64 research outputs found

    Dynamics of short polymer chains in solution

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    We present numerical and analytical results describing the effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the dynamics of a short polymer chain in solution. A molecular dynamics algorithm for the polymer is coupled to a direct simulation Monte Carlo algorithm for the solvent. We give an explicit expression for the velocity autocorrelation function of the centre of mass of the polymer which agrees well with numerical results if Brownian dynamics, hydrodynamic correlations and sound wave scattering are included

    Systematic coarse-graining of the dynamics of entangled polymer melts: the road from chemistry to rheology

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    For optimal processing and design of entangled polymeric materials it is important to establish a rigorous link between the detailed molecular composition of the polymer and the viscoelastic properties of the macroscopic melt. We review current and past computer simulation techniques and critically assess their ability to provide such a link between chemistry and rheology. We distinguish between two classes of coarse-graining levels, which we term coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) and coarse-grained stochastic dynamics (CGSD). In CGMD the coarse-grained beads are still relatively hard, thus automatically preventing bond crossing. This also implies an upper limit on the number of atoms that can be lumped together and therefore on the longest chain lengths that can be studied. To reach a higher degree of coarse-graining, in CGSD many more atoms are lumped together, leading to relatively soft beads. In that case friction and stochastic forces dominate the interactions, and actions must be undertaken to prevent bond crossing. We also review alternative methods that make use of the tube model of polymer dynamics, by obtaining the entanglement characteristics through a primitive path analysis and by simulation of a primitive chain network. We finally review super-coarse-grained methods in which an entire polymer is represented by a single particle, and comment on ways to include memory effects and transient forces.Comment: Topical review, 31 pages, 10 figure

    Coexistence and Phase Separation in Sheared Complex Fluids

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    We demonstrate how to construct dynamic phase diagrams for complex fluids that undergo transitions under flow, in which the conserved composition variable and the broken-symmetry order parameter (nematic, smectic, crystalline, etc.) are coupled to shear rate. Our construction relies on a selection criterion, the existence of a steady interface connecting two stable homogeneous states. We use the (generalized) Doi model of lyotropic nematic liquid crystals as a model system, but the method can be easily applied to other systems, provided non-local effects are included.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, 5 figures using epsf macros. To appear in Physical Review E (Rapid Communications

    An optical fiber based interferometer to measure velocity profiles in sheared complex fluids

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    We describe an optical fiber based interferometer to measure velocity profiles in sheared complex fluids using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). After a review of the theoretical problem of DLS under shear, a detailed description of the setup is given. We outline the various experimental difficulties induced by refraction when using a Couette cell. We also show that homodyne DLS is not well suited to measure quantitative velocity profiles in narrow-gap Couette geometries. On the other hand, the heterodyne technique allows us to determine the velocity field inside the gap of a Couette cell. All the technical features of the setup, namely its spatial resolution (50\approx 50--100μ100 \mum) and its temporal resolution (1\approx 1 s per point, 1\approx 1 min per profile) are discussed, as well as the calibration procedure with a Newtonian fluid. As briefly shown on oil-in-water emulsions, such a setup permits one to record both velocity profiles and rheological data simultaneouslyComment: 13 pages, 16 figures, Submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A

    Linear and nonlinear rheology of wormlike micelles

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    Several surfactant molecules self-assemble in solution to form long, cylindrical, flexible wormlike micelles. These micelles can be entangled with each other leading to viscoelastic phases. The rheological properties of such phases are very interesting and have been the subject of a large number of experimental and theoretical studies in recent years. We shall report on our recent work on the macrorheology, microrheology and nonlinear flow behaviour of dilute aqueous solutions of a surfactant CTAT (Cetyltrimethylammonium Tosilate). This system forms elongated micelles and exhibits strong viscoelasticity at low concentrations (\sim 0.9 wt%) without the addition of electrolytes. Microrheology measurements of G(ω)G(\omega) have been done using diffusing wave spectroscopy which will be compared with the conventional frequency sweep measurements done using a cone and plate rheometer. The second part of the paper deals with the nonlinear rheology where the measured shear stress σ\sigma is a nonmonotonic function of the shear rate γ˙\dot{\gamma}. In stress-controlled experiments, the shear stress shows a plateau for γ˙\dot{\gamma} larger than some critical strain rate, similar to the earlier reports on CPyCl/NaSal system. Cates et al have proposed that the plateau is a signature of mechanical instability in the form of shear bands. We have carried out extensive experiments under controlled strain rate conditions, to study the time-dependence of shear stress. The measured time series of shear stress has been analysed in terms of correlation integrals and Lyapunov exponents to show unambiguously that the behaviour is typical of low dimensional dynamical systems.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figure

