452 research outputs found

    Robert Merle d’Aubigné, 1900–1989

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    This biographical sketch of R. Merle d’Aubigné corresponds to the historic text, The Classic: Functional Results of Hip Arthroplasty with Acrylic Prosthesis, available at DOI 10.1007/s11999-008-0572-1

    Comparative study of intraoperative knee flexion with three different TKR designs

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    SummaryIntroductionSubstantial flexion after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is required for certain categories of patients who wish to squat or kneel in their daily life. Many factors influence this postoperative flexion, including the prosthesis design. It is therefore valuable to in vivo analyze these factors on three knee prosthesis designs through a study of their intraoperative flexion.HypothesisThe posterior-stabilized (PS) knee prostheses provide better intraoperative flexion than the ultracongruent (UC) model. Of the currently available PS models, the high-flexion ones have better intraoperative flexion than standard models. Our main focus endpoint was the intraoperative flexion achieved, before soft-tissues closure, during TKA surgical procedure.Patients and methodsThis was a controlled study. Seventy-two osteoarthritic knees requiring TKA were included to compare three selected prosthesis models: the SAL ultracongruent and two PS models (the standard LPS and the LPS Flex). This was a single-operator study, with patients divided into three homogenous, comparable groups, in which intraoperative measurement of flexion was performed using computer-assisted navigation. Statistical analysis allowed comparison of the three models.ResultsIntraoperatively, after prosthesis implantation, before soft-tissues closure, the mean flexion of the LPS-Flex was 134° versus 124° for the SAL (p=0.0004); the mean flexion of the standard LPS model was 130° versus 124° for the SAL (p=0.14); the PS Flex model showed no significant difference (p=0.26) in flexion (134°) compared to the standard model (130°). The SAL ultracongruent model seemed to be a factor reducing the intraoperative flexion by 8° compared to the PS models (p<10−4).DiscussionIn this study, the PS designs (standard or Flex) provided better intraoperative flexion than the SAL ultracongruent design. However, the LPS Prosthesis did not demonstrate superiority over the standard LPS Prosthesis.Level of evidenceLevel III, low-power prospective study

    Lower Beta: A Central Coordinator of Temporal Prediction in Multimodal Speech

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    How the brain decomposes and integrates information in multimodal speech perception is linked to oscillatory dynamics. However, how speech takes advantage of redundancy between different sensory modalities, and how this translates into specific oscillatory patterns remains unclear. We address the role of lower beta activity (~20 Hz), generally associated with motor functions, as an amodal central coordinator that receives bottom-up delta-theta copies from specific sensory areas and generate top-down temporal predictions for auditory entrainment. Dissociating temporal prediction from entrainment may explain how and why visual input benefits speech processing rather than adding cognitive load in multimodal speech perception. On the one hand, body movements convey prosodic and syllabic features at delta and theta rates (i.e., 1–3 Hz and 4–7 Hz). On the other hand, the natural precedence of visual input before auditory onsets may prepare the brain to anticipate and facilitate the integration of auditory delta-theta copies of the prosodic-syllabic structure. Here, we identify three fundamental criteria based on recent evidence and hypotheses, which support the notion that lower motor beta frequency may play a central and generic role in temporal prediction during speech perception. First, beta activity must respond to rhythmic stimulation across modalities. Second, beta power must respond to biological motion and speech-related movements conveying temporal information in multimodal speech processing. Third, temporal prediction may recruit a communication loop between motor and primary auditory cortices (PACs) via delta-to-beta cross-frequency coupling. We discuss evidence related to each criterion and extend these concepts to a beta-motivated framework of multimodal speech processing

    A comparison of neck bending and flexion measurement methods for assessment of ergonomic risk

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    Head movements of workers were measured in the sagittal plane in order to establish a precise and accurate assessment method to be used in real work situations. Measurements were performed using two inclinometers connected to an embedded recording system. Two quantitative analysis methods were tested, i.e., measurement of bending with an inclinometer attached to the head, and measurement of flexion/extension by using an additional inclinometer located at C7/T1. The results were also compared with a video observation method (qualitative). The results showed that bending measurements were significantly different from those of flexion/extension for angles between 0° and 20°, and angles &gt;45°. There were also significant differences between workers for flexion &gt;45°, reflecting individual variability. Additionally, several limitations of observational methods were revealed by this study

    A systematic review of the use of an expertise-based randomised controlled trial design

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    Acknowledgements JAC held a Medical Research Council UK methodology (G1002292) fellowship, which supported this research. The Health Services Research Unit, Institute of Applied Health Sciences (University of Aberdeen), is core-funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates. Views express are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Left Motor delta Oscillations Reflect Asynchrony Detection in Multisensory Speech Perception

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    During multisensory speech perception, slow delta oscillations (∼1 - 3 Hz) in the listener's brain synchronize with the speech signal, likely engaging in speech signal decomposition. Notable fluctuations in the speech amplitude envelope, resounding speaker prosody, temporally align with articulatory and body gestures and both provide complementary sensations that temporally structure speech. Further, delta oscillations in the left motor cortex seem to align with speech and musical beats, suggesting their possible role in the temporal structuring of (quasi)-rhythmic stimulation. We extended the role of delta oscillations to audio-visual asynchrony detection as a test case of the temporal analysis of multisensory prosody fluctuations in speech. We recorded EEG responses in an audio-visual asynchrony detection task while participants watched videos of a speaker. We filtered the speech signal to remove verbal content and examined how visual and auditory prosodic features temporally (mis-)align. Results confirm (i) that participants accurately detected audio-visual asynchrony, and (ii) increased delta power in the left motor cortex in response to audio-visual asynchrony. The difference of delta power between asynchronous and synchronous conditions predicted behavioural performance, and (iii) decreased delta-beta coupling in the left motor cortex when listeners could not accurately map visual and auditory prosodies. Finally, both behavioural and neurophysiological evidence was altered when a speaker's face was degraded by a visual mask. Together, these findings suggest that motor delta oscillations support asynchrony detection of multisensory prosodic fluctuation in speech.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTSpeech perception is facilitated by regular prosodic fluctuations that temporally structure the auditory signal. Auditory speech processing involves the left motor cortex and associated delta oscillations. However, visual prosody (i.e., a speaker's body movements) complements auditory prosody, and it is unclear how the brain temporally analyses different prosodic features in multisensory speech perception. We combined an audio-visual asynchrony detection task with electroencephalographic recordings to investigate how delta oscillations support the temporal analysis of multisensory speech. Results confirmed that asynchrony detection of visual and auditory prosodies leads to increased delta power in left motor cortex and correlates with performance. We conclude that delta oscillations are invoked in an effort to resolve denoted temporal asynchrony in multisensory speech perception

    Nonlinear description of transversal motion in a laminar boundary layer with streaks

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    The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier-Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results

    Theoretical Properties of Projection Based Multilayer Perceptrons with Functional Inputs

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    Many real world data are sampled functions. As shown by Functional Data Analysis (FDA) methods, spectra, time series, images, gesture recognition data, etc. can be processed more efficiently if their functional nature is taken into account during the data analysis process. This is done by extending standard data analysis methods so that they can apply to functional inputs. A general way to achieve this goal is to compute projections of the functional data onto a finite dimensional sub-space of the functional space. The coordinates of the data on a basis of this sub-space provide standard vector representations of the functions. The obtained vectors can be processed by any standard method. In our previous work, this general approach has been used to define projection based Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) with functional inputs. We study in this paper important theoretical properties of the proposed model. We show in particular that MLPs with functional inputs are universal approximators: they can approximate to arbitrary accuracy any continuous mapping from a compact sub-space of a functional space to R. Moreover, we provide a consistency result that shows that any mapping from a functional space to R can be learned thanks to examples by a projection based MLP: the generalization mean square error of the MLP decreases to the smallest possible mean square error on the data when the number of examples goes to infinity

    The Five Factor Model of personality and evaluation of drug consumption risk

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    The problem of evaluating an individual's risk of drug consumption and misuse is highly important. An online survey methodology was employed to collect data including Big Five personality traits (NEO-FFI-R), impulsivity (BIS-11), sensation seeking (ImpSS), and demographic information. The data set contained information on the consumption of 18 central nervous system psychoactive drugs. Correlation analysis demonstrated the existence of groups of drugs with strongly correlated consumption patterns. Three correlation pleiades were identified, named by the central drug in the pleiade: ecstasy, heroin, and benzodiazepines pleiades. An exhaustive search was performed to select the most effective subset of input features and data mining methods to classify users and non-users for each drug and pleiad. A number of classification methods were employed (decision tree, random forest, kk-nearest neighbors, linear discriminant analysis, Gaussian mixture, probability density function estimation, logistic regression and na{\"i}ve Bayes) and the most effective classifier was selected for each drug. The quality of classification was surprisingly high with sensitivity and specificity (evaluated by leave-one-out cross-validation) being greater than 70\% for almost all classification tasks. The best results with sensitivity and specificity being greater than 75\% were achieved for cannabis, crack, ecstasy, legal highs, LSD, and volatile substance abuse (VSA).Comment: Significantly extended report with 67 pages, 27 tables, 21 figure