2,368 research outputs found

    Logical Step-Indexed Logical Relations

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    Appel and McAllester's "step-indexed" logical relations have proven to be a simple and effective technique for reasoning about programs in languages with semantically interesting types, such as general recursive types and general reference types. However, proofs using step-indexed models typically involve tedious, error-prone, and proof-obscuring step-index arithmetic, so it is important to develop clean, high-level, equational proof principles that avoid mention of step indices. In this paper, we show how to reason about binary step-indexed logical relations in an abstract and elegant way. Specifically, we define a logic LSLR, which is inspired by Plotkin and Abadi's logic for parametricity, but also supports recursively defined relations by means of the modal "later" operator from Appel, Melli\`es, Richards, and Vouillon's "very modal model" paper. We encode in LSLR a logical relation for reasoning relationally about programs in call-by-value System F extended with general recursive types. Using this logical relation, we derive a set of useful rules with which we can prove contextual equivalence and approximation results without counting steps

    Ghost Busting: PT-Symmetric Interpretation of the Lee Model

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    The Lee model was introduced in the 1950s as an elementary quantum field theory in which mass, wave function, and charge renormalization could be carried out exactly. In early studies of this model it was found that there is a critical value of g^2, the square of the renormalized coupling constant, above which g_0^2, the square of the unrenormalized coupling constant, is negative. Thus, for g^2 larger than this critical value, the Hamiltonian of the Lee model becomes non-Hermitian. It was also discovered that in this non-Hermitian regime a new state appears whose norm is negative. This state is called a ghost state. It has always been assumed that in this ghost regime the Lee model is an unacceptable quantum theory because unitarity appears to be violated. However, in this regime while the Hamiltonian is not Hermitian, it does possess PT symmetry. It has recently been discovered that a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian having PT symmetry may define a quantum theory that is unitary. The proof of unitarity requires the construction of a new time-independent operator called C. In terms of C one can define a new inner product with respect to which the norms of the states in the Hilbert space are positive. Furthermore, it has been shown that time evolution in such a theory is unitary. In this paper the C operator for the Lee model in the ghost regime is constructed exactly in the V/N-theta sector. It is then shown that the ghost state has a positive norm and that the Lee model is an acceptable unitary quantum field theory for all values of g^2.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Санитарно-эпидемиологическая экспертиза импортной пищевой продукции и продовольственного сырья как составляющая профилактического направления транспортной медицины

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    Санітарно епідеміологічна експертиза імпортної харчової продукції й продовольчої сировини (далі експертиза) є одним з пріоритетних напрямів діяльності транспортних підрозділів санепідслужби. Здійснюючи функцію по контролю, виявленню та попередженню впливу небезпечних факторів, пов’язаних з перевезенням вантажів, вона є однією зі складових частин профілактичного напряму транспортної медицини. Експертиза імпортованої продукції харчового призначення нерозривно пов’язана та базується на загальних принципах всієї державної політики у сфері безпеки харчової продукції та продовольчої сировини. Основою для проведення усього комплексу робіт санітарно епідеміологічного направлення є нормативна база, яка була сформована в нашій країні кілька десятиліть назад. Механізм визначення безпеки продукції та ті критерії оцінки, які були закладені в її основі, вимагають перегляду у відповідності з вимогами сьогодення та враховуючи розвиток міжнародних відносин. Зроблені деякі кроки у цьому напрямку. Наприклад, визначення експертизи у законі «Про внесення змін до закону України «Про якість та безпеку харчових продуктів та продовольчої сировини» поряд зі встановленням відповідності продукції нормативним вимогам передбачає оцінку ризику дії шкідливих факторів у процесі обігу харчових продуктів, що відповідає сучас ним вимогам до вирішення задач профілактичного напрямку, запобігання шкідливого впливу факторів, керування санітарно-епідеміологічною ситуацією взагалі та на етапі транспортування харчових грузів зокрема. Такий підхід потрібно враховувати при подальшому необхідному перегляді та формуванні нової нормативної бази.Sanіtarу epidemiological examination of imported foodstuffs and edible raw materials (then «examination») is one of the priority directions of transport sanіtarу epidemiological servise. Examination controls, discovers and prevents an influence of dangerous factors while in transportation of loads. So it’s one of the component of the transport medicine preventive activity. Examination of import foodstuffs and edible raw materials inseparably linked with and based on general principles of the food safety state policy. The foundation of the sanitary service work is the normative base, that was formed in our country about twenty years ago. It is necessary to review the mechanism of the food safety determination and its criteria in accordance with requirements of present day time and with account of the development of the international relations. One of taken steps in this direction is a characteristic of examination in law «About contributing the modification to law of the Ukraine «About quality and safety of foodstuffs and foodraw materials» where along with determination of the products correspondence to the normative requirements is provided forrisk assessment of the harmful factors in process of the turn of the food stuffs. Such approach corresponds with modern requests to decision of the prophylactic problems, prevention bad influence dangerous factors, management sanіtarу epidemiological situation in general and in step of transportation food cargo in particular. And it should be taken into account during the further necessary process of revision and forming the new normative base

    Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph Distant Quasar Survey: Initial Results

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    We present the first installment of spectroscopic measurements performed with the Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph Distant Quasar Survey (GNIRS-DQS). This is a three-year project, launched in 2017, aimed at obtaining high quality near-infrared spectroscopy of 416 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars between redshifts of 1.5 and 3.5 in the ~1.0-2.5 μm band. A combination of the GNIRS and SDSS spectra will cover principal quasar diagnostic features, chiefly the C IV, Mg II, Hβ, and [O III] emission lines, in each source. The spectral inventory will be utilized primarily to develop prescriptions for obtaining more accurate and precise redshifts, black hole masses, and accretion rates for all quasars. Additionally, our measurements will facilitate a more complete understanding of how the rest-frame UV-optical spectral properties of quasars depend on redshift and luminosity, and test whether the physical properties of the quasar central engine evolve over cosmic time. Our raw data are immediately available to the public through the Gemini Observatory Archive, and our final reduced and calibrated spectra will be made available shortly thereafter on a dedicated public website. This work is supported by National Science Foundation grants AST-1815281 and AST-1815645.Fil: Matthews, Brandon. University of North Texas; Estados UnidosFil: Shemmer, Ohad. University of North Texas; Estados UnidosFil: Brotherton, Michael S.. University of North Texas; Estados UnidosFil: Andruchow, Ileana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Boronson, Todd A.. Las Cumbres Observatory; ChileFil: Brandt, W. N.. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Cellone, Sergio Aldo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Ferrero Sosa, Gabriel Antonio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: and other authors. no específica; Argentina235th Meeting of the American Astronomical SocietySeattleEstados UnidosAmerican Astronomical Societ

    Helicity Modulus and Fluctuating Type II Superconductors: Elastic Approximation and Numerical Simulations

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    We develop the helicity modulus as a criterion for superconducting order in the mixed phase of a fluctuating type II superconductor. We show that there is a duality relation between this helicity modulus and the superfluid density of a system of analog 2D bosons. We show that the vortex line lattice exhibits a perfect Meissner effect with respect to a shearing perturbation of the applied magnetic field, and this becomes our creterion for "longitudinal superconductivity" parallel to the applied field. We present arguments based on the 2D boson analogy, as well as the results of numerical simulations, that suggest that longitudinal superconductivity can persist into the vortex line liquid state for systems of finite thickness, comparable to those commonly found in experiments.Comment: 63 pages, 22 postscript figure

    Cumulative Exposure to Lead in Relation to Cognitive Function in Older Women

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    Background: Recent data indicate that chronic low-level exposure to lead is associated with accelerated declines in cognition in older age, but this has not been examined in women. Objective: We examined biomarkers of lead exposure in relation to performance on a battery of cognitive tests among older women. Methods: Patella and tibia bone lead—measures of cumulative exposure over many years—and blood lead, a measure of recent exposure, were assessed in 587 women 47–74 years of age. We assessed their cognitive function 5 years later using validated telephone interviews. Results: Mean ± SD lead levels in tibia, patella, and blood were 10.5 ± 9.7 μg/g bone, 12.6 ± 11.6 μg/g bone, and 2.9 ± 1.9 μg/dL, respectively, consistent with community-level exposures. In multivariable-adjusted analyses of all cognitive tests combined, levels of all three lead biomarkers were associated with worse cognitive performance. The association between bone lead and letter fluency score differed dramatically from the other bone lead-cognitive score associations, and exclusion of this particular score from the combined analyses strengthened the associations between bone lead and cognitive performance. Results were statistically significant only for tibia lead: one SD increase in tibia lead corresponded to a 0.051-unit lower standardized summary cognitive score (95% confidence interval: −0.099 to −0.003; p = 0.04), similar to the difference in cognitive scores we observed between women who were 3 years apart in age. Conclusions: These findings suggest that cumulative exposure to lead, even at low levels experienced in community settings, may have adverse consequences for women’s cognition in older age

