194 research outputs found


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    [EN] Between 1937 and 1938, architects Gio Ponti and Bernard Rudofsky agreed in Journal Domus on a partnership that would go beyond the limits of the paper, into the realm of theory and architectural project. Though finally they were not built, the architectural designs they performed are of great interest for its research and involving traditional Mediterranean house and also for its update from their previous experiences. Its publication in Domus required new and diverse graphical resources, which by its originality, we consider pertinent to recall in this article as they explore different ways of representing architecture, extremely explicit and very adapted to the general public.[ES] Entre 1937 y 1938, los arquitectos Gio Ponti y Bernard Rudofsky coincidieron en la revista Domus en una colaboración que traspasaría los límites del papel, adentrándose en el campo de la teoría y el proyecto arquitectónicos. Los diseños arquitectónicos que entonces realizaron, aunque finalmente no fueron construidos, son de gran interés por la investigación que suponen de la casa mediterránea tradicional y la reactualización que pretenden de la misma, a partir de las experiencias previas de uno y otro. Su publicación en Domus requería de nuevos y diversos recursos gráficos, que, por su originalidad, consideramos pertinente recordar en este artículo, ya que exploran distintos modos de representar arquitectura, tremendamente explícitos y muy adaptados al público en generalLafuente Sánchez, VA. (2015). Gio Ponti Y Bernard Rudofsky: la casa mediterránea y su representación en la revista Domus. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 20(26):256-265. doi:10.4995/ega.2015.4059.SWORD2562652026Loren Méndez, M., & Pinzón Ayala, D. (2014). Proceso de ideación de la casa Rudofsky, Frigiliana. El dibujo en la dimensión patrimonial de la obra arquitectónica. EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica, 19(23), 162. doi:10.4995/ega.2014.2182– PONTI, G., 1939: "Una piccola casa ideale". DOMUS I: 1928-1939. Colonia, Taschen, 2008.– RUDOFSKY, B., 1938: "Non ci vuole un nuevo modo di costruire, ci vuole un nuovo modo di vivere: commento al disegno di una casa all'isola di Procida". DOMUS I: 1928-1939. Colonia, Taschen, 2008

    Calcificación parabicipital atípica en un cachorro de Terranova : caso clínico

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    Se describe un caso atípico de calcificación paratendinosa en la región de inserción del músculo bicipital en un Terranova macho de 1 año de edad. El diagnóstico del proceso se realizó mediante la historia clínica, y el estudio radiológico y tomográfico de la región del hombro. La masa calcificada se extrajo quirúrgicamente y la evolución postoperatoria fue excelente

    El dibujo de aproximación en Oporto: construyendo la imagen de la ciudad

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    [EN] Porto is a city located in a privileged enclave. The observer is able to see its construction, both spatially and temporally, in a simple way. Collecting the concepts stated by several authors regarding the sensory experience that cities offer for their recognition and legibility, we move towards a reflection regarding the creation of the image of the city. On a more practical level applied to the specific case of the city of Porto, we will conclude with a detailed analysis, through the approximation drawing, which follows the story of K. Lynch, about fundamental elements in the recognition and identification of the urban image: borders, neighbourhoods, paths, nodes, landmarks, and the original relief itself.[ES] Oporto es una ciudad ubicada en un enclave privilegiado y que exhibe al observador, de una manera sencilla, su construcción, tanto a nivel espacial como temporal. Recogiendo los conceptos enunciados por varios autores en cuanto a la experiencia sensorial que ofrecen las ciudades para su reconocimiento y su legibilidad, se avanza hacia una reflexión en cuanto a la creación de la imagen de la ciudad. Finalmente, y ya en un plano práctico más aplicado al caso concreto de la ciudad de Oporto, se concluirá con un análisis pormenorizado, a través del dibujo de aproximación, y siguiendo el relato de K. Lynch, de los elementos fundamentales en el reconocimiento e identificación de la imagen urbana: bordes, barrios, sendas, nodos, hitos, y el propio relieve primigenio.Úbeda Blanco, M.; Mendoza Rodríguez, I.; López Bragado, D.; Lafuente Sánchez, VA. (2020). The approximation drawing in Porto: building the image of the city. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(40):216-229. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.14570OJS216229254

