287 research outputs found

    Local and non-local approaches to fatigue crack initiation and propogation

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    Copyright @ 2003 Kulwer Academic Publishers.A functional form of local strength conditions under fatigue loading is introduced and employed to formulation and analysis of fatigue crack initiation and propagation. For the strength conditions associated with the Palmgren-Miner linear damage accumulation rule and the power-type S-N diagram, the problem is reduced to a non-linear integral Volterra equation, which can be transformed to a linear one for the case of a single crack. An analytical solution of some simple problems are presented for the latter case and shortcomings of the local approach are pointed out. A non-local approach free from the shortcomings is presented along with an example of its implementation.This work was completed under the research grant GR/M24592 "Non-local approach to high cyclic fatigue: Theoretical basis" of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK

    Fatigue of sintered porous materials based on 316L stainless steel under uniaxial loading

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    The paper presents the results of fatigue tests of sintered porous 316L austenitic stainless steel with different porosity. An analysis was conducted into the parameters obtained from the hysteresis loop in the load cycle (changes in the value of Young’s modulus, maximum and minimum stress). Fatigue life of the porous material of varying density according to the relationship Manson–Coffin was determined.Наведено результати втомних випробовувань зразків аустенітної сталі 316L з рівнями пористості 26, 33 і 41%. Проаналізовано параметри, отримані із петлі гістерезису в циклі навантаження – зміну модуля Юнґа, максимальних і мінімальних напружень. Використовуючи залежність Mенсона–Коффіна, визначили втомну міцність пористих матеріалів з різним ступенем загущення.Представлены результаты усталостных испытаний образцов аустенитной стали 316L с уровнями пористости 26, 33 и 41%. Проанализированы параметры, полученные из петли гистерезиса в цикле нагрузки – изменения модуля Юнга, максимальных и минимальных напряжений. Используя зависимость Mенсона–Коффина, определили усталостную прочность пористых материалов с различным уровнем плотности

    Numerical analysis of strain and stress state in cylindrical notched tensile specimens

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    The paper presents the numerical results of stress and strain distribution in specimens with various sizes of notches in monotonic uniaxial tensile tests. The adopted method involves the finite element method and the elastic-plastic model of material with hardening. The distribution of the principal strain, principal stress and maximum plastic shear strain in the plane of notch symmetry is shown in figures.Методом скінченних елементів отримано числовий розв’язок пружно-пластичної осесиметричної задачі про розтяг циліндричного зразка з поверхневою U-подібною канавкою. Числові результати одержано для зразка з алюмінієвого сплаву EN-AW 2024. Проаналізовано розподіл напружень і деформацій у симетричному поперечному перерізі зразка залежно від відносного радіуса закруглення у вершині канавки, коли розтягальна сила досягає критичного значення перед руйнуванням зразка.Методом конечных элементов получено числовое решение упругопластичной осесимметричной задачи о растяжении цилиндрического образца с поверхностной U-подобной канавкой. Числовые результаты получены для образца из алюминиевого сплава EN-AW 2024. Проанализировано распределение напряжений и деформаций в симметричном поперечном сечении образца в зависимости от относительного радиуса закругления в вершине канавки, когда растягивающая сила достигает критического значения перед разрушением образца

    Assessing Plasmodium falciparum transmission in mosquito-feeding assays using quantitative PCR.

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    BACKGROUND: Evaluating the efficacy of transmission-blocking interventions relies on mosquito-feeding assays, with transmission typically assessed by microscopic identification of oocysts in mosquito midguts; however, microscopy has limited throughput, sensitivity and specificity. Where low prevalence and intensity mosquito infections occur, as observed during controlled human malaria infection studies or natural transmission, a reliable method for detection and quantification of low-level midgut infection is required. Here, a semi-automated, Taqman quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay sufficiently sensitive to detect a single-oocyst midgut infection is described. RESULTS: Extraction of genomic DNA from Anopheles stephensi midguts using a semi-automated extraction process was shown to have equivalent extraction efficiency to manual DNA extraction. An 18S Plasmodium falciparum qPCR assay was adapted for quantitative detection of P. falciparum midgut oocyst infection using synthetic DNA standards. The assay was validated for sensitivity and specificity, and the limit of detection was 0.7 genomes/µL (95% CI 0.4-1.6 genomes/µL). All microscopy-confirmed oocyst infected midgut samples were detected by qPCR, including all single-oocyst positive midguts. The genome number per oocyst was assessed 8-9 days after feeding assay using both qPCR and droplet digital PCR and was 3722 (IQR: 2951-5453) and 3490 (IQR: 2720-4182), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This semi-automated qPCR method enables accurate detection of low-level P. falciparum oocyst infections in mosquito midguts, and may improve the sensitivity, specificity and throughput of assays used to evaluate candidate transmission-blocking interventions

    Selección por recurrencia de los parámetros de calidad ambiental y turística de los esquemas de certificación de playas en América latina

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    Beach Certification Schemes (BCSs) are tools recently implemented in Latin America. They are based on an evaluation of a given set of compliance aspects (requirements). The research consisted of the recollection, classification and organization of the available information on the Latin American BCSs, found through search engines, data bases, scientific articles, information networks and direct contact with organizations in charge of the certifications. The information was then used to calculate the proportions of inclusion of the compliance aspects in the five categories proposed by Botero (2008). The most recurrent for the Latin American context compliance aspects were calculated through the evaluation of the 3rd quartile, based on their statistical representativeness. In result, ninety one aspects were found in eight BCSs, most of them in the “environment” category. In the contrary, the “management” category was found to have the least number of aspects. In terms of the BCSs, the Colombian NTS-TS-001-2 and Argentinian IRAM 42100 were found to have the most aspects, while the Cost Rican Bandera Azul Ecológica the least. Finally, with the additional objective to emphasize the environmental importance of beaches, ten most relevant environmental compliance aspects were selected from the twenty eight foundLos Esquemas de Certificación de Playas (ECP) son una herramienta de reciente implementación en América Latina, estando soportados principalmente en la evaluación de aspectos de conformidad en diferentes categorías. Esta investigación recopiló, organizó y validó la mayoría de información disponible sobre ECP en América Latina, a través de la consulta de motores de búsqueda, bases de datos de artículos científicos, redes de información, expertos en certificaciones y contacto directo con las organizaciones promotoras. Con esta información, se calculó la proporción de inclusión de cada requerimiento dentro de las cinco categorías de aspectos de conformidad indicadas por Botero (2008), a través de un histograma de frecuencias. La selección de los aspectos de conformidad más recurrentes para el contexto Latinoamericano se obtuvo mediante la evaluación del tercer cuartil, en base a su representatividad estadística. Se encontraron 91 aspectos de conformidad en las ocho certificaciones estudiadas, siendo la categoría ambiental la que más aspectos reunió, en comparación con la de manejo. Respecto a los ECP, se encontró que la norma colombiana NTS-TS-001-2 y la Argentina IRAM 42100 poseen el mayor número de aspectos de conformidad, mientras que la norma costarricense Bandera Azul Ecológica y la norma uruguaya Playa Natural tienen los valores menores. Finalmente, con el objetivo adicional de enfatizar la importancia ambiental de las playas, se seleccionaron los 10 aspectos de conformidad ambientales más relevantes, dentro de los 28 encontrados.

    Development of Si beam position detectors for NA61/SHINE experiment

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    The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS is undergoing a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 period (2019-2021). The upgrade is essential to ful l the requirements of the new open charm measurement program. In this program detector will operate at a beam intensity increased by a factor of 10, which requires an upgrade of current Beam Position Detectors (BPDs). New BPDs should monitor lead and proton beam intensities with up to 105 Hz rate. In this paper, progress on design and development of the new BPDs based on Si strip detectors, its front-end and readout electronics, as well as integration with the NA61/SHINE DAQ is presented