76 research outputs found
Youth Development. Experience of Interaction between Russian Companies and Local Communities
В статье рассматриваются формы социальной активности российских компаний в области корпоративной ответственности на территориях их присутствия.The article discusses the forms of social activity of Russian companies in the field of corporate responsibility in the territories of their presence
The Structure of the Government Activities of Students in Sports
This article reveals the specificity, the content and results of theoretical analysis and experimental work to determine the structure and level of self-government activities in the student activities.В данной статье раскрываются специфика, содержание и результаты теоретического анализа и опытно-экспериментальной работы по определению структуры и уровня самоуправления деятельностью в студенческом спорте
Range Expansion of Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht. in Forest Parks of Yekaterinburg
Shiny cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht.) is one of the oldest plants. It originated in Southeast Asia and has many primitive traits. Its survival strategy is fascinating. Its introduction range extends throughout Eurasia. The cotoneaster has been actively introduced to all forest parks and city forests around Yekaterinburg. Its spread was facilitated by the presence of edible, long-preserved fruits on the shoots, which were the food supply for many bird species. The research aims at analyzing the distribution patterns and features of ecological occurrence of Cotoneaster lucidus in the forest parks of Yekaterinburg. There were 15 forest parks surveyed, and in 11 of them it is found in the undergrowth. The studies were carried out on the basis of forest inventory materials. Local habitats were monitored in four forest parks most visited by the population of the city: Sanatorny Forest Park, Uktusskiy Forest Park, Park named after Foresters of Russia, Shartashskaya Forest Park. Optimal environment for cotoneaster growth are mixed herbs pine forests with stand density of 0.7-0.8. Mature stands of the 1st resistance class are also appropriate. The highest occurrence of cotoneaster in the Central Forest Park is 7 % of the total area of the forest park. The density of cotoneaster increases with increasing stand density from 320 to 1,140 individuals. At a density of 0.3-0.5 the number of individuals per unit area decreases, and at 0.1-0.2 cotoneaster disappears completely as a result of increased anthropogenic load and the inflow of light in excessive amounts. High shade tolerance is a bioecological feature of Cotoneaster lucidus. Morphometric parameters of plants in the studied forest parks depend on the density of the tree canopy; the maximum values were found for specimens in the Sanatory Forest Park, where the distribution of shrubs is rare with a density of the stand of 0.7. A positive correlation of plant height with projection area and crown volume was found. The spatial distribution of individuals varies depending on the forest park and its attendance by people. For instance, in the Shartashsky Forest Park 60.4 % of cotoneasters are located in dense undergrowth, and in the Uktusskiy Forest Park 66.7 % are found in sparse undergrowth. Immature individuals are present in all of the Forest Parks, which indicates successful naturalization and high potential of the species.Кизильник блестящий - Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht. - одно из древнейших растений. Он возник в Юго-Восточной Азии и имеет много примитивных признаков. Стратегия выживания этого вида удивительна. Его интродукционный ареал простирается на всей территории Евразии. Кизильник активно внедрился во все лесопарки г. Екатеринбурга. Его распространению способствовало наличие съедобных, долгосохраняющихся плодов на побегах, которые стали кормовой базой многих видов птиц. Цель исследования - анализ закономерностей распространения и особенностей экологической приуроченности Cotoneaster lucidus в лесопарках г. Екатеринбурга. Обследовано 15 лесопарков, и в 11 он встречается в подлеске. Работы выполнены на основе материалов лесоустройства. Учет локальных местообитаний проведен в4 лесопарках: Санаторном, Уктусском, Шарташском и им. Лесоводов России, - наиболее посещаемых населением города. Оптимальными условиями для произрастания кизильника являются сосняки разнотравные с полнотой древостоя 0,7-0,8. Подходят также спелые насаждения 1-го класса устойчивости. В Центральном лесопарке наиболее высокая встречаемость кизильника - 7 % от общей площади лесопарка. Плотность кизильника увеличивается с полнотой древостоя от 320 до 1140 особей. При