179 research outputs found
Structural stigma and bisexual + people: Effects of the rejection of the Zan Bill in Italy on minority stress and mental health
Bisexualâ+âpeople experience severe forms of structural stigma that are associated to negative mental health outcomes. In order to eradicate hate crimes against LGBTQIAPKâ+âpeople, on the 4th of November 2020, the Italian deputy Alessandro Zan proposed a Bill entitled âMeasures to prevent and combat discrimination and violence on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disabilityâ (also known as âZan Billâ). On October 27, 2021, the Italian Senate silenced the Bill. This study aimed to explore whether a worsening in mental health before and after the Zan Billâs rejection occurred among bisexualâ+âpeople. Data from 299 Italian bisexualâ+âpeople after the Zan Billâs rejection were compared with data on the same measures from 381 Italian bisexualâ+âpeople before the Zan Billâs rejection. We observed a worsening in the levels of discrimination, anticipated and internalized binegativity, resilience, anxiety, and depression after the rejection of the Zan Bill. Outness remained unchanged in the two groups. Results suggested that the rejection of the Zan Bill has had a strong effect on the well-being of Italian bisexualâ+âpeople
Wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera var. silvestris) in Italy: Distribution, characteristics and germplasm preservation-1989 report
Research on the distribution and characteristics of wild grapevines (Vitis vinifera var. silvestris) in Italy was started whose main goals are: the preservation of the germplasm by setting up plant collections;the furthering of biological knowledge about this plant;the study of relations between wild and cultivated grapevines by means of chemotaxonomic techniques;the assessment of the possibility of using wild plants for genetic improvement of grapevines.The gathering of data began in 1984. 221 sites in 15 out of the 20 Italian regions have been indicated as possible locations in which wild grapevines grow. So far, 49 of these sites have been inspected. The greatest number of individuals were found in central Italy. This population is dioecious (male/female = 1.8) with few (2.0 %) hermaphrodite examples.The leaves of the Italian wild grapevines generally have 3 lobes (57 %), but 5 to 7-lobe (36%) and non-lobed (8.9 %) plants exist. Lower variability exists with regard to leaf shape. The study of seed morphology has classified the plants into three groupe, one of which is very numerous.Two germplasm collections have been established with approximately 400 vines
Testing and modelling of multiple-leaf masonry walls under shear and compression
Predicting the behaviour of multiple-leaf masonry walls is a challenging issue, given the influence
of a wide range of factors as the mechanical properties of the leaves, their dimensions and the way they
are connected to each other. In the present paper, experimental results in large specimens are carefully reviewed
together with numerical interpretation of the shear and compressive behaviour of multiple-leaf walls.
Simplified calculations for practical assessment of existing walls are also addressed.MURST â Cof. 2000, 2002
Ikan lele merupakan salah satu sektor perikanan yang unggul dipasaran dan memiliki potensi dalam ketahanan pangan sebagai sumber protein hewani. Kajian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis usaha budidaya ikan lele di Desa Penyandingan, menganalisis potensi budidaya ikan lele pada warga Desa Penyandingan, menyusun alternatif pengembangan usaha budidaya ikan lele dengan metode lainnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini dengan cara melakukan observasi dan wawancara yaitu dengan datang langsung ke tempat budidaya ikan lele dan melakukan wawancara dengan bapak Heri di desa penyandingan kecamatan sirah pulau padang kabupaten ogan komering ilir. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan bahwa ikan lele termasuk kedalam ikan kanibal sehingga kelangsungan hidupnya menjadi rendah. Pemberian pakan untuk ikan lele bersifat bebas, namun tetap harus memperhatikan nutrisi ikan tersebut. Tempat yang harus disediakan untuk ikan lele dapat menggunakan waring. Untuk harga jual yang dipasarkan Rp. 25.000,00/kg dengan kelebihan cepat dan lancar. Sedangkan kelemahan dan kesulitannya adalah pemberian pakan
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Makanan Berbasis Web pada Cafe Surabiku
Café merupakan tempat yang melayani pesanan minuman dan makanan, café juga merupakan salah satu pusat interaksi sosial dimana orang-orang dapat berkumpul, berbicara, menulis, membaca, melawak, atau sekedar mengisi waktu. Pemesanan adalah suatu aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh konsumen sebelum membeli. Untuk mewujudkan kepuasan konsumen maka Perusahaan harus mempunyai sebuah sistem pemesanan yang baik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Sedangkan untuk pengembangan software menggunakan metode waterfall. Pada saat ini Cafe Surabiku mengalami kesulitan dalam melayani pemesanan dan masih menggunakan pencatatan yang belum terkomputerisasi atau masih menggunakan sistem konvesional. Dimana pembeli harus menunggu terlalu lama untuk memesan makanan, selain itu pelayan juga mengalami kesulitan dalam mencatat pesanan secara manual menggunakan kertas. Pencatatan pesanan secara manual kurang efisien dari sisi waktu. Maka untuk mewujudkan kepuasan konsumen dalam pemesanan makanan dibuatlah sebuah rancang bangun sistem informasi pemesanan pemesanan makanan berbasis web dengan menggunakan PHP dan Mysql.
