161 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Arima dan Var dalam Memproyeksi Permintaan Kredit di Indonesia

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    This research was carried out by using ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrate Moving Avarage ) with VAR method (Vector Autoregressive) to see which one more effective in forecasting. From the results of the study may indicate that the ARIMA method is more effective than VARmethod in predicting demand for credit in Indonesia . ARIMA ( 1,1,0 ) is the best model for forecasting the level of the average forecasting error is quite low with a value of 8.70 (RMSE) compared with VAR models . Additionally VAR models using multiple stages to performforecasting models such as VAR , Impulse Response , Variance Decomposition to be done to project the demand for credit . From the research that has been done quantitatively that the ARIMA method is more effective and efficient in making predictions , the stage or the method used is quite simple with accurate results with relatively low error rates with 8.70 (RMSE) . While the VAR method for forecasting the need to use multiple stages in predicting demand for credit , but no measure of the level of error in the method of the VAR model is best for forecasting the ARIMA model

    Hubungan Pelaksanaan Klinik Sanitasi dengan Kejadian Diare di Kabupaten Takalar

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    Environmental health efforts and environmental ased disease eradication programs are becoming more relevant with the implementation of healthy paradigm for future health programs. The implementation of healthy paradigm is parallel to sanitation clinic in which the three of health service elements, promotive, preventive, and curative, can be implemented in an integrative manner. This study was aimed to find out the difference of diarrhea incidences bet-ween public health centers with sanitation clinic program and those without sanitation clinic program. This study was conducted in two public health centers of Takalar Regency, namely Pattalassang health center with sanitation clinic program and Galesong Utara health center without sanitation clinic program. This study was an observational study with cross sectional design. Data were collected by interview and observation on 369 heads of household (KK), 199 KK in health center with program and 170 KK in health center without program. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis by cross tabulation continued with Chi-Square test. Study results indicated that there was a difference in diarrhea incidence rate, where the higher incidence rate was observed in health centers without sanitation clinic program compared to those with sanitation clinic program. This was confirmed by findings that from 369 respondents studied, 145 (39.3%) with diarrhea, 41 (19.3%) located in area of health center with sanitation clinic and 104 (66.2%) located in area of health center without the program. Chi-Square statistical test found the p value = 0.000 (p < 0.05), indicating a significant result. Accordingly, there was a significant difference in basic sanitation, where the higher infrastructure proprietary percentage was observed in health center with program compared to those without sanitation clinic program. Keywords : Diarrhea, Sanitation Clinic and Fasilit

    Peran Strategis Kaum Perempuan dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Religi

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    This article explains about the position of Gender in an Islamic perspective and the role of women in the pursue and develop a generation that have a strong soul, great thinking and behavior that is dignified in the life of society, nation and State.Through the study of concepts and the results of the study of some researchers who have been dipublis through journals, both national and International writers gain an overview that Gender equality is not equal rights over men and women because each has its own characteristics. But more meaningful Gender Justice, equality inherent in every employee without having to see the gender (male or sister). While the role of each in creating the development community can be taken by men and women. Islam is very appreciative of women, likewise against males. If the man is a leader (qawwamuna) over women, but heaven is located on women. To the extent that the Prophet gave illustrations of the 3:1 (three as opposed to one) among women with men in terms of the means to a child. Thus, the perception that on behalf of religion to oppress women is a big mistake

    Study on Fishing Technology of the Scraping Net at Tanjung Pasir Village, Tanah Merah District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province

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    A series survey activities was conducted on April 2014 at the Tanjung Pasir Village, Tanah Merah District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province. The purpose of this study is to know operation technique, profitability fishing effort, and environmentally of the scraping net which used by fishermen at the Tanjung Pasir Village. The result shows that scraping net is lees be environmentally fishing technology, its based to the 9 creteria of FAO (1995). Based on the profitability analysis show that the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) was 1,9, Financial Rate or Raturn (FRR) was 23,2% and Payback Period of Capital (PPC) was 4 months. From the Profitability fishing effort analyzed of scraping net is giving profitable and properly to be continued

    Hegemoni Budaya Dalam Dinamika Dakwah Di Rusia

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    Islam in Russia provided a portrait of the people who have learned from the cultural hegemony. Intimidation efforts against the spread and absorption of some of the ideas will not work, if it does not consider the effort is more persuasive. Despite these efforts can bring consequences unexpected by the authorities, but when it changes gradually raise critical awareness of the traditional Muslim society at that time, about the need to reform mindset that they hold for this, as is the case in the emergence of a reform movement of Islamic thought contained in several prominent stage. This study we will using Antonio Gramsci's ideas which explain that the concept of hegemony by the ruling class is not merely ruled by force, but it must be done in more persuasive ways. In this persuasive ways subordinate classes are forced to learn and see themselves through the lens of the ruler, by the way thanks to the education provided