полноте0,3-0,5 количество особей на единицу площади уменьшается, а при 0,1-0,2 кизильник исчезает совсем в результате увеличения антропогенной нагрузки и поступления света в избыточном количестве. Биоэкологическая особенность Cotoneaster lucidus - это высокая теневыносливость. Морфометрические параметры растений в исследуемых лесопарках зависят от полноты древесного полога, максимальные показатели выявлены у экземпляров в Санаторном лесопарке, где распределение кустов редкое при полноте древостоя 0,7. Установлена положительная корреляция высоты растений с площадью проекции и объемом кроны. Пространственное размещение особей варьирует в зависимости от лесопарка и его посещаемости людьми. Так, в Шарташском лесопарке 60,4 % кизильников сосредоточены в густом подлеске, а в Уктусском - 66,7 % встречается в редком подлеске. Во всех лесопарках присутствуют имматурные особи, что свидетельствует об успешной натурализации и высоком потенциале вида
Материалом исследования служил титановый сплав ВТ23. Образцы, закаленные от различных температур диапазона Ткр Тпп, нагревались «in sity» в рентгеновском дифрактометре. Определены характеристики анизотропии термического расширения решетки орторомбического мартенсита. Установлено аномальное поведение периода «b», который показал отрицательные значения коэффициента термического расширения.The material of the studying was VT23 titanium alloy. Samples were quenched from a different temperatures between critical and polymorphic transformation temperatures and «in sity» heated in X-ray diffractometer. The characteristics of the anisotropy of orthorhombic martensite were obtained. Abnormal behavior of "b" period which showed a negative value of the coefficient of thermal expansion was found.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ № 15-08-08299 А и гранта Президента России № МК-6311.2016.8
Well-being through learning: a systematic review of learning interventions in the workplace and their impact on well-being
The view that learning is central to well-being is widely held and the workplace is an important setting in which learning takes place. Evaluations of the effectiveness of well-being interventions in work settings are commonplace, but to date, there has been no systematic review of the effectiveness of learning interventions with regard to their impact on well-being. The review synthesizes evidence from 41 intervention studies, and although no studies report a negative impact on well-being, 14 show no effect on well-being, with 27 studies having a positive impact. We classify the studies according to the primary purpose of the learning intervention: to develop personal resources for well-being through learning; to develop professional capabilities through learning; to develop leadership skills through learning; and to improve organizational effectiveness through organizational-level learning. Although there is an abundance of workplace learning interventions, few are evaluated from a well-being perspective despite the commonly held assumption that learning yields positive emotional and psychological outcomes. The evidence indicates an important gap in our evaluation of and design of workplace learning interventions and their impact on well-being, beyond those focusing on personal resources. This raises important theoretical and practical challenges concerning the relationship between learning and well-being in the context of professional capability enhancement, leadership capability and organizational learning
Job design, employment practices and well-being: a systematic review of intervention studies
There is inconsistent evidence that deliberate attempts to improve job design realise improvements in well-being. We investigated the role of other employment practices, either as instruments for job redesign or as instruments that augment job redesign. Our primary outcome was well-being. Where studies also assessed performance, we considered performance as an outcome. We reviewed 33 intervention studies. We found that well-being and performance may be improved by: training workers to improve their own jobs; training coupled with job redesign; and system wide approaches that simultaneously enhance job design and a range of other employment practices. We found insufficient evidence to make any firm conclusions concerning the effects of training managers in job redesign and that participatory approaches to improving job design have mixed effects. Successful implementation of interventions was associated with worker involvement and engagement with interventions, managerial commitment to interventions and integration of interventions with other organisational systems.
Practitioner Summary: Improvements in well-being and performance may be associated with system-wide approaches that simultaneously enhance job design, introduce a range of other employment practices and focus on worker welfare. Training may have a role in initiating job redesign or augmenting the effects of job design on well-being
Determining the Amount of Phenylpropanoids in Belowground Organs of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench., Asteraceae)
От эхинацеи пурпурной получают виды лекарственного растительного сырья:
траву свежую и высушенную, корневища с корнями. В них содержится сумма фенилпропаноидов (ранее «оксикоричные кислоты», «гидроксикоричные кислоты») и их производные,
обеспечивающие иммуностимулирующий эффект препаратов, основным из которых является
настойка. Накопление суммы фенилпропаноидов в корневищах с корнями эхинацеи наименее
изучено. Цель – изучение влияния сроков и кратности удаления надземной части на содержание
суммы фенилпропаноидов в корневищах с корнями эхинацеи, полученных от растений
разных возрастов при культивировании, а также определение содержания изучаемых веществ
в настойке при разной степени измельчения сырья. Исследованы корневища с корнями эхинацеи
пурпурной, заготовленные в Москве в 2008–2010 гг. в фазу окончания вегетации растений
2-го, 3-го, 4-го, 5-го, 7-го гг. развития. Побеги скашивали в фазы стеблевания (однократно
и многократно в течение вегетации), бутонизации, цветения. Контроль – получение сырья без
удаления надземной части. В 2008–2009 гг. наибольшее накопление суммы фенилпропаноидов
в подземных органах наблюдали при многократном и однократном скашивании побегов
в период стеблевания, независимо от возраста растений. Удаление побегов в фазах бутонизации
и цветения привело к значительному снижению содержания суммы фенилпропаноидов.
В июле-августе
2010 г. в регионе была засуха. Наименьшее содержание изучаемых веществ
в сырье отмечено при многократном удалении побегов. В лучшем положении оказалось
сырье растений, у которых надземную массу срезали однократно в фазу стеблевания. При
сравнении растений разных возрастов установлено, что в сырье растений 2–4 гг. вегетации
накопление веществ, независимо от срока удаления надземной части и года проведения
опыта, достоверно выше, чем в сырье от растений старших возрастов. Рекомендовано
дополнить «Агрорекомендацию по возделыванию эхинацеи пурпурной» при выращивании
для получения корневищ с корнями агроприемом многократного скашивания надземной части
в фенологической фазе стеблевания. Влияние размера частиц измельченного сырья (от 0,25 мм
до 1,0 мм) на содержание биологически активных веществ в настойке не наблюдалосьEchinacea purpurea (L.) Moench plants serve as a source of medicinal raw materials: fresh and dried aboveground parts and rhizomes with roots (Rhizomata cum radicibus). They contain total phenylpropanoids (formerly “oxycinnamic acids”, “hydroxycinnamic acids”) and their derivatives, which underlie the immunostimulatory effect of the preparations. Tincture is the most common preparation. Accumulation of total phenylpropanoid derivatives in Echinacea rhizomes with roots is the least studied aspect. The purpose of the present work is to study the effect of the timing and frequency of removal of the aboveground part on total phenylpropanoids in Echinacea rhizomes with roots collected from cultivated plants of different ages. Another aim was to determine total phenylpropanoids in the tincture prepared from raw material ground to various degrees. Echinacea purpurea rhizomes with roots harvested in Moscow in 2008–2010, at the end of the growing period of plants aged 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 years, were studied. The shoots were cut down during the stem formation (by single and repeated mowing during the growing period), budding, and flowering stages. The intact raw material was used to provide control samples. In 2008–2009, the highest accumulation of phenylpropanoid derivatives in
rhizomes with roots was observed in groups with both repeated and single shoot removals performed
during the shoot development stage at all plant ages. The shoot removals during the budding and
flowering stages resulted in a significant reduction in phenylpropanoids. During the regional drought in
July and August 2010, the raw material samples in the group with repeated shoot removals demonstrated
the lowest accumulation of phenylpropanoids. The samples in the group with single shoot removal
during the shoot development stage showed greater phenylpropanoid accumulation compared with the
repeated mowing group. The content of phenylpropanoids in raw material from 2–4-year-old
regardless of the period of shoot removal and the year of the experiment, was significantly higher than
in the raw material from older plants. It is recommended to supplement the “Agro-recommendation
for the cultivation of Echinacea purpurea” with the agricultural method of repeated mowing of the
aboveground part in the phenological phase of shoot development when the plant is grown as a source
