327 research outputs found

    Thermoanalytical characterization of several Antarctic meteorites

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    Thermodynamic data for several meteorites from Antarctica (5 achondrites, 2 chondrites, and 1 iron) were derived. The thermochemical response to heating in air was examined. The effects of oxidation processes can often be better identified by comparing the differential thermal analysis (DTA)-curves for heating in air with those obtained for heating in an oxidation-suppressed argon atmosphere. The thermoanalytical method can be helpful in determining the degree of weathering of meteoritic material

    Analysis of ecological intensity of metallurgical production

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    Ferrous metallurgy is inherently a highly intensive field in terms of energy and raw materials. The impacts of high energy intensity are enormous: the necessary production of larger amount of energy related to high emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, associated with increasing negative impacts on the state of the environment and the health of inhabitants. The article suggests the possibility of using the method of structural analysis to calculate direct and complex ecological intensity and to use it as a basis to determine the ecological intensity of the individual metallurgical technologies. The processing of ecological structural model can significantly contribute to the identification of ecologically intensive final products and can improve the decision-making process in this area

    Academic Resilience: A Retrospective Study of Adults With Learning Difficulties

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    This article reports qualitative analyses of two sets of retrospective interviews with adults with learning difficulties. The purpose of the study was to examine the high school experiences of these adults from a holistic perspective to understand possible factors that contributed to one group staying in school and the other group leaving school early. One set of interviews was conducted with adults who had returned to complete high school at an adult learning center (the late successful group). The second set of interviews was conducted with the early successful group, adults who had completed high school during adolescence. Interview questions focused on interests, friends, and general aspects of the high school experience. Analyses yielded three themes: intrapersonal support, interpersonal support, and institutional support. These data suggest that schools might act in a number of ways to counter the high rate of early leaving by adolescents with learning disabilities, including building strong teacher-student relationships, using students' interests to develop curricula and structured activities, and fostering a sense of purpose.Cet article expose deux analyses qualitatives de deux séries d'entrevues rétrospectives auprès d'adultes présentant des difficultés d'apprentissage. Le but de l'étude consistait à examiner, dans une perspective holistique, les expériences qu'avaient vécues ces adultes quand ils étaient au secondaire, pour ensuite déterminer si des facteurs avaient influencé le fait que certaines personnes étaient restées à l'école alors que d'autres avaient décroché. Une série d'entrevues a été effectuée auprès d'adultes qui avaient repris leurs études secondaires dans un institut d'apprentissage pour adultes (le groupe de diplômés tardifs). La deuxième série d'entrevues a eu lieu auprès d'adultes ayant terminé l'école secondaire alors qu'ils étaient adolescents dégroupe de diplômés précoces). Les questions d'entrevues portaient sur les intérêts, les amis et les aspects généraux de leur expérience à l'école secondaire. Trois thèmes sont ressortis des analyses: l'appui intrapersonnel, l'appui interpersonnel et l'appui institutionnel. Ces données donnent à penser que les écoles pourraient intervenir de diverses façons pour contrer le taux élevé de décrochage chez les adolescents ayant des difficultés d'apprentissage. Parmi ces stratégies notons la création de rapports solides entre les enseignants et les élèves, le développement de programmes d'études et d'activités structurées basés sur les intérêts des élèves et le fait de favoriser des buts bien précis

    Anti-dumping proceedings in metallurgical brand

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    Dumping can be generally defined as an unfair trade practice, in which a manufacturer sells identical products or very similar products in the foreign market at price that is lower than their normal value in the domestic market. Metallurgical materials and products are among those products which the anti-dumping duty is often imposed on. The market with metallurgical products and the methodology used for calculating the dumping range have certain specific features related to the decisions on possible dumping and its amount, as presented in the article

    Deuteron spin-lattice relaxation in the presence of an activation energy distribution: Application to methanols in zeolite NaX

