487 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical evaluation of iron accumulation in term placenta of preeclamptic patients

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    Preeclampsia is a disease which involves hypertension and multisystem, it effects approximately 2 to 8% of all pregnancies and is a significant cause of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity. It develops in the placenta and its pathogenesis is associated with placental abnormalities. Classical immunohistochemical studies on placenta have shown that there is a linear increase in iron storage in the placenta in the first half of a normal pregnancy, however, these stocks are decreased in normal 3rd trimester placenta. Iron accumulation in term placentas of preeclamptic and normal pregnancies were evaluated in this study. Ferritin immunostaining was observed to be more intense in preeclamptic group than in the control group, especially in Hofbauer cells, subtrophoblastic areas of stem villous, perivasculer stroma and villous stroma. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using SPSS software. Mann Whitney U test was used in the analysis and P values below 0.05 were statistically significant. In this study, iron accumulations in normotensif and preeclamptic placentas werecompared.Key words: Preeclampsia, placenta, immunohistochemistry, iron accumulation

    Effects of experimental diabetes on testis proliferations and apoptosis in rats

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    This work aimed to investigate the role of diabetes on cell proliferation, and apoptosis in testis. The rats were randomly allotted into one of two experimental groups: control and diabetic group; each group contain 10 animals. Diabetes was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ (50 mg/kg). Testicular damage was examined by using hematoxylin and eosin, immunohistochemical staining of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and apoptosis was determined by terminal-deoxynucleotidyl-transferase mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL). Potential disorders associated with seminiferous tubular sperm formation were evaluated using the Johnsen score. The mean seminiferous tubule diameter (MSTD) and mean testicular biopsy score (MTBS) values were significantly decreased in diabetic group was compared to the control group. Our data indicate a significant reduction in the expression of PCNA and an enhancement in the activity of TUNEL in testis tissues of the diabetic group. The effects of diabetes on spermatogenesis can be clearly detected as a testicular cell death and decrease in MTBS, MSTD, and PCNA expression. © 2011 OMU All rights reserved

    “You are the company you keep”: A study of peer pressure on driving

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    Peers play an important role in shaping the behaviours of their counterparts at different stages of life. Studies have shown that peer influence/pressure has a significant role in the traffic environment as well as in many other social settings, especially for risky behaviours. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine age and sex differences in respect of peer pressure and the role of peer pressure on driver behaviour in Türkiye. A total of 405 drivers with a mean age of 23.84 (SD=4.82) years completed an online survey consisting of the Peer Pressure on Risky Driving Scale (PPRDS), the Brief Sensation-Seeking Scale (BSSS) and the Short Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (S-DBQ, measuring aberrant and positive driver behaviour). First, the psychometric structure of the PPRDS, used for the first time in Turkish, was found to support the original structure, addressing direct pressure in the form of risk-encouraging or risk-discouraging and indirect pressure. Indirect pressure was seen to decrease with age for both males and females, whereas risk-discouraging direct pressure increased with age only for males. Sensation-seeking was positively related to aberrant behaviours. Risk-encouraging direct peer pressure and indirect pressure were positively associated with aberrant (risky) driver behaviour, whereas indirect peer pressure was associated with decreased aberrant driving behaviour and increased positive (helpful, polite) driving behaviour. The findings suggested that drivers feel strong peer pressure in traffic, but it varies by age and sex, and this pressure is stronger for young males. These findings have important implications for road safety and intervention studies

    Collective Excitations of (154)Sm nucleus at FEL{gamma}+LHC Collider

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    The production of collective excitations of the (154)Sm at FEL{gamma}+LHC collider is investigated. We show that this machine will be a powerful tool for investigation of high energy level excitations.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 4 table

    Lower bounds for heights in relative Galois extensions

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    The goal of this paper is to obtain lower bounds on the height of an algebraic number in a relative setting, extending previous work of Amoroso and Masser. Specifically, in our first theorem, we obtain an effective bound for the height of an algebraic number α\alpha when the base field K\mathbb{K} is a number field and K(α)/K\mathbb{K}(\alpha)/\mathbb{K} is Galois. Our second result establishes an explicit height bound for any nonzero element α\alpha which is not a root of unity in a Galois extension F/K\mathbb{F}/\mathbb{K}, depending on the degree of K/Q\mathbb{K}/\mathbb{Q} and the number of conjugates of α\alpha which are multiplicatively independent over K\mathbb{K}. As a consequence, we obtain a height bound for such α\alpha that is independent of the multiplicative independence condition

    Spectrophotometric Simultaneous Determination of Caffeine and Paracetamol in Commercial Pharmaceutical by Principal Component Regression, Partial Least Squares and Artificial Neural Networks Chemometric Methods

