712 research outputs found

    Asbestos Litigation in Madison County, Illinois: The Challenge Ahead

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    Why is Madison County attracting so many claims and so much attention? What makes the lawsuit industry different there compared to other jurisdictions? We do not think the county’s reputation is the fault of jurors. In many cases, jurors are simply making judgments based on the evidence they are permitted to hear and the instructions they are given. As the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has said: “It’s a little hard to blame Madison County juries, since [cases] rarely come to trial. They’re normally settled. Instead, we wonder about the judges.” Similar concerns have been raised with respect to the Madison County Circuit Court’s handling of serious personal injury cases, such as asbestos-exposure suits. We understand that the judges in Madison County work hard, and we believe they mean well. They may view their role as helping to facilitate the resolution of claims on behalf of legitimately injured plaintiffs. For example, they may believe it is appropriate to handle asbestos cases from around the United States because asbestos litigation is national in scope. Nevertheless, it seems that the drive for efficiency is being promoted over basic fairness. It also appears that procedures adopted by the court to manage its large docket have simply invited the filing of more claims. In this Article, we will touch on some of the issues. We will then focus on asbestos litigation in Madison County, and suggest ways the asbestos litigation environment in the county should be improved and made fairer

    Coulomb driven energy boost of heavy ions for laser plasma acceleration

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    An unprecedented increase of kinetic energy of laser accelerated heavy ions is demonstrated. Ultra thin gold foils have been irradiated by an ultra short laser pulse at an intensity of 6×10196\times 10^{19} W/cm2^{2}. Highly charged gold ions with kinetic energies up to >200> 200 MeV and a bandwidth limited energy distribution have been reached by using 1.31.3 Joule laser energy on target. 11D and 22D Particle in Cell simulations show how a spatial dependence on the ions ionization leads to an enhancement of the accelerating electrical field. Our theoretical model considers a varying charge density along the target normal and is capable of explaining the energy boost of highly charged ions, leading to a higher efficiency in laser acceleration of heavy ions

    Routes to multiphoton double ionization in combined extreme ultraviolet and infrared laser pulses

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    Xenon multiphoton double ionization pathways are studied in a reaction microscope using a pump-probe arrangement of extreme ultraviolet high harmonic and infrared laser radiation. The momentum of photoelectrons is recorded in coincidence with singly or doubly charged ions. Among all possible routes to multiphoton double ionization, sequential processes using ionic excited states as intermediate steps are clearly identified

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Oligodendroglial Differentiation in Hippocampal Slice Cultures

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    We have previously shown that soluble factors derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) induce oligodendrogenic fate and differentiation in adult rat neural progenitors (NPCs) in vitro. Here, we investigated if this pro-oligodendrogenic effect is maintained after cells have been transplanted onto rat hippocampal slice cultures, a CNS-organotypic environment. We first tested whether NPCs, that were pre-differentiated in vitro by MSC-derived conditioned medium, would generate oligodendrocytes after transplantation. This approach resulted in the loss of grafted NPCs, suggesting that oligodendroglial pre-differentiated cells could not integrate in the tissue and therefore did not survive grafting. However, when NPCs together with MSCs were transplanted in situ into hippocampal slice cultures, the grafted NPCs survived and the majority of them differentiated into oligodendrocytes. In contrast to the prevalent oligodendroglial differentiation in case of the NPC/MSC co-transplantation, naive NPCs transplanted in the absence of MSCs differentiated predominantly into astrocytes. In summary, the pro-oligodendrogenic activity of MSCs was maintained only after co-transplantation into hippocampal slice cultures. Therefore, in the otherwise astrogenic milieu, MSCs established an oligodendrogenic niche for transplanted NPCs, and thus, co-transplantation of MSCs with NPCs might provide an attractive approach to re-myelinate the various regions of the diseased CNS. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Fast capillary discharge plasma as a preformed medium for longitudinally pumped collisional x-ray lasers

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 219-220).Simulations of plasma dynamics in a fast capillary discharge are presented. The temporal dependence of the plasma column's resistance validates the one-dimensional model that was used in the numerical simulations. Numerical analysis of the laser absorption determines the pump parameter range for efficient excitation of longitudinally pumped transient collisional x-ray lasers

    Dynamics of Nanometer-Scale Foil Targets Irradiated with Relativistically Intense Laser Pulses

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    In this letter we report on an experimental study of high harmonic radiation generated in nanometer-scale foil targets irradiated under normal incidence. The experiments constitute the first unambiguous observation of odd-numbered relativistic harmonics generated by the v⃗×B⃗\vec{v}\times\vec{B} component of the Lorentz force verifying a long predicted property of solid target harmonics. Simultaneously the observed harmonic spectra allow in-situ extraction of the target density in an experimental scenario which is of utmost interest for applications such as ion acceleration by the radiation pressure of an ultraintense laser.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Demonstration of a hybrid collisional soft-x-ray laser

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 033803-4-033803-5).We report on a demonstration of x-ray-ultraviolet amplification following collisional excitation in a discharge-created plasma waveguide irradiated by a picosecond optical laser pulse. A capillary discharge was used to generate a sulfur plasma column with a large concentration of Ne-like ions and a radially concave electron density profile. The intense short laser pulse rapidly heated the electrons, producing amplification in the 3p 1S0-3s 1P1 transition of Ne-like S at 60.8 nm. The integrated gain-length product obtained exciting a 3-cm-long capillary with a 0.46-J short laser pulse is 6.8. The beam divergence was observed to decrease as a function of plasma column length, reaching 2.5 mrad for 30-mm-long capillaries. This hybrid laser pumping scheme could lead to a new generation of efficient tabletop soft-x-ray lasers

    Laser Induced Non-Sequential Double Ionization Investigated at and Below the Threshold for Electron Impact Ionization

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    We use correlated electron–ion momentum measurements to investigate laserinduced non-sequential double ionization of Ar and Ne. Light intensities are chosen in a regime at and below the threshold where, within the rescattering model, electron impact ionization of the singly charged ion core is expected to become energetically forbidden. Yet we find Ar2+ ion momentum distributions and an electron–electron momentum correlation indicative of direct impactionization. Within the quasistatic model this may be understood by assuming that the electric field of the light wave reduces the ionization potential of the singly charged ion core at the instant of scattering. The width of the projection of the ion momentum distribution onto an axis perpendicular to the light beam polarization vector is found to scalewiththe square root of the peak electric field strength in the light pulse. A scaling like this is not expected from the phase space available after electron impact ionization. It may indicate that the electric field at the instant of scattering is usually different fromzero and determines the transverse momentum distribution. A comparison of our experimental results with several theoretical results is give
