677 research outputs found

    A contribution to the knowledge of the skin albuminose cells of Torpedo ocellata Raf [Riv.Istochim.norm.pat. 8 411-416, 1962]

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    Glandular cells, other than the mucous cells, have been described in the skin of various groups of fish (Teleosts, Ganoids, Selachii) and they have been called 'albuminose' by various authors. The authors propose to study the albuminose cells in the skin of Torpedo ocellata Raf. from a histochemical point of view. The albuminose cells have a complex morphological structure and a correspondingly complicated histochemical make-up. One must treat them as an example of cell with secretions of a particular type, which must and will be better incorporated when more is known of characteristics existent in other species

    Lorentz-covariant Hamiltonian analysis of BF gravity with the Immirzi parameter

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    We perform the Lorentz-covariant Hamiltonian analysis of two Lagrangian action principles that describe general relativity as a constrained BF theory and that include the Immirzi parameter. The relation between these two Lagrangian actions has been already studied through a map among the fields involved. The main difference between these is the way the Immirzi parameter is included, since in one of them the Immirzi parameter is included explicitly in the BF terms, whereas in the other (the CMPR action) it is in the constraint on the B fields. In this work we continue the analysis of their relationship but at the Hamiltonian level. Particularly, we are interested in seeing how the above difference appears in the constraint structure of both action principles. We find that they both possess the same number of first-class and second-class constraints and satisfy a very similar (off-shell) Poisson-bracket algebra on account of the type of canonical variables employed. The two algebras can be transformed into each other by making a suitable change of variablesComment: LaTeX file, no figure

    Citalopram plus low-dose pipamperone versus citalopram plus placebo in patients with major depressive disorder: an 8-week, double-blind, randomized study on magnitude and timing of clinical response

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    Background: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors take several weeks to achieve their full antidepressant effects. Post-synaptic 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> receptor activation is thought to be involved in this delayed therapeutic effect. Pipamperone acts as a highly selective 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>/D<sub>4</sub> antagonist when administered in low doses. The purpose of this study was to compare citalopram 40 mg once daily plus pipamperone 5 mg twice daily (PipCit) versus citalopram plus placebo twice daily for magnitude and onset of therapeutic effect. Method: An 8-week, randomized, double-blind study in patients with major depressive disorder was carried out. Results: The study population comprised 165 patients (citalopram and placebo, n=82; PipCit, n=83) with a mean baseline Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) score of 32.6 (S.D.=5.5). In the first 4 weeks, more citalopram and placebo than PipCit patients discontinued treatment (18% v. 4%, respectively, p=0.003). PipCit patients had significantly greater improvement in MADRS score at week 1 [observed cases (OC), p=0.021; last observation carried forward (LOCF), p=0.007] and week 4 (LOCF, p=0.025) but not at week 8 compared with citalopram and placebo patients. Significant differences in MADRS scores favoured PipCit in reduced sleep, reduced appetite, concentration difficulties and pessimistic thoughts. Mean Clinical Global Impression–Improvement scores were significantly improved after 1 week of PipCit compared with citalopram and placebo (OC and LOCF, p=0.002). Conclusions: Although the MADRS score from baseline to 8 weeks did not differ between groups, PipCit provided superior antidepressant effects and fewer discontinuations compared with citalopram and placebo during the first 4 weeks of treatment, especially in the first week

    Las parroquias en los dominios monásticos castellanos en la Baja Edad Media y principios de la Moderna: San Zoilo de Carrión y San Román de Entrepeñas (siglos XIV-XVI)

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    At the end of the Middle Ages, the situation of the parish churches depending on the monasteries of San Zoilo de Carrión and San Román de Entrepeñas showed the end of the process that took place in the previous centuries. San Zoilo kept the right to collect tithes in a few places; despite this fact, these tithes represented one of their main incomes during the Modern Age. On the other hand, the situation of the priests at the service of the monastic churches is an interesting issue.Al final de la Edad Media, la situación de las iglesias parroquiales dependientes de los monasterios de San Zoilo de Carrión y San Román de Entrepeñas expresa el fin de un proceso desarrollado en los siglos anteriores. San Zoilo conservará el derecho a cobrar diezmos en un reducido número de lugares, pero a pesar de ello dichos diezmos serán una de sus principales fuentes de ingresos en la Edad Moderna. Por otra parte, la condición de los clérigos que sirven en las iglesias monásticas constituye un asunto de interés

    A micrometeorological data base for the Mexico City Metropolitan Area

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    In order to overcome the lack of the surface micrometeorological data required for air quality studies in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA), a long-term micrometeorological campaign was carried out in this area along the 2001-year. Three micrometeorological surface stations were installed at sites located at north, north-east, and south sectors of the MCMA. Each station was equipped with a 3D ultrasonic turbulence sensor and with conventional meteorological sensors for temperature, relative humidity, pressure, global radiation, net radiation, and rain. The sampling rates were 10 Hz for the ultrasonic sensor, and 1 Hz for the conventional sensors. One-hour averages were calculated for all the meteorological parameters and for the turbulence parameters such as friction velocity, scale temperature, Monin-Obukhov length, sensible heat flux and turbulent kinetic energy, among others. A simple micrometeorological database was prepared and mounted on a free access Internet page to furnish a specialized tool to the local Authorities to be utilized in health prevention and pollution regulation applications

    Microstructural Impact of Si and Ni During High Temperature Quenching and Partitioning Process in Medium-Mn Steels

