159 research outputs found

    Cruces de ganado de doble propósito en la Costa Atlántica colombiana, 1. Peso corporal hasta los 18 meses.

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    The Bos taitru.v-Bos mucus crossbreeding is the best genetic strategy for dual purpose systems of production in the tropics, so it is very important to compare several breeding groups for every productive trait. The purpose of the work was to study the growth rate of 10 breed groups in north western Colombia. The calves were raised under the dual purpose system, which include the permanency of the calves with their dams for 8 to 9 hours after partial milking of the cows. The data were analyzed by least squares methods and the means were compared by Tukey test. The analysis of variance revealed that breed group effect were significant for the 5 variables studied. At weaning the Zebu breed with 157.4 kg excelled all other breed groups with the exception of F1 Normande x Zebu (165.7 kg) and red Holstein x Zebu (165.5 kg). The Costeño con Cuernos breed had the lightest weaning weight (127.5 kg). At 18 months the Zebu breed with 249.2 kg was excelled by all the crosses, again the F1 Red Holstein x Zebu (307.5 kg) and the Normande x Zebu (295.9 kg) were the best breed groups. The Costeno con Cuernos breed with 224.6 kg held the last position. For pre and pos-weaning weight gains it was observed something similar that at weaning and 18 months. For pre-weaning gain, with the exception of F1 Normande x Zebu (0.556 kg) and Red Holstein x Zebu (0.553 kg), the Zebu breed with 0.533 kg excelled all other groups. The Costeño con Cuernos breed (0.407 kg) had the smallest pre-weaning gain. For pos-weaning gain it was observed that with the exception of the Costeño con Cuernos (0.314 kg) all other groups excelled the Zebu breed (0.322 kg). Again the Red Holstein x Zebu (0.456 kg) and the Normande x Zebu (0.435 kg) were the best.El cruzamiento de Bos taurus-Bos indicus es probablemente la mejor estrategia genética para sistemas de doble propósito en condiciones tropicales, por tanto es de interés comparar varios grupos raciales en todas las características productivas. El objetivo del trabajo fue el de estudiar las tasas de crecimiento de 10 grupos raciales en la parte nor-occidental de Colombia. Los terneros fueron criados bajo el sistema de doble propósito o sea que permanecieron con sus madres después del ordeño parcial de ellas. Los datos se analizaron por el mátodo de cuadrados mínimos y los promedios se compararon por la prueba de Tukey. Los análisis de varianza revelaron que el efecto del grupo racial fue significativo para las 5 variables estudiadas. Al destete, el Cebú con un peso de 157.4 kg superó a todos los demás grupos con la excepción de los F1 Normando x Cebú (165.7 kg) y Holstein Rojo x Cebú (165.5 kg). El Costeño con Cuernos tuvo el menor peso corporal (127.5 kg). A los 18 meses, el Cebú con 249.2 kg es superado por todos los grupos de cruzados, siendo de nuevo los F1 Holstein Rojo x Cebú (307.5 kg) y Normando x Cebú (295.9 kg) los mejores grupos raciales. El costeño con Cuernos con 224.6 kg ocupó el último lugar. Para las ganancias pre y posdestete se observó algo similar a lo registrado al destete y 18 meses. Para la ganancia predestete, con la excepción de los F1 Normando x Cebú (0.556 kg) y Hosltein Rojo x Cebú (0.553 kg), el Cebú con 0.533 kg aventajó a todos los grupos. El Costeño con Cuernos (0.407 kg) tuvo la menor ganancia predestete. Para la ganancia posdestete se observó que con la excepción del Costeño con Cuernos (0.314 kg) todos los demás grupos superan al Cebú (0.322 kg). De nuevo se destacaron el Hosltein Rojo x Cebú (0.456 kg) y el Normando x Cebú (0.435 kg)Ganado de doble propósito-Ganaderia doble proposit

    Cruces de ganado de doble propósito en la Costa Atlántica colombiana :2. Aspectos reproductivos

