53 research outputs found

    Street Children’s Information Literacy: A Case Study at a Foundation in Bandung

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    This study aims to gain an overview of abandoned children’s understanding of information needs, sources of information, how to obtain information, how to evaluate the information obtained, and how to utilize the information obtained. By using mixed-methods research, which involves the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; this study shows that the street children who are living in a Yayasan Bahtera shelter at Bandung have information literacy. This can be seen from their understanding of the whole information which could be obtained well.   Keywords: information literacy, information understanding, street childre

    Isolation and Characterization of Methanotrophic Bacteria From Rice Fields

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    Methane is a greenhouse gas and has potency to deplete ozone layer. Rice fields are a significantly sources of atmospheric methane. Chemical fertilizers application in rice fields can increase methane emission. Methanotrophic bacteria are unique in their ability to utilize methane as a sole carbon and energy source. This research was successfully isolating and characterizing methanotrophic bacteria from rice fields in Bogor and Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. Determination of methane oxidation activity using Gas Chromatography showed that all isolates performed methane oxidation activity. The highest methane oxidation activity was performed by BGM 9 isolate. And DNA amplification of BGM 9 genome was performed single band of mmoX in the size of 500 bp and three bands of pmoA in the size of 1000, 750 and 500 bp respectivel

    Penentuan Anggaran Bos Berdasarkan Jumlah Siswa Terhadap Pelayanan Pembelajaran Yang Berkeadilan Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penentuan Besaran Anggaran BOS terhadap Pelayanan Pembelajaran yang Berkeadilan pada Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pemberian Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) pada tingkat sekolah dasar terhadap pelayanan proses pembelajaran yang berkeadilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, yaitu menganalisis dampak kebijakan pemberian dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah terhadap pelayanan pembelajaran pada tingkat sekolah da­sar. Adapun populasi pada penelitian ini adalah sekolah dasar di Kabupaten Garut, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan random sampling dengan sistem cluster wilayah kecamatan.Sekolah yang menjadi sampel sebanyak 30% dari jumlah sekolah dari wilayah yang dijadikan sampel tersbut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket dan wawancara terhadap kepala sekolah. Hasil penelitian ini mmberikan informasi bahwa dengan kebijakan besaran anggaran oprasional menggunakan variable atau dasar perhitungan hanya berdasarkan banyak siswa, mmberikan efek kesenjangan dalam pelayanan pada penyelenggaraan pembelajaran bagi peserta didik, untuk itu diperlukan adanya kebijakan baru untuk diper­timbangkan menambah variable lain dalam mendukung pemerataan pelayanan penyelenggaraan pembela­jaran peserta didik

    Meningkat Motivasi Guru dengan Metode Hypnoteaching

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    Tujuan dari kegiatan pelatihan metode Hypnoteaching untuk meningkatkan motivasi guru ini dimaksudkan untuk mempersiapkan dan sebagai penyegaran bagi guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang aktif, inovatif, kreatif, edukatif dan menyenangkan di lingkungan Yayasan La Royba Kota Serang. Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih kurangnya variasi dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar dikelas. Dari hasil diskusi melalui pimpinan SDIT, SMPIT dan Pondok Pesantren La Royba terdapat beberapa kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam menyiapkan materi pembejaran dikelas seperti kurangnya waktu persiapan yang dimiliki guru sehingga berdampak terhadap materi yang dikemas menjadi tidak menarik. Selain itu, guru dirasa kurang tepat dalam pemilihan metode, pendekatan pembelajaran dan media pembelajaran yang kurang efektif. Berkenaan dengan masalah tersebut maka perlu adanya suatu sosialisasi dan pelatihan mengenai metode pembelajaran Hypnoteaching untuk memberikan gambaran dan memotivasi guru dalam menciptakan produk metode pembelajaran yang menarik dan menyenangkan. Penerapan pembelajaran dengan metode Hypnoteaching diharapkan dapat menciptakan menciptakan kondisi pembelaharan yang menarik minat dan motivasi peserta didik untuk belajar

