46 research outputs found

    Оценка состояния питания и пищевого статуса детей раннего возраста южного региона = Assessment of the nutrition status of infants in South region

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    Velichko V. I., Danilchuk G. A., Kolotvin L. I., Chernetskaya A. V. Оценка состояния питания и пищевого статуса детей раннего возраста южного региона = Assessment of the nutrition status of infants in South region. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(11):548-556. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.192832http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4042    The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.11.2016. Revised 22.11.2016. Accepted: 30.11.2016. ОЦЕНКА СОСТОЯНИЯ ПИТАНИЯ И ПИЩЕВОГО СТАТУСА ДЕТЕЙ РАННЕГО ВОЗРАСТА ЮЖНОГО РЕГИОНА В. И. Величко, Г. А. Данильчук, Л. И. Колотвина, А. В. Чернецкая  Одесский национальный медицинский университет Резюме. Актуальность. Разбалансированное питание в раннем детском возрасте нередко приводит к нарушению состояния здоровья ребенка, в том числе к задержке психического развития, нарушению механизмов адаптации и снижению иммунологической защиты. Изучение и оценка фактического питания детей раннего возраста и его влияния на здоровье и развитие младенцев позволит разработать необходимые рекомендации как для родителей, так и для врачей. Цель исследования: изучить распространенность грудного вскармливания среди детей грудного возраста, проживающих в южных регионах Украины (Одесской, Николаевской и Херсонской областях). Результаты. Проведен комплексный анализ фактического питания детей раннего возраста, получены данные о сроках прикладывания ребенка к груди и докармливании смесями в роддоме, продолжительности грудного вскармливания, частоте включения в питание кормящей матери и ребенка цельного коровьего молока и молочных продуктов. Выводы. Установлено, что распространенность грудного вскармливания остается недостаточной, отмечается недостаточная осведомленность женщин о принципах грудного вскармливания, 33,8% детей докармливаются смесью в родильном доме.Ключевые слова: дети в возрасте 0-12 мес, фактическое питание, режим питания, продолжительность грудного вскармливания.  ASSESSMENT OF THE NUTRITION STATUS OF INFANTS INSOUTH REGION V. I. Velichko, G. A. Danilchuk, L. I. Kolotvin, A. V. Chernetskaya  Odessa National Medical UniversityAbstractRelevance. Unbalanced nutrition in early childhood often leads to disruption of the state of children's health, including mental retardation, disturbance of the mechanisms of adaptation and reduction of immunological protection. The study and evaluation of actual nutrition of infants and its impact on the health and development of infants will develop the necessary guidance for parents and for doctors. Objective: to study the prevalence of breastfeeding among infants living in the southern regions of Ukraine (Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions). Results. The complex analysis of actual nutrition of young children, the data on the timing of applying the child to her breast and supplemental foods mixtures in hospital, duration of breastfeeding, the frequency of inclusion in the nutrition nursing mother and baby cow's milk and dairy products. Conclusions. It was found that the prevalence of breastfeeding is insufficient, there is a lack of awareness of the principles of women breastfeeding, 33.8% of children finish feeding mixture in the maternity hospital. Key words: children aged 0-12 months, the actual nutrition, diet, duration of breastfeeding

    The Use of Mechanically Activated Micronized Coal in Thermal Power Engineering

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    Coal is one of the main energy resources and development of new promising technologies on its basis is certainly topical. This article discusses the use of new technology of gas and fuel oil replacement by mechanically activated micronized coal in power engineering: ignition and stabilization of pulverized coal flame combustion, as well as gasification of micronized coal in the flow. The new technology coal combustion with two stages of grinding is suggested. Optimization of the scheme of two-stage combustion is calculated. The first experimental data on the combustion process are obtained. The first demonstration tests on gas and heavy oil replacement by micronized coal during boiler ignition were carried out in the real power boiler with the capacity of 320 tons of steam per hour

    Characteristics of Personal Value Motivational Sphere in Psychologists and Psychiatrists

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    Introduction. This study investigates the characteristics of personal value motivational sphere in psychologists and psychiatrists at the stage of professional self-realization. Previous studies in this field have mainly been focused on studying the formation of psychological readiness for work at the stage of professional training or when entering into professional activity. Further stages of the professionalization of physicians and psychologists are most often considered in the context of professional burnout. The presence of stressful situations and emotional tension are characteristic of professional activities of psychologists and psychiatrists. This study compares the characteristics of value motivational sphere in these professional groups. Methods. The study used the following techniques: (a) Diagnostics of Personal Motivational Structure, (b) Personality Orientation, (c) Cognitive Orientation, (d) MAS, (e) Motivation of Affiliation, (f) Motivation of Labor Activity, (g) Value Orientations, (h) Assessment of Satisfaction of Needs by the Method of Paired Comparisons, and (i) Degree of Tension. The differences between the two groups were assessed using Fisher’s angular transformation. Results. This study revealed certain differences in personal value motivational sphere in psychiatrists and psychologists. In the group of psychiatrists personal motivational orientation is more related to social status and livelihood. General activity and social utility are most important characteristics in the group of psychologists. Besides, psychologists are characterized by a high level of cognitive needs; needs for self-realization and social needs are more important for psychiatrists. The findings of the study correlate well with the characteristics of value orientations. Thus, the instrumental value of ‘education’ is more important for psychologists; the value of ‘tolerance’ is more important for psychiatrists. Discussion. The authors suggest that in the process of professional self-realization certain characteristics of value motivational sphere in psychiatrists and psychologists may contribute to the formation of their successful professional activity. On the contrary, there are characteristics of value motivational sphere that may lead to emotional burnout

