fixed Priority Hard Real-Time Computing Systems

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    As a major component of a computing system, memory has been a key performance and power consumption bottleneck in computer system design. While processor speeds have been kept rising dramatically, the overall computing performance improvement of the entire system is limited by how fast the memory can feed instructions/data to processing units (i.e. so-called memory wall problem). The increasing transistor density and surging access demands from a rapidly growing number of processing cores also significantly elevated the power consumption of the memory system. In addition, the interference of memory access from different applications and processing cores significantly degrade the computation predictability, which is essential to ensure timing specifications in real-time system design. The recent IC technologies (such as 3D-IC technology) and emerging data-intensive real-time applications (such as Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things) further amplify these challenges. We believe that it is not simply desirable but necessary to adopt a joint CPU/Memory resource management framework to deal with these grave challenges. In this dissertation, we focus on studying how to schedule fixed-priority hard real-time tasks with memory impacts taken into considerations. We target on the fixed-priority real-time scheduling scheme since this is one of the most commonly used strategies for practical real-time applications. Specifically, we first develop an approach that takes into consideration not only the execution time variations with cache allocations but also the task period relationship, showing a significant improvement in the feasibility of the system. We further study the problem of how to guarantee timing constraints for hard real-time systems under CPU and memory thermal constraints. We first study the problem under an architecture model with a single core and its main memory individually packaged. We develop a thermal model that can capture the thermal interaction between the processor and memory, and incorporate the periodic resource sever model into our scheduling framework to guarantee both the timing and thermal constraints. We further extend our research to the multi-core architectures with processing cores and memory devices integrated into a single 3D platform. To our best knowledge, this is the first research that can guarantee hard deadline constraints for real-time tasks under temperature constraints for both processing cores and memory devices. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that our proposed scheduling can improve significantly the feasibility of hard real-time systems under thermal constraints

    Elastic properties of carbon nanotubes and their heterojunctions

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    Comprehensive studies on the modelling and numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour under tension, bending and torsion of single-walled carbon nanotubes and their heterojunctions are performed. It is proposed to deduce the mechanical properties of the carbon nanotubes heterojunctions from the knowledge of the mechanical properties of the single-walled carbon nanotubes, which are their constituent key unit

    Environmentally induced phenotypic variation in wild yellow-bellied marmots

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    We thank all the marmoteers who helped in data collection and 2 anonymous reviewers who helped us to clarify our message. AM-C was supported by a Fulbright Fellowship, and JGAM was supported by Fond Québécois de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies. KBA was supported by the National Science Foundation between 1962 and 2000. DTB was supported by the National Geographic Society, UCLA (Faculty Senate and the Division of Life Sciences), a Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory research fellowship, and by the National Science Foundation (IDBR-0754247 and DEB-1119660 to DTB as well as DBI 0242960 and 0731346 to the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Developing a Peer Mentorship Program in Human Factors Academia

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    Peer mentorship programs that pair more experienced students (i.e., mentors) with less experienced students (i.e., mentees) can have an effective, positive impact on university students’ personal, academic, and professional outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to describe the process and lessons learned in the creation of a peer mentorship program in a Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) academic department. Through a combination of peer networking opportunities and skill development workshops, the mentorship program outlined in this paper aims to promote students’ academic and professional growth. Take-aways that can be utilized by other HF/E academia departments interested in starting or revamping their own peer mentorship programs are included

    Human cones appear to adapt at low light levels: Measurements on the red—green detection mechanism

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    AbstractRecent physiological evidence suggests that cones do not light adapt at low light levels. To assess whether adaptation is cone-selective at low light levels, the red-green detection mechanism was isolated. Thresholds were measured with a large test flash, which stimulated the L and M cones in different fixed amplitude ratios, on different colored adapting fields. Thresholds were plotted in L and M cone contrast coordinates. The red-green mechanism responded to an equally-weighted difference of L and M cone contrast on each colored field, demonstrating equivalent, Weberian adaptation of the L and M cone signals. The L and M cone signals independently adapted for illuminance levels as low as 60 effective trolands (e.g. M-cone trolands. Since this adaptation is entirely selective to cone type, it suggests that the cones themselves light-adapt. The red-green detection contour on reddish fields was displaced further out from the origin of the cone contrast coordinates, revealing an additional sensitivity loss at a subsequent, spectrally-opponent site. This second-site effect may arise from a net “red” or “green” signal that represents the degree to which the L and M cones are differently hyperpolarized by the steady, colored adapting field. Such differential hyperpolarization is compatible with equivalent, Weberian adaptation of the L and M cones

    Perception of fonts: Perceived personality traits and uses

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    Often credited with creating first impressions, fonts are typically classified according to unique typographical features (serif, sans serif, etc) and overall appearance. The combination of appearance and typographical features often lead graphic artists and typographers to describe typefaces using personality traits (.less cuddly, more assertive, Berry, 2004). In a BBC audio program (Peacock, 2005), fonts were depicted as feminine and masculine, among other traits. Feminine fonts were described as fine, serifed, sleek, and elegant; masculine fonts were characterized as being blocky and bold. This study sought to determine if certain personalities and uses are associated with various fonts. Using an online survey, participants rated the personality of 20 fonts using 15 adjective pairs. In addition, participants viewed the same 20 fonts and selected which uses were most appropriate. Results suggested that personality traits are indeed attributed to fonts based on their design family (Serif, Sans-Serif, Modern, Monospace, Script/Funny) and are associated with appropriate uses. Implications of these results to the design of online materials and websites are discussed

    Propiedades ópticas de peliculas Ldep con diferentes mezclas de aditivos.

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    In this paper were processed dierent linear low density polyethylene (LDPE)formulations, mixed it with ve kind of dierent additives whose objectivewas analyzing the additives eects in the optical properties of LDPE lms ongreenhouse cover structure in protected cultivation for tropical environments.The results of ultra violet and visible region showed that the light transmissionfrom the reference lm was higher than additives lms mixtures in thevisible region, eect of some elements and synergistic action from additivescontributing to decrease the light transmission in the ultra violet and visibleregion.PACS: 78.66.BzEn el presente artículo se procesaron diferentes formulaciones de polietileno lineal de baja densidad (PEBD) mezclado con 5 tipos de aditivos diferentes, cuyo objetivo es analizar el efecto de los aditivos en las propiedades ópticas de películas de PEBD de protección de cultivo dirigida fundamentalmente para construcciones de invernaderos adecuados para el desempeño en medios tropicales. Los resultados de la transmisión de la región ultra violeta y visible muestran que la transmisión de luz de las películas de referencia es mayor en la zona visible que en las películas fabricadas con mezclas de aditivos, debido al efecto difusivo de algunos elementos y a la acción sinérgica de los aditivos disminuyendo la transmisión de luz en la zona ultra violeta y visible.PACS: 78.66.B