    The Effect of Methanotrophic Bacteria Application on Paddy Growth and Methane Emission in Rainfed Rice of Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    Rice productivity in province of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) is low due to the soil condition. One of the rice-producing regency in ENT is Kupang Regency with rainfed rice type. Paddy fields have also become a major source of methane emissions (CH4) as one of important greenhouse gases. This research aims to know the effect of methanotrophic bacteria application on paddy growth and methane emission at rainfed rice. Bacteria that used is Methylocystisrosea BGM 1, Methylobacter sp. SKM 14, Methylocystispalvus BGM 3 and Methylococcuscapsulatus BGM 9. This research used completely random design with threatment: (1) NPK 100% (P1), (2) NPK 50% (P2), (3) without fertilizer (P3), (4) NPK 100% + methanotrophic (P4), NPK 50% + methanotrophic (P5), and methanotrophic bacteria (P6). Gas sampling using closed chamber method.The application of methanotrophic bacteria increased the rice production. Treatment NPK 50% + methanotrophic (P5) from that rice field produced 7.0 t ha-1dry grain weight and methanotrophic bacteria treatment without NPK (P6) with improved 6.6 t ha-1dry grain weight, higher than controls of 4.9 ha-1 dry grain weight without any addition of synthetic fertilizer.The inoculation of methanotrophic bacteria increase rice production of 1.7 t ha-1.Result of methane flux measurement showed that application of methanotrophic bacteria may decrease methane emission in treatment of 100% NPK + methanotrophic (P4) (30 DAP) and treatment of 50% NPK + methanotrophic (P5) (60 DAP), -6.27 mg/m2/d and -23.87 mg/m2/d, respectively

    Socialization of the Independent Learning Curriculum for PJOK Teachers

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    The Joint Decree of the Four Ministers on Guidelines for The Implementation of Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic requires that each education unit can carry out Limited Face-to-Face Learning (PTMT). However, recently the government has given each school the opportunity to determine the curriculum to be used by it, including the 2013 curriculum, emergency curriculum or independent curriculum. Especially in the independent curriculum, each school can implement it gradually according to their respective abilities. Therefore, each education unit must strive to be able to implement this independent curriculum, although still gradually. Based on these problems, as academics in the field of education, it is necessary to provide knowledge related to this independent learning curriculum, especially in PJOK subjects through the Community Service scheme. Therefore, the target of this socialization is PJOK teachers. The implementation method in this activity is delivery using the lecture method, discussion and question and answer, as well as task guidance in making PJOK learning strategies using an independent curriculum. The results of this activity are expected that PJOK teachers will be able to implement learning activities using an independent curriculum at every level of education or in their sect

    Penentuan Kecernaan Ransum Mengandung Ampas Umbi Garut (Maranta Arundinacea Linn.) pada Ayam Broiler dengan Metode Pemotongan

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    Suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kecernaan ransum(bahan kering, protein kasar dan bahan organik) yang mengandung ampas umbiGarut telah dilakukan selama dua minggu, mulai tanggal 15 sampai dengan 29Juli 2002. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan RancanganAcak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan ransum (R0 = ransum basal = ransumtanpa tepung ampas umbi Garut; R1 = 95% ransum basal + 5% tepung ampasumbi Garut; R2 = 92,5% ransum basal + 7,5% tepung ampas umbi Garut dan R3= 90% ransum basal + 10% tepung ampas umbi Garut). Setiap perlakuandiulang lima kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tepung ampasumbi Garut.. pada tingkat 10% dalam ransum (R3) nyata (P<0,05) menurunkannilai kecernaan ransum (bahan kering, protein kasar dan bahan organik)dibandingkan dengan perlakuan R0 (ransum basal). Rataan perlakuan R0, R1 danR2 tidak menujukkan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap semua peubah yangdiamati. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa tepung ampas umbi Garut.. dapatdiberikan sampai 7,5% dalam ransum ayam broiler, yang ditunjang oleh datasebagai berikut: (1) Nilai kecernaan bahan kering ransum = 81,52%, tepungampas umbi Garut = 74,80%; (2) Nilai kecernaan protein kasar ransum =74,78%, tepung ampas umbi Garut = 66,35% dan (3) Nilai kecernaan bahanorganik ransum = 84,64%, tepung ampas umbi Garut = 74,99%

