33 research outputs found


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    A process of creating a static neural network intended for diagnosing bypass gas turbine aircraft engines by a method of cat- egorizing the technical state of the engine flow path was considered. Diagnostics depth was “to the structural assembly”. A variant of diagnosing single faults of the flow path was considered. The following tasks were set: ‒ select the best neuron activation functions in the network layers; ‒ determine the number of layers; ‒ determine the optimal number of neurons in layers; ‒ determine the optimal size of the training set. The problem was solved taking into account the influence of parameter measurement errors. The method of structure optimization implies training the network of the selected configuration using a training data set. The training was periodically interrupted to analyze the results of the network operation according to the criterion characterizing the quality of classification of the engine technical state. The assessment was performed with training and control sets. The network that pro- vides the best value of the classification quality parameter assessed by the test set was selected as the final network. The PS-90A turbojet engine was selected as the object of diag- nostics. Diagnostics was carried out on takeoff mode and during the initial climb. Primary optimization was carried out according to the data with no measurement errors. It was shown that a two-layer net- work with the use of neurons having a hyperbolic tangent function in both layers is sufficient to solve the problem. The size of the first network layer was finally optimized according to the data contain- ing measurement errors. A two-layer network with eight neurons in the first layer was obtained. The share of erroneous diagnoses measured 14.5 %

    Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the IL-18 Gene with Production of IL-18 Protein by Mononuclear Cells from Healthy Donors

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    IL-18 has proinflammatory effects and participates in both innate and adaptive cellular and humoral immunity. A number of SNPs that influence IL-18 production are found in the gene promoter region. We investigated the association of SNPs in the IL-18 promoter at −607 and −137 with the level of IL-18 protein production by PBMC from healthy donors from Southwestern Siberia. The genetic distribution of these SNPs in the promoter site was established by PCR. IL-18 protein production was determined by ELISA. Our results showed that PBMC from donors carrying allele 137C have lower levels of both spontaneous and LPS-stimulated IL-18 production. In contrast, PBMC from donors carrying allele 607A showed significant increases in spontaneous and stimulated IL-18 production compared to wild type. Our study suggests that the SNPs −607 and −137 in the promoter region of the IL-18 gene influence the level of IL-18 protein production by PBMC from healthy donors in Southwestern Siberia

    Batrachium fluitans (Lam.) Wimm. (Ranunculus fluitans Lam.)

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    Книга є офіційним докуменом, що відображає сучасний стан видів рослин і грибів України, які перебувають під загрозою зникнення,або потребують охорони. У книзі наводяться відомості про 826 видів, дається їх українська та латинська назва, таксономічна належність, природоохоронний статус, наукове значення, ареал виду та його поширення в Україні, чисельність та структура популяцій, причини зміни чисельності, умови місцезростань, загальна біоморфологічна характеристика, режим збереження популяцій та заходи з охорони, розмноження та розведення у спеціально створених умовах, господарське та комерційне значення, основні джерела інформації. Кожна стаття супроводжується ілюстрацією та картосхемою поширення виду в Україні. Також вміщено нормативні документи про Червону книгу України та довідкові матеріал


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    The stigmatisation of mentally ill people is discussed in the article; the social representations theory is seen as one of the most productive among the different models of stigmatisation. The strategies of destigmatisation are also discussed in the article

    Printed Carbon Microelectrodes for Electrochemical Detection of Single Vesicle Release from PC12 Cells

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    We present a disposable system for recording neurotransmitter release from individual cells in vitro. A simple yet reliable microelectrode fabrication process is introduced using screen-printed carbon paste. It allows rapid fabrication of devices at low costs without standard clean-room technology. We demonstrate functionality of the system by real-time observation of vesicle release from single PC12 (rat pheochromocytoma) cells. The cells are cultured directly on the chip and can be used for immediate or long-term in vitro experiments. Thus, our approach may serve as a platform for pharmacological cell culture studies


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    Abstract. Interleukin–18 is one of the main cytokines, inducing production of IFNg. It is the important factor of anti–infectious and anti–tumor immunity. The review represent molecular–genetic and biochemical characteristics of IL–18. The data about producers, the structure of the receptor and of IL–18 binding protein, as well as signal transduction in the cell are considered. Besides that, the main immune effects of IL–18 are discussed. (Med. Immunol., 2005, vol.7, № 4, pp 355–364