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    La característica económicamentemás importante en producción de leche o carne es la reproducción, la cual se puede mejorar por medio de cruzamientos. Por tanto es de mucho interés comparar la reproducción de varios híbridos. El objetivo del trabajo fue el de analizar el comportamiento reproductivo de 10 grupos raciales bajo el sistema de doble propósito en la Costa Atlántica colombiana. Las vacas se ordeñaron a fondo pero los terneros permanecieron con sus madres durante 8 horas al día. Se usó inseminación artificial. Los datos fueron analizados por el método de cuadrados mínimos y los promedios se compararon por la prueba de Tukey. Los análisis de varianza mostraron que los efectos de grupo racial para la edad y el peso al primer parto fueron significativos (P menor que 0.01), mientras que para intervalo entre partos no lo fueron. La edad al primer parto varió entre 855.7 días para el F1 Normando x Cebú y 1127.7 días para el Costeño con Cuernos. Con la excepción del F2 Holstein Negro x Cebú (1080.1 días) todos los cruzamientos superaron al Cebú (1077.9 días) en edad al primer parto. El peso al primer parto osciló entre 327.0 para el Costeño con Cuernos y 435.9 kg en Holstein Rojo x Cebú. En general los animales cruzados tuvieron pesos menores que el Cebú (415.5 kg) al primer parto. La variación para el intervalo entre partos estuvo entre 398.0 días para el F1 Normando x Cebú y 477.5 días para el tri-híbrido Pardo Suizo (Romosinuano x Cebú). En relación con el Cebú (425.8 días), el vigor híbrido no se hizo evidente con la excepción del media sangre Normando x Cebú ya mencionado. En general el vigo híbrido se manifestó claramente en la edad al primer parto, lo cual es de una gran importancia económica, no así para el peso al primer parto y para el intervalo entre partosGanado de doble propósito-Ganaderia doble proposit

    Toll-Like Receptors in Secondary Obstructive Cholangiopathy

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    Secondary obstructive cholangiopathy is characterized by intra- or extrahepatic bile tract obstruction. Liver inflammation and structural alterations develop due to progressive bile stagnation. Most frequent etiologies are biliary atresia in children, and hepatolithiasis, postcholecystectomy bile duct injury, and biliary primary cirrhosis in adults, which causes chronic biliary cholangitis. Bile ectasia predisposes to multiple pathogens: viral infections in biliary atresia; Gram-positive and/or Gram-negative bacteria cholangitis found in hepatolithiasis and postcholecystectomy bile duct injury. Transmembrane toll-like receptors (TLRs) are activated by virus, bacteria, fungi, and parasite stimuli. Even though TLR-2 and TLR-4 are the most studied receptors related to liver infectious diseases, other TLRs play an important role in response to microorganism damage. Acquired immune response is not vertically transmitted and reflects the infectious diseases history of individuals; in contrast, innate immunity is based on antigen recognition by specific receptors designated as pattern recognition receptors and is transmitted vertically through the germ cells. Understanding the mechanisms for bile duct inflammation is essential for the future development of therapeutic alternatives in order to avoid immune-mediated destruction on secondary obstructive cholangiopathy. The role of TLRs in biliary atresia, hepatolithiasis, bile duct injury, and primary biliary cirrhosis is described in this paper

    Magnetic ordering, spin waves, and Haldane gap excitations in (Nd_x Y_{1-x})_2 Ba Ni O_5 linear-chain mixed-spin antiferromagnets

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    Linear-chain nickelates with the composition (Nd_x Y_{1-x})_2 Ba Ni O_5 (x=1, x=0.75, x=0.5, and x=0.25) are studied in a series of neutron scattering experiments. Powder diffraction is used to determine the temperature dependence of the magnetic structure in all four systems. Single-crystal inelastic neutron scattering is employed to investigate the temperature dependence of the Haldane-gap excitations and low-energy spin waves in the x=1 compound Nd_2 Ba Ni O_5. The results of these experiments are discussed in the context of the ``Haldane chain in a staggered field'' model for R_2 Ba Ni O_5 systems, and quantitative agreement with theory is obtained.Comment: Major rewriting and inclusion of new experimental data 30 pages, 14 figure

    Resistencia antimicrobiana de cepas de Escherichia coli aisladas de contenidos de bursa de Fabricio de aves para engorde