    An Analysis of Feminism Elements in Green’s Looking for Alaska.Citra Aulia Johansari 127010012

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    This research entitled ‘’An Analysis of Feminism Elements in Green’s Looking For Alaska’’. It is a research that analyzes feminism issue of character, especially the main woman character, Alaska as an object. The writer used a descriptive analysis by using qualitative approach. Before analyzing feminism issue, the writer thought that she need to analyze the intrinsic elements. Three elements of intrinsic elements that will be analyzed are plot, character, setting. Those have a great relationship in this novel. The conflict in this novel is also interesting, it is seen from the plot of the novel. The writer decided to use Freytag’s pyramid for conflict finding in the novel. To explore this research, the writer used a feminist literary criticism approach based on Showalter. Feminism issue can show how women is trying to get equality and against the pressure of the patriarchal system. The feminism issues arise through the character of Alaska would bring herself toward the controller and controlled issue. Feminism issue brought on by the thought of Alaska in line with the conflict of the story. It was about the death of Alaska who wanted to get out of the labyrinth based on the last words of famous figure. Although Alaska had died, the feminism issue has not gone but instead the Alaska’s feminist thought was giving an effect to the loss of her friends. Thus, it became an interest conflict in the novel. The conclusion of this paper that the writer is found the signs of feminism issue in this novel. Alaska strongly rejected the female body as an object. She upheld the bond between women. Her feminist thought influences the other, against women as a slave. She could control the situation and her friends. Keywords: Literature, Intrinsic Elements, Feminism, John Green. Th

    Potensi Quorum Quencher Bakteri Filosfer dan Rizosfer terhadap Dickeya Dadantii

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    Ekspresi gen-gen virulensi pada Dickeya dadantii diatur oleh proses quorum sensing menggunakan asil-homoserin lakton (AHL) sebagai molekul sinyal. Patogenisitas bakteri tersebut dapat dihambat oleh aktivitas quorum quenching (QQ) bakteribakteri penghasil AHL-laktonase. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi dan mengarakterisasi bakteri penghasil AHLlaktonase asal rizosfer dan filosfer yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai quorum quencher untuk D. dadantii. Isolasi bakteri dilakukan dari sampel daun dan sampel tanah rizosfer beberapa komoditas tanaman asal Sukabumi, Tegal, Kupang, dan Wonosobo. Sebanyak 8 dari 79 isolat bakteri yang diperoleh menunjukkan aktivitas QQ terhadap bioindikator Chromobacterium violaceum. Bioasai respons hipersensitif (hypersensitive response) yang dilakukan pada tanaman tembakaumenunjukkan enam (KT2, KT9, KT10, KUT1, TKF2, and WKF3) dari delapan isolat tersebut tidak menimbulkan respons hipersensitif. Keenam isolat tersebut mampu menekan virulensi D. dadantii pada umbi kentang. Sekuen 16S rRNA enam isolat tersebut memiliki kemiripan tertinggi dengan Bacillus cereus, B. aryabhattai, B. acidiceler, dan Micrococcus aloeverae. B. cereus KT9 and B. aryabhattai TKF2 terdeteksi memiliki gen penyandi AHL-laktonase (aiiA). Ini merupakan laporan yang pertama tentang aktivitas QQ pada spesies M. aloeverae, B. aryabhattai, and B. acidiceler. Keberadaan gen aiiA pada B.aryabhattai juga belum pernah dilaporkan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi baru tentang aktivitas QQ ketiga isolat tersebut dan potensinya sebagai quorum quencher untuk D. dadantii
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