    Analysis of passenger traffic in large transport hubs

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    В статье рассмотрены основные направления развития внутригородских и пригородно-городских пассажирских перевозок в крупных транспортных узлах. Выполнен ана- лиз состояния пассажирских перевозок в крупных транс- портных узлах и анализ развития и функционирования транспортно-пересадочных узлов. Освещены основные причины изменения функций и структуры транспортно- пересадочных узлов. Выполнен анализ отечественного опыта формирования и развития транспортно- пересадочных узлов. Рассмотрены основные причины, определяющие выбор пассажиром способа перемещения и вида транспортных средств. Предложены методики сокращения времени поездки пассажиров внутри города, мегаполиса, пригорода.У статті розглянуті основні напрямки розвитку внутрішньоміських, приміських і міських пасажирських перевезень у великих транспортних вузлах. Виконано ана- ліз стану пасажирських перевезень у великих транспорт- них вузлах і аналіз розвитку і функціонування транспорт- но-пересадочних вузлів. Висвітлено основні причини зміни функцій і структури транспортно-пересадочних вузлів. Виконано аналіз вітчизняного досвіду формування і роз- витку транспортно-пересадочних вузлів. Розглянуто ос- новні чинники, що визначають вибір пасажиром способу переміщення та виду транспортних засобів. Запропоно- вано методики скорочення часу поїздки пасажирів всере- дині міста, мегаполіса, передмістя.In article basic directions of development urban and pe- ri-urban passenger transport in major transport hubs. The analysis state passenger transport in major transport hubs and analysis development and operation transport hubs. When covering the main causes of changes in the functions and structure transport hubs. The analysis national experience in the formation and development transportation hubs. The main factors determining choice of method passenger movement and type vehicle. The techniques reducing travel time of pas- sengers within city, city, suburb. Optimal organization of public transport heavily dependent on transportation factors. In the case uncontrolled development individual transport, resulting in overloading road network and deterioration ecological environment, to improve the traffic situation at the same time measures should be aimed at limiting use of individual transport. Currently, passengers using urban and suburban public transport, can be divided into three groups according to their priorities, determining the attractiveness particular mode of transport

    Quality of life, psychological and autonomic nervous system assessment in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Сахарный диабет приводит к стойкой потере работоспособности и снижению качества жизни пациентов. Проведенное исследование позволило выявить некоторую закономерность: показано существование прямой связи между наличием избыточной массы тела, гликемическим контролем и уровнем качества жизни пациентов с сахарным диабетом 2 типа. Наибольший показатель качества жизни был ассоциирован с наилучшим в выборке гликемическим контролем и отсутствием у пациентов избыточной массы тела; проявления вегетативной дисфункции у пациентов с сахарным диабетом 2 типа на фоне избыточной массы тела могут значительно влиять на качество жизни наравне с другими факторами.Prevalence of chronic disease is traditionally measured with morbidity and mortality assessment, but in the recent years health-related quality of life is being given more and more attention. Diabetes is a major cause of permanent disability and significant decrease in quality of life

    Влияние природы функциональных групп химических модификаторов на термическую стабильность нефтяного битума

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    It has been established that introduction of adhesives, containing groups reactive towards asphaltens, into the bitumen causes its colloid structure change. This in turn affects the irreversible change processes caused by air oxygen and elevated temperature. Maximal deceleration of thermo-oxidative destruction processes is effected by additives containing phosphate groups, either individually or together with amino groups, as the result of their interaction with bitumen asphaltens.Исследовано влияние адгезионных добавок, содержащих аминогруппы, свободные кислотные группы фосфорной кислоты, а также композицию этих групп, на изменение коллоидной структуры битума и оценена возможность ее стабилизации к процессам термоокислительной деструкции. Установлено, что максимальным модифицирующим эффектом, проявляющимся в повышении структурирующего и термостабилизирующего действия для нефтяного битума, обладают добавки, в состав которых входят фосфорсодержащие группы как в индивидуальном виде, так и в композиции с аминогруппами, что обусловлено их взаимодействием с асфальтенами битума

    Monitoring of floodplain vegetation of the riwer Western Dvina

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    Problematic Aspects of Forest Management on Defense Lands

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    The article considers the historical aspects and the current state of forest management on lands provided for defense purposes. The problems of the organization of forest management by the subjects of forestry activity, the governing body of which is the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, are studied. The analysis conducted by the author of the article allowed him to conclude that since 1991 the main purpose of the creation and operation in the field of defense of forestry units has been constantly changing and distorted. At the time of its establishment in 1949, military forestries provided for the organization of exemplary forestry and reproduction of forests on defense lands around military airfields, training grounds, military arsenals, etc. Instead, at present, the main purpose of forestry entities, the governing body of which is the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, has been reduced to making a profit. In addition, the abuse of officials at various levels and the inaction of the Defense Ministry, as a property management body, led to the unjustified alienation of land and means of production, which forestry units were endowed with during the creation and operation. The groundlessness of the alienation of the property of forestry units of the Defense Ministry, according to the author, is due to the special status of the property of military forestries. The analysis of the national legislation showed that with the independence of Ukraine the property of the institutions and organizations that were part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine acquired the status of military property. Therefore, the alienation of such property is impossible without the adoption of appropriate decisions by the Government of Ukraine. Also, according to the author, in today's realities forest management on defense lands should be organized by non-profit forestry units from the sphere of management of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

    Ekologiczne aspekty transportu i wykorzystania paliwa wodno-węglowego

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    This paper deals with the aspects of influence of transportation process and burning of water coal fuel on an ecological condition of environment. Also mathematical dependences between coal ash level and power consumption for transportation are presented

    Species composition of amphibians in wetlands of the central and southern part of the Republic of Belarus

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