112 research outputs found

    Organizations of the sphere of education and science methods of competitiveness improvement

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    In the present article, the author researches, on the example of the chemistry sector organizations, state of the competitiveness of organizations in the sphere of education and science in the Russian Federation. The author points out that education and science, has a great impact on the entire producing economy of the country. This makes questions of efficiency and competitiveness of great interest and interest. In the conclusion the author points out that currently in the Russian Federation research and educational organizations has a lot of problems that need to be solved. Because of the research author make 5 scientifically proven ways to facilitate efficiency and competitiveness of the organizations of education and science.peer-reviewe

    Operational management of enterprise structures in the sphere of education and science : problems and methods for their solution

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    In the present article the author examines the practices and problems of information and communication technologies (including the Internet) to improve the organization and management of educational institutions of higher education and research institutions in the Russian Federation at the present stage of information-communication technologies implementation for optimization of scientific, educational and administrative processes. During the study, the author examines the functionality of various software and hardware complexes of Russian and foreign production. Attention is paid to software products from Microsoft and of Sun, however, without neglecting products, developed by the Russian software companies. During the study, the author draws attention to the specific features of the structure of the major educational institutions of higher education and scientific organizations in the Russian Federation. It is noted, that in view of significant geographical remoteness (and not only in one subject of the Russian Federation, but also a variety of subjects of Russian Federation, which are often located in different federal districts) of different structural units of the introduction of information and communication technologies can not only speed up the process, but also significantly save costs and increase control. In the conclusion the author presents five scientifically proven points.peer-reviewe

    Regulatory Technologies in the AML/CFT

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    Currently, the AML / CFT sphere is actively developing and many highly skilled specialists are involved in it. However, there are many crimes in this area: criminals use more and more complicated ways of legalizing criminal proceeds, which are almost impossible for anticipation and prevention at the exact period. In the fight against ML/FT regulatory technologies come to the rescue.Regulatory technologies are a necessary part of effective AML / CFT systems. The article includes a brief overview and history of the emergence of "regulating technologies", reflects the main directions of development of the regtech on the world market of information technologies at present and possible prospects for development in the nearest future. In addition, the article reveals the benefits of applying regulatory technologies in order to improve control, security, cost reduction and time to eliminate vulnerabilities in existing AML / CFT systems.The article describes how the development of regtech innovations can improve the accessibility and quality of financial services for individuals, companies and communities and achieve the FATF goals of combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other threats to the integrity of the international financial system. Keywords: AML / CFT, FATF, AML / CFT systems, legalization, RegTech technologies

    Genetic Structure of Mongolic-Speaking Kalmyks

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/humbiol/vol73/iss6/4.Genetic polymorphisms of blood groups ABO and RH D, serum proteins HP, TF, and GC, and red cell enzymes ACP1, PGM1, ESD, GLO1, and SOD-A have been reported for three tribes (Torguts, Derbets, and Buzavs) of the Volga’s Kalmyk-Oyrats. The Kalmyks exhibit genetic markers that are characteristic of Central Asian populations, namely, high allelic frequencies for ABO*B, TF*C2, GC*1F, ESD*2, and GLO1*2, and the rare incidence of individuals with the RH-negative phenotype. Genetic distance measures reveal that close genetic affinities exist between the Derbets and Buzavs, but both populations differ significantly from the Torguts. Collectively as an ethnic group, the Kalmyks genetically resemble the contemporary Buryats of the Baikal region of southeastern Siberia and the Mongols of Mongolia. The transplantation of the Kalmyk-Oyrats from their homeland near Lake Baikal to their current residence (4500 km) near the Caspian Sea and their subsequent isolation for more than 300 years have not appreciably altered the gene frequencies from the parental populations for frequencies of standard genetic markers

    Philosophical view on the problem of degradation and regeneration as potential trends in interethnic communication culture

