163 research outputs found


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    The issues related to the principles of administrative and legal regulation of forensic activity in cases of administrative offenses related to traffic collisions are considered. Attention is focused on division of the principles of forensic activity into general and special ones. The general and special principles of administrative and legal regulation of forensic activity in cases of administrative offenses related to traffic collisions are defined. Currently, the number of traffic collisions in Ukraine is growing at a high pace resulting in increase in the number of trials on administrative offenses related to traffic collisions and, as a result, the number of road-accident analyses in cases of administrative offenses is increasing. Many scientists considered issues related to the principles of administrative and legal principles of administrative and legal regulation of forensic activity in cases of administrative offenses related to traffic collisions. In connection with the above, the issue of principles of administrative and legal regulation of forensic activity in cases of administrative offenses related to traffic accidents has become more topical. Research results have shown that special principles are closely linked to general principles. It was also established that general principles of administrative law which are applied in the field of administrative and legal regulation of forensic activity in cases of administrative offenses related to traffic collisions, are the principles of the rule of law, legality, independence; objectivity; research integrity, responsibility, independence. Accordingly, special principles are also independence, objectivity and integrity of research, the principle of integrated study of materials on cases of administrative offenses, the principle of narrow specialization. While conducting research, it also have been established that special principles are closely linked to general principles.Розглянуто принципи адміністративно-правового регулювання судово-експертної діяльності у справах про адміністративні правопорушення, пов’язані з дорожньо-транспортними пригодами. Принципи судово-експертної діяльності розподілено на загальні та спеціальні. Виявлено загальні та спеціальні принципи адміністративно-правового регулювання судово-експертної діяльності у справах про адміністративні правопорушення, пов’язані з дорожньо-транспортними пригодами. Визначено також, що спеціальні принципи тісно пов’язані із загальними


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    During investigation of road-traffic accidents with tramways participation, investigative bodies are interested in the causes which, from the technical point of view, could lead to coming-off of a tram from rails. In the paper the case in which two drivers of separate tram cars took part, is considered. Circumstances of road traffic accident consist in the following. During transit of the first tram through automated turnout in the moment when the first bogie of the first tram has already proceeded the switch, and the second has not yet, there was shift of a point rail, that is, there was a shift of rail for the movement in other direction. As a result of it the first bogie of the first tram has continued movement in the same direction, and the second bogi has started to move in another direction. In other words there has occurred turnout incut. In order to check operation of a turnout, various modes of its operation were simulated. Also experimental transits of tram cars were carried out. The obtained data has allowed to draw up a conclusion that the cause of the first tram coming-off from rails was a technical malfunction switch and coincidence of certain circumstances. That is, on the one hand, automatic moving ofpoint switch occurred only for tram movement to the left. On the other hand, the reason of the first tram descent from a railway was that the driver of the second tram has passed entrance harp during the moment when the first tram still was in a pass stage of switch. In article the algorithm of the specialist actions in a similar situation during carrying out of investigatory experiment is resulted and the list of questions solved at carrying out of switch researches, which works in an automatic mode at the moment of traffic accident occurrence is stated.Розглянуто питання, які стосуються експертних методів дослідження при технічному аналізі дорожньо-транспортної пригоди за участю трамвая. Наведено порядок дій спеціаліста, судового експерта на слідчих експериментах, який дозволяє встановити технічну причину виникнення пригоди при сході трамвайного вагона на стрілочному переводі, що працював в автоматичному режимі на момент пригоди. Запропоновано перелік питань, що вирішуються при проведенні таких досліджень


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    While investigating traffic accidents that took place during darkness hours on unlighted area of carriage way, investigating authorities are interested in reasons that, from a technical point of view, could lead vehicle to run down a pedestrian or a stationary obstacle, to a collision of vehicles. Furthermore, while performing research on technical condition of a vehicle lighting system using modern equipment, forensic autotechnician experts are faced with problems related to the lack of skills in using such equipment. Moreover, while solving certain issues related to the technical state of lighting system, posed questions are not fully disclosed by forensic autotechnician experts, “narrow” conclusions are made, so far as during examining technical state of vehicle lighting system, most forensic autotechnician experts do not apply to State Standard DSTU 3649:2010 requirements. This article details the order of actions of specialists, forensic experts while performing research on technical state of the vehicle lighting system using the modern OMA 684D device. The minimum values of headlamp intensity for certain types of headlights bulbs in according to Rules ECE UNO (Economic Commission for Europe the United Nations Organization) requirements are described. Recommendations for use of DSTU 3649:2010 are given while performing research technical condition of vehicle lighting system. To obtain result values in candelas, as required by DSTU 3649:2010, the calculation of the translation of the values of headlamps light intensity from luxes to candelas is offered. Minimum and maximum values of the headlamps light intensity for certain types of light distribution according to DSTU 3649:2010 are also indicated. The decoding of headlight types with values of light intensity is given. For better perception of the correctness of the research results, images of the control points location depending on the type of light distribution are indicated.При расследовании дорожно-транспортных происшествий, которые имели место в темное время суток, на неосвещенном участке проезжей части, следственные органы интересуют причины, которые, с технической точки зрения, могли привести к наезду транспортного средства на пешехода или неподвижное препятствие, к столкновению транспортных средств. Кроме того, при проведении исследований технического состояния системы освещения транспортных средств, с применением современного оборудования, судебные эксперты-автотехники сталкиваются с проблемами, связанными с отсутствием навыков использования такого оборудования. Также, при решении определенных вопросов, связанных с техническим состоянием системы освещения, поставленные вопросы раскрываются экспертами-автотехниками не в полном объеме, делаются «узкие» выводы, поскольку при исследовании технического состояния системы освещения транспортных средств большинство экспертов-автотехников не обращаются к требованиям ГОСТ ДСТУ 3649:2010. В статье подробно рассмотрен порядок действий специалистов, судебных экспертов при проведении исследования технического состоянии системы освещения транспортного средства, с использованием современного прибора ОМА 684D. Приведены минимальные значения интенсивности света фар для определенных типов ламп фар согласно требованиям Правил ЕЭК ООН (Европейская экономическая комиссия Организации объединeнных наций). Даны рекомендации по использованию ГОСТ ДСТУ 3649:2010 при проведении исследования технического состояния системы освещения транспортных средств. Для получения значений результатов в канделах, как этого требует ГОСТ ДСТУ 3649:2010, приведен расчет перевода значений силы света фар из люксов в канделы. Также указаны минимальные и максимальные значения силы света фар для определенных типов светораспределения в соответствии с ГОСТ ДСТУ 3649:2010. Дана расшифровка типов фар с указанными значениями силы света. Для лучшего восприятия правильности получения результатов исследования показаны изображения расположения контрольных точек в зависимости от типа светораспределения.Розглянуто питання, які стосуються експертних методів дослідження технічного стану системи освітлення транспортних засобів із використанням сучасного обладнання. Наведено порядок дій спеціаліста, судового експерта при огляді й дослідженні системи освітлення транспортних засобів, який дозволяє встановити з достатньою точністю її технічний стан, використовуючи сучасні прилади та прийомі дослідження

    A Validation System for the Complex Event Processing Directives of the ATLAS Shifter Assistant Tool

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    Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a methodology that combines data from many sources in order to identify events or patterns that need particular attention. It has gained a lot of momentum in the computing world in the past few years and is used in ATLAS to continuously monitor the behaviour of the data acquisition system, to trigger corrective actions and to guide the experiment's operators. This technology is very powerful, if experts regularly insert and update their knowledge about the system's behaviour into the CEP engine. Nevertheless, writing or modifying CEP rules is not trivial since the used programming paradigm is quite different with respect to what developers are normally familiar with. In order to help experts verify that the rules work as expected, we have thus developed a complete testing and validation environment. This system consists of three main parts: the first is the data reader from existing storage of all relevant data streams that are produced during data taking, the second is a playback tool that allows to re-inject data of specific data taking sessions from the past into the CEP engine, and the third is a reporting tool that shows the output that the rules loaded into the engine would have produced in the live system. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of this validation system, highlight its strengths and shortcomings and indicate how such a system could be reused in similar projects.Facultad de Informátic

    Performance and scalability of the back-end sub-system in the ATLAS DAQ/EF prototype

