375 research outputs found

    Feeding the imaginary

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    The imaginary that has dominated the fashion system since the mid-twentieth century seems, in recent years, to have been challenged by empirical phenomena. \u2018Imaginary\u2019 is a complex notion that can be addressed from many perspectives. Here, we refer to the stock of images, values, practices and rules that dominate the western fashion system and that its participants take for granted in their relationship with fashion. Of course, different participants base their understanding of fashion on different imaginaries, and different imaginaries may be shared by different communities, but a hegemonic imaginary has underpinned the western fashion discourse for some decades now. For example, pertaining to this imaginary is the ideal of the female body\u2019s thinness (Bordo 1993); the positive value attributed to the youthful body; and the aspiration to the beautiful-and-new as a source of distinction (Lipovetsky 1987), as well as the sur-representation of Caucasian ethnic groups in images of fashion (Entwistle and Wissinger 2006). Also pertaining to this imaginary of fashion are usually implicit assumptions about human life. For instance, assumptions about the temporal organization of the day and the week into work time (office), leisure time (in the countryside) and social time (evening), or the belief that the possession of certain consumer goods certifies social status. These are fragments of representations of the world consistent with the project of western modernity to achieve the ideal of a world in which technology and science enable humans to fulfil themselves as independent adults with the capacity to choose. This, in fact, was the promise of the Enlightenment, with industrial capitalism and the bourgeoisie embodying its. values and assuming the task of realizing it. Fashion as an institution of western modernity (Wilson 1985; Lehmann 2000) has contributed significantly to this project \u2013 and is an explicit manifestation of it. Recently, however, the western fashion system seems to have been able to include meanings that it had thus far marginalized. A number of factors are altering the ordinary metabolism of this system; new ways to do things and new representations (discourses, visual contents, values) appear that seem to provide the dominant fashion imaginary with new contents and avenues. The need to take stock of these new developments prompted the conference entitled Fashion Tales 2015: Feeding the Imaginary, organized in June 2015 by Centro Modacult of the Catholic University of Milan, in collaboration with this journal. The conference \u2013 of which this issue of the International Journal of Fashion Studies collects some contributions \u2013 identified three main directions along which innovative experiences occur. Two of them have to do with the impact of new technologies on the structure of the fashion system itself; in particular, the technologies arising from advances in chemical research, and digital technologies. While the former are transforming the fashion industry under the banner of sustainability, the latter are leading to the widespread mediatization of fashion (Rocamora 2016). The third direction concerns nonwestern fashio

    Estudio ecologico comparado del problamiento ornitico de dos lagunas navarras de origen endorreico

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    146 páginas, 15 figuras.Peer reviewe

    A conceptual approach to tourism typology. A classification proposal

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    Durante las últimas décadas el turismo se ha convertido en una actividad en la que la oferta y la demanda han aumentado su diversidad. Esta es una de las razones que explican la multiplicación de los tipos de turismo (turismo de golf, birdwatching, etc.). Junto a estas tipologías se presentan otras más difíciles de conceptualizar. Para evitar confusiones resulta necesario contar con unas pautas claras de clasificación de tipos de turismo. El presente artí-culo de investigación aborda una propuesta de clasificación de tipologías a partir de una serie de criterios básicos previamente definidos.During these past decades, tourist supply and demand have both diversified. This is one major reason why different types of tourism have multiplied (golf tourism, birdwatching, etc.) Along with these typologies, there are others that are more difficult to conceptualise. To avoid this confusion, clear guidelines are necessary in order to classify types of tourism. The present article sets out a proposal to classify tourist typologies or modalities based on a series of previously defined basic criteria

    Physical Education Classes as a Precursor to the Mediterranean Diet and the Practice of Physical Activity

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    Physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet are remaining unresolved issues among young people. According to the World Health Organization, young people do not get enough exercise during the week, and physical education classes are the best way to promote healthy habits. This study aims to analyze how the role of the teacher influences the frustration of psychological needs, coping strategies, motivation, and the adoption of healthy eating habits through the Mediterranean diet and the regular practice of physical activity. The study involved 1031 boys and 910 girls between the ages of 13 and 18. To explain the relationships between the different variables included in this study, a model of structural equations has been developed. The results showed that autonomy support negatively predicted the frustration of four psychological needs. The failure to meet four psychological needs negatively predicted resilience. Likewise, resilience positively predicted autonomous motivation, and this positively predicted the Mediterranean diet and the practice of physical activity. Thus, the results obtained in the present study are in line with those of various studies wherein physical education classes were seen to help consolidate healthy living habits

    A seabird’s eye view: visual fields of some seabirds (Laridae and Procellariidae) from tropical latitudes

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    The visual field of a bird defines the amount of information that can be extracted from the environment around it, using the eyes. Previous visual field research has left large phylogenetic gaps, where tropical bird species have been comparatively understudied. Using the ophthalmoscopic technique, we measured the visual fields of seven tropical seabird species, to understand what are the primary determinants of their visual fields. The visual field topographies of the seven seabird species were relatively similar, despite the two groups of Terns (Laridae) and Shearwaters (Procellariidae) being phylogenetically distant. We propose this similarity is due to their largely similar foraging ecology. These findings support previous research that foraging ecology rather than relatedness is the key determining factor behind a bird’s visual field topography. Some bird species were identified to have more limited binocular fields, such as Brown Noddies (Anous stolidus) where binocularity onsets lower down within the visual field, resulting in a larger blind area about the head

    Review of real-life teduglutide experience

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    Background: teduglutide is an agonist of glucagon-related peptide (aGLP2) effective as a treatment for patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS), an entity that affects quality of life, usually requires home parenteral nutrition (HPN) and generates significant health costs. The objective of the present narrative review was to assess the real-life experience reported with teduglutide.Methods and results: in real life, one meta-analysis and studies published with 440 patients indicate that Teduglutide is effective after the period of intestinal adaptation after surgery, reducing the need for HPN and in some cases even allowing it to be suspended. The response is heterogeneous, increasing progressively up to 2 years after the start of treatment and reaching 82 % in some series. The presence of colon in continuity is a negative predictor of early response, but a positive predictive factor for the withdrawal of HPN. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal in the early stages of treatment. There are late complications related to the stoma or the occurrence of colon polyps, although the frequency of the latter is very low. In adults, data on improved quality of life and cost-effectiveness are scarce.Conclusions: teduglutide is effective and safe and data from pivotal trials for the treatment of patients with SBS are confirmed in real life and can reduce or even stop HPN in some cases. Although it seems cost-effective, more studies are needed to identify those patients with the greatest benefit