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    Three multivariate calibration-prediction techniques, principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares (PLS) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were applied to the spectrometric multicomponent analysis of the drug containing paracetamol (PCT) and caffeine (CAF) without any separation step. The selection of variables was studied. A series of synthetic solution containing different concentrations of PCT and CAF were used to check the prediction ability of the PCR, PLS and ANN. The results obtained in this investigation strongly encourage us to apply these techniques for a routine analysis and quality con-trol of the drug.(doi: 10.5562/cca2214

    Magnetic properties of triethylene glycol coated CoFe2O4 and Mn0.2Co0.8Fe2O4 NP's synthesized by polyol method

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    AbstractIn this study, we reported on the structural and magnetic properties of TEG-CoFe2O4 and TEG-Mn0.2Co0.8Fe2O4 nanocomposites produced by the glycothermal reaction (polyol). X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and vibration sample magnetometer (VSM) analysis have been carried out in order to understand the effect of Mn2+ into CoFe2O4 and it was observed that the addition of Mn2+ tends to reduce the crystallite size, increase the ao (cell parameter) and increase the TB. The presence of adsorbed polyol entities on the surface of the CoFe2O4 and Mn0.2Co0.8Fe2O4 NP's was also proven by TG measurements. FT-IR analysis suggested the presence of adsorbed TEG molecules on the surface of CoFe2O4 and Mn0.2Co0.8Fe2O4 NP's

    Synthesis and size differentiation of Ge nanocrystals in amorphous SiO 2

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    Germanosilicate layers were grown on Si substrates by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and annealed at different temperatures ranging from 700-1010 °C for durations of 5 to 60 min. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to investigate Ge nanocrystal formation in SiO 2:Ge films. High-resolution cross section TEM images, electron energy-loss spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) data indicate that Ge nanocrystals are present in the amorphous silicon dioxide films. These nanocrystals are formed in two spatially separated layers with average sizes of 15 and 50 nm, respectively. EDX analysis indicates that Ge also diffuses into the Si substrate

    Perspective of turkish medicine students on cancer, cancer treatments, palliative care, and oncologists (ares study): A study of the palliative care working committee of the turkish oncology group (TOG)

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    Cancer is one of the most common causes of death all over the World (Rahib et al. in Cancer Res 74(11):2913–2921, 2014; Silbermann et al. in Ann Oncol 23(Suppl 3):iii15–iii28, 2012). It is crucial to diagnose this disease early by effective screening methods and also it is very important to acknowledge the community on various aspects of this disease such as the treatment methods and palliative care. Not only the oncologists but every medical doctor should be educated well in dealing with cancer patients. Previous studies suggested various opinions on the level of oncology education in medical schools (Pavlidis et al. in Ann Oncol 16(5):840–841, 2005). In this study, the perspectives of medical students on cancer, its treatment, palliative care, and the oncologists were analyzed in relation to their educational status. A multicenter survey analysis was performed on a total of 4224 medical school students that accepted to enter this study in Turkey. After the questions about the demographical characteristics of the students, their perspectives on the definition, diagnosis, screening, and treatment methods of cancer and their way of understanding metastatic disease as well as palliative care were analyzed. The questionnaire includes questions with answers and a scoring system of Likert type 5 (absolutely disagree = 1, completely agree = 5). In the last part of the questionnaire, there were some words to detect what the words “cancer” and “oncologist” meant for the students. The participant students were analyzed in two study groups; “group 1” (n = 1.255) were phases I and II students that had never attended an oncology lesson, and “group 2” (n = 2.969) were phases III to VI students that had attended oncology lessons in the medical school. SPSS v17 was used for the database and statistical analyses. A value of p < 0.05 was noted as statistically significant. Group 1 defined cancer as a contagious disease (p = 0.00025), they believed that early diagnosis was never possible (p = 0.042), all people with a diagnosis of cancer would certainly die (p = 0.044), and chemotherapy was not successful in a metastatic disease (p = 0.003) as compared to group 2. The rate of the students that believed gastric cancer screening was a part of the national screening policy was significantly more in group 1 than in group 2 (p = 0.00014). Group 2 had a higher anxiety level for themselves or their family members to become a cancer patient. Most of the students in both groups defined medical oncologists as warriors (57% in group 1 and 40% in group 2; p = 0.097), and cancer was reminding them of “death” (54% in group 1 and 48% in group 2; p = 0.102). This study suggested that oncology education was useful for the students’ understanding of cancer and related issues; however, the level of oncology education should be improved in medical schools in Turkey. This would be helpful for medical doctors to cope with many aspects of cancer as a major health care problem in this country. © 2018, American Association for Cancer Education