456 research outputs found

    A Winning Hand: A Proposal for an International Regulatory Schema with Respect to the Growing Online Gambling Dilemma in the United States

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    While a multitude of Internet enterprises folded in the 1990s, online gambling websites not only have held strong, but appear to be ready to increase the stakes. No business relating to the Internet currently generates more revenue than online gambling, and that trend does not look like it will change soon. While many Americans desire to participate in this form of cyber-gambling, the current legality of their ability to do so remains vague. For the most part, an American\u27s ability to gamble currently resides under the purview of state law and a hodgepodge of antiquated federal wire acts. The nature of the Internet, however, mandates that any scheme, regulatory or prohibitory, be constructed in the international arena. For various reasons, there have been efforts by members of Congress to create strong prohibitory legislation specifically targeting Internet gambling. The Author analyzes not only whether a domestic prohibition schema is the best model to implement, but also whether such a model could even be truly effective. The Author further shows that an international regulatory model can provide a legitimate method of control while allowing individual countries to maintain discretion over the form of online gambling they allow to their citizens. At the same time, this international regulatory schema would still provide a valid international enforcement net against offenders. Under this regulatory schema, problem gamblers can be protected while still preserving the opportunity for other patrons to get lucky and hit it big

    The Role of Trends and Detrending in DSGE Models

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    The paper discusses the role of stochastic trends in DSGE models and effects of stochastic detrending. We argue that explicit structural assumptions on trend behavior is convenient, namely for emerging countries. In emerging countries permanent shocks are an important part of business cycle dynamics. The reason is that permanent shocks spill over the whole frequency range, potentially, including business cycle frequencies. Applying high- or band-pass filter to obtain business cycle dynamics, however, does not eliminate the influence of permanent shocks on comovements of time series. The contribution of the paper is to provide a way how to calculate the role of permanent shocks on the detrended/ filtered business cycle population dynamics in a DSGE model laboratory using the frequency domain methods.detrending, band-pass filter, spectral density, DSGE

    Measurement of Inflation: Another Stochastic Approach

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    In this paper, we present an alternative approach to inflation and inflation measurement based on Menger’s theory of inner exchange value of money and on the stochastic approach to index numbers. We briefly describe the characteristics of the sample cross-section distribution of price changes. We propose a measure of inflation based on Törnqvist price index adjusted by the (a)symmetric trimmed means.inflation stochastic index number Tornqvist

    Significant Range Extension of \u3ci\u3eLeptotes Marina\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Into New York State

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    (excerpt) The Marine Blue, Leptotes marina (Reakirt) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), is resident from the southwestern United States south through Mexico to Guatemala, with strays reported no further northeast than extreme northwestern Indiana and extreme south-central Ohio (Opler and Krizek 1984, Scott 1986, Shull 1987, Opler and Maliku 11992, Parshall 1993). Although L. marina may be easily overlooked in the field (Iftner, Shuey and Calhoun 1992), the paucity of published records, e.g., two in Illinois (Irwin and Downey 1973), one in Indiana (Shull 1987), and one in Ohio (Parshall 1993), may truly reflect the rarity of strays in the northeastern portion of its range

    Taxonomy of the extrasolar planet

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    When a star is described as a spectral class G2V, we know that the star is similar to our Sun. We know its approximate mass, temperature, age, and size. When working with an extra-solar planet database, it is very useful to have a taxonomy scale (classification) such as, for example, the Harvard classification for stars. The taxonomy has to be easily interpreted and present the most relevant information about extra-solar planets. I propose the following the extra-solar planet taxonomy scale with four parameters. The first parameter concerns the mass of an extra-solar planet in the form of the units of the mass of other known planets, where M represents the mass of Mercury, E that of Earth, N Neptune, and J Jupiter. The second parameter is the planet's distance from its parent star (semi-major axis) described in logarithm with base 10. The third parameter is the mean Dyson temperature of the extra-solar planet, for which I established four main temperature classes; F represents the Freezing class, W the Water Class, G the Gaseous Class, and R the Roasters Class. I devised one additional class, however: P, the Pulsar Class, which concerns extra-solar planets orbiting pulsar stars. The fourth parameter is eccentricity. If the attributes of the surface of the extra-solar planet are known, we are able to establish this additional parameter where t represents a terrestrial planet, g a gaseous planet, and i an ice planet. According to this taxonomy scale, for example, Earth is 1E0W0t, Neptune is 1N1.5F0i, and extra-solar planet 55 Cnc e is 9E-1.8R1. Key words: Catalogues - Extra-solar planet - Habitable zone - PlanetsComment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 4 table

