1,575 research outputs found

    Constructive updating/downdating of oblique projectors: a generalization of the Gram-Schmidt process

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    A generalization of the Gram-Schmidt procedure is achieved by providing equations for updating and downdating oblique projectors. The work is motivated by the problem of adaptive signal representation outside the orthogonal basis setting. The proposed techniques are shown to be relevant to the problem of discriminating signals produced by different phenomena when the order of the signal model needs to be adjusted.Comment: As it will appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (2007

    Nonlinear non-extensive approach for identification of structured information

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    The problem of separating structured information representing phenomena of differing natures is considered. A structure is assumed to be independent of the others if can be represented in a complementary subspace. When the concomitant subspaces are well separated the problem is readily solvable by a linear technique. Otherwise, the linear approach fails to correctly discriminate the required information. Hence, a non extensive approach is proposed. The resulting nonlinear technique is shown to be suitable for dealing with cases that cannot be tackled by the linear one.Comment: Physica A, in pres

    Measurements design and phenomena discrimination

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    The construction of measurements suitable for discriminating signal components produced by phenomena of different types is considered. The required measurements should be capable of cancelling out those signal components which are to be ignored when focusing on a phenomenon of interest. Under the hypothesis that the subspaces hosting the signal components produced by each phenomenon are complementary, their discrimination is accomplished by measurements giving rise to the appropriate oblique projector operator. The subspace onto which the operator should project is selected by nonlinear techniques in line with adaptive pursuit strategies

    Constructive approximations to the q=1/2 maximum entropy distribution from redundant and noisy data

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    An approach adopted to consider the problem of constructing the q=1/2 maximum entropy distribution from redundant and noisy data was discussed. The advantage of this generalized approach, when dealing with very noisy data was illustrated by a numerical simulation. A strategy was proposed that evolved through different steps such as independent constraints were first preselected by recourse to a data independent technique. A backward approach was also proposed for reducing the parameters of such distributions. It was found that the sub-optimal strategies could be utilized in a broad range of situations

    Onomástica e ideología: "Romanticismo" de M. Longares

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    En este artículo se estudian los nombres que aparecen en la novela “Romanticismo” de M. Longares con el objeto de establecer, si es posible, una vinculación entre ciertas denominaciones onomásticas y la pertenencia a una clase de elevado nivel económico o trabajadora. De manera aislada e individual no parece que se dé una conexión entre ideología y onomástica, pero el análisis conjunto de todos los nombre y la reiteración casi obsesiva de determinados fenómenos (hipocorísticos, empleo de nombre y apellido por sistema, sintagmas rítmicos, adopción del apellido del cónyuge, estructuras silábicas oxítonas) sí permiten determinar un paralelismo entre la pertenencia a clases sociales altas —y, en esta novela, ideológicamente conservadoras— y clases bajas (carentes de dichos fenómenos).This paper aims to analyse the names appearing in Longares’ novel “Romanticism”. The reason is to determine, if possible, if there is a link between the use of certain onomastic denominations and the status of a high economic or working class involved. Taken singly, the issue is simple: there seems to be no connection between onomastic use and ideology; however, the overall analysis of all the names and the almost obsessive reiteration of specific phenomena (nicknaming, use of name and surname by system, rhythmical phrases, adopting one’s husband’s surname, last-syllabe stress) does in fact lead to establishing a link between social class (ideologically conservative or not) and onomastic use.peerReviewe

    La multiplicidad del significado y otras cuestiones

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    La noción de significado ha sido siempre, en la lingüística, un elemento fundamental. Desde la pregunta infantil «¿qué significa eso?» hasta los múltiples problemas que un estudioso pueda plantear hay un largo recorrido y, a la vez, una misma preocupación. Habitualmente se responde a los niños lo mejor que se puede y se sacia su curiosidad, pero si nosotros mismo indagáramos un poco en la propia pregunta y en nuestras respuestas, penetraríamos en un mundo mucho más complejo y más arduo de lo que en principio parecía una ingenua y simple pregunta.The notion of meaning has always been an element key in linguistics. Since childhood question, "what does that mean?" to the many problems that a student may arise there is a long way and, at the same time, a same concern. Usually we respond to the child the best way and his curiosity is satisfied, but if we ask ourselves a bit in the question itself, we will be in a much more complex and more difficult aspect.notPeerReviewe

