139 research outputs found

    Theory of Planned Behavior on Factors Associated with Safe Sex Behavior among Female Sex Workers in Surakarta, Central Java

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    Background: Practising safe sex is important in order to ensure health and safety. Safe sex means exactly that "safe" is in terms of having sex without getting a contagious disease from your sex partner(s). Safe sex has the following outcomes: (1) It acts as a contraception to prevent pregnancy; (2) It prevents the transmission of sexually transmitted infections and infestations; and (3) It prevents the transmission of HIV, viral hepatitis, and other blood-borne viruses. This study aimed to analyze factors associated with safe sex behavior among female sex workers in Surakarta, Central Java, using Theory of Planned Behavior. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Surakarta, Central Java, from April to May 2018. A sample of 134 female sex workers was selected by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was safe sex behavior. The independent variables were subjective norm, perceived behavior control, intention, attitude, education, and age. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis. Results: Safe sex behavior was directly affected by intention (b= 0.96; 95% CI= 0.26 to 1.66; p= 0.007). It was indirectly affected by attitude perceived behavior con¬trol, subjective norm, education, and age. Conclusion: Safe sex behavior is directly affected by intention. It is indirectly affected by attitude perceived behavior control, subjective norm, education, and age. Keywords: safe sex behavior, female sex worker, theory of planned behavio

    Considerations and strategies for incorporating lived experience in mental health research

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    Introduction: Incorporating lived experience in mental health research deserves special focus due to the unique stigma faced by those with lived experience and the unique gap between the experience and expression of mental health struggle.https://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2023/1029/thumbnail.jp


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                                       Abstract The aim of this research is to determine whether using digital storytelling strategy can help students develop their speaking skills, as well as to clarify how using a digital storytelling strategy can help students improve their speaking skills. Classroom action research was used to perform this analysis, which was completed in two cycles. The research subject is 10 students, they are from XI class of SMK Panca Budi Medan in school years 2020/2021. The research data was taken from quantitative data, were collected by giving the retelling stories tests. The mean score for the pre-test was 42,4, post-test I was 62, post-test II was 80. It also evident from the percentage of the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion – (KKM) score above75. In the pre-test, there were 20% of the students who got score above 75 % In post-test I, there was 40%, meanwhile post-test II, there were 80%. It can be concluded that digital storytelling strategy worked effectively to help students in improving their speaking skills. this research found that using a digital storytelling technique boosted students' speaking abilities significantly. It was suggested that english teachers can apply digital storytelling strategy as one of the alternatives in teaching speaking skills. Keyword: Digital Storytelling Technique, Improving, And Speakin

    Prevalence, characteristics, and impact of adverse events in 34 Madrid hospitals. The ESHMAD study

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    Introduction: Adverse Events (AE) are one of the main problems in healthcare. Therefore, many policies have been developed worldwide to mitigate their im pact. The Patient Safety Incident Study in Hospitals in the Community of Madrid (ESHMAD) measures the results of them in the region. Methods: Cross-sectional study, conducted in May 2019, in hospitalised patients in 34 public hospitals using the Harvard Medical Practice Study methodology. A logistic regression model was carried out to study the association of the variables with the presence of AE, calibrated and adjusted by patient. Results: A total of 9975 patients were included, estimating a prevalence of AE of 11.9%. A higher risk of AE was observed in patients with surgical procedures (OR[CI95%]: 2.15[1.79 to 2.57], vs. absence), in Intensive Care Units (OR[CI95%]: 1.60[1.17 to 2.17], vs. Medical) and in hospitals of medium complexity (OR[CI95%]: 1.45[1.12 to 1.87], vs. low complexity). A 62.6% of AE increased the length of the stay or it was the cause of admission, and 46.9% of AE were considered prevent able. In 11.5% of patients with AE, they had contributed to their death. Conclusions: The prevalence of AE remains similar to the previously estimated one in studies developed with the same methodology. AE keep leading to longer hospital stays, contributing to patient's death, showing that it is necessary to put focus on patient safety again. A detailed analysis of these events has enabled the detection of specific areas for improvement according to the type of care, centre and patient

    Pelatihan Self Determination Untuk Meningkatkan Classroom Engagement Pada Mahasiswa

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    Mahasiswa pada umumnya diharapkan memiliki classroom engagement. Namun, classroom engagement seringkali kurang terwujud. Salah satu kendalanya berasal dari dalam diri mahasiswa. Permasalahan tersebut dialami oleh Universitas X di Surabaya. Berdasarkan data awal, sejumlah mahasiswa dinilai kurang menunjukkan classroom engagement. Oleh sebab itu, sebanyak 11 orang mahasiswa diberikan pelatihan dengan judul “Boost Your Self Determination, Increase Your Classroom Engagement”. Pelatihan berlangsung selama 5 hari secara daring melalui aplikasi Zoom meeting. Pelatihan ini menggunakan pendekatan eksperimen berjenis one group pre-test and post-test design serta menggunakan analisis data non-parametrik Wilcoxon Signed Test. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan adanya perubahan pada tingkat pengetahuan terkait self-determination dan kesadaran diri (awareness) terkait perilaku-perilaku yang tidak tepat dalam perkuliahan. Jika dilihat dari continuum menuju self-determination, para mahasiswa berada pada continuum external regulation hingga identified regulation. Meski demikian, berdasarkan follow-up, mahasiswa akan mengeluarkan usaha-usaha yang berkaitan dengan keterlibatan kelas

    Early upregulation of AR and steroidogenesis enzyme expression after 3 months of androgen-deprivation therapy

