364 research outputs found

    A combined method for calculating the trajectories of suspended particles

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    © 2016, Allerton Press, Inc.A combined method for calculating the trajectories of suspended particles in the hydrodynamic velocity fields is proposed. The method utilizes capabilities of existing CFD codes and parallel computing on a computer with a graphics card that supports CUDA technology. The software package that implements the method is described


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    The article sketches the history of the Malaysian financial system which is a unique two-component system combining conventional and Islamic financial institutions in the banking, insurance and stock market areas. Malaysia was the first state to adopt in 1983 the law “On Islamic Finance”, which allowed in a short time to create a complete financial system based on fair competition and interconnection of two financial models: the traditional loan model and the Islamic model. The author shows an important role of government bodies (in particular, of the Central Bank and the Securities Commission of Malaysia) in the establishment, management and development of the Islamic financial sector and monitoring the integrity of the entire financial system. The author briefly describes characteristics of Islamic finance and Islamic finance products. Currently, Malaysia is an acknowledged leader in Islamic finance, it occupies the first places in terms of number of operations on the Islamic capital markets, in the banking and insurance areas and it continues to set ambitious goals and achieve them; it shows to other states how function the two-component financial system.Статья посвящена истории развития финансовой системы Малайзии, представляющей собой уникальную двухкомпонентную систему, состоящую из сочетания традиционных и исламских финансовых институтов в банковской, страховой системе и фондовом рынке. Малайзия первая приняла в 1983 г. закон «Об исламских финансах», что в короткие сроки позволило сформировать полноценную финансовую систему, построенную на взаимосвязи и честной конкуренции двух финансовых моделей - традиционной ссудной и исламской. Автор показывает значительную роль государственных структур (в частности, Центрального банка и Комиссии по ценным бумагам Малайзии) в становлении, регулировании, развитии исламского финансового сектора и контроля целостности всей финансовой системы. Кратко представлены особенности исламских финансов и исламские финансовые продукты. В настоящее время Малайзия, будучи признанным лидером исламских финансов, занимающая первые места по объемам операций на исламских фондовых рынках, в банковской и страховой системе, продолжает ставить амбициозные задачи и решать их, показывая пример другим государствам, идущим по пути формирования двухкомпонентной финансовой системы


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    The article analyzes one of the latework of the outstanding Tatar theologiMusa Bigiyev “Al-jami’a al-Islamiya al-’ilmiya” (Islamic Scientific University), where he introduces a concept for the training of highly qualified Muslim theologists, who would be ready to take responsibility for passing legal theological resolutions that would meets the modern needs of the Muslim community.Статья посвящена анализу одной из последних работ выдающегося татарского богослова Мусы Бигиева Аль-джамиʻа аль-исламийа аль-ʻилмийа («Исламский научный университет»), в которой им была представлена концепция подготовки высококвалифицированных мусульманских богословов, готовых взять на себя ответственность по вынесению богословско- правовых заключений, отвечающих современным потребностям мусульманского сообщества

    Modelling of the evolution of a droplet cloud in a turbulent flow

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    The effects of droplet inertia and turbulent mixing on the droplet number density distribution in a turbulent flow field are studied. A formulation of the turbulent convective diffusion equation for the droplet number density, based on the modified Fully Lagrangian Approach, is proposed. The Fully Lagrangian Approach for the dispersed phase is extended to account for the Hessian of transformation from Eulerian to Lagrangian variables. Droplets with moderate inertia are assumed to be transported and dispersed by large scale structures of a filtered field in the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) framework. Turbulent fluctuations, not visible in the filtered solution for the droplet velocity field, induce an additional diffusion mass flux and hence additional dispersion of the droplets. The Lagrangian formulation of the transport equation for the droplet number density and the modified Fully Lagrangian Approach (FLA) make it possible to resolve the flow regions with intersecting droplet trajectories in the filtered flow field. Thus, we can cope successfully with the problems of multivalued filtered droplet velocity regions and caustic formation. The spatial derivatives for the droplet number density are calculated by projecting the FLA solution on the Eulerian mesh, resulting in a hybrid Lagrangian–Eulerian approach to the problem. The main approximations for the method are supported by the calculation of droplet mixing in an unsteady one-dimensional flow field formed by large-scale oscillations with an imposed small-scale modulation. The results of the calculations for droplet mixing in decaying homogeneous and isotropic turbulence are validated by the results of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) for several values of the Stokes number

