37 research outputs found

    Akuntabilitas Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang Di Kota Semarang

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    Pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang di Kota Semarang merupakan suatu bentuk upaya, inisiatif Pemerintah Kota Semarang dan dibantu oleh Pemerintah Pusat bertujuan menanggulangi masalah banjir di Kota Semarang. Hal tersebut karena dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya musibah banjir dari tahun 1973-2002 yang telah memberikan banyak kerugian bagi masyarakat Kota Semarang. Namun kebijakan pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang dalam pelaksanaan pembangunannya mengalami sebuah masalah keterlambatan penyelesaian pembangunan waduk dari target yang telah ditetapkan. Berdasarkan masalah yang terjadi pada pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang kemudian muncul sebuah pertanyaan tentang bagaimana akuntabilitas dari perencanaan pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang. Hal tersebut dikaji melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan lokasi penelitian di Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai (BBWS) Pemali-Juana, Bappeda Kota Semarang, Kelurahan Kandri dan Kelurahan Jatirejo Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kelurahan Jatibarang dan Kelurahan Kedungpane Kecamatan Mijen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara kepada informan, studi dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. 2 Hasilnya adalah meskipun sudah masuk dalam kriteria akuntabel, namun perencanaan pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang terdapat cukup banyak catatan seperti dalam dimensi diskusi publik yakni sosialisasi hanya bersifat informatif, hanya dilakukan kepada warga terkena dampak, dan tidak sampai menghimpun aspirasi masyakat pada tingkat subtansi perencanaan. Kemudian pada dimensi koordinasi belum ada pembagian tugas dan kewenangan yang jelas dan tertulis, selanjutnya dimensi publikasi dan kampanye edukatif dimana kampanye edukatif tentang dampak-dampak dari pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang hanya ditujukan kepada warga terkena dampak. Maka disarankan agar melakukan diskusi publik yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat di empat kelurahan yang menjadi bagian lokasi pembangunan waduk secara luas dengan menghimpun aspirasi dari masyarakat, kemudian memperbaiki pembagian tugas dan kewenangan agar lebih jelas dan dalam bentuk tertulis. Dan yang terakhir kampanye edukatif dapat dilakukan terhadap masyarakat Kota Semarang secara luas

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Angka Kebuntingan (Conception Rate) pada Sapi Potong Setelah Dilakukan Sinkronisasi Estrus di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

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    This research used 287 cattle cows owned by 198 breeders, involve 3 sub-districts in Central Lampung District.This research aimed to determine factors affecting conception rate after oestrous synchronization in cattle cows inCentral Lampung District, Lampung Province in November 2012-Februari 2013.The result of this research showed that the conception rate cattle cows after oestrous synchronization in CentralLampung District was 60,53 %, included in less good category. The factors affecting conception rate after oestroussynchronization in Central Lampung District were the amount of pasture given which positively associate with thefactor amount of 0,020, the shape of cage wall which negatively associate with the factor amount of 1,473, thematerial of cage floor which positively associate with the factor amount of 0,701, the cage width which negativelyassociate with the factor amount of 0,062, & the breeding long time which positively associate with the factoramount of 0,057


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    Graf G = (V,E) adalah sepasang himpunan terurut dimana V adalah himpunan simpul tak kosong dan E adalah himpunan busur. Pelabelan pada graf G adalah penetapan nilai simpul dan busur dengan aturan tertentu. Pelabelan graceful adalah fungsi injektif ⍺ dari himpunan simpul V ke himpunan bilangan {0,1,2,... |E|} yang menginduksi fungsi bijektif ⍺’ dari himpunan busur E ke himpunan bilangan {0,1,2,... |E|} dimana setiap busur uv ∈ E dengan simpul u,v ∈ V berlaku ⍺’ (uv) = |⍺(u) - ⍺(v)|. Pelabelan skolem graceful adalah modifikasi dari pelabelan graceful yaitu fungsi injektif μ dari himpunan simpul V ke himpunan bilangan {0,1,2,... |V|} yang menginduksi fungsi bijektif μ’ dari himpunan busur E ke himpunan bilangan {0,1,2,... |E|} dimana setiap busur uv ∈ E dengan simpul u,v ∈ V berlaku μ’ (uv) = |μ(u) - μ(v)|. Pelabelan ⍴ adalah modifikasi lain dari pelabelan graceful yaitu fungsi injektif γ dari himpunan simpul V ke himpunan bilangan {0,1,2,... |E| + 1} yang menginduksi fungsi bijektif γ’ dari himpunan busur E ke himpunan bilangan 0,1,2,... |E|} dimana setiap busur uv ∈ E dengan simpul u,v ∈ V berlaku γ’ (uv) = |γ(u) - γ(v)|. Graf (Sn,3) dibentuk dari 3 graf bintang Sn kemudian diberikan sebuah simpul dan diberikan busur-busur yang menghubungkan setiap simpul pusat Sn dengan sebuah simpul tersebut. Pada makalah ini diberikan konstruksi pelabelan skolem graceful dan pelabelan ⍴ untuk graf (Sn,3). Kata kunci: pelabelan graceful, pelabelan skolem graceful, pelabelan ⍴, graf bintang, graf (Sn,3