    El nombre propio y su significado

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    En este artículo se examinan algunas de las características específicas de los nombres propios. El objeto del estudio es analizar si las combinaciones fonológicas se ajustan a la norma española y si el comportamiento del número es diferente de las otras clases del sustantivo. El autor no aprecia divergencias fonológicas y considera que el número es inherente a los nombres propios. En cuanto se refiere a la vieja disputa entre connotación y denotación, la controversia se considera fuera de lugar y, en consecuencia, los nombres propios connotan y denotan en función del contexto en el que están situados.In this article some specific features of proper nouns are brought into consideration. The object of the study is to consider whether the phonological combinations conform to the Spanish norm and whether the behaviour of number is different from the other noun classes. The author does not appreciate phonological divergences and considers that number is inherent to proper nouns. As far as the old dispute about connotation and denotation is concerned, the controversy is considered to be out of focus and, consequently, proper nouns connote and denote depending on the field in which they are situated.notPeerReviewe

    La comparación en Baroja

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    Si la comparación en Baroja es tan frecuente, si dispone de unas fórmulas morfosintácticas y léxicas tan variadas, si los elementos de comparación son tan heterogéneos, cabe sólo una conclusión: estamos ante una característica esencial en la lengua barojiana, cuyo interés y lugar dentro de la obra del escritor vasco sólo podrá determinarse cuando. tengamos un estudio completo de su producción.If the comparison is so frequent Baroja, if he has a couple of morphosyntax and lexical formulas, if the elements of comparison are so heterogeneous, it should be only one conclusion: we are faced with an essential feature in Barojas's language. The interest and place of them can be determined only when we have a complete survey of its production.notPeerReviewe

    Análisis de titulares en la prensa hispana

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    El artículo recoge muestras de periódicos publicados en seis países de habla española en un período temporal concreto. El objetivo es establecer qué semejanzas y diferencias existen en el empleo de los titulares. Tras el estudio se advierte que es falsa la distinción entre unos recursos lingüísticos que dividan España del resto de países hispanos. Hay fenómenos en los que coinciden periódicos argentinos y españoles (el empleo de los adyacentes) frente a los demás, fenómenos comunes a todos (las metáforas), divergencias entre la prensa peninsular y la americana (el uso de la pasiva) y una ausencia de criterios en todos (la aparición de las cifras y las palabras textuales). Las lógicas diferencias léxicas corresponden a las propias de la lengua general. Aparte de los fenómenos de lengua, la orientación ideológica de la prensa es evidente en todos. En conclusión, no hay un mismo empleo de recursos lingüísticos entre un grupo de periódicos y otro, sea norte-sur de América o Europa-América. La realidad es mucho más compleja.This article collects samples of newspapers published in six Spanish-speaking countries in a given time frame. The aim of the paper is to establish the similarities and differences in the use of headlines. The current study shows that the distinction between a given set of linguistic resources that divide Spain from the rest of Spanish speaking countries is non-existent. There are phenomena in which Spanish and Argentinian newspapers overlap (e.g. the use of adjacents) in contrast to all the other newspapers, common phenomena to all of them (metaphors), divergences between the Spanish press and the American one (e.g. the use of passive voice) and an absence of criteria in all of them (e.g. appearance of ciphers and textual words). The expected lexical differences are those proper of language usage. Apart from all the language phenomena, the ideological orientation of the press is always very clear. To summarize, there is not an equal usage of linguistic resources between one group of newspapers and another, be it North-South America or Europe-America. The reality is much more complex.Este trabajo se inserta en el Proyecto: "Norma, discurso y español "panhispánico" en los medios de comunicación", financiado por el Ministerio de Educación(HUM2005-00956/FILO)peerReviewe