    Plan de acción frente al consumismo global de la Nueva Economía: Revelaciones sobre economía, empresa y consumo del s. XXI

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    Este estudio crítico y revisionista, de corte interdisciplinario (entre Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales), alerta sobre los peligros de avanzar hacia una sociedad masa global de consumo, donde se acentúe la deshumanización y asocialización, al primarse el tener al ser (el bienestar a la felicidad, el negocio al ocio, la empresa al oficio, la pulsión a la experiencia, etc.). Se ofrece así un plan de acción que va de lo más general (retirando los velos de confusión que impiden reconocer el mundo posglobalizado y estudiarlo tal como es), pasando a centrar la atención en las complejas reglas económicas y empresariales del nuevo milenio, para terminar evaluando los riesgos de la inautenticidad del actual consumidor.This is a critical and reviewer study, under an interdisciplinary approach (between Liberal Arts and Social Sciences), which warns to move on a global mass consumer society and its dangers, by the accentuated lost of humanity and sociality, because the priority of the having-issue than the been-issue (the preference of welfare than happiness, the business than the recreation, the company than the profession, the desire than the experience, etc.). The structure of the paper goes from general view (removing the confusion veils that make impossible the recognition of the post-globalized World and its study), to particular view (focusing on the complex economic and business rules in the new millennium), and the risk evaluation of the non-authenticity of the current consumer

    Monetary policy regimes and the forward bias for foreign exchange

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    This paper provides a theoretical discussion of the forward premium anomaly. We reformulate the well-known Lucas (1982) model by allowing for the existence ofmonetarypolicy regimes. The monetary supply is viewed as having two stochastic components: (a) a persistent component that reflects the preferences of the central bank regarding the long-run money supply or inflation target, and (b) a transitory component that represents short-lived interventions. To generate agents’ forecasts, we consider two scenarios: (a) consumers can distinguish the permanent and the transitory components of the money supply (complete information), and (b) consumers face a signal-extraction problem to disentangle permanent and transitory components of the money supply (incomplete information). We simulate the model from a careful estimate of the parameters involved in the model. Numerical simulations reveal that, under complete information, forward unbiasedness cannot be rejected at conventionally significant levels. However, when learning about monetary policy is incorporated, the forward bias can be reproduced without artificially assuming an unreasonable degree of risk aversion

    Development of a kinetic model for elemental sulfur and sulfate formation from the autotrophic sulfide oxidation using respirometric techniques

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    ©IWA Publishing 2009. The definitive peer-reviewed and edited version of this article is published in Water science and technology, vol. 59, núm. 7, p. 1323-1329, 2009. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2009.110 and is available at www.iwapublishing.com.A kinetic model for the elemental sulfur and sulfate production from the autotrophic sulfide oxidation has been proposed. It is based on two kinetic equations able to describe the simultaneous microbial consumption of oxygen and sulfide (OUR and SUR) as a function of a particular sulfide-oxidizing microorganism or its physiological state, these can be characterized by the assessment of their kinetic constants. The respirometric technique allowed to estimate the dynamic experimental OUR and SUR profiles, which were used to calibrate the kinetic model. The ratio OUR/SUR was proposed to predict the sulfide oxidation extent and then the fate of sulfide to elemental sulfur and sulfate.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Anthropogenic and natural CO2 exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar

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    The exchange of both anthropogenic and natural inorganic carbon between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea through Strait of Gibraltar was studied for a period of two years under the frame of the CARBOOCEAN project. A comprehensive sampling program was conducted, which was design to collect samples at eight fixed stations located in the Strait in successive cruises periodically distributed through the year in order to ensure a good spatial and temporal coverage. As a result of this monitoring, time series namely GIFT (GIbraltar Fixed Time series) has been established, allowing the generation of an extensive data set of the carbon system parameters in the area. Data acquired during the development of nine campaigns were analyzed in this work. Total inorganic carbon concentration (CT ) was calculated from alkalinity-pHT pairs and appropriate thermodynamic relationships, with the concentration of anthropogenic carbon (CANT) being also computed using two methods, the 1C* and the TrOCA approach. Applying a two-layer model of water mass exchange through the Strait and using a value of −0.85 Sv for the average transport of the outflowing Mediterranean water recorded in situ during the considered period, a net export of inorganic carbon from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic was obtained, which amounted to 25±0.6 TgC yr−1. A net alkalinity output of 16±0.6 TgC yr−1 was also observed to occur through the Strait. In contrast, the Atlantic water was found to contain a higher concentration of anthropogenic carbon than the Mediterranean water, resulting in a net flux of CANT towards the Mediterranean basin of 4.20±0.04 TgC yr−1 by using the 1C* method, which constituted the most adequate approach for this environment. A carbon balance in the Mediterranean was assessed and fluxes through the Strait are discussed in relation to the highly diverse estimates available in the literature for the area and the different approaches considered for CANT estimation. This work unequivocally confirms the relevant role of the Strait of Gibraltar as a controlling point for the biogeochemical exchanges occurring between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and emphasizes the influence of the Mediterranean basin in the carbon inventories of the North Atlantic.Peer reviewe

    Tesela a tesela: un proyecto docente de representación arquitectónica en una escuela de ingeniería

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    [EN] Within the framework of artistic education, given by professors of the area of Architectural Graphic Expression, in the Degree of Industrial Design of the University of Valladolid, a Project of Teaching Innovation was carried out during the academic year 2017-2018. Carried out in collaboration with the Museum of Valladolid, the objective  is the study and the reinterpretation of one of the mosaics exhibited in the Museum: the one dedicated to Diana and the four seasons from the Roman Villa of Prado, and subsequently proceed to its physical reproduction at large scale, and its exhibition in the patio of the Museum. Thus, the students were able to familiarize themselves with the mosaic execution techniques, as well as to participate in a collective art project, with its subsequent practical application in a museum institution.[ES] En el marco de la enseñanza artística, impartida por profesores del área de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, en el Grado de Diseño Industrial de la Universidad de Valladolid, se llevó a cabo, durante el curso 2017-2018, un Proyecto de Innovación Docente. Realizado en colaboración con el Museo de Valladolid, el objetivo del mismo era el estudio y reinterpretación de uno de los mosaicos allí expuestos, el de Diana y las estaciones procedente de la Villa romana de Prado, para, posteriormente, proceder a su reproducción física a gran escala, y su exhibición en otro lugar del Museo. Así, los alumnos pudieron familiarizarse con las técnicas de ejecución de los mosaicos, así como participar en un proyecto colectivo de arte, con su consiguiente aplicación práctica en una institución museística.Úbeda Blanco, M.; Lafuente Sánchez, VA.; López Bragado, D.; Del Río Muñoz, M. (2020). Tessera after tessera: a teaching project of architectural representation in a school of engineering. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(38):194-205. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.10726OJS1942052538CIPRIANI, L., FANTINI, F. y BERTACCHI, S. (2015): "El color en las piedras y los mosaicos de Rávena: nuevas imágenes de los monumentos antiguos a través de la fotogrametría no convencional de última generación". EGA 26, pp. 190-201. Valencia, Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2015.4052LUNA LLOPIS, J. V. (1996): Manual del Mosaico Antiguo: (historia, técnica y procesos de realización). Cuadernos del Juncal: Serie Varia, vol. 1. Alcalá de Henares, TEAR.NEIRA, M. L. y MAÑANES, T. (1998): Mosaicos Romanos de Valladolid. Corpus de Mosaicos de España, fascículo XI. Madrid, Departamento de Historia Antigua y Arqueología, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.VILLALOBOS ALONSO, D. (1992): El debate clasicista y el palacio de Fabio Nelli. Ed. Colegio de Arquitectos de Valladolid.VILLALOBOS ALONSO, D. y PÉREZ BARREIRO, S. (2012): La Arquitectura Doméstica y Palaciega en la Corte de Valladolid: Análisis y Métodos de Estudio. En: Arquitectura palaciega en el Valladolid de la Corte. Dpt. De Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónicos. ETSA Valladolid. UVa y Asociación cultural "Domus Pucelae".WATTENBERG GARCÍA, E. (2012): El Museo de Valladolid en el Palacio de Fabio Nelli. En: Arquitectura palaciega en el Valladolid de la Corte. Dpto. de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónicos. ETSA Valladolid. Uva y Asociación cultural "Domus Pucelae".WATTENBERG GARCÍA, E. y PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ ARAGÓN, F. (2013): Villas romanas de Valladolid: Guía de la Exposición. Valladolid: Museo de Valladolid