746 research outputs found

    Possible ways to write ourselves in curriculum - teacher education - science knowledge

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    We report on an international collaboration between three teacher educator writers and researchers. We present our ways of investigating and reflecting on our practice through writing and our writings as ways of investigating our researching on teaching and learning science. We borrow from Pasolini (1990) and Deleuze and Guattari (1977) to affirm the possibility of resisting with/in reflexivity as we try to rewrite experiences of teaching in a plane of deconstruction. In this communication, understanding teachig as communicative, dialogic, we present our questioning around the centrality of knowlegde in the discussion of curriculum and teacher education

    Strong Ramsey games: Drawing on an infinite board

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    Consider the following strong Ramsey game. Two players take turns in claiming a previously unclaimed edge of the complete graph on n vertices until all edges have been claimed. The first player to build a copy of K5 is declared the winner of the game. If none of the players win, then the game ends in a draw. A simple strategy stealing argument shows that the second player cannot expect to ever win this game. Moreover, for sufficiently large n, it follows from Ramsey’s Theorem that the game cannot end in a draw and is thus a first player win. A famous question of Beck asks whether the minimum number of moves needed for the first player to win this game on Kn grows with n. This seems unlikely but is still wide open. A striking equivalent formulation of this question is whether the same game played on the infinite complete graph is a first player win or a draw. The target graph of the strong Ramsey game does not have to be K5, it can be any predetermined fixed graph. In fact, it can even be a k-uniform hypergraph (and then the game is played on the infinite k-uniform hypergraph). Since strategy stealing and Ramsey’s Theorem still apply, one can ask the same question: is this game a first player win or a draw? The same intuition which lead most people (including the authors) to believe that the K5 strong Ramsey game on the infinite board is a first player win, would also lead one to believe that the H strong Ramsey game on the infinite board is a first player win for any uniform hypergraph H. However, in this paper we construct a 5-uniform hypergraph for which the corresponding game is a draw

    Influence of pre-strain and bake hardening on the static and fatigue strength of a DP600 steel sheet

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    The influence of pre-strain on the tensile and fatigue properties of a dual phase DP600 steel was studied. The material was pre-strained by uni-axial tension in rolling and transverse direction. Thereafter, specimens were cut from the deformed plates in parallel or orthogonal to pre-strain direction. It was found that pre-strain increases yield and tensile strength. Results suggested that strain path change primarily affects the elastic-plastic transition during early stage of reloading. Pre-strained specimens showed an increase in high cycle regimes as a consequence of yield strength increment, irrespective of imposed pre-straining direction. A modified stress life equation that accounts for pre-strain was proposed and showed good agreement with experimental data. Bake hardening enhanced both tensile and high cycle fatigue resistance. Walker equation was successfully fitted to account for tensile mean stress. In low cycle fatigue, negligible influence of pre-strain was observed due to cyclic softening and residual stress relaxation

    Mean-field analysis of a dynamical phase transition in a cellular automaton model for collective motion

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    A cellular automaton model is presented for random walkers with biologically motivated interactions favoring local alignment and leading to collective motion or swarming behavior. The degree of alignment is controlled by a sensitivity parameter, and a dynamical phase transition exhibiting spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry occurs at a critical parameter value. The model is analyzed using nonequilibrium mean field theory: Dispersion relations for the critical modes are derived, and a phase diagram is constructed. Mean field predictions for the two critical exponents describing the phase transition as a function of sensitivity and density are obtained analytically.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final version as publishe

