99 research outputs found

    Limitations on squeezing and formation of the superposition of two macroscopically distinguishable states at fundamental frequency in the process of second harmonic generation

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    The results of numerical simulations of quantum state evolution in the process of second harmonic generation (SHG) are discussed. It is shown that at a particular moment of time in the fundamental mode initially coherent state turns into a superposition of two macroscopically distinguished states. The question of whether this superposition exhibits quantum interference is analyzed

    Sub-Poissonian light and photocurrent shot-noise suppression in closed opto-electronic loop

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    We examine experimentally photocurrent noise reduction in the opto-electronic closed loop. Photocurrent noise density 12.5 dB below the shot-noise was observed. So large suppression was not reached in previous experiments and cannot be explained in terms of an ordinary sub-Poissonian light in the loop. We propose the concept of anticorrelation state for the description of light in the loop

    Formation of Luminescence Centers in Oxygen-Deficient Cerium Oxide Nanocrystals

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    In this work the peculiarities of oxygen vacancies formation in cerium oxide nanoparticles for different external influences have been investigated by spectroscopic methods. The features of oxygen vacancies and therefore non-stoichiometric cerium oxide formation in CeO2 nanocrystals depending on the atmosphere of high temperature treatment were investigated. Stimulation of oxygen vacancies formation in reducing and neutral atmospheres was revealed. Occurrence of two different luminescence centers (viz. the charge-transfer complexes formed by Ce4+ and O2- ions, and Ce3+ ions stabilized by vacancies) after cerium oxide nanoparticles annealing in a neutral atmosphere has been observed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3544

    Measurement of qutrits

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    We proposed the procedure of measuring the unknown state of the three-level system - the qutrit, which was realized as the arbitrary polarization state of the single-mode biphoton field. This procedure is accomplished for the set of the pure states of qutrits; this set is defined by the properties of SU(2) transformations, that are done by the polarization transformers.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    On Exchange of Orbital Angular Momentum Between Twisted Photons and Atomic Electrons

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    We obtain an expression for the matrix element for a twisted (Laguerre-Gaussian profile) photon scattering from a hydrogen atom. We consider photons incoming with an orbital angular momentum (OAM) of \ell \hbar, carried by a factor of eiϕe^{i \ell \phi} not present in a plane-wave or pure Gaussian profile beam. The nature of the transfer of +2+2\ell units of OAM from the photon to the azimuthal atomic quantum number of the atom is investigated. We obtain simple formulae for these OAM flip transitions for elastic forward scattering of twisted photons when the photon wavelength λ\lambda is large compared with the atomic target size aa, and small compared the Rayleigh range zRz_R, which characterizes the collimation length of the twisted photon beam.Comment: 16 page

    Suppression of impurity ions optical transitions dephasing in nanocrystals

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    Abnormally narrow spectral lines have been observed in the luminescence spectra of Y₂SiO₅Pr³⁺ and YVO₄:Eu³⁺ nanocrystals at the room temperature. This fact was interpreted as the result of optical transitions dephasing processes suppression in the nanocrystals. The general cause of the observed effect is the weakening of phonon scattering on the impurity centre as a result of the quantum size effect in nanocrystal phonon subsystem. At first the dependence of spectral line width on the nanocrystal size has been shown. Unnecessary of the deep cooling for narrow optical resonances obtaining makes these nanocrystals a potential candidate for the wide set of applications in the optical memory and quantum computing devices.На спектрах люмінесценції нанокристалів Y₂SiO₅Pr³⁺ та YVO₄:Eu³⁺ за кімнатної температури спостерігалася наявність аномально вузьких спектральних ліній. Це було інтерпретовано як результат заглушення процесів дефазування оптичних переходів у нанокристалах. Причиною зазначеного ефекту є ослаблення розсіювання фононів на домішковому центрі внаслідок впливу квантово-розмірного ефекту на підсистему фононів у нанокристалі. Уперше отримано залежність ширини спектральних ліній від розміру нанокристала. Відсутність потреби глибокого заморожування для отримання вузьких оптичних резонансів відкриває можливості використання таких нанокристалів для створення пристроїв оптичної памяті та квантових компютерів.На спектрах люминесценции нанокристаллов Y₂SiO₅Pr³⁺ и YVO₄:Eu³⁺ при комнатной температуре наблюдалось наличие аномально узких спектральных линий. Это было интерпретировано как результат подавления процессов дефазировки оптических переходов в нанокристаллах. Причиной наблюдаемого эффекта является ослабление рассеяния фононов на примесном центре в результате влияния квантово-размерного эффекта на подсистему фононов в нанокристалле. Впервые получена зависимость ширины спектральных линий от размера нанокристалла. Отсутствие необходимости глубокого замораживания для получения узких оптических резонансов открывает широкие возможности применения данных нанокристаллов для создания устройств оптической памяти и квантовых компьютеров

    Feedback cooling of a single trapped ion

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    Based on a real-time measurement of the motion of a single ion in a Paul trap, we demonstrate its electro-mechanical cooling below the Doppler limit by homodyne feedback control (cold damping). The feedback cooling results are well described by a model based on a quantum mechanical Master Equation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Optimization of laser stabilization via self-injection locking to a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator: experimental study

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    Self-injection locking of a diode laser to a high-quality-factor microresonator is widely used for frequency stabilization and linewidth narrowing. We constructed several microresonator-based laser sources with measured instantaneous linewidths of 1 Hz and used them for investigation and implementation of the self-injection locking effect. We studied analytically and experimentally the dependence of the stabilization coefficient on tunable parameters such as locking phase and coupling rate. It was shown that precise control of the locking phase allows fine tuning of the generated frequency from the stabilized laser diode. We also showed that it is possible for such laser sources to realize fast continuous and linear frequency modulation by injection current tuning inside the self-injection locking regime. We conceptually demonstrate coherent frequency-modulated continuous wave LIDAR over a distance of 10 km using such a microresonator-stabilized laser diode in the frequency-chirping regime and measure velocities as low as sub-micrometer per second in the unmodulated case. These results could be of interest for cutting-edge technology applications such as space debris monitoring and long-range object classification, high resolution spectroscopy and others