948 research outputs found

    Deconstructing Stellar Consensus

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    Kruskal's Tree Theorem for Acyclic Term Graphs

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    In this paper we study termination of term graph rewriting, where we restrict our attention to acyclic term graphs. Motivated by earlier work by Plump we aim at a definition of the notion of simplification order for acyclic term graphs. For this we adapt the homeomorphic embedding relation to term graphs. In contrast to earlier extensions, our notion is inspired by morphisms. Based on this, we establish a variant of Kruskal's Tree Theorem formulated for acyclic term graphs. In proof, we rely on the new notion of embedding and follow Nash-Williams' minimal bad sequence argument. Finally, we propose a variant of the lexicographic path order for acyclic term graphs.Comment: In Proceedings TERMGRAPH 2016, arXiv:1609.0301

    Cost Reduction With Guarantees: Formal Reasoning Applied To Blockchain Technologies

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    Blockchain technologies are moving fast and their distributed nature as well as their high-stake (financial) applications make it crucial to “get things right”. Moreover, blockchain technologies often come with a high cost for maintaining blockchain infrastructure and for running applications. In this thesis formal reasoning is used for guaranteeing correctness while reducing the cost of (i) maintaining the infrastructure by optimising blockchain protocols, and (ii) running applications by optimising blockchain programs—so called smart contracts. Both have a clear cost measure: for protocols the amount of exchanged messages, and for smart contracts the monetary cost of execution. In the first result for blockchain protocols starting from a proof of correctness for an abstract blockchain consensus protocol using infinitely many messages and infinite state, a refinement proof transfers correctness to a concrete implementation of the protocol reducing the cost to finite resources. In the second result I move from a blockchain to a block graph. This block graph embeds the run of a deterministic byzantine fault tolerant protocol, thereby getting parallelism “for free” and reducing the exchanged messages to the point of omission. For blockchain programs, I optimise programs executed on the Ethereum blockchain. As a first result, I use superoptimisation and encode the search for cheaper, but observationally equivalent, program as a search problem for an automated theorem prover. Since solving this search problem is in itself expensive, my second result is an efficient encoding of the search problem. Finally for reusing found optimisations, my third results gives a framework to generate peephole optimisation rules for a smart contract compiler

    Solution of ordinary differential equations by means of Lie series

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    Solution of ordinary differential equations by Lie series - Laplace transformation, Weber parabolic-cylinder functions, Helmholtz equations, and applications in physic

    Populating the Peephole Optimizer of a Smart Contract Compiler

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    Developing compiler optimizations, especially for new, rapidly evolving smart contract languages, can be onerous and error-prone, but is especially important for smart contracts, where deployment and execution directly translate to monetary cost and which cannot change once deployed. One common optimization technique is the use of peephole optimizations, replacement rules that are applied using pattern-matching. These rules are normally constructed using human expertise, which is both time-consuming and far from systematic in exploring opportunities for optimization. In this work we propose a pipeline to automatically populate the peephole optimizer of a smart contract compiler. We apply superoptimization to an existing code base to obtain sequences of instructions, which can be replaced by cheaper, observationally equivalent instructions. We then generate peephole optimization rules by extracting the underlying patterns of these optimizations. We provide a case study of our approach and a prototype implementation for bytecode of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, the tool ppltr, which combines the superoptimizer ebso and the rule generator sorg. Then we evaluate our approach by generating and applying nearly 1k peephole optimization rules extracted from 2k optimizations obtained from deployed bytecode

    The solution of the Eulerian gyroscope equations by means of Lie series making use of recurrence formulas

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    Euler gyroscope equations solved by means of Lie series making use of recurrence formula

    Lie series for celestial mechanics, accelerators, satellite stabilization and optimization

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    Lie series applications to celestial mechanics, accelerators, satellite orbits, and optimizatio

    Monocyte chemoattractant proteins in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis

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    Activation of the immune system and increased synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins by fibroblasts are hallmarks in the pathogenesis of SSc. The molecular mechanisms underlying the infiltration of inflammatory cells into the skin and the subsequent activation of fibroblasts are still largely unknown. Chemokines are a family of small molecules that are classified according to the position of the NH2-terminal cysteine motif. Recent data indicate that chemokines and in particular two members of the subfamily of monocyte chemoattractant proteins, MCP-1 (CCL-2) and MCP-3 (CCL-7), might be involved in the pathogenesis of SSc. MCP-1 and -3 are overexpressed by SSc fibroblasts and in skin lesions from SSc patients compared to healthy controls. MCP-1 and -3 are chemotactic for inflammatory cells and stimulate their migration into the skin. In addition to their pro-inflammatory effects, MCP-1 and -3 contribute to tissue fibrosis by activating the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins in SSc fibroblasts. Therapeutic strategies targeting MCP-1 have revealed promising results in several animal models of SSc. Antagonists against the receptor CCR2 are currently tested in clinical trials of a variety of diseases and also represent interesting candidates for target-directed therapy in SS

    The projective translation equation and unramified 2-dimensional flows with rational vector fields

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    Let X=(x,y). Previously we have found all rational solutions of the 2-dimensional projective translation equation, or PrTE, (1-z)f(X)=f(f(Xz)(1-z)/z); here f(X)=(u(x,y),v(x,y)) is a pair of two (real or complex) functions. Solutions of this functional equation are called projective flows. A vector field of a rational flow is a pair of 2-homogenic rational functions. On the other hand, only special pairs of 2-homogenic rational functions give rise to rational flows. In this paper we are interested in all non-singular (satisfying the boundary condition) and unramified (without branching points, i.e. single-valued functions in C^2\{union of curves}) projective flows whose vector field is still rational. We prove that, up to conjugation with 1-homogenic birational plane transformation, these are of 6 types: 1) the identity flow; 2) one flow for each non-negative integer N - these flows are rational of level N; 3) the level 1 exponential flow, which is also conjugate to the level 1 tangent flow; 4) the level 3 flow expressable in terms of Dixonian (equianharmonic) elliptic functions; 5) the level 4 flow expressable in terms of lemniscatic elliptic functions; 6) the level 6 flow expressable in terms of Dixonian elliptic functions again. This reveals another aspect of the PrTE: in the latter four cases this equation is equivalent and provides a uniform framework to addition formulas for exponential, tangent, or special elliptic functions (also addition formulas for polynomials and the logarithm, though the latter appears only in branched flows). Moreover, the PrTE turns out to have a connection with Polya-Eggenberger urn models. Another purpose of this study is expository, and we provide the list of open problems and directions in the theory of PrTE; for example, we define the notion of quasi-rational projective flows which includes curves of arbitrary genus.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure
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