531 research outputs found

    Redressing the balance: Commentary on “Examining motor learning in older adults using analogy instruction” by Tse, Wong, and Masters (2017)

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    Tse, Wong, and Masters (2017) recently published a study that indicated that analogy instruction may help older adults acquire resilient motor skills that require reduced cognitive processing compared to traditional explicit instruction. Although we do not dispute that analogy learning may prove useful for this population, in this commentary, we contend that there are methodological issues in this research—which are shared with previous studies comparing analogy and explicit instruction—that potentially limit ecological validity, impact the size of detected effects, influence the development and understanding of associated theory, and, as such, constrain resulting recommendations for applied practice. Of particular concern is the comparison of the single-item analogy instruction to the list of nine explicit instructions, which risks conflating the effects of the type of instruction with the volume of instruction. We further argue that the benefits of analogy may be more parsimoniously explained by the instruction’s capability to succinctly convey skill (rather than its potential for limiting reinvestment), but that this capability may only be realised if the to-be-learned analogy is relevant and readily understood by the learner. Finally, we suggest that research in this area must look to incorporate more rigorous methods that compare experimental conditions to representative reference groups that allow us to explore how and when to deploy the myriad instructional tools available to practitioners and learners

    Are antipsychotic prescribing patterns different in older and younger adults? : a survey of 1357 psychiatric inpatients in Toronto

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    Objective: To compare antipsychotic prescribing patterns in younger (aged 59 years or younger) and older (aged 60 years or older) patients with psychotic or mood disorders. Method: Pharmacy records of all patients discharged from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health over a 21-month period were reviewed. A total of 1357 patients who were prescribed an antipsychotic at the time of their discharge were included in the analysis (956 with a primary psychotic disorder and 401 with a primary mood disorder). World Health Organization-defined daily doses were used as the standardized dosing unit. Results: Both in patients with a primary psychotic disorder and in patients with a primary mood disorder, the prescribing patterns were similar in older and younger patients, with no statistical difference in the proportions receiving first-generation antipsychotics, second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), multiple antipsychotics, or long-acting (depot) antipsychotics. Overall, the mean daily antipsychotic doses were lower only in the older group of patients with a primary mood disorder. However, the mean dose of SGAs was about 30% lower in older patients in both diagnostic groups. Regardless of age, patients with a mood disorder were prescribed lower doses of antipsychotics than those with a psychotic disorder. Conclusions: Our data suggest that older patients are prescribed lower antipsychotic dosages primarily when using SGAs. This finding emphasizes the need for dose-finding studies assessing both the efficacy and the safety of antipsychotics in older patients with a psychotic or mood disorder.peer-reviewe

    Seven naturally variant loci serve as genetic modifiers of Lamc2jeb induced non-Herlitz junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa in mice.

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    Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a group of rare genetic disorders that compromise the structural integrity of the skin such that blisters and subsequent erosions occur after minor trauma. While primary genetic risk of all subforms of EB adhere to Mendelian patterns of inheritance, their clinical presentations and severities can vary greatly, implying genetic modifiers. The Lamc2jeb mouse model of non-Herlitz junctional EB (JEB-nH) demonstrated that genetic modifiers can contribute substantially to the phenotypic variability of JEB and likely other forms of EB. The innocuous changes in an \u27EB related gene\u27, Col17a1, have shown it to be a dominant modifier of Lamc2jeb. This work identifies six additional Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) that modify disease in Lamc2jeb/jeb mice. Three QTL include other known \u27EB related genes\u27, with the strongest modifier effect mapping to a region including the epidermal hemi-desmosomal structural gene dystonin (Dst-e/Bpag1-e). Three other QTL map to intervals devoid of known EB-associated genes. Of these, one contains the nuclear receptor coactivator Ppargc1a as its primary candidate and the others contain related genes Pparg and Igf1, suggesting modifier pathways. These results, demonstrating the potent disease modifying effects of normally innocuous genetic variants, greatly expand the landscape of genetic modifiers of EB and therapeutic approaches that may be applied

    Impact of large-scale distribution and subsequent use of free nicotine patches on primary care physician interaction

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    Background Large-scale distribution efforts of free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) have been documented to be cost-effective interventions for increasing smoking quit rates. However, despite nearly a dozen studies evaluating their effectiveness, none have examined whether free NRT provision promotes further primary care help-seeking and the impact that it may have on cessation efforts. Methods In the context of a randomized controlled trial, a secondary analysis was conducted on 1000 adult regular smokers randomized to be mailed a 5-week supply of nicotine patches or to a no intervention control group. Recipients and users of free nicotine patches at an 8 week follow-up were successfully case matched to controls based on age, gender, baseline level of nicotine dependence and intent to quit (n = 201 per group). Differences in physician interaction between the two groups were evaluated at both 8 week and 6 month follow-ups. The impact of physician interaction on self-reported smoking abstinence at each follow-up was also examined. Results Although no differences in physician interaction were noted between groups at the 8 week follow-up, at the 6 month follow-up, nicotine patch users reported greater frequency of discussing smoking with their physician (43.9%), as compared to the control group (30.3%) (p = 0.011). Across both groups, over 90% of those that discussed smoking with a physician were encouraged to quit and approximately 70% were provided with additional support. Separate ANOVAs revealed no significant impact of physician interaction on cessation (p > 0.05), regardless of group or follow-up period, however, at the 6 month follow-up, nicotine patch users who discussed cessation with a physician had made serious quit attempts at significantly greater rates (72.6%), compared to controls (49.1%) (p = 0.007). Conclusions Irrespective of group, the majority of smokers in the present study did not discuss cessation with their physician. Recipients and users of nicotine patches however, were more likely to discuss smoking with their physician, suggesting that the provision of free NRT particularly to those who are likely to use it may facilitate opportunities for benefits beyond the direct pharmacological effects of the medication.This research was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FRN:111209

