157 research outputs found

    University performance and regional develop­ment: the case of Russia's North-West

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    The role of universities in regional socio-economic systems is pivotal. However, despite the overall trend of GRP growth, regions of Russia’s Northwestern Federal District underperform on education-related measures. These include the share of education in GRP, the percentage of individuals employed in the education sector and the number of universities and students. These trends pose a substantial challenge to regional development, especially in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and the rise of the knowledge economy. The lack of attention to the education sector may stem from the gross underestimation of its contribution to regional development. By implementing their 'third mission', universities exert influence on the economy, politics and socially responsible industries in their home region. A better understanding of the role of universities in regional development requires a comprehensive evaluation of their performance. This study aims to evaluate the performance of regional universities and examine its impact on regional socio-economic indicators. The paper proposes a methodology for evaluating the performance of regional universities and presents the results of its application in the regions of Russia's Northwestern Federal District. The universities of the Arkhangelsk region and St Petersburg demonstrated the highest performance levels, whilst those of the Leningrad region were the lowest. Correlation analysis showed a significant connection between universities' performance levels and the key socio-economic indicators of regional development. Universities' performance levels vary significantly across Russia's Northwestern regions. The findings may interest researchers studying regional development issues and administrators of universities prioritising the implementation of the third mission. Additionally, the results can inform decisions regarding the advancement of higher education at the regional level within the Northwestern Federal District


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    Experiments of culturing the immature isolated embryos and megagamethophytes of Siberian coniferous species were carried out on different modified media: ½ LV medium for Pinus sibirica and Pinus pumila, MSG and AI media (patent № 2431651) for Larix sibirica and Larix gmelinii, DCR medium for Picea ajanensis. For induction of embryogenic callus every species needs the optimized medium supplemented with L-glutamine, casein hydrolysate, ascorbic acid and hormones with different concentrations and their different proportions. The active proliferation of embryonal masses is observed on the same medium with reduced concentration of cytokinins. The proliferation of embryonal masses was significantly improved when they were subcultured after dispersing in liquid medium. The somatic embryos from embryonal masses are matured on basal medium with ABA (60-120 mM) and PEG. In spite of species specificity the embryogenesis of morphogenic structures had the same scheme: elongation and asymmetric division of somatic cells, formation of initial cells and embryonal tubes, development of globular, torpedo and bipolar somatic embryos, embryos maturation and germination. However, not all donor-plants of coniferous species can form the embryogenic cell lines and somatic embryos. The active development of embryonal masses and formation of somatic embryos are observed from zygotic embryo of hybrid seeds of P. sibirica and L. sibirica. The obtained embryogenic lines were characterized by different proliferative activity. During 10 months cultivation the value of embryonal masses in different lines was 140-570 g. The number of somatic embryos varies from 210 to 410 per 100 mg of callus fresh weight. Decreasing proliferation activity did not observed during 24-45 months cultivation. However, development of somatic embryos in long cultivated lines decreased. Maturation of somatic embryos and development of plantlets were established in L. sibirica and P. pumila 50-60 somatic embryos were matured per 1g of callus fresh weight. Somatic embryogenesis passes over the strong genetic control. Only donor tree genotypes with high reproductive potential form embryogenic cell lines and somatic embryos. The maternal affect was very strong relative to paternal and other effects. The studying molecular mechanisms involved in the control regulation of embryo development (embryo maturation, desiccation and germination) allows to understand many aspects of molecular biology of gymnosperms


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    Исторический опыт уральского медиаобразования является объектом научного исследования для историков журналистики и для специалистов по медиаобразованию. Автор, основываясь на анализе большого пласта изданных школьниками и студентами газет и журналов с конца XVIII до начала XXI века, предлагает свою систему периодизации развития активной формы реализации медиаобразования на Урале.The historical experience of the Ural media education is an object of scientific research for historians of journalism and for specialist’s media education. The periodization jf the active form of media education in the Ural region from the very beginning of its emergence to the present day is proposed: from the end 18th to the beginning of the 21st centuries

    Tourism and Natural Environment in the NP Taganay (Russia) - Habits And Perceptions of the Visitors

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    The research analyzes attitudes and habits of the visitors in the National Park (NP) Taganay on South Urals in Russia. The survey method was applied on a sample of 305 respondents in order to investigate visitors’ travel habits, as well as their perceptions regarding different experiences they were exposed to. The results identified a strong positive perception regarding overall experiences from visiting the NP. Specific permanent patterns of behavior were observed and compatibility between visitors’ habits and the environment was determined. The most significant variables affecting perceptions are the frequency of visits and the age. The study has identified certain concerns regarding environmental issues. Respondents were found sensitive to garbage production in public areas and the presence of noise in protected territory. The results of the study provide inputs for solving the long-standing conflict between nature conservation and mass tourism in Russian protected areas

    Стейкхолдерский подход к устойчивому региональному развитию: результаты эмпирического исследования

