15,821 research outputs found

    Ideals of varieties parameterized by certain symmetric tensors

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    The ideal of a Segre variety is generated by the 2-minors of a generic hypermatrix of indeterminates. We extend this result to the case of SegreVeronese varieties. The main tool is the concept of “weak generic hypermatrix” which allows us to treat also the case of projection of Veronese surfaces from a set of generic points and of Veronese varieties from a Cohen-Macaulay subvariety of codimension 2

    Partial stratification of secant varieties of Veronese varieties via curvilinear subschemes

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    We give a partial "quasi-stratification" of the secant varieties of the order dd Veronese variety Xm,dX_{m,d} of Pm\mathbb {P}^m. It covers the set σt(Xm,d)†\sigma_t(X_{m,d})^{\dagger} of all points lying on the linear span of curvilinear subschemes of Xm,dX_{m,d}, but two "quasi-strata" may overlap. For low border rank two different "quasi-strata" are disjoint and we compute the symmetric rank of their elements. Our tool is the Hilbert schemes of curvilinear subschemes of Veronese varieties. To get a stratification we attach to each P∈σt(Xm,d)†P\in \sigma_t(X_{m,d})^{\dagger} the minimal label of a quasi-stratum containing it.Comment: 16 page

    Ab Initio Electron-Phonon Interactions Using Atomic Orbital Wavefunctions

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    The interaction between electrons and lattice vibrations determines key physical properties of materials, including their electrical and heat transport, excited electron dynamics, phase transitions, and superconductivity. We present a new ab initio method that employs atomic orbital (AO) wavefunctions to compute the electron-phonon (e-ph) interactions in materials and interpolate the e-ph coupling matrix elements to fine Brillouin zone grids. We detail the numerical implementation of such AO-based e-ph calculations, and benchmark them against direct density functional theory calculations and Wannier function (WF) interpolation. The key advantages of AOs over WFs for e-ph calculations are outlined. Since AOs are fixed basis functions associated with the atoms, they circumvent the need to generate a material-specific localized basis set with a trial-and-error approach, as is needed in WFs. Therefore, AOs are ideal to compute e-ph interactions in chemically and structurally complex materials for which WFs are challenging to generate, and are also promising for high-throughput materials discovery. While our results focus on AOs, the formalism we present generalizes e-ph calculations to arbitrary localized basis sets, with WFs recovered as a special case

    Test of Universality in the Ising Spin Glass Using High Temperature Graph Expansion

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    We calculate high-temperature graph expansions for the Ising spin glass model with 4 symmetric random distribution functions for its nearest neighbor interaction constants J_{ij}. Series for the Edwards-Anderson susceptibility \chi_EA are obtained to order 13 in the expansion variable (J/(k_B T))^2 for the general d-dimensional hyper-cubic lattice, where the parameter J determines the width of the distributions. We explain in detail how the expansions are calculated. The analysis, using the Dlog-Pad\'e approximation and the techniques known as M1 and M2, leads to estimates for the critical threshold (J/(k_B T_c))^2 and for the critical exponent \gamma in dimensions 4, 5, 7 and 8 for all the distribution functions. In each dimension the values for \gamma agree, within their uncertainty margins, with a common value for the different distributions, thus confirming universality.Comment: 13 figure

    Two theoretical interpretations of the dissonance between fertility intentions and behaviour

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    In the paper we outline two possible theoretical interpretations for the inconsistency often observed between fertility intentions and fertility behaviour. We draw on socio-psychological models of human behaviour which emphasise the role of normative-affective factors on decision-making processes. The first interpretation is based on the observation that family and fertility choices are gradually shifting from a zone where behaviour is normative regulated to a zone of normative indifference, where mere rational decision-making based on cost-benefit considerations is at work. The dissonance between fertility choices and declared intentions depends on the fact that the former are based on rational considerations, while the latter are still constrained by a normative familistic philosophy. The second interpretation assumes the existence of an interposing mechanism in the sequence expectations-behaviour. These mechanisms, as anxiety and avoidance dispositions, filter the passage from individual value orientations in the affective sphere to their actual behaviour. We base our argument on two sets of information. First, we use a survey which allows us to construct empirical indicators of psychological dispositions connected to expectations related to family and fertility behaviours (Abacus 1996, Italy). Second, we analyse 54 non-structured interviews conducted in Northern Italy, which give a detailed picture of the hypothesised mechanisms and suggest new directions for research.

    Sum rules of codon usage probabilities

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    In the crystal basis model of the genetic code, it is deduced that the sum of usage probabilities of the codons with C and A in the third position for the quartets and/or sextets is independent of the biological species for vertebrates. A comparison with experimental data shows that the prediction is satisfied within about 5 %.Comment: 7 page

    Selection bias in dynamically-measured super-massive black hole samples: consequences for pulsar timing arrays

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    Supermassive black hole -- host galaxy relations are key to the computation of the expected gravitational wave background (GWB) in the pulsar timing array (PTA) frequency band. It has been recently pointed out that standard relations adopted in GWB computations are in fact biased-high. We show that when this selection bias is taken into account, the expected GWB in the PTA band is a factor of about three smaller than previously estimated. Compared to other scaling relations recently published in the literature, the median amplitude of the signal at f=1f=1yr−1^{-1} drops from 1.3×10−151.3\times10^{-15} to 4×10−164\times10^{-16}. Although this solves any potential tension between theoretical predictions and recent PTA limits without invoking other dynamical effects (such as stalling, eccentricity or strong coupling with the galactic environment), it also makes the GWB detection more challenging.Comment: 6 pages 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS letter
