230 research outputs found

    Assay validation and interspecific comparison of salivary glucocorticoids in three amphibian species

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    Amphibians are one of the most threatened groups of species, facing stressors ranging from habitat degradation and pollution to disease and overexploitation. Stress hormones (glucocorticoids, GCs) provide one quantitative metric of stress,and developing non-invasive methods for measuring GCs in amphibians would clarify how diverse environmental stressors impact individual health in this taxonomic group. Saliva is an advantageous matrix for quantifying GCs, as it is sampled less invasively than plasma while still detecting both baseline and acute elevation of GCs within a short timeframe. Little work has employed this method in amphibian species, and it has never been pharmacologically and biologically validated. Here, we conduct analytical, pharmacological and biological validation experiments for measuring salivary corticosterone in three amphibian species: the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), the green frog (Rana clamitans) and the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens). These species are faced with a broad range of environmental challenges, and in part of its range R. pipiens populations are currently in decline. In addition to demonstrating that this method can be reliably used in multiple amphibian species, we present an examination of intrinsic biological factors (sex, body condition) that may contribute to GC secretion, and a demonstration that saliva can be collected from free-living animals in the field to quantify corticosterone. Our findings suggest that saliva may be useful for less invasively quantifying GCs in many amphibian species

    Community Profiles: An Evaluation and Planning Tool for Neighborhood Systems and Environmental Change Efforts

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    Purpose: Latinos in the US experience health disparities in obesity and related disease outcomes. There is national recognition that modifiable risk factors are influenced by the places that people work, live and play. Latinos are more likely to live in areas with limited access to affordable healthy food and recreational facilities. Design: This paper describes the development and use of neighborhood profiles as a tool for (1) assessing neighborhood built environments and (2) planning for neighborhood-based efforts focused on systems and environmental change. Our neighborhood profiles united four diverse data sources: secondary data, observational assessments, neighborhood connector interviews and resident surveys. Subjects: Twelve mostly urban, largely Latino neighborhoods of high economic disparity in Pima County, Arizona were included. Analysis: Secondary data was analyzed to describe sociodemographic characteristics of neighborhoods, while observational assessments were used to quantify and qualify aspects of the built environment. Neighborhood surveys and connector interviews were analyzed using frequency distributions and content analysis. Results: Neighborhoods varied in healthy food availability and physical activity infrastructure. Overall, residents indicated that community gardens and healthy food options in local stores are priorities. Conclusion: Neighborhood profiles demonstrated potential as an evaluation and community-planning tool to assist communities to create healthy environments

    The Quality Reference Framework for MOOC Design

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    This paper introduces "The Quality Reference Framework (QRF) for the Quality of MOOCs". It was developed by the European Alliance for the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), called MOOQ that could involve in the QRF finalization more than 10,000 MOOC learners, designers, facilitators and providers. The QRF consists of three dimensions: Phases, Perspectives and Roles. It includes two quality instruments: the QRF Key Quality Criteria for MOOC experts and QRF Quality Checklist for MOOC beginners

    A Comparative Study of National Infrastructures for Digital (Open) Educational Resources in Higher Education

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    This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digital educational architectures: Open learning resources in distributed learning infrastructures–EduArc”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This study reviews the situation of digital educational resources (or (O)ER) framed within the digital transformation of ten different Higher Education (HE) systems (Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey and the United States). Following a comparative case study approach, we investigated issues related to the existence of policies, quality assurance mechanisms and measures for the promotion of change in supporting infrastructure development for (O)ER at the national level in HE in the different countries. The results of this mainly documentary research highlight differences and similarities, which are largely due to variations in these countries’ political structure organisation. The discussion and conclusion point at the importance of understanding each country’s context and culture, in order to understand the differences between them, as well as the challenges they face

    Response to comment on 'Amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic and ongoing loss of biodiversity'

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    Lambert et al. question our retrospective and holistic epidemiological assessment of the role of chytridiomycosis in amphibian declines. Their alternative assessment is narrow and provides an incomplete evaluation of evidence. Adopting this approach limits understanding of infectious disease impacts and hampers conservation efforts. We reaffirm that our study provides unambiguous evidence that chytridiomycosis has affected at least 501 amphibian species

    Selection on Visual Opsin Genes in Diurnal Neotropical Frogs and Loss of the SWS2 Opsin in Poison Frogs

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    Amphibians are ideal for studying visual system evolution because their biphasic (aquatic and terrestrial) life history and ecological diversity expose them to a broad range of visual conditions. Here, we evaluate signatures of selection on visual opsin genes across Neotropical anurans and focus on three diurnal clades that are well-known for the concurrence of conspicuous colors and chemical defense (i.e., aposematism): poison frogs (Dendrobatidae), Harlequin toads (Bufonidae: Atelopus), and pumpkin toadlets (Brachycephalidae: Brachycephalus). We found evidence of positive selection on 44 amino acid sites in LWS, SWS1, SWS2, and RH1 opsin genes, of which one in LWS and two in RH1 have been previously identified as spectral tuning sites in other vertebrates. Given that anurans have mostly nocturnal habits, the patterns of selection revealed new sites that might be important in spectral tuning for frogs, potentially for adaptation to diurnal habits and for color-based intraspecific communication. Furthermore, we provide evidence that SWS2, normally expressed in rod cells in frogs and some salamanders, has likely been lost in the ancestor of Dendrobatidae, suggesting that under low-light levels, dendrobatids have inferior wavelength discrimination compared to other frogs. This loss might follow the origin of diurnal activity in dendrobatids and could have implications for their behavior. Our analyses show that assessments of opsin diversification in across taxa could expand our understanding of the role of sensory system evolution in ecological adaptation.</p

    Conservation decisions under pressure: lessons from an exercise in rapid response to wildlife disease

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    Novel outbreaks of emerging pathogens require rapid responses to enable successful mitigation. We simulated a 1‐day emergency meeting where experts were engaged to recommend mitigation strategies for a new outbreak of the amphibian fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Despite the inevitable uncertainty, experts suggested and discussed several possible strategies. However, their recommendations were undermined by imperfect initial definitions of the objectives and scope of management. This problem is likely to arise in most real‐world emergency situations. The exercise thus highlighted the importance of clearly defining the context, objectives, and spatial–temporal scale of mitigation decisions. Managers are commonly under pressure to act immediately. However, an iterative process in which experts and managers cooperate to clarify objectives and uncertainties, while collecting more information and devising mitigation strategies, may be slightly more time consuming but ultimately lead to better outcomes