15 research outputs found

    Bathymetry time series using high spatial resolution satellite images

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    The use of the new generation of remote sensors, such as echo sounders and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers with di erential correction installed in a drone, allows the acquisition of high-precision data in areas of shallow water, as in the case of the channel of the Encañizadas in the Mar Menor lagoon. This high precision information is the first step to develop the methodology to monitor the bathymetry of the Mar Menor channels. The use of high spatial resolution satellite images is the solution for monitoring many hydrological changes and it is the basis of the three-dimensional (3D) numerical models used to study transport over time, environmental variability, and water ecosystem complexity

    Implementación en un SIG del sistema de cuentas ambientales y económicas del agua- GuaSEEAW

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    El Sistema de Cuentas Ambientales y Económicas del Agua proporciona el marco conceptual para la organización coherente y consistente de la información hídrica y económica. GuaSEEAW (System of Economic and Environmental Accounts for Water in Guadiana River Basin) es un proyecto financiado por la DG de Medio Ambiente de la Comisión Europea, con objeto de analizar la posibilidad de su implementación en el ámbito de una cuenca hidrográfica mediante el uso intensivo de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Las cuentas del agua facilitan a los gestores una nueva perspectiva al contrastar los datos hidrológicos que hasta ahora vienen manejando, junto con la información económica. Desde el sistema de cuentas ambientales y económicas del agua se pueden obtener indicadores para la mejora del conocimiento y gestión de la cuenca.Este trabajo se ha realizado gracias al proyecto GUASEEAW y GUASEEAW+, financiados por la Dirección General de Medio Ambiente de la Comisión Europea

    Aplicaciones en la región de Murcia de la información de ocupación de suelo en España (SIOSE)

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    Finalizadas las tareas del proyecto del Sistema de Información de Ocupación del Suelo en España (SIOSE), se plantea el aprovechamiento de la información obtenida de las múltiples bases de datos geográficas. En esta nueva fase, se ha propuesto desarrollar herramientas que faciliten la explotación de dichas bases de datos geográficas, mediante un conjunto de aplicaciones software. Además, y como un primer paso hacia la integración dentro de una infraestructura de datos espaciales (IDE) regional, ofrecer servicios basados en los estándares de publicación de información espacial en internet según el Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), que permitan la visualización y consul- ta de los datos elaborados, con el objetivo de su difusión con el mayor grado posible.With the project completed, the information system of land use in Spain (SIOSE) takes the opportunity to use the information obtained from multiple geographic databases. In this new phase, it is proposed to develop tools that facilitate the work of these geographic databases through a set of software applications. In addition, as a first step towards integration into a regional spatial data infrastructure (SDI), providing standards-based services for spatial information published online by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) which enable visualization and query the data produced with the aim of its distribution with the greatest possible degree

    Use of Drones for the Topo-Bathymetric Monitoring of the Reservoirs of the Segura River Basin

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    The Segura River Basin (SRB), located in the South East of Spain, has the lowest percentage of renewable water resources of all the Spanish basins. Therefore, knowledge of the annual rate of water reservoir sedimentation is an important issue to be resolved in one of the most water-stressed regions in the western Mediterranean basin. This paper describes the sensors developed in collaboration with technology-based enterprises (aerial drone, floating drone, and underwater drone), and the methodology for integration of the different types of data acquired to monitor the reservoirs of the SRB. The proposed solution was applied to 21 reservoirs of the SRB. The proposed methodology is based on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for photogrammetry of the reservoir surface area. For each reservoir, two flights were completed, with 20 cm and 5 cm resolution, respectively. Then, a triangular irregular network mesh was generated by GIS techniques. Surface water vehicles (USV) and underwater remote-operated vehicles (ROV) were used to undertake bathymetric surveys. In addition, water quality measurements were made with an ROV device. The main results consist of topographic and bathymetric measurements for each reservoir, obtained by using equipment based on OpenSource technology. According to the results, the annual rate of storage capacity loss of water resources in the SRB´s reservoirs is 0.33%

    Interleukin-19 impairment in active Crohn's disease patients

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    The exact function of interleukin-19 (IL-19) on immune response is poorly understood. In mice, IL-19 up-regulates TNFalpha and IL-6 expression and its deficiency increases susceptibility to DSS-induced colitis. In humans, IL-19 favors a Th2 response and is elevated in several diseases. We here investigate the expression and effects of IL-19 on cells from active Crohn"s disease (CD) patient. Twenty-three active CD patients and 20 healthy controls (HC) were included. mRNA and protein IL-19 levels were analyzed in monocytes. IL-19 effects were determined in vitro on the T cell phenotype and in the production of cytokines by immune cells. We observed that unstimulated and TLR-activated monocytes expressed significantly lower IL-19 mRNA in active CD patients than in HC (logFC =21.97 unstimulated; 21.88 with Pam3CSK4; and 21.91 with FSL-1; p<0.001). These results were confirmed at protein level. Exogenous IL-19 had an anti-inflammatory effect on HC but not on CD patients. IL-19 decreased TNFalpha production in PBMC (850.7675.29 pg/ml vs 2626.06350 pg/ml; p<0.01) and increased CTLA4 expression (22.0461.55% vs 13.9862.05%; p<0.05) and IL-4 production (32.568.9 pg/ml vs 13.562.9 pg/ml; p<0.05) in T cells from HC. IL-10 regulated IL-19 production in both active CD patients and HC. We observed that three of the miRNAs that can modulate IL-19 mRNA expression, were up-regulated in monocytes from active CD patients. These results suggested that IL-19 had an anti-inflammatory role in this study. Defects in IL-19 expression and the lack of response to this cytokine could contribute to inflammatory mechanisms in active CD patients