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    The aim of this study was to determine the percentage of sensitivity or resistance of strains of E. coli isolated from asymptomatic broiler chicken against 18 common antibiotics used in poultry and in human medicine. In addition, strains that produce extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) from a farm or slaughterhouses in the poultry area of Santander, Colombia. The circulation of strains resistant to beta-lactams, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, quinolones and sulfonamides was determined, as well as antibiotics widely used in other non-farm environments. The content of the bursa of Fabricius was cultivated in McConkey agar obtaining 46 strains of E. coli. Susceptibility tests (n=18) were conducted to the isolated strains, and 91% of the strains were resistant to ampicillin and 80% to cephalosporins. The association of antibiotics with beta-lactamase inhibitors (ampicillin sulbactam and amoxicillin / clavulanic acid) showed 30% resistance. The double disc test was used to evaluate the presence of strains of E. coli producing extendedspectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) confirming its presence in 63% of the samples. Results showed the presence of E. coli strains in asymptomatic chicken broilers with high antimicrobial resistance, including expression of ESBL.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar el porcentaje de sensibilidad o resistencia de cepas de E. coli aisladas de pollo de engorde asintomático frente a 18 antibióticos comunes utilizados en avicultura y medicina humana; a su vez, cepas productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEES), procedentes de granja o plantas de beneficio de la zona avícola de Santander, Colombia. Se determinó la circulación de cepas resistentes a betalactámicos, cefalosporinas, aminoglucósidos, quinolonas y sulfonamidas, así como antibióticos de amplio uso en ambientes ajenos a las granjas. Se aislaron 46 cepas de E. coli del contenido de bolsas de Fabricio de 100 pollos de engorde entre 2 y 6 semanas de edad (20 procedentes de una granja avícola y 80 de una planta de sacrificio) en Santander, Colombia. Las muestras fueron cultivadas en agar McConkey. Se realizaron pruebas de sensibilidad a las cepas aisladas con 18 antimicrobianos. El 91% de las cepas fueron resistentes a la ampicilina y el 80% a las cefalosporinas; así mismo, al enfrentar las cepas con la asociación de antibióticos con inhibidores de betalactamasas (ampicilina sulbactam y amoxacilina/ácido clavulánico), se encontró 30% de resistencia. Se utilizó la prueba del doble disco para evaluar la presencia de cepas de E. coli productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEES) confirmando su presencia en el 63% de las muestras. Se evidencia la presencia de cepas de E. coli en aves de engorde asintomáticas, con alta resistencia antimicrobiana, incluyendo expresión de BLEES

    Resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases in Venezuela as a regional public health threat in the Americas

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    Venezuela’s tumbling economy and authoritarian rule have precipitated an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Hyperinflation rates now exceed 45,000%, and Venezuela’s health system is in free fall. The country is experiencing a massive exodus of biomedical scientists and qualified healthcare professionals. Reemergence of arthropod-borne and vaccine-preventable diseases has sparked serious epidemics that also affect neighboring countries. In this article, we discuss the ongoing epidemics of measles and diphtheria in Venezuela and their disproportionate impact on indigenous populations. We also discuss the potential for reemergence of poliomyelitis and conclude that action to halt the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases within Venezuela is a matter of urgency for the country and the region. We further provide specific recommendations for addressing this crisis. © 2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). All rights reserved

    On the origin of neutron magnetic scattering in anti-site disordered Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskites

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    Anti-site disordering in Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskites (containing Mo atoms at Fe positions, and viceversa) has recently been shown to have a dramatic influence in their magnetic and magnetotransport properties. In the present study, two polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 samples showing different degrees of anti-site disorder (a nominally 'ordered' sample with 70% of cationic ordering and a nominally 'disordered' sample with 18% of cationic ordering) have been examined by magnetic measurements and neutron powder diffraction (NPD) techniques in the 15-500K temperature range. Our main finding is that the 'disordered' sample exhibits a strong magnetic scattering (noticeable even at 500K), comparable to that displayed by the 'ordered' one below TC= 415 K. For the 'disordered' sample, the magnetic scattering exhibited on low angle Bragg positions, is not to be ascribed to a (non-existent) ferrimagnetic ordering: our results suggest that it originates upon naturally-occurring groups of Fe cations in which strong antiferromagnetic (AFM) Fe-O-Fe superexchange interactions are promoted, similar to those existing in the LaFeO3 perovskite. These Fe groups are not magnetically isolated, but coupled by virtue of Fe-O-Mo AFM interactions, which maintain the long-range coherence of this AFM structure. Susceptibility measurements confirm the presence of AFM interactions below 770 K.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, to be published in PR

