2,746 research outputs found

    A Program to Facilitate, Integrate, and Transform Masculinity and Femininity in Teachers to Enhance Wholeness and Creativity

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide school social workers with a program to facilitate the integration of teachers\u27 masculine and feminine dimensions. Any changes in teachers will have an effect on students\u27 wholeness and broader implications within the school. The program focuses on the integral role of one\u27s family in nurturing or limiting the psychological characteristics of masculinity and femininity. Strategies are provided to increase creativity, enhance learning for students, and decrease gender stereotyping. The program offers personal and professional growth to teachers in an effort to provide a more creative and energetic learning environment for students

    Effect of nitrogen rate and forecrop on nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)

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    ArticleApplication of plant nutrient is one of the most important measures increasing grain yield and yield quality. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers leads to nitrogen leaching and it affects the quality of groundwater and surface water. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer rate on nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat after two forecrops. The experiment was conducted at the Research and Study farm ‘Pēterlauki’ of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (56° 30.658’ N and 23° 41.580’ E) in four growing seasons: 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. Researched factors were crop rotation (wheat/wheat and oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera/wheat) and five nitrogen fertilizer rates (kg ha-1 ): N0 or control, N60, N120(90+30), N180(90+60+30) and N240(120+60+60). Nitrogen fertilizer affected winter wheat grain yield significantly (P < 0.001) and average grain yield increased significantly (P < 0.049) until nitrogen rate N180. But analyzing it after each forecrop separately, yield increased significantly (P < 0.05) until N120 after both forecrops. Nitrogen fertilizer affected nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE), nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE) and protein content significantly (P < 0.001). When increasing nitrogen fertilizer rate NUE, NUpE and NUtE decreased, and higher results were observed at the lowest nitrogen rates. Increased nitrogen fertilizer rate also increased crude protein content in grain, and for bread baking suitable grain was obtained only with the highest N rate: N 240. Forecrop did not affect winter wheat grain yield, however, it affected NUtE (P < 0.01), NUE (P < 0.001) and nitrogen harvesting index (P < 0.001) significantly; higher results were observed when wheat was grown after wheat

    Large-scale multielectrode recording and stimulation of neural activity

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    Large circuits of neurons are employed by the brain to encode and process information. How this encoding and processing is carried out is one of the central questions in neuroscience. Since individual neurons communicate with each other through electrical signals (action potentials), the recording of neural activity with arrays of extracellular electrodes is uniquely suited for the investigation of this question. Such recordings provide the combination of the best spatial (individual neurons) and temporal (individual action-potentials) resolutions compared to other large-scale imaging methods. Electrical stimulation of neural activity in turn has two very important applications: it enhances our understanding of neural circuits by allowing active interactions with them, and it is a basis for a large variety of neural prosthetic devices. Until recently, the state-of-the-art in neural activity recording systems consisted of several dozen electrodes with inter-electrode spacing ranging from tens to hundreds of microns. Using silicon microstrip detector expertise acquired in the field of high-energy physics, we created a unique neural activity readout and stimulation framework that consists of high-density electrode arrays, multi-channel custom-designed integrated circuits, a data acquisition system, and data-processing software. Using this framework we developed a number of neural readout and stimulation systems: (1) a 512-electrode system for recording the simultaneous activity of as many as hundreds of neurons, (2) a 61-electrode system for electrical stimulation and readout of neural activity in retinas and brain-tissue slices, and (3) a system with telemetry capabilities for recording neural activity in the intact brain of awake, naturally behaving animals. We will report on these systems, their various applications to the field of neurobiology, and novel scientific results obtained with some of them. We will also outline future directions

    Pengaruh Experiental Marketing Dan Emotional Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Konsumen Sepatu Nike Di Indonesia Dan Di Malaysia)