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    Background: Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a standard treatment for advanced prostate cancer (PCa). However, PCa recurrence and progression rates during ADT are high. Until now, there has been no evidence regarding when progression begins. This study evaluated the gene expression of intraprostatic androgen receptor (AR) and steroidogenic enzymes in the early stages of ADT. Methods: Prostate tissue samples were taken from PCa patients with urinary retention who received ADT (ADT-PCa; n = 10) and were further subgrouped into ADT ≤12 months (n = 4) and ADT > 12 months (n = 6). The ADT-PCa tissues were then compared with BPH (n = 12) and primary (no treatment) PCa tissues (n = 16). mRNA for gene expression analysis of AR and steroidogenic enzymes was extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues and analyzed by real-time PCR. Protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry with specific antibodies. Results: AR gene expression was higher in the ADT-PCa group than in the BPH or primary PCa group. Both the ADT ≤12 and > 12 months subgroups had significantly higher relative gene expression levels of AR (p < 0.01 and 0.03, respectively) than the primary PCa group. In the ADT-PCa group, AR protein expression showed an increasing trend in the ADT ≤12 months subgroup and was significantly elevated in the ADT > 12 months subgroup compared with the PCa group (100%; p < 0.01). Half (50%) of the patients in the ADT ≤12 months subgroup were found to have upregulation of AR, and one showed upregulation beginning at 3 months of ADT. A trend toward elevated relative gene expression of SRD5A3 was also apparent in the ADT groups. Conclusion: AR and steroidogenic enzymes are upregulated in ADT-PCa patients as early as 3 months, without PSA elevation. Steroidogenic enzymes, particularly SRD5A3, were also upregulated before PSA rose

    Pair-Wise Regulation of Convergence and Extension Cell Movements by Four Phosphatases via RhoA

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    Various signaling pathways regulate shaping of the main body axis during early vertebrate development. Here, we focused on the role of protein-tyrosine phosphatase signaling in convergence and extension cell movements. We identified Ptpn20 as a structural paralogue of PTP-BL and both phosphatases were required for normal gastrulation cell movements. Interestingly, knockdowns of PTP-BL and Ptpn20 evoked similar developmental defects as knockdown of RPTPα and PTPε. Co-knockdown of RPTPα and PTP-BL, but not Ptpn20, had synergistic effects and conversely, PTPε and Ptpn20, but not PTP-BL, cooperated, demonstrating the specificity of our approach. RPTPα and PTPε knockdowns were rescued by constitutively active RhoA, whereas PTP-BL and Ptpn20 knockdowns were rescued by dominant negative RhoA. Consistently, RPTPα and PTP-BL had opposite effects on RhoA activation, both in a PTP-dependent manner. Downstream of the PTPs, we identified NGEF and Arhgap29, regulating RhoA activation and inactivation, respectively, in convergence and extension cell movements. We propose a model in which two phosphatases activate RhoA and two phosphatases inhibit RhoA, resulting in proper cell polarization and normal convergence and extension cell movements

    Discovery and Characterization of Novel Vascular and Hematopoietic Genes Downstream of Etsrp in Zebrafish

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    The transcription factor Etsrp is required for vasculogenesis and primitive myelopoiesis in zebrafish. When ectopically expressed, etsrp is sufficient to induce the expression of many vascular and myeloid genes in zebrafish. The mammalian homolog of etsrp, ER71/Etv2, is also essential for vascular and hematopoietic development. To identify genes downstream of etsrp, gain-of-function experiments were performed for etsrp in zebrafish embryos followed by transcription profile analysis by microarray. Subsequent in vivo expression studies resulted in the identification of fourteen genes with blood and/or vascular expression, six of these being completely novel. Regulation of these genes by etsrp was confirmed by ectopic induction in etsrp overexpressing embryos and decreased expression in etsrp deficient embryos. Additional functional analysis of two newly discovered genes, hapln1b and sh3gl3, demonstrates their importance in embryonic vascular development. The results described here identify a group of genes downstream of etsrp likely to be critical for vascular and/or myeloid development

    Mortality Risk of Hypnotics: Strengths and Limits of Evidence

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    Sleeping pills, more formally defined as hypnotics, are sedatives used to induce and maintain sleep. In a review of publications for the past 30 years, descriptive epidemiologic studies were identified that examined the mortality risk of hypnotics and related sedative-anxiolytics. Of the 34 studies estimating risk ratios, odds ratios, or hazard ratios, excess mortality associated with hypnotics was significant (p &lt; 0.05) in 24 studies including all 14 of the largest, contrasted with no studies at all suggesting that hypnotics ever prolong life. The studies had many limitations: possibly tending to overestimate risk, such as possible confounding by indication with other risk factors; confusing hypnotics with drugs having other indications; possible genetic confounders; and too much heterogeneity of studies for meta-analyses. There were balancing limitations possibly tending towards underestimates of risk such as limited power, excessive follow-up intervals with possible follow-up mixing of participants taking hypnotics with controls, missing dosage data for most studies, and over-adjustment of confounders. Epidemiologic association in itself is not adequate proof of causality, but there is proof that hypnotics cause death in overdoses; there is thorough understanding of how hypnotics euthanize animals and execute humans; and there is proof that hypnotics cause potentially lethal morbidities such as depression, infection, poor driving, suppressed respiration, and possibly cancer. Combining these proofs with consistent evidence of association, the great weight of evidence is that hypnotics cause huge risks of decreasing a patient's duration of survival
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