    Integration of the archaeological Almohad remains in Granada metro station. The multidisciplinary research for the project and contemporary infrastructure development in the historic centres

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    La ejecución del tramo subterráneo del metropolitano de Granada ha permitido el hallazgo de los restos arqueológicos de la alberca del Alcázar Genil, residencia regia musulmana periurbana del siglo XIII. El Albercón, de 128 × 27 metros, fue devorado en sus extremos durante el crecimiento urbano del siglo XX, salvándose el tramo central pisado por el Camino de Ronda, vial bajo cuyo trazado discurre el metropolitano. El emplazamiento en Alcázar Genil de una estación subterránea posibilitará la integración de los restos arqueológicos de la alberca, recuperándolos, poniéndolos en valor y haciéndolos visitables.El proyecto de la estación Alcázar Genil aúna los esfuerzos conjuntos de diversas disciplinas que ponen al mismo nivel las ingenierías de los siglos XIII y XXI con una visión interdisciplinar básica para abarcar la complejidad de todo el proyecto con el objetivo de compatibilizar las infraestructuras contemporáneas con el pasado oculto bajo la piel de nuestros viejos centros históricos.The execution of the Granada Metropolitan’s underground line made possible the discovery of archeological remains of a water tank in Alcázar Genil, a royal muslim residence of the 13th century. The water tank, 419 × 88 ft, was destroyed at its ends due to the growth of the city of Granada during the 20th century and today remains only its center section, under Camino de Ronda, exactly where the future Metropolitan will take place. The location of an underground station will allow the recovery, the integration and the exhibition of the archaeological remains of this water tank. The Alcázar Genil station project brings together the work of several disciplines which put in the same level engineering of the 13th and of the 20th century. These different teams work in an interdisciplinary approach to respond to the complexity of the entire project. The aim is to make contemporary infrastructures compatible with the past that is hidden under the skin of our historic centres

    A new microporous zeolitic silicoborate (ITQ-52) with interconnected small and medium pores

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    A new zeolite (named as ITQ-52) having large cavities and small and medium channels has been synthesized. This was achieved by using a new family of amino-phosphonium cations as organic structure directing agents (OSDA). These cations contain P−C and P−N bonds, and therefore they lie between previously reported P-containing OSDA, such as tetraalkylphosphonium and phosphazenes. In this study, it has been found that 1,4- butanediylbis[tris(dimethylamino)]phosphonium dication is a very efficient OSDA for crystallization of several zeolites, and in some particular conditions, the new zeolite ITQ-52 was synthesized as a pure phase. The structure of ITQ-52 has been solved using high-resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data of the calcined solid. This new zeolite crystallizes in the space group I2/m, with cell parameters a = 17.511 Å, b = 17.907 Å, c = 12.367 Å, and β = 90.22°. The topology of ITQ-52 can be described as a replication of a composite building unit with ring notation [435461] that gives rise to the formation of an interconnected 8R and 10R channel system.We thank financial support by the Spanish Government (MAT2012-38567-C02-01, MAT2012-38567-C02-02, Consolider Ingenio 2010-Multicat CSD-2009-00050 and Severo Ochoa SEV-2012-0267). R.S. acknowledges to UPV for a FPI predoctoral fellowship. Authors thank ALBA Light Source for beam allocation at beamline MSPD. We thank G. Sastre and J. A. Vidal for computational calculations and MAS NMR experiments, respectively.Simancas Coloma, R.; Jorda Moret, JL.; Rey Garcia, F.; Corma Canós, A.; Cantin Sanz, A.; Peral, I.; Popescu, C. (2014). A new microporous zeolitic silicoborate (ITQ-52) with interconnected small and medium pores. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136(9):3342-3345. doi:10.1021/ja411915cS33423345136