    Pengembangan Manajemen Pariwisata Halal Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sipakatau’, Sipakainge’, Sipakalebbi’

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    Halal Tourism is one of the cultural-based tourist forms that Putting Islamic values and norms first. The potential for Halal Tourism development in Indonesia is enormous but needs to be upgraded in terms of the developer concept by applying lokal cultural values. One tourist destination in South Sulawesi is 'Taman prasejarah Leang-Leang' in Maros regency that has become a promising region To be developed as a Halal Tourism area by promoting lokal Sipakainge’ and Sipakalebbi’ concepts of wisdom. This study is a qualitative descriptive study using primary and secondary data sources through observation and documentation carried out by researchers. Research results are obtained if Sipakainge’ and Sipakalebbi’ can apply as Tourism clean development concepts by upholding the value of humanizing one another, reminding and respecting one another in the process. Additionally, the development can also be achieved by increasing the tools and infrastructure that makeup residence and characteristics of Halal Tourism

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Anak Korban Eksploitasi sebagai Artis

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    Keberadaan artis cilik, sering dipandang sebagai pengembangan minat dan bakat, populer, finansial yang lebih, hidup dalam kemapanan. Sebenarnya semua itu lebih pada bentuk eksploitasi ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh orang tuanya, bilamana aktivitas artis cilik tersebut mengabaikan hak-hak asasinya sebagai anak. Kerja melebihi batas waktu yang ditentukan, jadwal on air dan off air yang padat, sehingga anak tidak sempat belajar, bolos sekolah, tidak punya waktu bermain dengan teman sebaya, merupakan pelanggaran terhadap hak-hak anak yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Beragam peraturan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia yang tujuannya untuk melindungi anak ternyata belum dapat memberikan perlindungan yang memadai terhadap anak yang dieksploitasi secara ekonomi, dalam hal ini sebagai artis cilik. Beberapa kelemahan, ketidak harmonisan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang ada dan kelemahan para penegak hukum (caturwangsa), berakibat pada lolosnya para pelaku eksploitasi anak sebagai artis dari sanksi hukum. Selain faktor ekonomi, perhatian dan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap anak yang dieksploitiasi secara ekonomi serta konstruksi sosial bahwa orang tua berhak atas segala sesuatu terhadap anak, memberi kontribusi pelanggaran hak-hak anak berupa eksploitasi itu terus terjadi

    Perencanaan Struktur Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa Ungaran Menggunakan Beton Pracetak

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    Ungaran Low Cost Apartment located at Karimunjawa street, Gedanganak, West Ungaran. This Low Cost Apartment consist of 5 level floors designed using precast concrete systems. The Building is designed with a Special Moment Resisting Frames (SMRF) for it structure system. This building design based on procedure for calculation of concrete structure for building (SNI 03-2487-2002), Earthquake resilience planning procedures for non structural building and building (SNI 1726-2012), and value of earthquake parameter response was download from Ministry of Public Work\u27s website. In order to easier building structure analysis, design of Ungaran low cost apartment are helped by SAP.2000 version 14 and PCA COL program.Choosing the precast method is important thing, because one of the weakness of the precast system is on connection between it\u27s elements. Ungaran low cost apartment designed using Adhi BCS (Beam Coloumn Slab) system. Characteristic of Adhi BCS system is additional concrete topping above plate and beam that adding rigidity it\u27s structure

    Bionomik Nyamuk Anopheles Spp Di Desa Sumare Dan Desa Tapandullu Kecamatan Simboro Kabupaten Mamuju Provinsi Sulawesi Barat Tahun 2011

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    . Tapandullu and Sumare Villages are area of malaria high endemic in Mamuju dis tric ts, West Sulawesi province, located in coastal areas. Anopheles mosquitoes in the two regions are largely unknown, neither species, bionomic density. To find out the fauna and bionomic and dominant Anopheles mosquito, has been conducted a spot survey entomology. Surveys conducted for three consecutive days with the capture of mosquitoes at night and did a long time outside the home, including around the cattle pen. Catching method is to bait people and catching mosquitoes resto Mosquitoes captured, identified the species, calculated density and ovarian surgery performed to calculate the parity rate. From the survey, concluded that chance as a mosquito vector of malaria in both regions are species of Anopheles subpictus
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