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    The DAQ group of the future ATLAS experiment has developed a prototype system based on the trigger/DAQ architecture described in the ATLAS Technical Proposal to support studies of the full system functionality, architecture as well as available hardware and software technologies. One sub-system of this prototype is the back- end which encompasses the software needed to configure, control and monitor the DAQ, but excludes the processing and transportation of physics data. The back-end consists of a number of components including run control, configuration databases and message reporting system. The software has been developed using standard, external software technologies such as OO databases and CORBA. It has been ported to several C++ compilers and operating systems including Solaris, Linux, WNT and LynxOS. This paper gives an overview of the back-end software, its performance, scalability and current status. (17 refs)

    Валидация XTT-теста для оценки антипролиферативной активности препаратов на основе моноклональных антител

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    Using the example of Herceptin (Roche) a method of assessing the antiproliferative activity of monoclonal antibodies using tetrazolium salt was developed. The method is based on spectrometric measurement of the level of formazan transformed by living cells from a water soluble salt XTT. The level of formazan is proportional to the number of viable cells. The technique was in terms of specificity, calibration curve, accuracy and precision.Методика оценки антипролиферативной активности препаратов моноклональных антител с применением соли те-тразолия XTT отработана на примере препарата Герцептин™ («Roche»). Метод основан на спектрометрическом анализе уровня формазана, трансформированного живыми клетками из водорастворимой тетразоливой соли ХТТ. Уровень формазана пропорционален количеству жизнеспособных клеток. Методика была валидирована по показателям: специфичность, линейность, правильность и прецизионность

    Verification and Diagnostics Framework in ATLAS Trigger/DAQ

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    Trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ) systems for modern HEP experiments are composed of thousands of hardware and software components depending on each other in a very complex manner. Typically, such systems are operated by non-expert shift operators, which are not aware of system functionality details. It is therefore necessary to help the operator to control the system and to minimize system down-time by providing knowledge-based facilities for automatic testing and verification of system components and also for error diagnostics and recovery. For this purpose, a verification and diagnostic framework was developed in the scope of ATLAS TDAQ. The verification functionality of the framework allows developers to configure simple low-level tests for any component in a TDAQ configuration. The test can be configured as one or more processes running on different hosts. The framework organizes tests in sequences, using knowledge about components hierarchy and dependencies, and allowing the operator to verify the functionality of any subset of the system. The diagnostics functionality includes the possibility to analyze the test results and diagnose detected errors, e.g. by starting additional tests and understanding reasons of failures. A conclusion about system functionality, error diagnosis and recovery advice are presented to the operator in a GUI. The current implementation uses the CLIPS expert system shell for knowledge representation and reasoning.Comment: Paper for the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003 (presented as poster). Format: PDF, using MSWord template, 5 pages, 6 figures. PSN TUGP00

    Distinct Regions of the Large Extracellular Domain of Tetraspanin CD9 Are Involved in the Control of Human Multinucleated Giant Cell Formation

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    Multinucleated giant cells, formed by the fusion of monocytes/macrophages, are features of chronic granulomatous inflammation associated with infections or the persistent presence of foreign material. The tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 regulate multinucleated giant cell formation: soluble recombinant proteins corresponding to the large extracellular domain (EC2) of human but not mouse CD9 can inhibit multinucleated giant cell formation, whereas human CD81 EC2 can antagonise this effect. Tetraspanin EC2 are all likely to have a conserved three helix sub-domain and a much less well-conserved or hypervariable sub-domain formed by short helices and interconnecting loops stabilised by two or more disulfide bridges. Using CD9/CD81 EC2 chimeras and point mutants we have mapped the specific regions of the CD9 EC2 involved in multinucleated giant cell formation. These were primarily located in two helices, one in each sub-domain. The cysteine residues involved in the formation of the disulfide bridges in CD9 EC2 were all essential for inhibitory activity but a conserved glycine residue in the tetraspanin-defining ‘CCG’ motif was not. A tyrosine residue in one of the active regions that is not conserved between human and mouse CD9 EC2, predicted to be solvent-exposed, was found to be only peripherally involved in this activity. We have defined two spatially-distinct sites on the CD9 EC2 that are required for inhibitory activity. Agents that target these sites could have therapeutic applications in diseases in which multinucleated giant cells play a pathogenic role