    Extraction Detoxification of Sensitive Components

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    Extrakce rozpouštědlem je jednou z metod využitelných pro dekontaminaci citlivých komponent, které jsou kontaminovány bojovými chemickými látkami. Účinnost extrakční metody byla ověřována na vzorcích (ocelový nebo pryžový), které byly kontaminovány kapkami yperitu. Tyto vzorky byly vloženy do průtočné extrakční cely, přes kterou proudilo rozpouštědlo (ethoxynonafluorobutan – HFE-7200). V časových intervalech byly odebírány vzorky rozpouštědla a analyzovány na obsah yperitu. Průběh extrakce byl sledován pro tři operační faktory (průtok rozpouštědla, teplotu a výkon ultrazvuku) a pro tři různé situace (rozpouštění kapek yperitu, desorpci yperitu ze struktury vzorku a rozpouštění kapek yperitu s následnou desorpcí ze vzorku). Průběh extrakce se skládal ze dvou fází. V první fázi docházelo k rychlému rozpouštění kapalné části yperitu do rozpouštědla a v druhé fázi byl yperit desorbován ze struktury vzorku, přičemž tato fáze byla nepoměrně pomalejší. Extrakce je urychlována se zvyšující se hodnotou průtoku rozpouštědla, teplotou a výkonem ultrazvuku. Tyto operační faktory mají výrazný vliv zejména na výšku laminární vrstvy rozpouštědla, koeficient obměny rozpouštědla v cele, difusní parametry daného procesu, viskozitu, rozpustnost yperitu v rozpouštědle nebo maximální dosažitelnou koncentraci yperitu v pryžovém vzorku. Matematickou analýzou dat byl získán hodnoty nastavitelných parametrů matematického modelu, které umožňují předpovídat průběh extrakce za různých operačních podmí-nek. Experimentálně byl ověřen účinek rozpouštědla a ultrazvuku na vybrané komponenty výpočetní a komunikační techniky a možnost separace bojových chemických látek od rozpouštědla.Solvent extraction is one of the methods available for the decontamination of sensitive equipments that are contaminated with chemical warfare agents. The efficiency of extraction method have been verified on the samples, (steel or rubber) that have been contaminated with drops of mustard gas. These samples have been inserted into the extraction flow cell through which solvent (ethoxynonafluorobutane - HFE-7200) flowed. The solvent was sampled in the time intervals. These samples of solvent were analysed for the concentration of mustard gas. Process of extraction was monitored for the three operational factors (the solvent flow rate, temperature and the ultrasound power) and for three different situations (dissolution of drops of mustard gas, mustard gas desorption from the structure of the sample and dissolve drops of mustard gas with the subsequent desorption from the sample). The development of the decontamination process in time was found to consist of two stages. In the first stage the rapid dissolution of the liquid part of mustard gas in a solvent and in the second phase was such as mustard desorption from the structure of the sample and this phase was considerably slower. Extraction is to accelerate increasing the value of the flow of the solvent, the temperature and the performance of the ultrasound. These operational fac-tors have a significant impact on the thickness of the laminar layer of solvent, the solvent replacement coefficient in a cell, diffusion parameters in the process, the viscosity, the solubility of mustard gas in a solvent and the maximum achievable concentration of mustard gas in the rubber sample. The values of adjustable parameters was obtained by mathematical analysis of mathematical model. The progress of extraction under different operational conditions can be predicted by these parameters. The effect of solvents and ultrasound was experimentally verified for selected equipments of computing and communication technology. The possibility of separation of chemical warfare agents from the solvent was verified too.

    Street reconstruction of Prokop Veliký in Vysoké Mýto

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je rekonstrukce ulice Prokopa Velikého ve Vysokém Mýtě. Návrh má vyřešit usměrnění komunikací včetně napojení na vedlejší komunikace. Podél komunikace má být navrženo parkovací stání, zřízeny přechody a místa pro přecházení včetně bezbariérových úprav. Má být zachováno oddělení jízdního pásu od chodníku zeleným pásem.The aim of my thesis is reconstruction of Prokop Veliký street in Vysoké Mýto.Desing should solve streamlining of roads including the connection to the side roads. Along the road there should be designed parking spaces, pedestrian crossings and places for crossing including barrier-free modifications. The separation of sidewalk from the traffic lane by the green belt will be preserved.

    Implementing the New Structural Model of the Czech National Bank

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    The purpose of the paper is to introduce the new “g3†structural model of the Czech National Bank and illustrate how it is used for forecasting and policy analysis. As from January 2007 the model was regularly used for shadowing official forecasts, and in July 2008 it became the core model of the CNB. In the paper we highlight the most important and unusual features of the model and discuss tools and procedures that help us in forecasting and assessing the economy with the model. The paper is not meant to provide a full derivation of the model or the complete characteristics of its behavior and should not be regarded as model documentation. Rather, the paper demonstrates how the model is used and how it contributes to policy analysis.DSGE, filtering, forecasting, general equilibrium, monetary policy.