    Educational inequalities in aging-related declines in fluid cognition and the onset of cognitive pathology

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    AbstractBackgroundEducation has been robustly associated with cognitive reserve and dementia, but not with the rate of cognitive aging, resulting in some confusion about the mechanisms of cognitive aging. This study uses longitudinal data to differentiate between trajectories indicative of healthy versus pathologic cognitive aging.MethodsParticipants included 9401 Health and Retirement Study respondents aged ≥55 years who completed cognitive testing regularly over 17.3 years until most recently in 2012. Individual-specific random change-point modeling was used to identify age of incident pathologic decline; acceleration is interpreted as indicating likely onset of pathologic decline when it is significant and negative.ResultsThese methods detect incident dementia diagnoses with specificity/sensitivity of 89.3%/44.3%, 5.6 years before diagnosis. Each year of education was associated with 0.09 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.087–0.096; P < .001) standard deviation higher baseline cognition and delayed onset of cognitive pathology (hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.96–0.99; P = .006).ConclusionsLongitudinal random change-point modeling was able to reliably identify incident dementia. Accounting for incident cognitive pathology, we find that education predicts cognitive capability and delayed onset pathologic declines

    Work-related complaints of arm, neck and shoulder among computer office workers in an Asian country: prevalence and validation of a risk-factor questionnaire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complaints of arm, neck and/or shoulders (CANS) affects millions of computer office workers. However its prevalence and associated risk factors in developing countries are yet to be investigated, due to non availability of validated assessment tools for these countries. We evaluated the 1-year prevalence of CANS among computer office workers in Sri Lanka and tested the psychometric properties of a translated risk factor questionnaire.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Computer office workers at a telecommunication company in Sri Lankan received the Sinhalese version of the validated Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ). The 94 items in the questionnaire covers demographic characteristics, CANS and evaluates potential risk factors for CANS in six domains. Forward and backward translation of the MUEQ was done by two independent bi-lingual translators. One-year prevalence of CANS and psychometric properties of the Sinhalese questionnaire were investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Response rate was 97.7% (n = 440). Males were 42.7%. Mean age was 38.2 ± 9.5 years. One-year prevalence of CANS was 63.6% (mild-53.7% and severe-10%). The highest incidences were for neck (36.1%) and shoulder (34.3%) complaints. Two factors for each domain in the scale were identified by exploratory factor analysis (i.e. work-area, computer-position, incorrect body posture, bad-habits, skills and abilities, decision-making, time-management, work-overload, work-breaks, variation in work, work-environment and social-support). Calculation of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.43-0.82) and cross-validation provided evidence of reliability and lack of redundancy of items.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>One year prevalence of CANS in the study population corresponds strongly with prevalence in developed countries. Translated version of the MUEQ has satisfactory psychometric properties for it to be used to assess work-related risk factors for development of CANS among Sri Lankan computer office workers.</p

    A promising approach in comparative research on care for the elderly

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    Long-term care (LTC) in the form of care provided in nursing homes, homes for the aged and home care is considered an appropriate answer to the growing needs of the aging populations of the industrialized world. However, the provision of and expenditures on LTC vary considerably between these industrialized countries. Although one would expect LTC to be subject to many internationally comparative studies, including all European countries, this is not the case. A paper presented by Damiani et al. in BMC Health Services Research contains an internationally comparative model regarding the development of LTC in Europe (2003 to 2007). They achieve an intriguing compromise between depth and width in the sparsely populated domain of internationally comparative research on LTC by characterizing countries' LTC and interpreting the large north/south differences found. Their results also show that 'cash for care' schemes form a substantial alternative to traditional LTC provision. An additional time series analysis showed that many countries seem to be engaged in reorganizing the LTC sector. This study widens knowledge in a neglected area of health services research and should serve as a source of inspiration for further studies

    Participatory game prototyping – balancing domain content and playability in a serious game design for the energy transition

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    Game design mostly engages future players as users and testers, whereas in the field of serious game design, approaches involving players more substantially are slowly emerging. This paper documents the participatory prototyping process of Energy Safari, a serious game for the energy transition in the Province of Groningen, and reports on the differences of the contributions made to the game development by separate groups of stakeholders. Each group contributed the most to the game elements that are most relevant to their interests. Overall, this study points to the potential of participatory game prototyping as a method to develop serious games that are balanced both in terms of domain content and playability, are meaningful for future players, and well embedded in the local context