71 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Desain IPAL Proses Atached Growth Anaerobic Filter Dengan Suspended Grwoth Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Untuk Pusat Pertokoan Di Kota Surabaya

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    Perencanaan IPAL dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi karakteristik dan kuantitas limbah dari pusat pertokoan X di Surabaya. Selanjutnya ditetapkan baku mutu dan kriteria desain. Perhitungan desain meliputi dimensi dan rencana anggaran biaya. Dari hasil perhitungan desain didapatkan desain rinci IPAL unit Anaerobic Filter meliputi dimensi bak ekualisasi (2,2 m x 1,1 m x 1,3 m), Bak Pengendap kompartemen I (7 m x 2,5 m x 1,25) kompartemen II (3,5 m x 2,5 m x 1,25 m), AF tiap kompartemen (1,25 m x 0,56 m x 1,25 m) sebanyak 6 buah. Desain rinci Unit IPAL Anaerobic Baffled Reactor meliputi dimensi bak ekualisasi (2,2 m x 1,1 m x 1,3 m), Bak Pengendap (8 m x 2 m x 1,5 m), ABR tiap kompartemen (0,75 m x 4 m x 1,5m) sebanyak 7 buah. Biaya konstruksi unit AF sebesar Rp 178.383.868,- dan Rp 4.688.912,-/ bulan untuk OM. Sedangkan biaya konstruksi unit ABR Rp 239.247.347,- serta Rp 4.677.801,-/bulan untuk OM

    Adaptasi Masyarakat Palembang di Tanjung Balai Karimun

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    Adaptation is individual self adjustment process in an environement to be accepted in thesociety. So that adaptation is an important thing to do. Many of the migrants came to a newplaces and succed in their adaptation. However, some of the migrants failed in doing theiradaptation in case of the process of the adaptation. Many migrants in Tanjung Balai Karimuncame from Palembang. This study is aim to give an overview of how the characteristic and theadaptation of Palembang migrants in term social, economy and in Tanjung Balai Karimun. inwhich they already becaming the part of the society in their environment as the basic indicatorsin this case. The method used is descriptive quantitative. Observation technique andquestionnaire are the way to find out the result. As the way of taking sample which used quotasampling technique is set up the quota 15 people from each organization so the amount is 30peeople in condition already settled minimal for 5 years in Tanjung Balai Karimun. Theory usedfor this study are Structural Functional and the books is migrant, adaptation, and socialnetwork. The result of this study shows that Palembang And all the respondence in this study isPalembang society which succed in their adaptation in terms of sosial, economy and culture. Inwhich they already becaming the part of the society in their environment as the basic indicatorsin this case.Keyword: Adaptation, Characterisctics, Societ

    Respon Kepuasan Pasien Pengguna Bpjs Kesehatan terhadap Pelayanan Kesehatan Dipuskesmas Pekanbaru

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    PHC, is a functional organization that organizes health effort that is comprehensive, integrated, equitable, acceptable and affordable by the community, with the active participation of the community and use the results of the development of science and appropriate technology, at a cost that can be borne by the government and society. service is an activity or sequence of events that occur in the interaction between a person directly or with another person or machine physically and provide customer satisfaction. Happens in the health center services Rejosari for patients who visit many expressed good and satisfying service. Although there are some who declare less good service. The theory used is the theory of perception. Perception can be defined as the process of organizing sitimulus received by the individual senses, then interpreted so that individuals are aware of and understand about what is acceptable to the senses. Perception is an integrated state of the person who receives the stimulus, then what is in a person, the experiences will participate actively in these perceptions. The method used is descriptive quantitative, then the respondent by means anyone who inadvertently meet with researchers and investigators in accordance with the characteristics specified then that person can be used as respondents. Teknnik collecting data used were observation and interviews

    Evaluation of a suitable material for soft actuator through experiments and FE Simulations

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    Soft actuators are generally built to achieve extension, contraction, curling, or bending motions needed for robotic or medical applications. It is prepared with a cylindrical tube, braided with fibers that restrict the radial motion and produce the extension, contraction, or bending. The actuation is achieved through the input of compressed air with a different pressure. The stiffness of the materials controls the magnitude of the actuation. In the present study, Silastic-P1 silicone RTV and multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) with reinforced silicone are considered for the evaluation. The dumbbell samples are prepared from both materials as per ASTM D412-06a (ISO 37) standard and their corresponding tensile strength, elongation at break, and tensile modulus are measured. The Ogden nonlinear material constants of respective materials are estimated and used further in the finite element analysis of extension, contraction, and bending soft actuators. It is observed that silicone RTV is better in high strain and fast response, whereas, silicone/MWCNT is better at achieving high actuation

    Batch process for bio-hydrogen production on small scale bioreactor from palm oil mill effluent (POME)

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    In this study, treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) was carried out under anaerobic fermentation process with the intention to produce bio-hydrogen by micro flora. Experiment was investigated in 500mL bioreactor under mesophilic operation at  and different pH value. Raw POME was collected from cooling pond which is final discharge of effluent from the mill and POME sludge was collected from the anaerobic pond of a POME treatment plant at same Labu palm oil mill respectively. Source of inoculum was used is POME sludge as hydrogen producing bacteria. A batch reactor was found producing higher hydrogen at optimum parameter of pH 5.5 and 10% POME sludge (w/v) with maximum hydrogen production yield of 5988.96 mL H2/ L-med and maximum hydrogen percentage in the biogas of 36% were obtained at pH 5.5. Throughout the study, there is no methane gas was observed in the evolved gas mixture. Keywords: Bio-hydrogen, POME sludge, Raw POME

    Perancangan Ulang Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik dengan Proses Anaerobic Baffled Reactor dan Anaerobic Filter

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    Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Tarbiyatul Fallah merupakan IPAL domestik yang melayani Pesantren Tarbiyatul Fallah, namun berhenti beroperasi sejak tahun 2014. Agar manfaat IPAL dapat terus dirasakan, dilakukan perancangan ulang IPAL dengan alternatif Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) dan Anaerobic Filter (AF). Alternatif IPAL anaerobik yang keunggulan dalam kemudahan penerapan dan biaya operasional yang rendah. Perancangan ulang dimulai dengan mengevaluasi kinerja IPAL yang sudah ada. Hasil evaluasi digunakan untuk mengetahui permasalahan IPAL. Kemudian dilakukan perencanaan aternatif IPAL dengan proses ABR dan AF. Hasil perencanaan adalah berupa DED, BOQ, dan RAB pembangunan dan operasional. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut kemudian dibandingkan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari masing-masing alternatif IPAL. IPAL Tarbiyatul Fallah berhenti beroperasi disebabkan oleh permasalahan bau dan suara bising dari proses aerasi yang meresahkan masyarakat dan biaya operasional yang tinggi. Alternatif IPAL pengganti dapat berupa ABR dengan dimensi (15,1 m x 1,9 m x 2,3 m) dan AF dengan dimensi (13,75 m x 2,4 m x 2,3 m). Biaya pembangunan untuk ABR sebesar Rp152.969.500 dan AF sebesar Rp175.140.500. Sedangkan biaya operasional ABR sebesar Rp17.012.400 per tahun dan AF sebesar Rp21.345.950 per tahun. ABR memiliki keunggulan dalam hal tingkat penyisihan polutan, waktu tinggal, luas lahan dan biaya pembangunan dan operasional dibanding AF. Sedangkan AF memiliki keunggulan dalam jumlah kompartemen dan kebutuhan beton yang dibanding ABR
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