285 research outputs found

    Investigation of the influence of technological conditions of microarc oxidation of magnesium alloys on their structural state and mechanical properties

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    Наведені дослідження структури і властивостей покриттів, отриманих при мікродуговій обробці на магнієвому сплаві. Обробка проводилася при анодно-катодному режимі в лужному електроліті з різними домішками. Показана можливість формування кристалічних оксидних покриттів різного фазового складу (MgO, MgAl₂O₄, Mg₂Sі₄, Mg₃(PO₄)₂) товщиною до 300 мкм, що мають високу адгезію з основою, гарні захисні властивості і високу твердість, яка досягає 6,6 ГПа

    Peasant Reform of 1861 in Reflection of Regional Press (“Vyatskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti”)

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    The question of how the abolition of serfdom in 1861 was covered in the Russian regional press is considered in the article. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, using the example of “Vyatskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti”, it is shown how publications about the peasant reform changed in 1861—1911. The conclusion is made about the importance of regional official publications for the formation of public opinion, which contributed to the transformation. The greatest attention is paid to publications of the 1860s, since it was during this period that the newspaper showed the greatest interest in the reform, which needed public support. The author notes that on the pages of “Gubernskiye Vedomosti” a variety of materials were published on the abolition of serfdom. They performed the functions of informing, popularizing transformations, establishing interaction with the public, and others. It is shown that the Manifesto of February 19, 1861, the circulars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on peasant affairs, extracts from the journals of the “provincial presence on peasant affairs” informed the population about the progress of the reform, presenting ways to resolve the arising problems. It is concluded that the news and journalistic articles demonstrated an expression of loyal gratitude to Alexander II the Liberator from various strata of the population, especially peasants

    Peasants in self-government bodies in the second half of the XIX and early XX century (based on the materials of Vyatka province)

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    The article aims to study the problem of peasants participation in the bodies of rural, volost (parish), and Zemstvo self-government in the 18601910-ies. It uses new documents from the funds of the Vyatka Governor Office and the Vyatka Provincial Presence of the Central State Archive of the Kirov Region. The article notes the important role of the abolition of serfdom and land reform in changing the forms of peasants social activity. The author concludes that the peasants had a common approach to rural and Zemstvo elections. The composition of the population of Vyatka province also influenced the election results. The article particularly examines the territorial (zemsky) district chiefs reports, the elected officials petitions, and state that the majority of peasants perceived public service as a heavy duty that distracts from agricultural labor. Therefore, peasants preferred middle-aged candidates had a profitable farm. Such householders might not be literate, but they used their life and business experience in public service and did not harm their household. The article analyzes the composition and journals of Zemstvo assemblies and comes to the conclusion that such peasants were interested in social activities. Long-term service in various Zemstvo positions, defending their point of view during meetings of Zemstvo assemblies are evidence of this interest. The author examines archival documents and notes the patronizing attitude of territorial (zemsky) district chiefs and other local administrative officials towards the peasantry. They used constant communication and good knowledge of the peasants in organizing the elections

    Effect of electrolysis regimes on the structure and properties of coatings on aluminum alloys formed by anode-cathode microarc oxidation

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    Наведено результати дослідження фазового складу і властивостей МДО-покриттів на алюмінієвих сплавах. Покриття були одержані в лужно-селікатному електроліті на змінному сінусоідальному струмі і в імпульсному режимі струму. Показано, що підвищена щільність мікророзрядів при імпульсної технології збільшує сумарну енергію, що виділяється в них. Це обумовлює підвищення швидкості зростання оксидного покриття і ймовірність утворення α-Al₂O₃ фази. Одержані при мікроплазмове оксидуванні в імпульсному струмовому режимі покриття мають високу твердість і електричну міцніст

    Statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of impurities in the snow cover in the vicinity of copper mine in the Middle Ural of Russia

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    Statistical analysis of the monitoring data of industrial enterprises influence zones is an important part of the researches related to natural environment changes. In present study, a cluster analysis of the elemental composition of the snow cover in the vicinity of a copper mine was carried out. The data were obtained as a result of the chemical analysis of the snow samples collected during annual environmental monitoring in the region of Rezh town (the Middle Ural of Russia), where Safyanovsky Copper Mine and Rezhevsky Nickel Plant are located. The elements identified by chemical analysis were grouped according to the strength of the correlation bond. The cluster analysis of these groups made it possible to identify and separate the influence zones of the Plant, Mine and other industrial objects located in the area. The obtained results became the basis for adjusting the snow cover monitoring scheme. © 2018 Author(s).The research is supported by the project of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences No. 18-5-2345-56

    Unusual Infrared Spectrum of Ethane Adsorbed by Gallium Oxide

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    Training algorithms for artificial neural network in predicting of the content of chemical elements in the upper soil layer

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    Models based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in recent years are increasingly being used in environmental studies. Among the many types of ANN, the network type Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) has become most widespread. Such networks are universal, simple, and suitable for most tasks. The main problem when modelling using MLP is the choice of the learning algorithm. In this paper, we compared several learning algorithms: Levenberg-Marquart (LM), LM with Bayes regularization (BR), gradient descent (GD), and GD with the speed parameter setting (GDA). The data for modelling were taken from the results of the soil screening of an urbanized area. The spatial distribution of the chemical element Chromium (Cr) in the surface layer of the soil was simulated. The structure of the MLP network was chosen using computer simulations based on minimization of the root mean squared error (RMSE). The model using the LM training algorithm showed the best accuracy. © 2018 Author(s)