Kata Kunci: Pemesanan, Sistem Informasi, Café, We
Vitis vinifera - a chemotaxonomic approach: Anthocyanins in the skin
The gaining of new knowledge about varietal differences in grapevines can be useful for the designing of genetic improvement programs. More and more, chemical methods complement ampelographic ones in the study of variability in grapevines. This work is aimed at the anthocyanin profiling of red-coloured grapes, of which ca. 120 cultivars were sampled; among these there were a high number of old Italian vines and 30 Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris originating from different areas of Italy. Anthocyanins were HPLC separated and quantified with the aid of an inverse phase microbore column and a photodiode detector. Grapevines were numerically separated in groups using as indexes the percentage of the 5 monoglucosides present, the summations of: acetic esters; malvidin-3-monoglucoside-caffeoate plus all 5 p-coumaric esters; as well as a series of relations correlated to certain enzymatic activities necessary for the esterification of glucosides, hydroxylation and methylation in the biosynthesis of several anthocyanins. Data derived from the study of indexes of varietal enzymatic activity enable us to qualify differences between grapevines linked to the synthesis of anthocyanins. The stability of anthocyanic profiles within the same grape variety enables the use of this technique for taxonomic purposes. This research study discusses the use of this technique for classification and analysis of grape phylogenesis. An in-depth look into the relations between cultivated and wild varieties is given
Enzymatic digestion of calf fleshing meat by-products: Antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activity of protein hydrolysates, and identification of fatty acids
open7noThis research was funded by Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, National Project Cluster Agrifood SO.FI.A. (SOstenibilitĂ della FIliera Agroalimentare) (2013â2017, Grant Number CTN01_00230_450760).The food waste reduction through an efficient recovery of its valuable building molecules has become an important topic with a positive effect on the economy and the environment. In this work, the revalorization of slaughterhouse calf fleshing meat through its enzymatic hydrolysis is proposed. The proteolytic activity of 11 enzymes was initially screened and the four most efficient enzymes (papain, trypsin, pancreatin, and bromelain) were selected. The molecular profiling of the different protein/peptide fractions by the Linear Trap Quadrupole-OrbiTrap technique showed compositional differences due to the specificity of the enzymesâ cleavage sites. In order to find a potential reuse of these hydrolysates, the analysis of antioxidant and, for the first time on fleshing meat hydrolysates, of anti-tyrosinase activities, was performed. Papain-digested samples were those showing the highest inhibition activity of tyrosinase enzyme (55.6%) as well as the highest antioxidant activity (3.52 g TEAC/L). In addition, the composition analysis of the lipid fraction was performed. The mono-unsaturated fatty acids resulted to be the most abundant lipid in all the samples with the exception of pancreatin-treated hydrolysates in which poly-unsaturated fatty acids were predominant. The present results seemed to support a possible valorization of isolated fractions from calf fleshing by-products, as food or feed ingredients, by the implementation of fraction isolation within the meat-processing pipeline.openTedeschi T.; Anzani C.; Ferri M.; Marzocchi S.; Caboni M.F.; Monari S.; Tassoni A.Tedeschi T.; Anzani C.; Ferri M.; Marzocchi S.; Caboni M.F.; Monari S.; Tassoni A
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