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    This research aims to understandOand determineOthe influence of variable experiential_marketing and emotional marketing on purchasePdecision partially, and to understand and{{determine the differences from the influence of experiential2marketing and9emotional marketing on purchase decision between consumer in Indonesia and in Malaysia. Type of thisjresearch))is 0explanatory research_with quantitativeplapproach. This researchddhave ajkvariables, there aref is Experient Marketing,Emotional Marketing, and Purchase Decision. Population inothis research is consumer Nike shoes in Indonesia and in Malaysia. The sample used in this research was 113 peoples, then sampling technique uses quota sampleand data collection methods questionnaire method. Data analysis on this research used by regression analysis and independentdfsample t-test. The resultsdjof independent sample t-test is, Experiential Marketing has significant influence to Purchase Decision, and also Emotional Marketing has significant influence to Purchase Decision. The result from independent sample t-test shows there is no significant differences of experiential marketing and emotional marketing influence on purchase decision betwee n Indonesian consumer and Malaysian consumer. Based on the result, Nike should increase their design of the shoes in order to get attention from consumer and increasing positive experience, also Nike should do an emotional approaching for their consumer by maintain their brand. Keyword: Experiential Marketing,_Emotional Marketing, Purchase Decision,Indonesia, Malaysia ABSTRAK Tujuan pada penelitian kali ini,untuk mengetahui dandfhmenjelaskanffpengaruhfjexperiential marketingdanfjemotional marketing terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian secaraparsial,jfdan juga untuk mengetahui &amp; dan menjelaskan perbedaan pengaruh experient marketing dan juga emotional marketing terhadap &amp; keputusan pembelian antara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Penelitian kali ini berupa penelitian penjelasan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian kali ini mempunyai variabel, yakni Experiential Marketing, Emotional Marketing, dan Keputusan Pembelian. Populas penelitian ini adalah konsumen sepatu Nike Indonesiadan di Malaysia. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 113 orang responden yang diambil, dan teknik pengambilannya berupa sampel kuota dan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Analisis data yang digunakan &amp; adalah analisis regresi linier dan indepent sample t-test. Hasil analisis kali ini didapatkan bahwa terdapat sebuah pengaruh signifikan antara variabel Experiential Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, dan juga pada variabel Emotional Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Hasil analisis uji beda independent t-test menujukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan pada experiential marketing dan juga emotional_marketing terhadap keputusan pembelian antara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini sebaiknya Nike diharapkan mampu meningkatkan model sepatunya untuk menarik konsumen dan menambah pengalaman positif kosumen, dan mendekatkan kepada sisi emosional konsumen melalui pendekatan merek_Nike.Inc Kata kunci: Experiential Marketing,Emotional Marketing, Purchase Decision, Indonesia, MalaysiaKeyword: Experiential Marketing,_Emotional Marketing, Purchase Decision,Indonesia, Malaysia ABSTRAK Tujuan pada penelitian kali ini,untuk mengetahui dandfhmenjelaskanffpengaruhfjexperiential marketingdfdanfjemotional marketing terhadap variabelfjkeputusanfjpembelianfjdsecara_parsial,jfdan juga untuk mengetahui&amp;&amp;danhkmenjelaskan perbedaanfjhpengaruh*experientialjkmarketing dan jugaoemotional marketingdhterhadap&amp;keputusan pembelianooantara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Penelitian kali ini berupa penelitian penjelasan_menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian_kali ini mempunyai variabel, yakni Experiential Marketing, Emotional Marketing, dan Keputusan Pembelian. Populasidjdpenelitiandjinidhdadalah konsumendjsepatu_Nikeujudi Indonesiadjdan didjjMalaysia. Sampel yangiiodigunakandjdalam penelitian&amp;&amp;inidjjsebanyak 113djdorang_responden yang diambil, dan_teknik pengambilannya berupa_sampel kuota dan metode pengumpulandjsdata menggunakan_angket.Analisiszdata yang digunakan&amp;6adalah analisis regresi89linier dan indepent sample t-test. Hasil analisis kali ini didapatkan bahwa terdapat sebuah pengaruh signifikan antara variabel99ExperientialozMarketing00terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, dan juga pada variabel Emotional Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Hasil analisis uji beda independent t-test menujukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan pada experiential marketing dan juga emotional_marketing terhadap keputusan pembelian antara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini sebaiknya Nike diharapkan mampu meningkatkan model sepatunya untuk menarik konsumen dan menambah pengalaman positif kosumen, dan mendekatkan kepada sisi emosional konsumen melalui pendekatan merek_Nike.In