    Rheological Chaos in a Scalar Shear-Thickening Model

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    We study a simple scalar constitutive equation for a shear-thickening material at zero Reynolds number, in which the shear stress \sigma is driven at a constant shear rate \dot\gamma and relaxes by two parallel decay processes: a nonlinear decay at a nonmonotonic rate R(\sigma_1) and a linear decay at rate \lambda\sigma_2. Here \sigma_{1,2}(t) = \tau_{1,2}^{-1}\int_0^t\sigma(t')\exp[-(t-t')/\tau_{1,2}] {\rm d}t' are two retarded stresses. For suitable parameters, the steady state flow curve is monotonic but unstable; this arises when \tau_2>\tau_1 and 0>R'(\sigma)>-\lambda so that monotonicity is restored only through the strongly retarded term (which might model a slow evolution of material structure under stress). Within the unstable region we find a period-doubling sequence leading to chaos. Instability, but not chaos, persists even for the case \tau_1\to 0. A similar generic mechanism might also arise in shear thinning systems and in some banded flows.Comment: Reference added; typos corrected. To appear in PRE Rap. Com

    High-frequency ultrasonic speckle velocimetry in sheared complex fluids

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    High-frequency ultrasonic pulses at 36 MHz are used to measure velocity profiles in a complex fluid sheared in the Couette geometry. Our technique is based on time-domain cross-correlation of ultrasonic speckle signals backscattered by the moving medium. Post-processing of acoustic data allows us to record a velocity profile in 0.02--2 s with a spatial resolution of 40 μ\mum over 1 mm. After a careful calibration using a Newtonian suspension, the technique is applied to a sheared lyotropic lamellar phase seeded with polystyrene spheres of diameter 3--10 μ\mum. Time-averaged velocity profiles reveal the existence of inhomogeneous flows, with both wall slip and shear bands, in the vicinity of a shear-induced ``layering'' transition. Slow transient regimes and/or temporal fluctuations can also be resolved and exhibit complex spatio-temporal flow behaviors with sometimes more than two shear bands.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A

    The Johnson-Segalman model with a diffusion term in Couette flow

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    We study the Johnson-Segalman (JS) model as a paradigm for some complex fluids which are observed to phase separate, or ``shear-band'' in flow. We analyze the behavior of this model in cylindrical Couette flow and demonstrate the history dependence inherent in the local JS model. We add a simple gradient term to the stress dynamics and demonstrate how this term breaks the degeneracy of the local model and prescribes a much smaller (discrete, rather than continuous) set of banded steady state solutions. We investigate some of the effects of the curvature of Couette flow on the observable steady state behavior and kinetics, and discuss some of the implications for metastability.Comment: 14 pp, to be published in Journal of Rheolog

    Oscillations of a solid sphere falling through a wormlike micellar fluid

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    We present an experimental study of the motion of a solid sphere falling through a wormlike micellar fluid. While smaller or lighter spheres quickly reach a terminal velocity, larger or heavier spheres are found to oscillate in the direction of their falling motion. The onset of this instability correlates with a critical value of the velocity gradient scale Γc1\Gamma_{c}\sim 1 s1^{-1}. We relate this condition to the known complex rheology of wormlike micellar fluids, and suggest that the unsteady motion of the sphere is caused by the formation and breaking of flow-induced structures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Shear-banding in a lyotropic lamellar phase, Part 1: Time-averaged velocity profiles

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    Using velocity profile measurements based on dynamic light scattering and coupled to structural and rheological measurements in a Couette cell, we present evidences for a shear-banding scenario in the shear flow of the onion texture of a lyotropic lamellar phase. Time-averaged measurements clearly show the presence of structural shear-banding in the vicinity of a shear-induced transition, associated to the nucleation and growth of a highly sheared band in the flow. Our experiments also reveal the presence of slip at the walls of the Couette cell. Using a simple mechanical approach, we demonstrate that our data confirms the classical assumption of the shear-banding picture, in which the interface between bands lies at a given stress σ\sigma^\star. We also outline the presence of large temporal fluctuations of the flow field, which are the subject of the second part of this paper [Salmon {\it et al.}, submitted to Phys. Rev. E]