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    Реализация концепции устойчивого развития ведет к существенной трансформации ценностей и интересов таких ключевых стейкхолдеров, как правительство, население и бизнес-сообщество. Поскольку учет интересов региональных стейкхолдеров имеет решающее значение для обеспечения устойчивого развития таких крупных стран, как Россия, особую актуальность приобретает разработка отсутствующего на текущий момент методического инструментария для оценки уровня реализации интересов стейкхолдеров, степени их сбалансированности и согласованности. В данной работе рассмотрены и классифицированы интересы ключевых региональных стейкхолдеров, разработана система показателей для оценки уровня их реализации. Предложен алгоритм расчета 9 групповых и 7 интегральных индексов, используемых для измерения степени социо-эколого-экономической сбалансированности и межсубъектной согласованности интересов. Данный методический инструментарий был апробирован на примере 17 регионов Приволжского и Уральского федеральных округов. Установлено, что уровень реализации интересов стейкхолдеров преимущественно характеризуется как «средний», по уровню реализации интересы разных стейкхолдеров в целом согласованы. Однако имеет место выраженный дисбаланс в социо-эколого-экономическом разрезе: отмечен преимущественно высокий уровень реализации социальных интересов в сочетании с низким уровнем экологических интересов. Регрессионное моделирование показало, что наличие этого дисбаланса оказывает негативное влияние на устойчивого развития российских регионов. Предлагаемая методология может способствовать расширению сферы аналитических исследований в области устойчивого развития.Introduction of the concept of sustainable development (SD) led to the transformation of values and interests of key stakeholders: the government, population and business. Since consideration of regional stakeholder interests is crucial for ensuring SD of large countries like Russia, a methodology is needed to assess their fulfilment, balance and consistency. However, previous studies of regional sustainable development have not yet proposed such a methodology. The present paper examined and classified regional stakeholder interests and developed an indicator framework to evaluate their fulfilment. We proposed an algorithm for calculating 9 group and 7 integral indices which were subsequently used to measure the socio-economic-environmental balance and inter-stakeholder consistency of interests. The methodology was applied to 17 regions of the Volga and Ural Federal Districts of Russia. The research discovered that sustainable development in most regions was at a medium level. There was no significant difference in the fulfilment of interests among the different stakeholders, which can be interpreted as a factor strengthening social cohesion. Additionally, a socio-economic-environmental imbalance was revealed: the fulfilment of social interests was the highest and that of environmental interests was the lowest. Regression modelling has shown that the presence of this imbalance has a negative impact on SD of Russian regions. The proposed methodology may contribute to broaden the scope of analytical research in the field of sustainable development

    The Using Interactive Technologies in Teaching Russian at a Technical University

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    В статье рассматриваются актуальные вопросы уровневого обучения русскому языку как иностранному, в соответствии с которым организуется образовательный процесс. Авторы предлагают методы, приемы и технологии интерактивного обучения, нестандартные подходы к решению образовательных задач, изменение привычного учебного пространства при формировании коммуникативных компетенций.The article deals with the current issues of level-based teaching of Russian as a foreign language, in accordance with which the educational process is organized. The authors offer methods, techniques and technologies of interactive learning, non-standard approaches to solving educational problems, changing the usual learning space in the formation of communicative competencies

    Досвід використання довготривалої електростимуляції при ушкодженнях нервів, поєднаних з ішемією м’язів передпліччя

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    The aim of the work: to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with nerve damage combined with forearm muscle ischemia through the use of reconstructive surgery techniques and long-term nerve stimulation. Materials and Methods. The analysis of surgical treatment of ten patients with nerve injury, combined with supracondylar fractures of the humerus, complicated by ischemia of the muscles of the forearm. Representatives of the male sex accounted for 80 % of the surveyed, female – 20 %. The average period from the moment of injury to reconstruction was 4.7 months. In all cases, surgical treatment was carried out – neurolysis, autoplasty, nerve suturing, angiolysis, removal of degeneratively altered tissues within the highest density of fascial-bone gaps. In 8 cases, reconstructive neurosurgical intervention was completed by implantation of a system for long-term direct stimulation of the NE-Si 3M nerves (VEL, Ukraine). Results and Discussion. The proposed method led to a significant improvement in treatment outcomes in 80 % of victims. Considering the complex mechanism of development of changes of the muscular apparatus due to the denervation and ischemic genesis, the elimination of at least the denervation effects, by stimulating the regenerative potential of the damaged peripheral nerve is a rather promising direction.Цель работы: повысить эффективность лечения больных с повреждениями нервов, соединенных с ишемией мышц предплечья путем использования методик реконструктивной хирургии и длительной электростимуляции нервов. Материалы и методы.  Проведен анализ хирургического лечения десяти больных с травмой нервов, соединенных с супракондилярнимы переломы плечевой кости, осложненных ишемией мышц предплечья.  Представители мужского пола составляли 80 % обследованных, женского – 20 %. Средний срок с момента получения травмы до проведения реконструктивного вмешательства составил 4,7 месяцев.  Во всех случаях проведено хирургическое лечение – невролиз, аутопластика, сшивания нервов, ангиолиз, удаление дегенеративно измененных тканей в пределах наибольшей плотности фасциально-костных промежутков.  В 8 случаях реконструктивное нейрохирургическое вмешательство завершалось имплантацией системы для долговременной прямой электростимуляции нервов “Ней-Си 3М” (ВЭЛ, Украина). Результаты исследований и их обсуждение.  Предложенная методика позволила достичь существенного улучшения результатов лечения у 80 % пострадавших.  Учитывая сложный механизм развития изменений мышечного аппарата вследствие денервационных и ишемического генеза, устранение минимум денервационных эффектов путем стимуляции регенерационного потенциала поврежденного периферического нерва является довольно перспективным направлением.Мета роботи: підвищити ефективність лікування хворих з ушкодженнями нервів, поєднаних з ішемією мʼязів передпліччя шляхом використання методик реконструктивної хірургії та довготривалої електростимуляції нервів. Матеріали і методи. Проведено аналіз хірургічного лікування десяти хворих з травмою нервів, поєднаних з супракондилярними переломи плечової кістки, ускладнених ішемією м’язів передпліччя. Представники чоловічої статі складали 80 % обстежених, жіночої – 20 %. Середній термін від моменту отримання травми до проведення реконструктивного втручання становив 4,7 місяців. В усіх випадках проведено хірургічне лікування – невроліз, аутопластика, зшивання нервів, ангіоліз,  видалення дегенеративно змінених тканин в межах найбільшої щільності фасціально-кісткових проміжків. У 8 випадках реконструктивне нейрохірургічне втручання завершувалось імплантацією системи для довготривалої прямої електростимуляції нервів “Ней-Сі 3М” (ВЕЛ, Україна). Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Запропонована методика дозволила досягти суттєвого поліпшення результатів лікування у 80 % постраждалих. Враховуючи складний механізм розвитку змін м’язового апарату внаслідок денерваційного та ішемічного ґенезу, усунення щонайменше денерваційних ефектів, шляхом стимуляції регенераційного потенціалу ушкодженого периферичного нерва є доволі перспективним напрямком

