332 research outputs found

    The cartilage matrisome in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    The human spinal column is a dynamic, segmented, bony, and cartilaginous structure that protects the neurologic system and simultaneously provides balance and flexibility. Children with developmental disorders that affect the patterning or shape of the spine can be at risk of neurologic and other physiologic dysfunctions. The most common developmental disorder of the spine is scoliosis, a lateral deformity in the shape of the spinal column. Scoliosis may be part of the clinical spectrum that is observed in many developmental disorders, but typically presents as an isolated symptom in otherwise healthy adolescent children. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has defied understanding in part due to its genetic complexity. Breakthroughs have come from recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and next generation sequencing (NGS) of human AIS cohorts, as well as investigations of animal models. These studies have identified genetic associations with determinants of cartilage biogenesis and development of the intervertebral disc (IVD). Current evidence suggests that a fraction of AIS cases may arise from variation in factors involved in the structural integrity and homeostasis of the cartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM). Here, we review the development of the spine and spinal cartilages, the composition of the cartilage ECM, the so-called "matrisome" and its functions, and the players involved in the genetic architecture of AIS. We also propose a molecular model by which the cartilage matrisome of the IVD contributes to AIS susceptibility

    Comparative Genomic Characterization of the Multimammate Mouse Mastomys coucha.

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    Mastomys are the most widespread African rodent and carriers of various diseases such as the plague or Lassa virus. In addition, mastomys have rapidly gained a large number of mammary glands. Here, we generated a genome, variome, and transcriptomes for Mastomys coucha. As mastomys diverged at similar times from mouse and rat, we demonstrate their utility as a comparative genomic tool for these commonly used animal models. Furthermore, we identified over 500 mastomys accelerated regions, often residing near important mammary developmental genes or within their exons leading to protein sequence changes. Functional characterization of a noncoding mastomys accelerated region, located in the HoxD locus, showed enhancer activity in mouse developing mammary glands. Combined, our results provide genomic resources for mastomys and highlight their potential both as a comparative genomic tool and for the identification of mammary gland number determining factors

    Deletion of Ultraconserved Elements Yields Viable Mice

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    Ultraconserved elements have been suggested to retain extended perfect sequence identity between the human, mouse, and rat genomes due to essential functional properties. To investigate the necessities of these elements in vivo, we removed four noncoding ultraconserved elements (ranging in length from 222 to 731 base pairs) from the mouse genome. To maximize the likelihood of observing a phenotype, we chose to delete elements that function as enhancers in a mouse transgenic assay and that are near genes that exhibit marked phenotypes both when completely inactivated in the mouse and when their expression is altered due to other genomic modifications. Remarkably, all four resulting lines of mice lacking these ultraconserved elements were viable and fertile, and failed to reveal any critical abnormalities when assayed for a variety of phenotypes including growth, longevity, pathology, and metabolism. In addition, more targeted screens, informed by the abnormalities observed in mice in which genes in proximity to the investigated elements had been altered, also failed to reveal notable abnormalities. These results, while not inclusive of all the possible phenotypic impact of the deleted sequences, indicate that extreme sequence constraint does not necessarily reflect crucial functions required for viability

    Gain-of-Function R225W Mutation in Human AMPKγ3 Causing Increased Glycogen and Decreased Triglyceride in Skeletal Muscle

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    BACKGROUND: AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a heterotrimeric enzyme that is evolutionarily conserved from yeast to mammals and functions to maintain cellular and whole body energy homeostasis. Studies in experimental animals demonstrate that activation of AMPK in skeletal muscle protects against insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and obesity. The regulatory gamma(3) subunit of AMPK is expressed exclusively in skeletal muscle; however, its importance in controlling overall AMPK activity is unknown. While evidence is emerging that gamma subunit mutations interfere specifically with AMP activation, there remains some controversy regarding the impact of gamma subunit mutations. Here we report the first gain-of-function mutation in the muscle-specific regulatory gamma(3) subunit in humans. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We sequenced the exons and splice junctions of the AMPK gamma(3) gene (PRKAG3) in 761 obese and 759 lean individuals, identifying 87 sequence variants including a novel R225W mutation in subjects from two unrelated families. The gamma(3) R225W mutation is homologous in location to the gamma(2)R302Q mutation in patients with Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome and to the gamma(3)R225Q mutation originally linked to an increase in muscle glycogen content in purebred Hampshire Rendement Napole (RN-) pigs. We demonstrate in differentiated muscle satellite cells obtained from the vastus lateralis of R225W carriers that the mutation is associated with an approximate doubling of both basal and AMP-activated AMPK activities. Moreover, subjects bearing the R225W mutation exhibit a approximately 90% increase of skeletal muscle glycogen content and a approximately 30% decrease in intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG). CONCLUSIONS: We have identified for the first time a mutation in the skeletal muscle-specific regulatory gamma(3) subunit of AMPK in humans. The gamma(3)R225W mutation has significant functional effects as demonstrated by increases in basal and AMP-activated AMPK activities, increased muscle glycogen and decreased IMTG. Overall, these findings are consistent with an important regulatory role for AMPK gamma(3) in human muscle energy metabolism

    Structural Relationships between Highly Conserved Elements and Genes in Vertebrate Genomes

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    Large numbers of sequence elements have been identified to be highly conserved among vertebrate genomes. These highly conserved elements (HCEs) are often located in or around genes that are involved in transcription regulation and early development. They have been shown to be involved in cis-regulatory activities through both in vivo and additional computational studies. We have investigated the structural relationships between such elements and genes in six vertebrate genomes human, mouse, rat, chicken, zebrafish and tetraodon and detected several thousand cases of conserved HCE-gene associations, and also cases of HCEs with no common target genes. A few examples underscore the potential significance of our findings about several individual genes. We found that the conserved association between HCE/HCEs and gene/genes are not restricted to elements by their absolute distance on the genome. Notably, long-range associations were identified and the molecular functions of the associated genes do not show any particular overrepresentation of the functional categories previously reported. HCEs in close proximity are found to be linked with different set of gene/genes. The results reflect the highly complex correlation between HCEs and their putative target genes

    Multiplex, single-cell CRISPRa screening for cell type specific regulatory elements

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    CRISPR-based gene activation (CRISPRa) is a strategy for upregulating gene expression by targeting promoters or enhancers in a tissue/cell-type specific manner. Here, we describe an experimental framework that combines highly multiplexed perturbations with single-cell RNA sequencing (sc-RNA-seq) to identify cell-type-specific, CRISPRa-responsive cis-regulatory elements and the gene(s) they regulate. Random combinations of many gRNAs are introduced to each of many cells, which are then profiled and partitioned into test and control groups to test for effect(s) of CRISPRa perturbations of both enhancers and promoters on the expression of neighboring genes. Applying this method to a library of 493 gRNAs targeting candidate cis-regulatory elements in both K562 cells and iPSC-derived excitatory neurons, we identify gRNAs capable of specifically upregulating intended target genes and no other neighboring genes within 1 Mb, including gRNAs yielding upregulation of six autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) risk genes in neurons. A consistent pattern is that the responsiveness of individual enhancers to CRISPRa is restricted by cell type, implying a dependency on either chromatin landscape and/or additional trans-acting factors for successful gene activation. The approach outlined here may facilitate large-scale screens for gRNAs that activate genes in a cell type-specific manner

    Methods for adjusting population structure and familial relatedness in association test for collective effect of multiple rare variants on quantitative traits

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    Because of the low frequency of rare genetic variants in observed data, the statistical power of detecting their associations with target traits is usually low. The collapsing test of collective effect of multiple rare variants is an important and useful strategy to increase the power; in addition, family data may be enriched with causal rare variants and therefore provide extra power. However, when family data are used, both population structure and familial relatedness need to be adjusted for the possible inflation of false positives. Using a unified mixed linear model and family data, we compared six methods to detect the association between multiple rare variants and quantitative traits. Through the analysis of 200 replications of the quantitative trait Q2 from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data set simulated for 697 subjects from 8 extended families, and based on quantile-quantile plots under the null and receiver operating characteristic curves, we compared the false-positive rate and power of these methods. We observed that adjusting for pedigree-based kinship gives the best control for false-positive rate, whereas adjusting for marker-based identity by state slightly outperforms in terms of power. An adjustment based on a principal components analysis slightly improves the false-positive rate and power. Taking into account type-1 error, power, and computational efficiency, we find that adjusting for pedigree-based kinship seems to be a good choice for the collective test of association between multiple rare variants and quantitative traits using family data