262 research outputs found

    Nonlinear two-dimensional free surface solutions of flow exiting a pipe and impacting a wedge

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    This paper concerns the flow of fluid exiting a two-dimensional pipe and impacting an infinite wedge. Where the flow leaves the pipe there is a free surface between the fluid and a passive gas. The model is a generalisation of both plane bubbles and flow impacting a flat plate. In the absence of gravity and surface tension, an exact free streamline solution is derived. We also construct two numerical schemes to compute solutions with the inclusion of surface tension and gravity. The first method involves mapping the flow to the lower half-plane, where an integral equation concerning only boundary values is derived. This integral equation is solved numerically. The second method involves conformally mapping the flow domain onto a unit disc in the s-plane. The unknowns are then expressed as a power series in s. The series is truncated, and the coefficients are solved numerically. The boundary integral method has the additional advantage that it allows for solutions with waves in the far-field, as discussed later. Good agreement between the two numerical methods and the exact free streamline solution provides a check on the numerical schemes

    Black poplar (Populus nigra)

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    Technical guidelines are targeted to practical forest managers and provide summarized information on the biology and ecology of tree species, distribution ranges, importance and use, genetic knowledge, threats to genetic diversity and recommendations for long-term genetic conservation. For the full list of Technical guidelines produced, please visit http://www.euforgen.org/publications/technical_guidelines.htm

    Spontaan herstel van zachthout-ooibos: complicaties door verspreiding en vermenging van genen bij populieren

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    Langs de oevers van grote rivieren, zoals de Maas en de Waal, worden regelmatig kiemplanten en jonge boompjes van de populier aangetroffen. Natuurontwikkelingsprojecten in het rivierengebied, zoals het project langs de Gemeenschappelijke Maas, creëren nog meer geschikte kiemplaatsen voor de populier. Deze jonge populieren vormen de aanzet voor spontaan herstel van rivierbos. Maar hoe zit het met hun identiteit? Zijn ze afkomstig van de Europese zwarte populier, van de alom aangeplante cultuurpopulier of van een vermenging tussen beiden? Op basis van morfologische kenmerken is dit moeilijk te achterhalen. DNA-technieken laten toe om de genetische identiteit van de jonge populieren te ontrafelen en processen, zoals kruisen en genetische vervuiling of introgressie, te bestuderen. Via inzicht in deze processen kunnen we ons een beeld vormen van hoe spontaan ontwikkeld rivierbos er in de toekomst zou kunnen uitzien

    Solution selection of axisymmetric Taylor bubbles

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    A finite difference scheme is proposed to solve the problem of axisymmetric Taylor bubbles rising at a constant velocity in a tube. A method to remove singularities from the numerical scheme is presented, allowing accurate computation of the bubbles with the inclusion of both gravity and surface tension. This paper confirms the long-held belief that the solution space of the axisymmetric Taylor bubble for small surface tension is qualitatively similar to that of the plane Taylor bubble. Furthermore, evidence suggesting that the solution selection mechanism associated with plane bubbles also occurs in the axisymmetric case is presented

    Using the VALGENT-3 framework to assess the clinical and analytical performance of the RIATOL qPCR HPV genotyping assay

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    Background and objective: The VALGENT framework is developed to assess the clinical performance of HPV tests that offer genotyping capability. Samples from the VALGENT-3 panel are used to identify an optimal viral concentration threshold for the RIATOL qPCR HPV genotyping assay (RIATOL qPCR) to assure non-inferior accuracy to detect high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), compared to Qiagen Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2), a standard comparator test validated for cervical cancer screening. Study design: The VALGENT-3 panel comprised 1300 samples from women participating in the Slovenian cervical cancer screening programme, enriched with 300 samples from women with abnormal cytology. In follow-up, 126 women were diagnosed with CIN2+ (defined as diseased) and 1167 women had two consecutive negative Pap smears (defined as non-diseased). All 1600 samples were analyzed with the RIATOL qPCR. Viral concentration was expressed as viral log10 of the number of copies/ml. A zone of viral concentration cut-offs was defined by relative ROC analysis where the sensitivity and specificity were not inferior to HC2. Results: The RIATOL qPCR had a sensitivity and specificity for CIN2+ of 97.6% (CI: 93.2-99.5%) and 85.1% (CI: 82.9-87.1%), respectively, when the analytical cut off was used. At a cut off of 6.5, RIATOL qPCR had a sensitivity of 96.0% (CI: 91.0-98.7%) and a specificity of 89.5% (87.6-91.2%). At optimized cut off, accuracy of the qPCR was non-inferior to the HC2 with a relative sensitivity of 1.00 [CI: 0.95-1.05 (p= 0.006)] and relative specificity of 1.00 [CI: 0.98-1.01 (p= 0.0069)]. Conclusions: The RIATOL qPCR has a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of CIN2+. By using a fixed cut-off based on viral concentration, the test is non-inferior to HC2. HPV tests that provide viral concentration measurements or other quantifiable signals allow flexibility to optimize accuracy required for cervical cancer screening

    Natural hybridization between Populus nigra L. and P. x canadensis Moench. Hybrid offspring competes for niches along the Rhine river in the Netherlands

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    Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) is a major species for European riparian forests but its abundance has decreased over the decades due to human influences. For restoration of floodplain woodlands, the remaining black poplar stands may act as source population. A potential problem is that P. nigra and Populus deltoides have contributed to many interspecific hybrids, which have been planted in large numbers. As these Populus x canadensis clones have the possibility to intercross with wild P. nigra trees, their offspring could establish themselves along European rivers. In this study, we have sampled 44 poplar seedlings and young trees that occurred spontaneously along the Rhine river and its tributaries in the Netherlands. Along these rivers, only a few native P. nigra L. populations exist in combination with many planted cultivated P. x canadensis trees. By comparison to reference material from P. nigra, P. deltoides and P. x canadensis, species-specific AFLP bands and microsatellite alleles indicated that nearly half of the sampled trees were not pure P. nigra but progeny of natural hybridisation that had colonised the Rhine river banks. The posterior probability method as implemented in NewHybrids using microsatellite data was the superior method in establishing the most likely parentage. The results of this study indicate that offspring of hybrid cultivated poplars compete for the same ecological niche as native black poplars

    Solitary gravity waves and free surface flows past a point vortex

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    Nonlinear free surface flows past a disturbance in a channel of finite depth are considered. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible and inviscid and the flow to be two-dimensional, irrotational and supercritical. The disturbance is chosen to be a point vortex. Highly accurate numerical solutions are computed. The basic idea of the numerical approach is first to develop codes to compute solitary waves and then to introduce appropriate modifications to model the point vortex. Previous results are recovered and new solutions are presented

    Variabilidad en la brotaciĂłn de las yemas vegetativas de los olmos europeos

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    The bud-burst dates of clones of Ulmus minor, Ulmus glabra, and Ulmus laevis were recorded in the field during the spring of 2000, 2001 and 2002 at six locations in five European countries. Meteorological data were obtained from stations close to the plots. Thermal time to bud-burst (T) and chilling (C) were calculated. A relationship on the form T = a + b erC was fitted for each species. In the three species, winter rest release seems to be controlled by two opposite quantitative effects of the temperature, which interrelate according to an inverse exponential relation. Besides, the bud-burst date was found to be stable between years characterised by different winter thermal trends. These three Elm species have small chilling requirements. U. minor has chilling requirements lower than those of the other two species, in agreement with the more southern distribution.Durante las primaveras de los años 2000, 2001 y 2002 se registró en campo, en seis localidades de cinco países europeos, la fecha de apertura de yemas en un número de clones pertenecientes a Ulmus minor, Ulmus glabra y Ulmus laevis. Simultáneamente se obtuvieron datos meteorológicos en estaciones próximas a las parcelas. Se calculó los grados día (T) y el requerimiento de frío (C). Para cada especie se estableció una relación de la forma T = a + b erC. En las tres especies, la interrupción de la quiescencia parece estar controlada por dos efectos termales cuantitativos opuestos, relacionados por una exponencial inversa. Se ha encontrados que la fecha de apertura de yemas ha sido estable incluso en años con características térmicas invernales considerablemente diferentes. Los requerimientos de frío son pequeños en las tres especies de olmo. U. minor requiere fríos menores que las otras dos especies, lo que es consistente con su distribución más meridional

    Asymmetric gravity-capillary solitary waves on deep water

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    We present new families of gravity–capillary solitary waves propagating on the surface of a two-dimensional deep fluid. These spatially localised travelling-wave solutions are non-symmetric in the wave propagation direction. Our computation reveals that these waves appear from a spontaneous symmetry-breaking bifurcation, and connect two branches of multi-packet symmetric solitary waves. The speed–energy bifurcation curve of asymmetric solitary waves features a zigzag behaviour with one or more turning points
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