    Spinal accessory to suprascapular nerve transfer in brachial plexus injury: outcomes of anterior vs. posterior approach to the suprascapular nerve at associated ipsilateral spinal accessory nerve injury

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    Objective: The spinal accessory nerve (Acc) is susceptible to trauma in at least 6% of cases of brachial plexus injury (BPI). The impaired Acc function disables its utilization for transfer to the suprascapular nerve (SS). The selection of approach to SS is highly dependant on the anatomy of BPI. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of the anterior-posterior approach of Acc to SS transfer in BPI and associated functional outcomes. Methods. Twenty nine patients with BP/Acc associated injury were included. Ten patients underwent the transfer of Acc to SS by the anterior approach (AA), 19 patients – by the posterior approach (PA). Nine nerve transfers through AA and one nerve transfer through PA required the interposition of an autologous nerve graft. The functioning of the supra-/infraspinatus muscle was evaluated at 9 and 15mos. on the basis of the MRC and the external rotation (ER) range. ER more than +400 beyond the sagittal plane was regarded as effective recovery of function. Results. Impaired function (M3 or lower on MRC) of the lower trapezius muscle was associated with preserved anatomy of the SS in the supraclavicular region in 9 out of 10 cases. Eighteen patients (62%) recovered to M3 and higher (shoulder stability), 11of these (38%) showed recovery to M4-M5. Five of all patients recovered to M4-M5 and were able to produce ER within the effective ROM (+400-600 of ER). After the AA to the SS, shoulder stability was restored in 60% of cases (M4-M5 in 30%). After the PA to the SS, shoulder stability was restored in 74% of cases (M4-M5 in 42%). Only non-complete BPI showed effective recovery of power and function in terms of less than 6 mos. after injury. PA to SS with no graft provided shoulder stability in 72% of cases, AA to the SS and the graft interposition ensured shoulder stability in 50% of cases. Conclusions. The incidence of AA to the SS was 35%, PA – 65%; preserved anatomy of the SS in supraclavicular region was associated with an increased risk of trapezius muscle dysfunction; the PA to SS and consecutive direct end-to-end transfer of Acc showed better results compared to other combinations of nerve transfers in providing shoulder stability

    Reprogramming of CTLs into natural killer–like cells in celiac disease

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    Celiac disease is an intestinal inflammatory disorder induced by dietary gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. The mechanisms underlying the massive expansion of interferon γ–producing intraepithelial cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and the destruction of the epithelial cells lining the small intestine of celiac patients have remained elusive. We report massive oligoclonal expansions of intraepithelial CTLs that exhibit a profound genetic reprogramming of natural killer (NK) functions. These CTLs aberrantly expressed cytolytic NK lineage receptors, such as NKG2C, NKp44, and NKp46, which associate with adaptor molecules bearing immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs and induce ZAP-70 phosphorylation, cytokine secretion, and proliferation independently of T cell receptor signaling. This NK transformation of CTLs may underlie both the self-perpetuating, gluten-independent tissue damage and the uncontrolled CTL expansion leading to malignant lymphomas in severe forms of celiac disease. Because similar changes were detected in a subset of CTLs from cytomegalovirus-seropositive patients, we suggest that a stepwise transformation of CTLs into NK-like cells may underlie immunopathology in various chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases