42 research outputs found

    New effective moduli of isotropic viscoelastic composites. Part I. Theoretical justification

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    According to the approach based on the commonality of problems of determining effective moduli of composites and viscoelastic solids, which properties are time-inhomogeneous, it is assumed that a viscoelastic solid is a two-component composite. One component displays temporal properties defined by a pair of Castiglianian-type effective moduli, and the other is defined by a pair of Lagrangian-type effective moduli. The Voigt and Reuss averaging is performed for the obtained two-composite solid with the introduction of a time function of volume fraction. In order to determine closer estimates, a method of iterative transformation of time effective moduli is applied to the viscoelastic Voigt-Reuss model. The physical justification of the method is provided. As a result, new time effective moduli of the viscoelastic solid are obtained which give a closer estimate of temporal properties as compared to the known models

    Algorithm of iterative transformation for effective modules of multicomponent isotropic composite

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    We consider the effective modules of Voigt, Reiss for isotropic elastic composites. We have reformed the method for constructing iterative transformation of the upper and lower estimates of fork (Voigt-Reuss) towards two-component composite in case of an arbitrary number of components. The method is based on the fact that effective modules of Voigt and Reuss can be regarded as elementary symmetric functions introduced by Gauss. The conditions, which the iteratively – transformed efficient modules must fulfill at every iteration, are shown

    Seawater operating bio-photovoltaic cells coupling semiconductor photoanodes and enzymatic biocathodes

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    Access to fresh water and energy is ranked as one of the most severe challenges to humankind. The restricted availability of fossil fuels and clean water does not match the increasing energy demands and growing population needs, which, desirably, should be satisfied in the most sustainable, clean and inexpensive way. Here, we report clean and sustainable conversion of solar energy into electricity by photo- and bio-electrocatalytic recycling of the H2O/O2 redox couple in a hybrid bio-photovoltaic (BPV) membraneless cell comprising a sunlight-illuminated water-oxidizing semiconductor anode (either Zn-doped hematite or TiO2) and an oxygen-reducing enzymatic biocathode, in such environmental media as seawater. Upon simulated solar light illumination (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm−2), the maximum power density (Pmax) generated by the cell was 236 and 21.4 μW cm−2 in 1 M Tris–HCl and seawater, both at pH 8, respectively. In seawater its ionic content inhibited mostly the activity of the photoanode, but not that of the biocathode. The obtained Pmax values were orders of magnitude higher than those of a photo-electrochemical cell with a Pt mesh cathode (0.32 μW cm−2 in seawater). The demonstrated thermodynamically feasible coupling of cost-effective photoactive materials such as TiO2 or hematite semiconductors and enzymatic counterparts in seawater media opens a prospective clean and sustainable way of transformation of the most abundant, clean and renewable source of energy – solar light – and the Earth's most massive water resource – seawater – into electricity, which can also be used for fresh water production

    The theoretical molecular weight of NaYF ₄ :RE upconversion nanoparticles

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    Upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) are utilized extensively for biomedical imaging, sensing, and therapeutic applications, yet the molecular weight of UCNPs has not previously been reported. Herein, we present a theory based upon the crystal structure of UCNPs to estimate the molecular weight of UCNPs: enabling insight into UCNP molecular weight for the first time. We estimate the theoretical molecular weight of various UCNPs reported in the literature, predicting that spherical NaYF4 UCNPs ~ 10 nm in diameter will be ~1 MDa (i.e. 106 g/mol), whereas UCNPs ~ 45 nm in diameter will be ~100 MDa (i.e. 108 g/mol). We also predict that hexagonal crystal phase UCNPs will be of greater molecular weight than cubic crystal phase UCNPs. Additionally we find that a Gaussian UCNP diameter distribution will correspond to a lognormal UCNP molecular weight distribution. Our approach could potentially be generalised to predict the molecular weight of other arbitrary crystalline nanoparticles: as such, we provide stand-alone graphic user interfaces to calculate the molecular weight both UCNPs and arbitrary crystalline nanoparticles. We expect knowledge of UCNP molecular weight to be of wide utility in biomedical applications where reporting UCNP quantity in absolute numbers or molarity will be beneficial for inter-study comparison and repeatability

