15 research outputs found

    Cdc42 controls the dilation of the exocytotic fusion pore by regulating membrane tension.

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    Membrane fusion underlies multiple processes, including exocytosis of hormones and neurotransmitters. Membrane fusion starts with the formation of a narrow fusion pore. Radial expansion of this pore completes the process and allows fast release of secretory compounds, but this step remains poorly understood. Here we show that inhibiting the expression of the small GTPase Cdc42 or preventing its activation with a dominant negative Cdc42 construct in human neuroendocrine cells impaired the release process by compromising fusion pore enlargement. Consequently the mode of vesicle exocytosis was shifted from full-collapse fusion to kiss-and-run. Remarkably, Cdc42-knockdown cells showed reduced membrane tension, and the artificial increase of membrane tension restored fusion pore enlargement. Moreover, inhibiting the motor protein myosin II by blebbistatin decreased membrane tension, as well as fusion pore dilation. We conclude that membrane tension is the driving force for fusion pore dilation and that Cdc42 is a key regulator of this force.journal articleresearch support, non-u.s. gov't2014 Oct 152014 08 20importe

    Genetic identification of unique immunological responses in mice infected with virulent and attenuated Francisella tularensis

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    Francisella tularensis is a category A select agent based on its infectivity and virulence but disease mechanisms in infection remain poorly understood. Murine pulmonary models of infection were therefore employed to assess and compare dissemination and pathology and to elucidate the host immune response to infection with the highly virulent Type A F. tularensis strain Schu4 versus the less virulent Type B live vaccine strain (LVS). We found that dissemination and pathology in the spleen was significantly greater in mice infected with F. tularensis Schu4 compared to mice infected with F. tularensis LVS. Using gene expression rofiling to compare the response to infection with the two F. tularensis strains, we found that there were significant differences in the expression of genes involved in the apoptosis pathway, antigen processing and presentation pathways, and inflammatory response pathways in mice infected with Schu4 when compared to LVS. These transcriptional differences coincided with marked differences in dissemination and severity of organ lesions in mice infected with the Schu4 and LVS strains. Therefore, these findings indicate that altered apoptosis, antigen presentation and production of inflammatory mediators explain the differences in pathogenicity of F. tularensis Schu4 and LVS

    Text-derived concept profiles support assessment of DNA microarray data for acute myeloid leukemia and for androgen receptor stimulation

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    BACKGROUND: High-throughput experiments, such as with DNA microarrays, typically result in hundreds of genes potentially relevant to the process under study, rendering the interpretation of these experiments problematic. Here, we propose and evaluate an approach to find functional associations between large numbers of genes and other biomedical concepts from free-text literature. For each gene, a profile of related concepts is constructed that summarizes the context in which the gene is mentioned in literature. We assign a weight to each concept in the profile based on a likelihood ratio measure. Gene concept profiles can then be clustered to find related genes and other concepts. RESULTS: The experimental validation was done in two steps. We first applied our method on a controlled test set. After this proved to be successful the datasets from two DNA microarray experiments were analyzed in the same way and the results were evaluated by domain experts. The first dataset was a gene-expression profile that characterizes the cancer cells of a group of acute myeloid leukemia patients. For this group of patients the biological background of the cancer cells is largely unknown. Using our methodology we found an association of these cells to monocytes, which agreed with other experimental evidence. The second data set consisted of differentially expressed genes following androgen receptor stimulation in a prostate cancer cell line. Based on the analysis we put forward a hypothesis about the biological processes induced in these studied cells: secretory lysosomes are involved in the production of prostatic fluid and their development and/or secretion are androgen-regulated processes. CONCLUSION: Our method can be used to analyze DNA microarray datasets based on information explicitly and implicitly available in the literature. We provide a publicly available tool, dubbed Anni, for this purpose

    Gene expression analyses of immune responses in Atlantic salmon during early stages of infection by salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) revealed bi-phasic responses coinciding with the copepod-chalimus transition

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    The salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer), an ectoparasitic copepod with a complex life cycle causes significant losses in salmon aquaculture. Pesticide treatments against the parasite raise environmental concerns and their efficacy is gradually decreasing. Improvement of fish resistance to lice, through biological control methods, needs better understanding of the protective mechanisms. We used a 21 k oligonucleotide microarray and RT-qPCR to examine the time-course of immune gene expression changes in salmon skin, spleen, and head kidney during the first 15 days after challenge, which encompassed the copepod and chalimus stages of lice development. Results Large scale and highly complex transcriptome responses were found already one day after infection (dpi). Many genes showed bi-phasic expression profiles with abrupt changes between 5 and 10 dpi (the copepod-chalimus transitions); the greatest fluctuations (up- and down-regulation) were seen in a large group of secretory splenic proteases with unknown roles. Rapid sensing was witnessed with induction of genes involved in innate immunity including lectins and enzymes of eicosanoid metabolism in skin and acute phase proteins in spleen. Transient (1-5 dpi) increase of T-cell receptor alpha, CD4-1, and possible regulators of lymphocyte differentiation suggested recruitment of T-cells of unidentified lineage to the skin. After 5 dpi the magnitude of transcriptomic responses decreased markedly in skin. Up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases in all studied organs suggested establishment of a chronic inflammatory status. Up-regulation of putative lymphocyte G0/G1 switch proteins in spleen at 5 dpi, immunoglobulins at 15 dpi; and increase of IgM and IgT transcripts in skin indicated an onset of adaptive humoral immune responses, whereas MHCI appeared to be down-regulated. Conclusions Atlantic salmon develops rapid local and systemic reactions to L. salmonis, which, however, do not result in substantial level of protection. The dramatic changes observed after 5 dpi can be associated with metamorphosis of copepod, immune modulation by the parasite, or transition from innate to adaptive immune responses

    Syk-dependent Actin Dynamics Regulate Endocytic Trafficking and Processing of Antigens Internalized through the B-Cell Receptor

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    Antigen binding to the B-cell receptor (BCR) induces multiple signaling cascades that ultimately lead to B lymphocyte activation. In addition, the BCR regulates the key trafficking events that allow the antigen to reach endocytic compartments devoted to antigen processing, i.e., that are enriched for major histocompatibility factor class II (MHC II) and accessory molecules such as H2-DM. Here, we analyze the role in antigen processing and presentation of the tyrosine kinase Syk, which is activated upon BCR engagement. We show that convergence of MHC II- and H2-DM–containing compartments with the vesicles that transport BCR-uptaken antigens is impaired in cells lacking Syk activity. This defect in endocytic trafficking compromises the ability of Syk-deficient cells to form MHC II-peptide complexes from BCR-internalized antigens. Altered endocytic trafficking is associated to a failure of Syk-deficient cells to properly reorganize their actin cytoskeleton in response to BCR engagement. We propose that, by modulating the actin dynamics induced upon BCR stimulation, Syk regulates the positioning and transport of the vesicles that carry the molecules required for antigen processing and presentation