    The effect of skin fatty acids on Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a commensal of the human nose and skin. Human skin fatty acids, in particular cis-6-hexadecenoic acid (C-6-H), have high antistaphylococcal activity and can inhibit virulence determinant production. Here, we show that sub-MIC levels of C-6-H result in induction of increased resistance. The mechanism(s) of C-6-H activity was investigated by combined transcriptome and proteome analyses. Proteome analysis demonstrated a pleiotropic effect of C-6-H on virulence determinant production. In response to C-6-H, transcriptomics revealed altered expression of over 500 genes, involved in many aspects of virulence and cellular physiology. The expression of toxins (hla, hlb,hlgBC) was reduced, whereas that of host defence evasion components (cap, sspAB, katA) was increased. In particular, members of the SaeRS regulon had highly reduced expression, and the use of specific mutants revealed that the effect on toxin production is likely mediated via SaeRS

    A role of oligodendrocytes in information processing

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    Myelinating oligodendrocytes enable fast propagation of action potentials along the ensheathed axons. In addition, oligodendrocytes play diverse non-canonical roles including axonal metabolic support and activity-dependent myelination. An open question remains whether myelination also contributes to information processing in addition to speeding up conduction velocity. Here, we analyze the role of myelin in auditory information processing using paradigms that are also good predictors of speech understanding in humans. We compare mice with different degrees of dysmyelination using acute multiunit recordings in the auditory cortex, in combination with behavioral readouts. We find complex alterations of neuronal responses that reflect fatigue and temporal acuity deficits. We observe partially discriminable but similar deficits in well myelinated mice in which glial cells cannot fully support axons metabolically. We suggest a model in which myelination contributes to sus- tained stimulus perception in temporally complex paradigms, with a role of metabolically active oligodendrocytes in cortical information processing

    Stat1 nuclear translocation by nucleolin upon monocyte differentiation

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    BACKGROUND: Members of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) family of transcription factors traverse the nuclear membrane through a specialized structure, called the nuclear pore complex (NPC), which represents a selective filter for the import of proteins. Karyophilic molecules can bind directly to a subset of proteins of the NPC, collectively called nucleoporins. Alternatively, the transport is mediated via a carrier molecule belonging to the importin/karyopherin superfamily, which transmits the import into the nucleus through the NPC. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we provide evidence for an alternative Stat1 nuclear import mechanism, which is mediated by the shuttle protein nucleolin. We observed Stat1-nucleolin association, nuclear translocation and specific binding to the regulatory DNA element GAS. Using expression of nucleolin transgenes, we found that the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of nucleolin is responsible for Stat1 nuclear translocation. We show that this mechanism is utilized upon differentiation of myeloid cells and is specific for the differentiation step from monocytes to macrophages. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data add the nucleolin-Stat1 complex as a novel functional partner for the cell differentiation program, which is uniquely poised to regulate the transcription machinery via Stat1 and nuclear metabolism via nucleolin

    Dislocation-induced structural and luminescence degradation in InAs quantum dot emitters on silicon

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    We probe the extent to which dislocations reduce carrier lifetimes and alter luminescence and growth morphology in InAs quantum dots (QD) grown on silicon. These heterostructures are key ingredients to achieving a highly reliable monolithically integrated light source on silicon necessary for photonic integrated circuits. We find up to 20-30% shorter carrier lifetimes at spatially resolved individual dislocations from both the QD ground and excited states at room temperature using time-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy. These lifetimes are consistent with differences in the intensity measured under steady-state excitation suggesting that trap-assisted recombination limits the minority carrier lifetime, even away from dislocations. Our techniques also reveal the dramatic growth of misfit dislocations in these structures under carrier injection fueled by recombination-enhanced dislocation glide and III-V/Si residual strain. Beyond these direct effects of increased nonradiative recombination, we find the long-range strain field of misfit dislocations deeper in the defect filter layers employed during III-V/Si growth alter the QD growth environment and introduce a crosshatch-like variation in the QD emission color and intensity when the filter layer is positioned close to the QD emitter layer. Sessile threading dislocations generate even more egregious hillock defects that also reduce emission intensities by altering layer thicknesses, as measured by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. Our work presents a more complete picture of the impacts of dislocations relevant for the development of light sources for scalable silicon photonic integrated circuits.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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