203 research outputs found

    Photo-fenton degradation of pentachlorophenol l: competition between additives and photolysis

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    [EN] In the present work, the photo-Fenton degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP, 1 mg/L) has been studied under simulated and natural solar irradiation; moreover, the effect on the process efficiency of urban waste-derived soluble bio-based substances (SBO), structurally comparable to humic acids, has been investigated. Experiments showed a crucial role of PCP photolysis, present in the solar pilot plant and hindered by the Pyrex (R) filter present in the solar simulator. Indeed, the SBO screen negatively affects PCP degradation when working under natural solar light, where the photolysis of PCP is relevant. In contrast, in the absence of PCP photolysis, a significant improvement of the photo-Fenton process was observed when added to SBO. Furthermore, SBO were able to extend the application of the photo-Fenton process at circumneutral pH values, due to their ability to complex iron, avoiding its precipitation as oxides or hydroxides. This positive effect has been observed at higher concentration of Fe(II) (4 mg/L), whereas at 1 mg/L, the degradation rates of PCP were comparable in the presence and absence of SBO.This work was realized with the financial support of the academic interchange from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange project, funded by the European Commission H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 within the framework of the research project Mat4treaT (Project number: 645551).Vergura, EP.; García-Ballesteros, S.; Vercher Pérez, RF.; Santos-Juanes Jordá, L.; Bianco Prevot, A.; Arqués Sanz, A. (2019). Photo-Fenton Degradation of Pentachlorophenol: Competition between Additives and Photolysis. Nanomaterials. 9(8):1-8. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano9081157S189