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    Austenite stabilization through carbon partitioning from martensite into austenite is an essential aspect of the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process. Substitutional alloying elements are often included in the chemical composition of Q&P steels to further control the microstructure development by inhibiting carbide precipitation (silicon) and further stabilize austenite (manganese and nickel). However, these elements can interfere in the microstructure development, especially when high partitioning temperatures are considered. In this study, the microstructural development during the Q&P process of four low-carbon, medium-manganese steels with varying contents of silicon and nickel is investigated. During partitioning at 400 °C, silicon hinders cementite precipitation in primary martensite thereby assisting carbon partitioning from martensite to austenite. During partitioning at temperatures of 500 °C and 600 °C, presence of nickel inhibits pearlite formation and promotes austenite reversion, respectively. It is observed that the stabilization of austenite is significantly enhanced through the addition of nickel by slowing down the kinetics of competitive reactions that are stimulated during the partitioning stage. Results of this study provide an understanding of the interplay among carbon, silicon and nickel during Q&P processing that will allow the development of new design strategies to tailor the microstructure of this family of alloys.This research work has been carried out in the framework of the HighQP project (Proposal Number: 709855), funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

    Hipotiroidismo subclínico y factores de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia del hipotiroidismo subclínico en la población general de un centro de salud urbano y describir las características clínicas y factores de riesgo cardiovascular de los pacientes con hipotiroidismo subclínico. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo, revisando las historias clínicas de los pacientes incluidos en la muestra desde junio de 2005 hasta julio de 2007. Se analizaron las siguientes variables; Datos generales: edad y sexo. Antecedentes familiares: patología tiroidea y otras enfermedades. Antecedentes personales: cardiovasculares, pulmonares, enfermedades autoinmunes, alteraciones gineco-obstétricas, diabetes, hipertensión (HT), dislipemia, obesidad, alteraciones psiquiátricas y hematológicas. Datos de laboratorio: niveles de TSH, niveles de T4 libre,presencia de anticuerpos antiperoxidasa, niveles de colesterol total y sus fracciones. Resultados: La prevalencia de la muestra de 100 pacientes recogida durante 8 meses fue de 3,8% de la población general mayor de 14 años, de la cual 79 eran mujeres y 21 eran hombres. El 13% eran diabéticos tipo 2, 23% tenían HT y un 40% tenían dislipemia. Sobrepeso y obesidad estaban presentes en un 26%. El nivel medio de TSH fue 6.92 ± 2,29 U/ml y el nivel medio de T4 libre fue 1,16 ± 0,16 ng/ml. Conclusiones: La prevalencia del hipotiroidismo subclínico fue 3,8%. sobre todo en mujeres con una edad media de 46 años. La incidencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en los sujetos estudiados es mayor en DM (13%), similar a la población general en cuanto a la dislipemia (40%) y obesidad (20%) y menor en HTA (23%). En nuestro estudio no se observa una pauta común en el manejo del hipotiroidismo subclínico, siendo necesaria la implementación y promoción de guías de actuación en Atención PrimariaObjective: To determine the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in the general population of an urban health center and describe the clinical characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Methods: An observational study, retrospective, reviewing the medical histories of patients sampled from June 2005 until July 2007. We analyzed the following variables; facts: age and sex. Family history thyroid disease and other diseases. Personal history: cardiovascular pulmonary autoimmune, alterations gynecology obstetric diabetes, hypertension (HT) dislipemia, obesity, psychiatric alterations and haematological. Laboratory data: novel TSH, free T4, antiperoxidase antibodies, total cholesterol and its fractions. Results: The prevalence of the sample of 100 patients collected over 8 months was 3.8% in the general population over 14 years, of which 79 were women and 21 were men. 13% were type 2 diabetics, 23% had HT and 40% had dyslipidemia. Overweight and obesity were present in 26%. The average level of TSH was 6.92 ± 2.29 U/ml and the average level of free T4 was 1.16 ± 0.16 ng/ml. Conclusions: Prevalence subclinical hypothyroidism was 3.8%. especially in women with a mean age of 46. The incidence of cardiovascular risk factors in the subjects studied is higher in DM (13%), similar to general population in terms of dyslipidemia (40%) and obesity (23%) and lowest in hypertension (23%). In our study we observed a common pattern in the management of subclinical hypothyroidism, requiring the implementation and promotion of practice guidelines in primary car

    Guillain–Barré syndrome associated with leptomeningeal enhancement following SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    INTRODUCTION: Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) typically present with respiratory symptoms, but little is known about the disease''s potential neurological complications.We report a case of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) following a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, in association with leptomeningeal enhancement. CASE PRESENTATION: A 56-year-old woman presented with recent unsteadiness and paraesthesia in both hands. Fifteen days earlier, she complained of fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Her chest X-ray showed a lobar consolidation and PCR was positive for SARS-CoV-2; she was admitted due to mild COVID-19 pneumonia.In the first 48 hours of hospitalisation, she started to experience lumbar pain and weakness of the proximal lower extremities, progressing to bilateral facial nerve palsy, oropharyngeal weakness and severe proximal tetraparesis with cervical flexion 2/5 on the MRC scale. Full spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a brainstem and cervical leptomeningeal enhancement. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed albumin-cytological dissociation. Microbiological studies on CSF, including SARS-CoV-2, were negative. Nerve conduction studies were consistent with demyelinating neuropathy. She was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin, with significant neurological improvement noted over the next 2 weeks. CONCLUSION: Leptomeningeal enhancement is an atypical feature in GBS, but could be a marker of its association with SARS-CoV-2 infection