9 research outputs found

    Population ecology of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as an invasive species in the Laurentian Great Lakes and an imperiled species in Europe

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    The sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus (Linnaeus) is both an invasive non-native species in the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America and an imperiled species in much of its native range in North America and Europe. To compare and contrast how understanding of population ecology is useful for control programs in the Great Lakes and restoration programs in Europe, we review current understanding of the population ecology of the sea lamprey in its native and introduced range. Some attributes of sea lamprey population ecology are particularly useful for both control programs in the Great Lakes and restoration programs in the native range. First, traps within fish ladders are beneficial for removing sea lampreys in Great Lakes streams and passing sea lampreys in the native range. Second, attractants and repellants are suitable for luring sea lampreys into traps for control in the Great Lakes and guiding sea lamprey passage for conservation in the native range. Third, assessment methods used for targeting sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes are useful for targeting habitat protection in the native range. Last, assessment methods used to quantify numbers of all life stages of sea lampreys would be appropriate for measuring success of control in the Great Lakes and success of conservation in the native range

    De onde vem o endividamento feminino?: construção e validação de um modelo PLS-PM Where does the women debt come from?: construction and validation of a PLS-PM model

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    O consumo exacerbado pode levar muitos indivĂ­duos a contraĂ­rem dĂ­vidas comprometendo uma parcela significativa de suas rendas e, em muitos casos, acabando por ser tornarem inadimplentes. A inadimplĂȘncia trĂĄs consigo efeitos muitas vezes arrasadores tanto do ponto de vista macroeconĂŽmico, aumentando o risco das operaçÔes e produtos financeiros, como do ponto de vista do indivĂ­duo, ao afetar suas relaçÔes sociais, seu estado psicolĂłgico e sua vida familiar. Por outro lado, a maior participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho trouxe uma maior independĂȘncia financeira e consequentente maior poder na decisĂŁo de consumo e ao mesmo tempo, maiores responsabilidades sobre o gerenciamento financeiro e nas decisĂ”es de endividamento. Neste sentido, este estudo centrou-se na identificação e anĂĄlise dos fatores que afetam na propensĂŁo ao endividamento, nas mulheres da MesorregiĂŁo Centro Ocidental Rio-grandense. Assim, este trabalho propĂ”e um modelo estrutural para explorar as relaçÔes entre os fatores determinantes da propensĂŁo ao endividamento junto Ă s mulheres da referida MesorregiĂŁo, considerando variĂĄveis que compĂ”em os construtos de STATUS SOCIAL, PREOCUPAÇÃO, ESTABILIDADE, PRAZER, PODER, ORÇAMENTO, ILUSÃO e MATERIALISMO. Para isso, foram aplicados 2.500 questionĂĄrios espalhados estatisticamente entre os 31 municĂ­pios que compĂ”em esta MesorregiĂŁo. Os dados foram analisados atravĂ©s da metodologia Partial Least Squares - Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Sumariamente, os resultados sugerem que o construto ENDIVIDAMENTO estĂĄ associado aos construtos STATUS, PREOCUPAÇÃO e MATERIALISMO, corroborando com as teorias das Finanças Comportamentais, ao sugerir que as decisĂ”es que envolvem endividamento vĂŁo alĂ©m da simples relação consumo e renda, ou seja, existem outras variĂĄveis comportamentais que sĂŁo importantes na hora do indivĂ­duo contrair dĂ­vidas, tais como, o significado que o indivĂ­duo atribui ao dinheiro e o nĂ­vel de materialismo.<br>The exacerbate consumption may lead many individuals to contract debts which commite a significant portion of their income and, in many cases, eventually taking into default. The default often brings with it devastating effects in both macroeconomic point of view, increasing the risk of operations and financial products, such as from the individual standpoint, affecting his social, psychological state and family life. Moreover, the bigger women participation in labor market brought greater financial independence and empowerment in decision and consequently larger power of consumption decision and at the same time, more responsibility on financial management and borrowing decisions. Thus, this study focused on the identification and analysis of factors which affect the indebtedness propensity, among women in the Rio Grande do Sul western-central mesoregion. This study proposes a structural model to determine the relationships among the women indebtedness propensity determinants of that mesoregion, considering variables which compose the constructs of SOCIAL STATUS, CONCERN, STABILITY, PLEASURE, POWER, BUDGET, ILLUSION and MATERIALISM. For this, were applied 2,500 questionnaires statistically scattered among the 31 cities which compose the mesoregion. Data were analyzed by Partial Least Squares -Path Modeling (PLS-PM) methodology. In summary, the results suggest that the construct INDEBTEDNESS is associated with SOCIAL STATUS, CONCERN and MATERIALISM, corroborating with the Behavioral Finance theories, suggesting that decisions involving borrowing go beyond the simple consumption and income relationship, i.e., there are other behavioral variables which are important in the time that individual contract debts, such as the meaning that the individual attaches to money and the materialism level

    Kapitel 3: EnttĂ€uschte Erwartungen Der wĂŒrttembergische Pietismus an der Wende

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    The Ecology of Larval and Metamorphosing Lampreys

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    Lamprey Metamorphosis

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    Population ecology of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as an invasive species in the Laurentian Great Lakes and an imperiled species in Europe

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