of rhizomes with roots. No effect of the particle size of the ground raw material (from 0.25 to 1.0 mm)
on total phenylpropanoids in the tincture has been reveale
Принципы и опыт применения роботизированных реабилитационных технологий у пациентов после инсульта
This literature review is devoted to the study of recent advances in the field of neurorehabilitation using robotic technologies. Objective: to study best practices of applying robotic rehabilitation technologies in stroke patients, its clinical efficacy and influence on the molecular mechanisms of neuroplasticity. Keywords were searched in the Web of Science, Core Collection, Scopus and PubMed databases. Results. Robotic neurorehabilitation occupies a certain place in the comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with motor deficiency after stroke. An interdisciplinary patient-oriented approach and consistency at all stages of medical rehabilitation are especially important when using rehabilitation methods that implement advances in robotics and information technologies in patients after stroke. Rehabilitation with the use of high-tech computerized rehabilitation systems operating in the biofeedback mode is one of the promising areas and requires further neurophysiological and laboratory studies to create scientifically based methodological approaches. It will have great social significance and tangible economic effects from improving the quality of neurorehabilitation and reducing its duration.Обзор литературы посвящен изучению последних достижений в области нейрореабилитации с использованием роботизированных технологий. Цель – изучить опыт применения, клиническую эффективность и влияние на молекулярные механизмы нейропластичности роботизированных реабилитационных технологий у пациентов с острыми нарушениями мозгового кровообращения. Осуществлялся поиск по ключевым словам в базах данных Web of Science, Core Collection, Scopus, Pubmed по зарубежным журналам. Роботизированная нейрореабилитация занимает определенное место в комплексной реабилитации больных с моторным дефицитом после острых нарушений мозгового кровообращения. Особенно важными в использовании реабилитационных методов, имплементирующих передовые достижения робототехники и информационных технологий, являются междисциплинарный пациент-ориентированный подход и преемственность на всех этапах лечебно-восстановительного лечения больных после инсульта. Реабилитация с применением высокотехнологичных компьютеризированных реабилитационных комплексов, работающих в режиме биологической обратной связи, является одним из перспективных направлений и требует дальнейшего проведения нейрофизиологических и лабораторных исследований для создания научно обоснованных методических подходов, что позволит добиться ощутимого экономического эффекта от повышения качества нейрореабилитации, уменьшения времени на ее проведение и будет иметь огромную социальную значимость
Influence of climate warming on the state of woody plants of the family Oleaceae Hoff. et Link. in the collections of the Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The created collections of woody plants made it possible to evaluate the life cycle of forsythia Forsythia ovata Nakai, privet Ligustrum vulgare L., and high ash Fraxinus excelsior L. of the Oleaceae Hoff family. et Link. and their response to changing climatic conditions. Tall ash, common privet froze every year to the level of snow cover. The flower buds of the forsythia froze, and it did not bloom. Due to the increase in the average annual temperature from 1.7 °C to 2.69 °C since 1990, forsythia and privet began to bloom and bear fruit. Introductory populations were created and the most frost-resistant and abundantly flowering individuals were selected. But as a result of abnormal weather conditions and climate cyclicality, all young and old privet plants died in 1998. Common privet plants began to bloom profusely only in 2021 (sowing in 2018). High ash plants fully recovered and reached a height of 10-12 m. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Medicinal plant raw materials is a promising source for the development of drugs used for the prevention and treatment of thyroid dysfunction. It is interesting the study of the domestic pharmaceutical market in order to determine the proportion of drugs of plant origin, the above-mentioned pharmacological group. The results of this study indicate that among the drugs used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland, drugs of plant origin do not exist; the largest proportion of the substances represented by the Russian manufacturers. At the same time, among the ready-to-use dosage forms, the form has an advantage, as a country of origin is Germany, which indicates the patient's dependence on supplies from abroad. The study also showed a lack of diversity of dosage forms of the studied group of drugs, which affects the adherence of patients to the treatment
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