    Proteome profile and functional classification of proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana (Landsberg erecta) mature pollen

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    Proteome analysis of mature Arabidopsis thaliana (Landsberg erecta ecotype) pollen was conducted using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. A total of 960 spots were resolved on pH 4–7 IPG strips and 110 distinct proteins were identified from 150 spots analyzed. The identified proteins were categorized based on their functional role in the pollen, which included proteins involved in energy regulation, defense-related mechanisms, calcium-binding and signaling, cytoskeletal formation, pollen allergens, glycine-rich proteins (GRPs), and late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins. These proteins potentially play important roles in pollen function at maturity and during subsequent germination and tube growth. Some of the proteins identified were related to known pollen-specific transcripts, while some were similar to proteins found in the seed. In this study, 66 new proteins were identified which were not reported in two other recent studies on Arabidopsis pollen, 17 proteins were common in all three studies, and 35 or 26 proteins reported here had an overlap with one or the other two studies. These differences may be attributed to the methods of protein extraction, spot selection for analysis, and the ecotype used. Together, the three studies provide a broad spectrum of the Arabidopsis pollen proteome

    A re-appraisal of the reliability of the 20 m multi-stage shuttle run test

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    This is the author's PDF version of an article published in European journal of applied physiology in 2007. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.co

    Transcriptomic and Exometabolomic Profiling Reveals Antagonistic and Defensive Modes of Clonostachys rosea Action Against Fusarium graminearum

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    The mycoparasite Clonostachys rosea ACM941 is under development as a biocontrol organism against Fusarium graminearum, the causative agent of Fusarium head blight in cereals. To identify molecular factors associated with this interaction, the transcriptomic and exometabolomic profiles of C. rosea and F. graminearum GZ3639 were compared during coculture. Prior to physical contact, the antagonistic activity of C. rosea correlated with a response heavily dominated by upregulation of polyketide synthase gene clusters, consistent with the detected accumulation of corresponding secondary metabolite products. Similarly, prior to contact, trichothecene gene clusters were upregulated in F. graminearum, while those responsible for fusarielin and fusarin biosynthesis were downregulated, correlating with an accumulation of trichothecene products in the interaction zone over time. A concomitant increase in 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in the interaction zone was also detected, with C. rosea established as the source of this detoxified mycotoxin. After hyphal contact, C. rosea was found to predominantly transcribe genes encoding cell wall–degradation enzymes, major facilitator superfamily sugar transporters, anion:cation symporters, as well as alternative carbon source utilization pathways, together indicative of a transition to necrotropism at this stage. F. graminearum notably activated the transcription of phosphate starvation pathway signature genes at this time. Overall, a number of signature molecular mechanisms likely contributing to antagonistic activity by C. rosea against F. graminearum, as well as its mycotoxin tolerance, are identified in this report, yielding several new testable hypotheses toward understanding the basis of C. rosea as a biocontrol agent for continued agronomic development and application

    Enhancing the efficacy of glycolytic blockade in cancer cells via RAD51 inhibition.

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    Targeting the early steps of the glycolysis pathway in cancers is a well-established therapeutic strategy; however, the doses required to elicit a therapeutic effect on the cancer can be toxic to the patient. Consequently, numerous preclinical and clinical studies have combined glycolytic blockade with other therapies. However, most of these other therapies do not specifically target cancer cells, and thus adversely affect normal tissue. Here we first show that a diverse number of cancer models - spontaneous, patient-derived xenografted tumor samples, and xenografted human cancer cells - can be efficiently targeted by 2-deoxy-D-Glucose (2DG), a well-known glycolytic inhibitor. Next, we tested the cancer-cell specificity of a therapeutic compound using the MEC1 cell line, a chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cell line that expresses activation induced cytidine deaminase (AID). We show that MEC1 cells, are susceptible to 4,4\u27-Diisothiocyano-2,2\u27-stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS), a specific RAD51 inhibitor. We then combine 2DG and DIDS, each at a lower dose and demonstrate that this combination is more efficacious than fludarabine, the current standard- of- care treatment for CLL. This suggests that the therapeutic blockade of glycolysis together with the therapeutic inhibition of RAD51-dependent homologous recombination can be a potentially beneficial combination for targeting AID positive cancer cells with minimal adverse effects on normal tissue. IMPLICATIONS: Combination therapy targeting glycolysis and specific RAD51 function shows increased efficacy as compared to standard of care treatments in leukemias