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    The authors introduce and discuss a theory that looks at a contemporary Russian society as a community rapidly losing skills necessary for successful cross-cultural communication which entails not only the ability to communicate in the international space, but also knowledge related to cultural characteristics, national traditions, customs and history of different nations that is essential in building a cognitive basis for developing respectful relations to other national cultures and their representatives. It is the knowledge and understanding of other nation’s features and culture that forms the basis for developing the culture of interethnic dialogue. The purpose of the paper is to distinguish the factors that contributed to the destruction of the interethnic communication culture and tolerance crisis in the modern multiethnic space society. It is closely connected with a task of determining the conditions that could bring to the regeneration of interethnic communication as it is now considered the most important strategy for ensuring civilizational security. The polyphonic approach to study interethnic communication problems has been used as in a study to provide insights for the variable and subjective understanding of this phenomenon from the point of view of its integrity, versatility, variability, consistency, equivalence and equality of all the components of this phenomenon items. The authors have identified a number of factors that influence intensively the degradation process in interethnic communication. These factors include the destruction of a single international ideology, growth of national extremism, lack of effective national policy of the Russian state and the monoethnization in the national republics of Russia. The authors introduce their view on the principles of regeneration of the interethnic dialogue culture which imply the need for knowledge and understanding of traditions related to interethnic communication participants, understanding and improving relationships between ethnic groups, equality of the parties of communication, recognition of equal rights and obligations within the borders of the common civilization, a system of institutions involved in the reproduction process and ensuring its effectiveness. © 2019, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved


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    In this article, author discusses model of analysis assessing the financial condition of the educational organization of higher education. Author analyzes the sequence (algorithm) analysis of fi nancial and economic activity of the educational organization of higher education in the process of separating the analysis of questions of the analysis of the state educational institutions of higher education and non-state educational institutions of higher education. Author also deals with the determination of the average annual values of indicators of educational institution of higher education. In conclusion, the author makes a scientifi cally-based own conclusions and gives a number of suggestions.Goal / task. Aim of the article is to identify further ways of optimizing the financial condition of the educational organization of higher education.Methodology. Author started his research with the setting and the formulation of research objectives. The author defined the subject of the study, prepared by the empirical basis of the study.Results. According to the results of the study produced five research-based fi ndings presented in the article.Conclusions / signifi cance. 1. Analysis of the financial condition of the educational institutions of higher education can be defi ned as a complex and complex economic studies to identify patterns of the system factors in the financial well-being, the subject of analysis of educational, teaching, research and related activities.2. Integral assessment of the conditions of the financial analysis of the educational institution of higher education leads to the conclusion that it should include a number of stages.3. Analysis of the financial condition of the educational institution of higher education should be characterized as a specific type of analytical work. However, it is obvious that it can not be a simple kind of financial analysis of its object, and is a special form of research. The most significant feature of the specifics in this case, is to focus on the qualitative characteristics of the object of analysis. This circumstance is particularly evident the need for a recalculation of analytical coefficients certain functional units.4. As the base of the latest analyzes of the financial condition of educational institutions of higher education must take into account some specific features of the organization of existing property relations in each educational institution of higher education, the presence (or absence) of the fund earmarked funding, the configuration information database analysis, the status of various species financing concept category of business, elected approaches to assessing the financial condition.5. In many ways, traditional financial analysis of the educational institution of higher education can (and should) be supported by using methodologically taken from the analytical account of the results of research and development concepts in the analysis of changes in allocation of intangible assets, as the main characteristics of the financial status of the educational institution of higher education reflecting the final positive results of non-profit activities: the production of highly educated professionals, research results, including those for which the educational institution of higher education has received the exclusive rights, the growth of professional skill of scientific and pedagogical personnel engaged a certain position in the rankings, which reflect the quality of education in educational institutions of higher education and others.В настоящей статье автором рассматриваются модели анализа оценки финансового состояния образовательной организацией высшего образования. Автор анализирует последовательность (алгоритма) проведения анализа финансово-хозяйственной деятельности образовательной организации высшего образования выделяя в процессе анализа вопросы анализа государственных образовательных организаций высшего образования и негосударственных образовательных организаций высшего образования. Автором также рассматриваются вопросы определения среднегодовых значений показателей образовательной организации высшего образования. В заключении автор делает научно обоснованные собственные выводы и дает ряд предложений.Цель / задачи. Целью статьи является выявление дальнейших путей оптимизации оценки финансового состояния образовательной организацией высшего образования.Задачи статьи. Выработать доктринальные основы приемлемой на сегодня модели анализа финансового состояния современной отечественной образовательной организации высшего образования.Методология. Автор начал свое исследование с постановки и формирования цели исследования. Автором определен предмет исследования, подготовлена эмпирическая база исследования.Результаты. По результатам проведенного исследования выработано 5 научно-обоснованных выводов, представленных в статье.Выводы / значимость.1. Анализ финансового состояния образовательного учреждений высшего профессионального образования может быть определен в качестве сложного и комплексного вида экономических исследований, призванного выявлять закономерности действия системы факторов финансового благополучия при осуществлении субъектом анализа образовательной, педагогической, научно-исследовательской и смежных с ними видов деятельности.2. Интегральная оценка условий анализа финансового состояния образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования позволяет сделать вывод о том, что он должен включать ряд этапов.3. Анализ финансового состояния образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования следует характеризовать также как специфический вид аналитической деятельности. Однако, очевидно, что он не может представлять собой простую разновидность финансового анализа по его объекту, а является особенной формой исследования. Наиболее весомой чертой специфики в данном случае является ориентация на качественную характеристику объекта анализа. Это обстоятельство, в частности, проявляется в необходимости применения пересчета аналитических коэффициентов на определенные функциональные единицы.4. В качестве базы новейших аналитических исследований финансового состояния образовательных учреждений высшего профессионального образования необходимо учитывать некоторые специфические особенности организации действующих отношений собственности в каждом конкретном образовательном учреждении высшего профессионального образования, наличие (либо отсутствие) фонда целевого финансирования, конфигурацию информационной базы анализа, состояние различных видов финансирования, концепцию категории предпринимательской деятельности, избранные подходы к оценке финансового состояния.5. Во многих аспектах традиционный анализ финансового состояния образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования может (и должен) быть методологически подкреплен использованием заимствованной из аналитического учета результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности концепции выделения в анализе изменений нематериальных активов, как основной характеристики финансового состояния образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования, отражающей конечные положительные результаты некоммерческой деятельности: выпуск высокообразованных специалистов, результаты научных исследований, в том числе те, на которые образовательные учреждение высшего профессионального образования получило исключительные права, рост квалификации научно-педагогического персонала, занятие определенной позиции в рейтингах, отражающих качество образования в образовательных учреждениях высшего профессионального образованиях и др