    Residual safety for flexural bending of slabs with corrosion in the joists

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    [EN] A large number of slabs with severe corrosion problems at the precast joists have appeared in Spain, often increased by the use of aluminous cement. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the residual safety for the bending mechanisms in the most common cases of damaged slabs, to decide the magnitude of the needed intervention. The damaged slabs have been evaluated as a part of an entire building, since the boundary conditions are essential for obtaining actual behavior, taking into account the different phases of the construction process and deterioration over time. A major cracking in the constructive elements are not frequently observed in inspections, and it is found that there is a sufficient residual safety to undertake the rehabilitation works without exceptional measures.[ES] A nivel nacional han aparecido un gran número de forjados de viguetas prefabricadas con graves problemas de corrosión, potenciada en muchas ocasiones por el empleo del cemento aluminoso. El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar la seguridad residual de los mecanismos de flexión en los casos más habituales de forjados dañados, para decidir la magnitud de la intervención necesaria. Los forjados dañados se han evaluado formando parte de un edificio completo, ya que las condiciones de contorno son fundamentales para la obtención del Comportamiento real, teniendo en cuenta las distintas fases del proceso constructivo y de deterioro en el tiempo. En bastantes ocasiones en la inspección no se observa una fisuración importante en los elementos constructivos, como solados o tabiquería, y hemos comprobado que existe una seguridad residual suficiente para acometer las obras de rehabilitación sin necesidad de adoptar medidas excepcionales.Gil Benso, E.; Vercher Sanchis, JM.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Fenollosa Forner, EJ. (2015). Seguridad remanente a flexión en forjados con corrosión en las viguetas. Informes de la Construcción. 67(537):1-10. doi:10.3989/ic.13.084S11067537Morán Cabré, F. (1994). Estimación de la seguridad residual en estructuras de hormigón con problemas patológicos. Informes de la Construcción, 46(434), 39-51. doi:10.3989/ic.1994.v46.i434.1107(2) Giménez, E. (2007). Estudio experimental y numérico de soportes de hormigón armado reforzados con perfiles metálicos sometidos a esfuerzos de compresión simple (Tesis Doctoral). Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.(3) Vieitez, J.A., Ramírez, J.L. (1984). Patología de la Construcción en Espa-a: Aproximación Estadística. Resumen de Tesis Doctoral. Informes de la Construcción, 36(364): 5-15.(4) Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (IVE). (2008). Guía para la Inspección y Evaluación Preliminar de estructuras de hormigón en edificios existentes. Serie guías de la calidad. Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana - Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Aigua, Urbanisme i Habitatge.(5) Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (IVE). (2008). Experiencia en Inspección de estructuras en edificios. Comunidad Valenciana 1991-2008. Serie guías de la calidad. Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana - Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Aigua, Urbanisme i Habitatge.(6) Grupo Espa-ol del Hormigón (GEHO). (1994). Reparación y refuerzo de estructuras hormigón. Guía FIP de buena práctica. Boletín GEHO, 14. Madrid.Evangelista, A. D., Leonardis, A. D., Valente, C., & Zuccarino, L. (2011). Design and testing of corrosion damaged prestressed concrete joists: the Pescara Benchmark. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 305, 012081. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/305/1/012081Coronelli, D., & Gambarova, P. (2004). Structural Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams: Modeling Guidelines. Journal of Structural Engineering, 130(8), 1214-1224. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9445(2004)130:8(1214)Foster, S. ., Bailey, C. ., Burgess, I. ., & Plank, R. . (2004). Experimental behaviour of concrete floor slabs at large displacements. Engineering Structures, 26(9), 1231-1247. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2004.04.002(11) Ministerio de Vivienda. (2006, 28 de marzo). Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE). Boletín Oficial del Estado, nº 74: 11816-11831. Madrid, Espa-a.(12) Bangash, M.Y.H. (1989). Concrete and concrete structures: Numerical modeling and applications. London - New York: Elsevier Applied Science.(13) Willam, K.J., Warnke, E.D. (1975). Constitutive model for the triaxial behavior of concrete. En Proceedings of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, ISMES, 19: 1-30. Bergamo, Italy.(14) Vercher, J. (2013). Seguridad residual en los forjados con corrosión severa (Tesis Doctoral). Valencia: Universidat Politècnica de València.Cubel, F., Mas, A., Vercher, J., & Gil, E. (2012). Design and construction recommendations for brick enclosures with continuous air chamber. Construction and Building Materials, 36, 151-164. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.04.128Brencich, A., & Felice, G. de. (2009). Brickwork under eccentric compression: Experimental results and macroscopic models. Construction and Building Materials, 23(5), 1935-1946. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2008.09.004Dilrukshi, K. G. S., Dias, W. P. S., & Rajapakse, R. K. N. D. (2010). Numerical modelling of cracks in masonry walls due to thermal movements in an overlying slab. Engineering Structures, 32(5), 1411-1422. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2010.01.019(18) Fanning, P. (2001). Nonlinear models of reinforced and post-tensioned concrete beams. Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 2: 111-119.(19) Tavio, T., Tata, A. (2009). Predicting nonlinear behavior and stress-strain relationship of rectangular confined reinforced concrete columns with Ansys. Civil Engineering Dimension, 11(1): 23-31.Rodriguez, J., Ortega, L., & Casal, J. (1997). Load carrying capacity of concrete structures with corroded reinforcement. Construction and Building Materials, 11(4), 239-248. doi:10.1016/s0950-0618(97)00043-

    CLERK is a novel receptor kinase required for sensing of root-active CLE peptides in <i>Arabidopsis</i>.

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    CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION (CLE) peptides are secreted endogenous plant ligands that are sensed by receptor kinases (RKs) to convey environmental and developmental inputs. Typically, this involves an RK with narrow ligand specificity that signals together with a more promiscuous co-receptor. For most CLEs, biologically relevant (co-)receptors are unknown. The dimer of the receptor-like protein CLAVATA 2 (CLV2) and the pseudokinase CORYNE (CRN) conditions perception of so-called root-active CLE peptides, the exogenous application of which suppresses root growth by preventing protophloem formation in the meristem. &lt;i&gt;clv2&lt;/i&gt; as well as &lt;i&gt;crn&lt;/i&gt; null mutants are resistant to root-active CLE peptides, possibly because CLV2-CRN promotes expression of their cognate receptors. Here, we have identified the &lt;i&gt;CLE-RESISTANT RECEPTOR KINASE&lt;/i&gt; ( &lt;i&gt;CLERK&lt;/i&gt; ) gene, which is required for full sensing of root-active CLE peptides in early developing protophloem. CLERK protein can be replaced by its close homologs, SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SARK) and NSP-INTERACTING KINASE 1 (NIK1). Yet neither CLERK nor NIK1 ectodomains interact biochemically with described CLE receptor ectodomains. Consistently, &lt;i&gt;CLERK&lt;/i&gt; also acts genetically independently of &lt;i&gt;CLV2-CRN&lt;/i&gt; We, thus, have discovered a novel hub for redundant CLE sensing in the root

    Abundancia de depredadores en setos de frutales en el Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat

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    Se ha estudiado la abundancia de la entomofauna auxiliar asociada a los setos de un arboretum de frutales ecológicos perteneciente al "Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat", cuya gestión técnica está realizada por la "ADV de Fruita del Baix Llobregat. Las especies vegetales estudiadas fueron lentisco (Pistacia Lentiscus L.), genista (Genista sp.), durillo (Viburnum tinus L.), adelfa (Nerium oleander L.), madroño (Arbutus unedo L.), salvia (Salvia sp.), romero (Rosmarinus oficinalis L.), así como tres tipos de macizos de aromáticas con salvia, romero, espliego (Lavandula sp.) o tomillo (Thymus oficinalis L.) como principales especies. El muestreo se ha efectuado con aspiración (soplador ECHO PB 46-LN,+ kit aspirador). El análisis de las aspiraciones muestran como resultado un total de 67.717 artrópodos, de los cuales 14.236 pueden considerarse depredadores generalistas (un 21% del total). Arácnidos y hormigas son con mucho los más habituales, con una población identificada de 6.934 y 4.999 individuos, respectivamente. Del resto de depredadores, los más numerosos fueron los coccinélidos con 618 individuos, seguidos de heterópteros con 557 (nábidos, míridos y antocóridos, por este orden), dípteros con 290 (de los cuáles 283 eran cecidómidos) y neurópteros con 224 (fundamentalmente crisópidos, con 199). Existen variaciones notables de la abundancia entre las especies de setos estudiadas. Así, contando el conjunto de depredadores, salvia, madroño y aromáticas destacan del resto, mientras que baladre y genista son las de menor cantidad de depredadores. Si dejamos aparte hormigas, serían salvia, aromáticas y durillo los mejores. En neurópteros destacan lentisco y madroño, mientras que en coccinélidos, dípteros, heterópteros y arácnidos depredadores salvia y aromáticas

    Diagnosis / Intervention criteria in damaged slabs by severe corrosion of prestressed joists

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    This research defines diagnosis criteria in R/C one-way slabs with severe corrosion at the lower prestressed reinforcement of the joists and proposes specific actuation criteria and constructive recommendations to increase the safety. The corrosion of this reinforcement is the most common damage in building structures, and the use of aluminous cement in the precast joists can aggravate the corrosion. The usual cases of entire residential buildings with different degrees of damage and with a few or all joists affected in a slab have been simulated. ACI-318 is used as an acceptance criterion for existing structures in the simulations, and a ratio between the ultimate load and the service load is defined as valuation coefficient. By this way, the residual safety for a damaged structure is known. Results are in accordance with the extensive experience in real intervention cases, which often still have high safety reserves.Vercher Sanchis, JM.; Gil Benso, E.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C. (2013). Diagnosis / Intervention criteria in damaged slabs by severe corrosion of prestressed joists. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. (04014040). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000515S0401404

    Explicit expressions for the estimation of the elastic constants of lamellar bone as a function of the volumetric mineral content using a multi-scale approach

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    [EN] In this work, explicit expressions to estimate all the transversely isotropic elastic constants of lamellar bone as a function of the volumetric bone mineral density (BMD) are provided. The methodology presented is based on the direct homogenization procedure using the finite element method, the continuum approach based on the Hill bounds, the least-square method and the mean field technique. Firstly, a detailed description of the volumetric content of the different components of bone is provided. The parameters defined in this step are related to the volumetric BMD considering that bone mineralization process occurs at the smallest scale length of the bone tissue. Then, a thorough description provides the details of the numerical models and the assumptions adopted to estimate the elastic behaviour of the forward scale lengths. The results highlight the noticeable influence of the BMD on the elastic modulus of lamellar bone. Power law regressions fit the Young's moduli, shear stiffness moduli and Poisson ratios. In addition, the explicit expressions obtained are applied to the estimation of the elastic constants of cortical bone. At this scale length, a representative unit cell of cortical bone is analysed including the fibril orientation pattern given by Wagermaier et al. (Biointerphases 1:1-5, 2006) and the BMD distributions observed by Granke et al. (PLoS One 8:e58043, 2012) for the osteon. Results confirm that fibril orientation arrangement governs the anisotropic behaviour of cortical bone instead of the BMD distribution. The novel explicit expressions obtained in this work can be used for improving the accuracy of bone fracture risk assessment.The authors acknowledge the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for the financial support received through the project DPI2013-46641-R and to the Generalitat Valenciana for Programme PROMETEO 2016/007. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interestVercher Martínez, A.; Giner Maravilla, E.; Belda, R.; Aigoun, A.; Fuenmayor Fernández, F. (2018). Explicit expressions for the estimation of the elastic constants of lamellar bone as a function of the volumetric mineral content using a multi-scale approach. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 17(2):449-464. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-017-0971-xS449464172Akiva U, Wagner HD, Weiner S (1998) Modelling the three-dimensional elastic constants of parallel-fibred and lamellar bone. J Mater Sci 33:1497–1509Ascenzi A, Bonucci E (1967) The tensile properties of single osteons. Ana Rec 158:375–386Barbour KE, Zmuda JM, Strotmeyer ES, Horwitz MJ, Boudreau R, Evans RW, Ensrud K, Petit MA, Gordon CL, Cauley JA (2013) Correlates of trabecular and cortical volumetric bone mineral density of the radius and tibia older men: the osteoporotic fractures in men study. 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    Non-destructive Techniques Methodologies for the Detection of Ancient Structures under Heritage Buildings

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    [EN] Structures and elements buried beneath heritage buildings are frequent but are often unknown and inaccessible. Therefore, they are difficult to locate in general if an archaeological excavation is not carried out, with the economic cost and time involved. It is important to discover them in order to increase our knowledge of cultural heritage, as well as to know, recover and improve the state of conservation of the materials that make up these structures. This paper presents methodologies for locating old structures using a low-cost NDT approach, with a qualitative and quantitative analysis of GPR profiles in heritage buildings. Small perforations are performed at critical points and introducing an endoscope for verification. Various crypts have been located using the proposed methodologies in a real study case: The Church of the Asución of Llíria in Spain.Gil Benso, E.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C.; Torner, ME.; Vercher Sanchis, J. (2021). Non-destructive Techniques Methodologies for the Detection of Ancient Structures under Heritage Buildings. International journal of architectural heritage (electronic). 15(10):1457-1473. https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2019.1700320S14571473151

    Solar photo-Fenton at mild conditions to treat a mixture of six emerging pollutants

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    The applicability of photo-Fenton to degrade a mixture of emerging pollutants (EPs) namely amoxycillin, acetaminophen, acetemiprid, caffeine, clofibric acid and carbamazepine has been studied at different scenarios. At high concentrations, acidic photo-Fenton was able to achieve a fast removal of the EPs. Although, complete mineralization was not reached, the toxicity of the solution was decreased according to the respiration of activated sludge and luminescence of Vibrio fischeri assays, although according to this last assay a transitory enhancement of the toxicity was found, attributable to the formation of toxic byproducts such as phenols, chlorophenols and chlorinated pyrydines. Experiments carried out with 5 mg/l of each EP showed that at neutral media the process was two orders of magnitude less efficient than at acidic pH, although it was still able to remove the EPs. The aqueous matrix has a remarkable effect on the process as the presence of humic acids increased the reaction rate and inorganic salts played an inhibitory role. Finally, experiments performed with 10 lg/l of each EP showed that under those experimental conditions nearly complete removal of the EPs was reached with neutral photo-Fenton after 120 min of irradiation; in this case, humic substances played a disfavorable role.We want to thank the financial support of Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (CTQ 2009-13459-0O5-03) and (CTQ 2009-3459-C05-01).Bernabeu García, A.; Palacios Guillem, S.; Vicente Candela, R.; Vercher Pérez, RF.; Malato Rodríguez, S.; Arques Sanz, A.; Amat Payá, AM. (2012). Solar photo-Fenton at mild conditions to treat a mixture of six emerging pollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal. 198:65-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2012.05.056S657219