    Affimer-Based Europium Chelates Allow Sensitive Optical Biosensing in a Range of Human Disease Biomarkers

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    The protein biomarker measurement has been well-established using ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), which offers good sensitivity and specificity, but remains slow and expensive. Certain clinical conditions, where rapid measurement or immediate confirmation of a biomarker is paramount for treatment, necessitate more rapid analysis. Biosensors offer the prospect of reagent-less, processing-free measurements at the patient’s bedside. Here, we report a platform for biosensing based on chelated Eu3+ against a range of proteins including biomarkers of cardiac injury (human myoglobin), stroke (glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)), inflammation (C-reactive protein (CRP)) and colorectal cancer (carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)). The Eu3+ ions are chelated by modified synthetic binding proteins (Affimers), which offer an alternative targeting strategy to existing antibodies. The fluorescence characteristics of the Eu3+ complex with modified Affimers against human myoglobin, GFAP, CRP and CEA were measured in human serum using λex = 395 nm, λem = 590 and 615 nm. The Eu3+-Affimer based complex allowed sensitive detection of human myoglobin, GFAP, CRP and CEA proteins as low as 100 fM in (100-fold) diluted human serum samples. The unique dependence on Eu3+ fluorescence in the visible region (590 and 615 nm) was exploited in this study to allow rapid measurement of the analyte concentration, with measurements in 2 to 3 min. These data demonstrate that the Affimer based Eu3+ complexes can function as nanobiosensors with potential analytical and diagnostic applications

    Redox-Dependent Modulation of T-Type Ca2+ Channels in Sensory Neurons Contributes to Acute Anti-Nociceptive Effect of Substance P

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    Aims: Neuropeptide substance P (SP) is produced and released by a subset of peripheral sensory neurons that respond to tissue damage (nociceptors). SP exerts excitatory effects in the central nervous system, but peripheral SP actions are still poorly understood; therefore, here, we aimed at investigating these peripheral mechanisms. Results: SP acutely inhibited T-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in nociceptors. The effect was mediated by neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor-induced stimulation of intracellular release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as it can be prevented or reversed by the reducing agent dithiothreitol and mimicked by exogenous or endogenous ROS. This redox-mediated T-type Ca2+ channel inhibition operated through the modulation of CaV3.2 channel sensitivity to ambient zinc, as it can be prevented or reversed by zinc chelation and mimicked by exogenous zinc. Elimination of the zinc-binding site in CaV3.2 rendered the channel insensitive to SP-mediated inhibition. Importantly, peripherally applied SP significantly reduced bradykinin-induced nociception in rats in vivo; knock-down of CaV3.2 significantly reduced this anti-nociceptive effect. This atypical signaling cascade shared the initial steps with the SP-mediated augmentation of M-type K+ channels described earlier. Innovation: Our study established a mechanism underlying the peripheral anti-nociceptive effect of SP whereby this neuropeptide produces ROS-dependent inhibition of pro-algesic T-type Ca2+ current and concurrent enhancement of anti-algesic M-type K+ current. These findings will lead to a better understanding of mechanisms of endogenous analgesia. Conclusion: SP modulates T-type channel activity in nociceptors by a redox-dependent tuning of channel sensitivity to zinc; this novel modulatory pathway contributes to the peripheral anti-nociceptive effect of SP

    Heterogeneous Rate Constant for Amorphous Silica Nanoparticle Adsorption on Phospholipid Monolayers

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    The interaction of amorphous silica nanoparticles with phospholipid monolayers and bilayers has received a great deal of interest in recent years and is of importance for assessing potential cellular toxicity of such species, whether natural or synthesized for the purpose of nanomedical drug delivery and other applications. This present communication studies the rate of silica nanoparticle adsorption on to phospholipid monolayers in order to extract a heterogeneous rate constant from the data. This rate constant relates to the initial rate of growth of an adsorbed layer of nanoparticles as SiO2 on a unit area of the monolayer surface from unit concentration in dispersion. Experiments were carried out using the system of dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) monolayers deposited on Pt/Hg electrodes in a flow cell. Additional studies were carried out on the interaction of soluble silica with these layers. Results show that the rate constant is effectively constant with respect to silica nanoparticle size. This is interpreted as indicating that the interaction of hydrated SiO2 molecular species with phospholipid polar groups is the molecular initiating event (MIE) defined as the initial interaction of the silica particle surface with the phospholipid layer surface promoting the adsorption of silica nanoparticles on DOPC. The conclusion is consistent with the observed significant interaction of soluble SiO2 with the DOPC layer and the established properties of the silica-water interface