    Peningkatan Perekonomian Masyarakat Melalui Industri Kreatif Jambu Kristal Sebagai Olahan Dodol di Desa Karangdoro Kecamatan Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    The purpose of this community assistance is to increase communitywealth through the creative industry by utilizing guava Kristal c grade to be Dodol inKarangdoro village Banyuwangi. The method used in this community assistance is(PAR) participatory action research method with the approach and doing the trainingof utilization of guava Kristal grade c, guava Kristal that have bad shape butconsumable. This kind of guava Kristal is usually used as livestock feed or dumped bypeople. This training is given to mums, the member of PKK, Posyandu cadre, and groupof religious study. This training is named DJ KRIIS, the abbreviation of Dodol JambuKristal that become healthy snacks and can be made as a souvenir; therefore it canincrease community income

    Achieving maternal and child health gains in Afghanistan: a Countdown to 2015 country case study

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    Background After the fall of the Taliban in 2001, Afghanistan experienced a tumultuous period of democracy overshadowed by confl ict, widespread insurgency, and an infl ow of development assistance. Although there have been several cross-sectional assessments of health gains over the last decade, there has been no systematic analysis of progress and factors infl uencing maternal and child health in Afghanistan. Methods We undertook a comprehensive, systematic assessment of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health in Afghanistan over the last decade. Given the paucity of high-quality data before 2001, we relied mainly on 11 nationally representative surveys conducted between 2003 and 2013. We estimated national and subnational time trends for key reproductive, maternal, and child health indicators, and used linear regression methods to determine predictors of change in health-care service use. All analyses were weighted for sampling and design eff ects. Additional information was collated and analysed about health system performance from third party surveys and about human resources from the Afghan Ministry of Public Health. Findings Between 2003 and 2015, Afghanistan experienced a 29% decline in mortality of children younger than 5 years. Although defi nite reductions in maternal mortality remain uncertain, concurrent improvements in essential maternal health interventions suggest parallel survival gains in mothers. In a little over a decade (2003–13 inclusive), coverage of several maternal care interventions increased—eg, for antenatal care (16% to 53%), skilled birth attendance (14% to 46%), and births in a health facility (13% to 39%). Childhood vaccination coverage rates for the basic vaccines from the Expanded Programme of Immunisation (eg, BCG, measles, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, and three doses of polio) doubled over this period (about 40% to about 80%). Between 2005 and 2013, the number of deployed facility and community-based health-care professionals also increased, including for nurses (738 to 5766), midwives (211 to 3333), general physicians (403 to 5990), and community health workers (2682 to 28 837). Multivariable analysis of factors contributing to overall changes in skilled birth attendance and facility births suggests independent contributions of maternal literacy, deployment of community midwives, and proximity to a facility. Interpretation Despite confl ict and poverty, Afghanistan has made reasonable progress in its reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health indicators over the last decade based on contributions of factors within and outside the health sector. However, equitable access to health care remains a challenge and present delivery models have high transactional costs, aff ecting sustainability. To maintain and further accelerate health and development gains, future strategies in Afghanistan will need to focus on investments in improving social determinants of health and targeted cost-eff ective interventions to address major causes of maternal and newborn mortality

    A proteomic approach to identifying spermatozoa proteins in Indonesian native Madura bulls

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    Proteins assist sperm mature, transit the female reproductive tract, and recognise sperm oocytes. Indigenous Indonesian bulls, Madura bulls, have not been studied for reproductive proteomics. As local Indonesian beef livestock, Madura cattle assist in achieving food security; hence, their number must be improved. Thus, the identification of molecular proteomics-based bull fertility biomarkers is needed. This study aimed to characterise the sperm fertility function of the superior Madura bull (Bos indicus × Bos Javanicus) spermatozoa proteome. Frozen semen from eight Madura superior bulls (Bos indicus × Bos javanicus) aged 4–8 years was obtained from the artificial insemination centre (AIC) in Singosari and Lembang. Madura superior bulls are those that have passed the bull breeding soundness evaluation. Frozen sperm were thawed and centrifuged at 3000 × g for 30 min. Proteins in sperm were characterised through proteomic analysis using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The resulting gene symbols for each protein were then subjected to bioinformatics tools, including UniProt, DAVID, and STRING databases. Regarding sperm fertility, the analysis revealed that 15 proteins were identified in the sperm of Madura bulls. Amongst the identified proteins, the superior Madura bull sperm contained several motilities, energy-related proteins, and chaperone proteins. A substantial portion of characterised proteins are linked to metabolic pathways and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, contributing to sperm energy production. In conclusion, the first in-depth proteome identification of sperm related to sperm quality and bull fertility of a unique indigenous Madura breed of Indonesia was performed using the LC–MS/MS proteomic method. These findings may serve as a reference point for further studies related to the functions of bovine sperm and biomarkers of fertility and sperm quality

    Brain-responsive neurostimulation for the treatment of adults with epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis complex: A case series

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    OBJECTIVE: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder primarily characterized by the development of multisystem benign tumors. Epilepsy is the most common neurologic manifestation, affecting 80%-90% of TSC patients. The diffuse structural brain abnormalities and the multifocal nature of epilepsy in TSC pose diagnostic challenges when evaluating patients for epilepsy surgery. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the safety experience and efficacy outcomes of five adult TSC patients who were treated with direct brain-responsive neurostimulation (RNS System, NeuroPace, Inc). RESULTS: The average follow-up duration was 20 months. All five patients were responders (≥50% disabling seizure reduction) at last follow-up. The median reduction in disabling seizures was 58% at 1 year and 88% at last follow-up. Three of the five patients experienced some period of seizure freedom ranging from 3 months to over 1 year. SIGNIFICANCE: In this small case series, we report the first safety experience and efficacy outcomes in patients with TSC-associated drug-resistant focal epilepsy treated with direct brain-responsive neurostimulation