    SPT0346-52: Negligible AGN Activity in a Compact, Hyper-starburst Galaxy at z = 5.7

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    We present Chandra ACIS-S and ATCA radio continuum observations of the strongly lensed dusty, star-forming galaxy SPT-S J034640-5204.9 (hereafter SPT0346-52) at zz = 5.656. This galaxy has also been observed with ALMA, HST, Spitzer, Herschel, APEX, and the VLT. Previous observations indicate that if the infrared (IR) emission is driven by star formation, then the inferred lensing-corrected star formation rate (∌\sim 4500 M_{\sun} yr−1^{-1}) and star formation rate surface density ÎŁSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} (∌\sim 2000 M_{\sun} {yr^{-1}} {kpc^{-2}}) are both exceptionally high. It remained unclear from the previous data, however, whether a central active galactic nucleus (AGN) contributes appreciably to the IR luminosity. The {\it Chandra} upper limit shows that SPT0346-52 is consistent with being star-formation dominated in the X-ray, and any AGN contribution to the IR emission is negligible. The ATCA radio continuum upper limits are also consistent with the FIR-to-radio correlation for star-forming galaxies with no indication of an additional AGN contribution. The observed prodigious intrinsic IR luminosity of (3.6 ±\pm 0.3) ×\times 1013^{13} L_{\sun} originates almost solely from vigorous star formation activity. With an intrinsic source size of 0.61 ±\pm 0.03 kpc, SPT0346-52 is confirmed to have one of the highest ÎŁSFR\Sigma_{SFR} of any known galaxy. This high ÎŁSFR\Sigma_{SFR}, which approaches the Eddington limit for a radiation pressure supported starburst, may be explained by a combination of very high star formation efficiency and gas fraction.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Pesticides in Streams Draining Agricultural and Urban Areas in Colorado

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    The redshift distribution of dusty star forming galaxies from the SPT survey

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    We use the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Cycle 1 to determine spectroscopic redshifts of high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) selected by their 1.4mm continuum emission in the South Pole Telescope (SPT) survey. We present ALMA 3mm spectral scans between 84-114GHz for 15 galaxies and targeted ALMA 1mm observations for an additional eight sources. Our observations yield 30 new line detections from CO, [CI] , [NII] , H_2O and NH_3. We further present APEX [CII] and CO mid-J observations for seven sources for which only a single line was detected in spectral-scan data from ALMA Cycle 0 or Cycle 1. We combine the new observations with previously published and new mm/submm line and photometric data of the SPT-selected DSFGs to study their redshift distribution. The combined data yield 39 spectroscopic redshifts from molecular lines, a success rate of >85%. Our sample represents the largest data set of its kind today and has the highest spectroscopic completeness among all redshift surveys of high-z DSFGs. The median of the redshift distribution is z=3.9+/-0.4, and the highest-redshift source in our sample is at z=5.8. We discuss how the selection of our sources affects the redshift distribution, focusing on source brightness, selection wavelength, and strong gravitational lensing. We correct for the effect of gravitational lensing and find the redshift distribution for 1.4mm-selected sources with a median redshift of z=3.1+/-0.3. Comparing to redshift distributions selected at shorter wavelengths from the literature, we show that selection wavelength affects the shape of the redshift distribution

    Fast, scalable, Bayesian spike identification for multi-electrode arrays

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    We present an algorithm to identify individual neural spikes observed on high-density multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). Our method can distinguish large numbers of distinct neural units, even when spikes overlap, and accounts for intrinsic variability of spikes from each unit. As MEAs grow larger, it is important to find spike-identification methods that are scalable, that is, the computational cost of spike fitting should scale well with the number of units observed. Our algorithm accomplishes this goal, and is fast, because it exploits the spatial locality of each unit and the basic biophysics of extracellular signal propagation. Human intervention is minimized and streamlined via a graphical interface. We illustrate our method on data from a mammalian retina preparation and document its performance on simulated data consisting of spikes added to experimentally measured background noise. The algorithm is highly accurate