    Regional investment policy: Analysis and assessment of the investment environment state

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    © the authors. The urgency of the problem studied in the paper is conditioned by the fact that stable functioning and development of economic entities, sectors of the economy, regions and the country cannot be carried out without investments. In the modern economy of the Russian Federation, whose conditions of existence can be called non-stationary, one of the problems is attracting investment resources into economic activity and overcoming the conditions for slowing and stopping the growth of the country's economy caused by external unfavorable economic circumstances. In connection with the foregoing, the policy of attracting and managing investments in the regions of the Russian Federation, with a view to ensuring conditions for overcoming the crisis phenomena and resuming the economic growth of the country and its subjects is of particular interest. The intensification of the state investment policy is a core prerequisite for the transition of the economy to sustainable growth. However, in economic market conditions the state is not able to solve this problem to the full. Therefore, the process of activating investment policy at the regional level is becoming topical. The purpose of the paper is to study the management and implementation of investment policy in the region on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan, the analysis and assessment of the investment environment's state. The leading method to research this problem is the statistical one, which is a method of quantitative analysis of a set of homogeneous facts that determine in the aggregate the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. The paper presents the results of assessing the socio-economic development of the region, analyzes the indicators that allow characterizing the investment environment's state. The paper also presents the strategic priorities of the region's investment activities, analyzes the opportunities for their implementation in conditions of non-stationary state, and makes sound conclusions about the need to activate regional investment policies. The materials of the paper are of practical value for specialists dealing with the implementation of the investment policy of the region. © Authors. Terms and conditions of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) apply

    Learning, Memory, and the Role of Neural Network Architecture

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    The performance of information processing systems, from artificial neural networks to natural neuronal ensembles, depends heavily on the underlying system architecture. In this study, we compare the performance of parallel and layered network architectures during sequential tasks that require both acquisition and retention of information, thereby identifying tradeoffs between learning and memory processes. During the task of supervised, sequential function approximation, networks produce and adapt representations of external information. Performance is evaluated by statistically analyzing the error in these representations while varying the initial network state, the structure of the external information, and the time given to learn the information. We link performance to complexity in network architecture by characterizing local error landscape curvature. We find that variations in error landscape structure give rise to tradeoffs in performance; these include the ability of the network to maximize accuracy versus minimize inaccuracy and produce specific versus generalizable representations of information. Parallel networks generate smooth error landscapes with deep, narrow minima, enabling them to find highly specific representations given sufficient time. While accurate, however, these representations are difficult to generalize. In contrast, layered networks generate rough error landscapes with a variety of local minima, allowing them to quickly find coarse representations. Although less accurate, these representations are easily adaptable. The presence of measurable performance tradeoffs in both layered and parallel networks has implications for understanding the behavior of a wide variety of natural and artificial learning systems