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    A new method is introduced for analyzing deuteron spin-lattice relaxation in molecular systems with a broad distribution of activation energies and correlation times. In such samples the magnetization recovery is strongly non-exponential but can be fitted quite accurately by three exponentials. The considered system may consist of molecular groups with different mobility. For each group a Gaussian distribution of the activation energy is introduced. By assuming for every subsystem three parameters: the mean activation energy E-0, the distribution width sigma and the pre-exponential factor tau(0) for the Arrhenius equation defining the correlation time, the relaxation rate is calculated for every part of the distribution. Experiment-based limiting values allow the grouping of the rates into three classes. For each class the relaxation rate and weight is calculated and compared with experiment. The parameters E-0, sigma and tau(0) are determined iteratively by repeating the whole cycle many times. The temperature dependence of the deuteron relaxation was observed in three samples containing CD3OH (200% and 100% loading) and CD3OD (200%) in NaX zeolite and analyzed by the described method between 20 K and 170 K. The obtained parameters, equal for all the three samples, characterize the methyl and hydroxyl mobilities of the methanol molecules at two different locations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Translational and rotational mobility of methanol-d(4) molecules in NaX and NaY zeolite cages: A deuteron NMR investigation

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) provides means to investigate molecular dynamics at every state of matter. Features characteristic for the gas phase, liquid-like layers and immobilized methanol-d(4) molecules in NaX and NaY zeolites were observed in the temperature range from 300 K down to 20 K. The NMR spectra at low temperature are consistent with the model in which molecules are bonded at two positions: horizontal (methanol oxygen bonded to sodium cation) and vertical (hydrogen bonding of hydroxyl deuteron to zeolite framework oxygen). Narrow lines were observed at high temperature indicating an isotropic reorientation of a fraction of molecules. Deuteron spin-lattice relaxation gives evidence for the formation of trimers, based on observation of different relaxation rates for methyl and hydroxyl deuterons undergoing isotropic reorientation. Internal rotation of methyl groups and fixed positions of hydrogen bonded hydroxyl deuterons in methyl trimers provide relaxation rates observed experimentally. A change in the slope of the temperature dependence of both relaxation rates indicates a transition from the relaxation dominated by translational motion to prevailing contribution of reorientation. Trimers undergoing isotropic reorientation disintegrate and separate molecules become localized on adsorption centers at 166.7 K and 153.8 K for NaX and NaY, respectively, as indicated by extreme broadening of deuteron NMR spectra. Molecules at vertical position remain localized up to high temperatures. That indicates the dominating role of the hydrogen bonding. Mobility of single molecules was observed for lower loading (86 molecules/uc) in NaX. A direct transition from translation to localization was observed at 190 K. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    New distributional data for the Mediterranean medicinal leech Hirudo verbana Carena, 1820 (Hirudinea, Hirudinidae) in Italy, with a note on its feeding on amphibians

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    Scarce data are currently available about the distribution of the Mediterranean medicinal leech Hirudo verbana in Italy, and most of the known occurrence localities are based on records collected in the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century, which were not confirmed in the last decades, mostly due to a lack of surveys. Accordingly, the available knowledge on the distribution of the species is far from being updated and representative, although a significant negative trend of H. verbana throughout the country is supposed. The lack of sound distribution data is a significant shortfall, which hinders the implementation of the monitoring of the species as required by the Article 17 of the “Habitats Directive” on the species of Union concern. To provide recent, validated distributional data for the Mediterranean medicinal leech in Italy to be used as baseline data for further surveys and monitoring, we present herein a set of unpublished observations collected in the last decades in peninsular Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia. Moreover, we report observation of H. verbana feeding on amphibians, a feeding habit to date poorly documented for the Mediterranean medicinal leech. Based on both published and novel data, H. verbana is characterised by a large but fragmented distribution in Italy. Therefore, dedicated monitoring programs and the collection of validated occasional observations are highly desirable to get a clearer picture of the real distribution of the species