    Barium yttrium fluoride based upconversion nanoparticles as dual mode image contrast agents

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    Dual labeled contrast agents could provide better complementary information for bioimaging than available solely from a single modality. In this paper we investigate the suitability of Yb3+ and Er3+-doped BaYF5 upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) as both optical and X-ray micro computed tomography (μCT) contrast agents. Stable, aqueous UCNP dispersions were synthesised using a hydrothermal method with the addition of polyethyleneimine (PEI). UCNPs were single crystal and had a truncated cuboidal morphology, with average particle size of 47 ± 9 nm from transmission electron microscopy which was further used to characterize the structure and composition in detail. A zeta potential value of +51 mV was measured for the aqueous nanoparticle dispersions which is beneficial for cell permeability. The outer hydrated PEI layer is also advantageous for the attachment of proteins for targeted delivery in biological systems. The prepared UCNPs were proven to be non-toxic to endothelial cells up to a concentration of 3.5 mg/mL, when assessed using an MTT assay. The particles showed intense green upconversion photoluminescence when excited at a wavelength of 976 nm using a diode laser. Quantitative X-ray μCT contrast imaging confirmed the potential of these UCNPs as X-ray contrast agents and confirming their dual modality for bioimaging

    Substituents modulate biphenyl penetration into lipid membranes

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    Electrochemical impedance techniques and fluorescence spectroscopic methods have been applied to the study of the interaction of ortho (o)-, meta (m)- and para (p)-Cl-, o-, m- and p-HO-, p-H3CO-, p-H3C-, p-NC- and p-O3− S- substituted biphenyls (BPs) with Hg supported dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) monolayers and DOPC vesicles. Non-planar o-substituted BPs exhibit the weakest interactions whereas planar p-substituted BPs interact to the greatest extent with the DOPC layers. The substituted BP/DOPC monolayer and bilayer interaction depends on the effect of the substituent on the aromatic electron density, which is related to the substituents’ mesomeric Hammetts constants. Substituted BPs with increased ring electron density do not increase the DOPC monolayer thickness on Hg and penetrate the DOPC vesicle membranes to the greatest extent. Substituted BPs with lower ring electron density can cause an increase in the monolayer’s thickness on Hg depending on their location and they remain in the interfacial and superficial layer of the free standing DOPC membranes. Quantum mechanical calculations correlate the binding energy between the substituted BP rings and methyl acetate, as a model for the –CH2-(CO)O-CH2- fragment of a DOPC molecule, with the location of BPs within the DOPC monolayer

    Phospholipid bilayers at the mercury (Hg)/water interface

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    This study reports on the electrochemical characterisation of dioleoyl phospatidylcholine (DOPC) bilayer structures on a negatively polarised mercury (Hg) electrode. The bilayers are stable on the Hg surface between −1.0 and −1.3 V applied potential. The experimental approaches were:- (i) rapid cyclic voltammetry (RCV) to “fingerprint” the bilayers, (ii) potential step experiments to record Zn²+ reduction and, (iii) electrochemical impedance. The results show the following. Both the specific capacitance (5 μF cm‾²) and the specific resistance of the bilayer are higher and lower respectively than that of a defect-free free standing DOPC bilayer. This indicates the presence of water and ions in the bilayer within an applied negative field. The bilayer's resistance to electrolyte movement decreases with increase in negative potential to a minimum at −1.3 V. The DOPC bilayer is less permeable to Zn²+ ions compared to the DOPC monolayer coated electrode at applied negative potentials and its permeability to Zn²+ increases with an increase in negative applied potential. The specific capacitance of the bilayer increases to about 7.5 μF cm‾² with increase in applied negative potential showing the increasing significance of water in the bilayer commensurate with its increased permeability to ions. Adsorption of SiO₂ nanoparticles on the bilayer surface causes a step negative potential shift in the anodic capacitance current bilayer reformation peak indicating an acceleration of the bilayer reformation process