343 research outputs found

    Geography in the epic folklore of the Oghuz Turks

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    Nomads in the prose of medieval Turkish folklore : "Battal-name" and Danishmend-name"

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    The traditional Turkish epic Battal-name and Danishmend-name are considered to have beenconstructed in the period of the beginning of the formation of Turkish literature (the 14thcentury), when the Ottoman state emerged and united the separated Anatolian beyliks throughaggressive campaigns against the Byzantine lands.Beside the Korkut tales among the Oguz tribes, the so-called “military epic stories” began to take shape in Turkish folklore. These stories depict the campaigns and battles and are imbued with ideas of gazawat as a holy war for the faith. Despite the fact that the historical background of the “Battal-name” was the Arab-Byzantine wars, it is based on the tradition of the Turkic heroic epic. Both Melik Danishmend (the main hero of “Danishmend-name”, a local governor in AsiaMinor) and Battal (and their associates) represent the image of the epic hero, empowered with the traditional nomadic Turkic virtues that have been contaminated with the features of a Muslim devotee. “Battal-name” and “Danishmend-name” retained their popularity in Ottoman Turkey until the 19th century

    Radiobiological experiments with plant seeds aboard the biosatellite Cosmos 1887

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    The effects of spaceflight factors on the seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana and Crepis capillaris were studied. The seeds were located inside the satellite in an open space, protected with aluminum foil and also exposed without the foil cover. When the seeds were in open space without any protection, their viability was found to be suppressed; the survival rate and fertility of plants grown from these seeds were also diminished. An increase in the frequency of chromosome aberrations (CA) and in the number of multiple injuries was registered in this case. Experiments with the aluminum foil shielding showed a decrease in the suppression of the seeds' viability, but mutational changes were found to be even more increased, while the survival rate and fertility of the plants decreased. An increase in the thickness of shielding resulted in a decrease in the effects up to the level of the control, except for the effects connected with CA and fertility of the plants. Analysis of the results shows that these impairments can be ascribed to the action of single heavy charged particles (HCP). The seeds can thus be regarded as an integral biological 'dosimeter' which allows estimation of the total effects of radiation, ecological and biological factors

    DFT, ADMET, molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies of pyridoxal

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    We report in silico studies of pyridoxal, which is of interest both as a precursor for further functionalization due to the presence of the aldehyde functionality, as well as a bioactive compound. So far, the crystal structure of pyridoxal has not been reported and, thus, we have optimized its structure both under water solvation and in gas phase using the DFT calculations. Under water solvation conditions the optimized structure of pyridoxal is 7.62 kcal/mol more favorable in comparison to that in gas phase. The DFT calculations were also applied to verify optical and electronic properties of the optimized structure of pyridoxal in water. The HOMO and LUMO were revealed to subtract a set of descriptors of the so-called global chemical reactivity as well as to probe pyridoxal as a potential corrosion inhibitor for some important metals used in implants. The title compound exhibits the best electron charge transfer from the molecule to the surface of Ni and Co. Some biological properties of pyridoxal were evaluated using the respective on-line tools. Molecular docking was additionally applied to study interaction of pyridoxal with some SARS-CoV-2 proteins as well as one of the monkeypox proteins. It was established that the title compound is active against all the applied proteins with the most efficient interaction with nonstructural protein 15 (endoribonuclease) and Omicron Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Pyridoxal was found to be also active against the studied monkeypox protein. Interaction of pyridoxal with nonstructural protein 15 (endoribonuclease) was further studied using molecular dynamics simulation. © 2023 Indian Chemical SocietyThe numerical calculations were partially performed at TUBITAK ULAKBIM, High Performance and Grid Computing Center (TRUBA resources)

    Apoio organizacional para a formação de tradutores de Língua de Sinais Russa em instituições de educação

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    Sign languages are a consequence of the development of modern society, confirmation of its inclusiveness, social orientation, attention to each member of society, regardless of his possibilities. The needs of society for knowledge of sign language are great, and not only because part of it cannot communicate in another way. But because such a knowledge of sign language is designed to eliminate and compensate for numerous barriers of interaction. The article contains materials for analysis of general principles of organizing training, legislatively enshrined conditions for organizing the process of training Russian sign language translators (RSL) on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education institutions, as well as the experience of implementing such programs in various educational organizations. Induction, deduction, literature analysis, comparative analysis, unstructured observation are used as research methods. The result of the research will be a number of proposals based on teaching experience and regulatory documents that are recommended for use in the educational process. The authors offer their own vision of the organizational aspects, the provisions of which are advisable to use in organizing training for RSL translators.Las lenguas de señas son consecuencia del desarrollo de la sociedad moderna, confirmación de su inclusividad, orientación social, atención a cada miembro de la sociedad, independientemente de sus posibilidades. Las necesidades de la sociedad por el conocimiento de la lengua de signos son grandes, y no solo porque parte de ella no pueda comunicarse de otra manera. Pero porque tal conocimiento del lenguaje de señas está diseñado para eliminar y compensar numerosas barreras de interacción. El artículo contiene materiales para el análisis de los principios generales de la organización de la formación, las condiciones consagradas legislativamente para organizar el proceso de formación de traductores de lengua de signos rusa (RSL) sobre la base de instituciones de educación secundaria profesional o superior, así como la experiencia de implementar dichos programas en diversas organizaciones educativas. La inducción, la deducción, el análisis de la literatura, el análisis comparativo y la observación no estructurada se utilizan como métodos de investigación. El resultado de la investigación serán una serie de propuestas basadas en la experiencia docente y documentos normativos que se recomiendan para su uso en el proceso educativo. Los autores ofrecen su propia visión de los aspectos organizativos, cuyas disposiciones es aconsejable utilizar en la organización de la formación de traductores de la RSL.As línguas de sinais são consequência do desenvolvimento da sociedade moderna, confirmação de sua inclusividade, orientação social, atenção a cada membro da sociedade, independentemente de suas possibilidades. As necessidades da sociedade por conhecimento da língua de sinais são grandes, e não apenas porque parte dela não consegue se comunicar de outra forma. Mas porque tal conhecimento da linguagem de sinais é projetado para eliminar e compensar inúmeras barreiras de interação. O artigo contém materiais para análise de princípios gerais de organização de treinamento, condições consagradas legislativamente para organizar o processo de treinamento de tradutores de língua de sinais russa (RSL) com base em instituições de ensino profissionalizante secundário ou superior, bem como a experiência de implementação de tais programas em várias organizações educacionais. A indução, a dedução, a análise da literatura, a análise comparativa e a observação não estruturada são utilizadas como métodos de pesquisa. O resultado da pesquisa será uma série de propostas baseadas na experiência docente e em documentos normativos recomendados para uso no processo educacional. Os autores oferecem sua própria visão dos aspectos organizacionais, cujas disposições são aconselháveis para usar na organização de treinamento para tradutores da RSL

    Roadmap on semiconductor-cell biointerfaces.

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    This roadmap outlines the role semiconductor-based materials play in understanding the complex biophysical dynamics at multiple length scales, as well as the design and implementation of next-generation electronic, optoelectronic, and mechanical devices for biointerfaces. The roadmap emphasizes the advantages of semiconductor building blocks in interfacing, monitoring, and manipulating the activity of biological components, and discusses the possibility of using active semiconductor-cell interfaces for discovering new signaling processes in the biological world