    The self-diffusion of macromolecules in binary blends of poly(ethylene glycol)

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    The concentration and molecular mass dependencies of the self-diffusion coefficients were obtained for higher molecular mass component in binary blends of the homopolymer poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) by a nuclear magnetic resonance method with pulsed magnetic field gradient. The shape of the diffusion decay and its dependence on the diffusion observation time in binary PEG blends have been investigated. The experimental results were explained by hypothesizing the existence of cluster formation in polymer melts and polymer blends and the possibility of molecular exchange between clusters. The entanglement time in such systems was evaluated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Mathematical modeling of di-ethyl-hexyl-sebacate nanoparticle formation in a free turbulent jet under high nucleation rate conditions

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd.Mathematical modeling of di-ethyl-hexyl-sebacate (DEHS) nanoparticle formation due to homogeneous nucleation, condensation and coagulation in a hot free turbulent jet issuing into a colder environment is performed. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations are used to describe the fluid flow. The aerosol dynamics is treated by transforming the general dynamic equation into moment equations which are closed by assuming a lognormal shape of the particle size distribution. The contribution of condensation and coagulation to particle formation in the case of high saturation ratios and nucleation rates is studied. The sensitivity of the model to existing approximations of the vapor saturation pressure curve and the ambient temperatures is analyzed. The influence of the main control parameters of the system, such as vapor saturation temperature and nozzle exit velocity, on the aerosol characteristics formed in the turbulent jet is investigated


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    The paper describes the author’s view on the current political and financial challenges facing the Russian Federation, particularly aggravated by recent economic crises, falling export prices and sanctions of some Western countries. Proofs of the need to revise the concept and strategy of the country’s development as well as the basic principles used in financial interrelations are provided. The author comes to the conclusion about the urgency and need to develop alternative finance, primarily based on Islamic financial principles (conformant to the Islamic law). Islamic financial institutions, in particular, should be partners for the fast growing sector of the halal products and services production.В статье представлен авторский взгляд на современные политические и финансовые проблемы, стоящие перед Российской Федерацией, особенно обострившиеся в связи с недавними экономическими кризисами, снижением цен на экспортные товары и санкциями ряда западных стран. Приводятся доказательства необходимости пересмотра концепции и стратегии развития страны, а также основных принципов, используемых в финансовых взаимоотношениях. Автор приходит к выводу об особой актуальности и необходимости развития альтернативных финансов, прежде всего построенных на исламских финансовых принципах (соответствующих исламскому праву). Именно исламские финансовые институты должны быть партнерами для растущего быстрыми темпами сектора производства халяльных товаров и услуг

    Spin Density Distribution in a Nitroxide Biradical Containing 13C-Enriched Acetylene Groups in the Bridge: DFT Calculations and EPR Investigation

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    Abstract A specially synthesized nitroxide biradical R6-13C:C-p-C6H4–C:13CR6,B3, where R6 = 1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine nitroxide, has been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). Spin density distribution and hyperfine splitting (hfs) constant on 13C atoms calculations for biradical B3 were carried out using B3LYP and PBE0 functionals and several different basis sets including N07 family and were compared with the experimental value of the hfs constant on 13C atoms, measured from ENDOR spectra of B3. The mechanism of the intramolecular electron spin exchange in B3 biradical is discussed

    Models of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) initial conversion by yeasts

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    The original models of the initial steps of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) conversion by yeasts are presented. Saccharomyces sp. ZS-A1 reduced nitro groups of TNT producing isomeric monohydroxylaminodinitrotoluenes (HADNT) as the key initial metabolites (molar ratio HADNT/TNT was up to 0.81), whereas aminodinitrotoluenes (ADNT) and the hydride-Meisenheimer complex of TNT (H-TNT) were the minor products. Conversely, Candida sp. AN-L13 transformed TNT almost quantitatively into H-TNT, thus realizing the alternative attack, consisting of the TNT aromatic ring reduction. The third type of conversion, revealed in Candida sp. AN-L14, is the combination of both above mechanisms and produces an equimolar mix of HADNT and H-TNT. In the toxicity tests with Paramecium caudatum, the supernatant of Saccharomyces sp. ZS-A1, which converts TNT into HADNT, was most toxic while the supernatant of Candida sp. AN-L13 (TNT→H-TNT) was least toxic. The microorganisms converting TNT quantitatively to the reactive metabolites can be useful for their immobilization through the detoxifying interaction with the soil components such as humic compounds. © 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved